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States Minutes 16th April 1996

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STATES MINUTES 1 6 t h A  p ri l 1996

T HE STATES assembled on Tuesday,  1 6th April 1996 at 9.30 a.m. under

 the Presidency of the Deputy Bailiff ,

F r ancis Charles Hamon, Esquire

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor,

 General Sir Michael Wilkes, K.C.B., C.B.E, w a s p r e sent.

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

All members were present with the exception of -

S enator Nigel Lewis Quérée - out of the I sland

I ris Medora Le Feuvre, Connétable of St. L awrence - ill

C arlyle John Le Herissier Hinault,

C onnétable of St. John - ill

P ercy John Le Masurier, Deputy of St. O uen - out of the Island

J ohn Nicolle Le Fondré, Deputy of St.

L awrence - ill

A lastair John Layzell, Deputy of St.

B relade - out of the Island.

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

 P rayers read by the Deputy Bailiff _ _ _ _ _ _ ______

H.M. The Queen - 70th Birthday

The Deputy Bailiff informed the Assembly that His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor had sent the following message to the Private Secretary

to Her Majesty The Queen -

  I would be grateful if you will convey

t he following message to Her Majesty The Q ueen -

T h e Lieutenant Governor, Bailiff ,

S t a tes and People of Jersey, with

H  u mble Duty, send Your Majesty warmest c o n gratulations and the continued

e x p ression of our loyalty and devotion

o n the occasion of Your Majesty's 70th

B i r thday.

M  a y we also express the hope that it

w  il l not be too long before Your

M  a jesty and His Royal Highness may be a b le to revisit the Island.

(S i g n e d) Michael Wilkes

L ie u t e nant Governor of Jersey''.

Subordinate legislation tabled

The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -

 1 .  Road Traffic (Saint Peter)

( A m endment No. 3) (Jersey) Order 1996. R & O 8923.

 2 .  Civil Service Administration

( T r avelling Allowances) (Jersey) Rules

1 9 5 0 (Amendment No. 12) (Jersey) Order 1 9 9 6. R & O 8924.

 3 .  Road Traffic (Public Parking

P l a ces) (Amendment No. 32) (Jersey) O  rd er 1996. R & O 8926.

Public Services Committee - resignation of member

THE STATES noted the resignation of Senator Vernon Amy Tomes from the Public Services Committee.

Matters presented

The following matters were presented to the States -

1 . Prison Board: report for 1995 -

R . C .9/96.

P r e sented by the Prison Board.

T H  E STATES ordered that the said report b e p rinted and distributed.

 2 .  Regulation of Undertakings and

D ev elopment: six-monthly manpower r e tu rns - R.C.10/96.

P r e sented by the Finance and

E c o nomics Committee.

T H  E STATES ordered that the said report b e p rinted and distributed.

 3 .  States of Jersey Police Force: r e p ort for 1995.

P r e sented by the Defence

C o m mittee.

Matters noted - land transactions

THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 4th April 1996, showing that, in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -

 ( a) as recommended by the Public

S e r vices Committee, the lease to Trou T r a ding Limited of 600 square feet of l a nd at the eastern exit lane of the

P i e r Road multi-storey car park for use a s a car wash, on an internal repairing a n d insuring basis, for a period of

n i n e years from a date to be agreed, at a n a nnual rent of £500 subject to

a n n ual review, plus ten per cent of the a n n ual gross audited turnover of the

c a r wash operation;

 ( b) as recommended by the Health and Social S e r vices Committee, the lease from

O  cc upational Centres Limited of the

f ir s t floor of 24 Lewis Street, St.

H  el ier, on an internal repairing and

i n su ring basis, for a period of nine

y e a rs from a date to be agreed, at an

a n n ual rent of £5,000 payable quarterly

i n a dvance and subject to triennial

r eview, on the basis of terms specified

i n t he Committee's Act, dated 6th March

1 9 9 6;

 ( c) as recommended by the Planning

a n d Environment Committee, and in

a c c ordance with an Act of the States

d a te d 21st November 1995, the sale to t h e Parish of St. Brelade of Fields

N  o s. 93 and 94, St. Brelade (together m  ea suring 5.76 vergées) for use as a

c e m etery for a consideration of

£3 2 ,025, on the basis that the Parish

    w o  uld meet the legal costs of both

p a r ties and be responsible for the cost

o f t he accommodation works involved and t h e maintenance of the access road;

 ( d) as recommended by the Public

S e r vices Committee, the acquisition

f ro m Zoarces Investments Limited of

5 4 3 square feet of land at Bourne

H  o use, Francis Street, St. Helier , for

a c o nsideration of £10, with each side

b e in g responsible for its own legal

c o s ts, and subject to the consent of

t h e Housing Committee being received in r e la tion to agreed rights and

s e rv itudes on the Don Close

d e v elopment;

 ( e) as recommended by the Planning

a n d Environment Committee, the entering i n to of a Deed of Arrangement with the

u n d ermentioned owners of property

a d ja cent to Nos. 2 to 10 Halkett Place,

S t . Helier, in order to determine

b o u ndary lines and the ownership of

w  al ls, on the basis that the Committee

w  o uld be responsible for the reasonable

l e ga l costs and surveying fees of each

o f t he owners -

( i) Miss Marion Anthony re. No. 12 H a lk e t t Place;

( ii ) E.Y. Properties Limited re. N o s . 1 0/12 Queen Street;

( ii i)  Mr. Derek Mace Touzel re.

N o s . 1 4 a nd 14½ Queen Street;

( iv ) Stebenheath Properties Limited re. N o . 2 5 Hill Street; and

( v ) Gaudin and Company re. No. 27 H i ll S t reet.

Matter noted - acceptance of tender

THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 4th April 1996, showing that, in pursuance of Rule 5 of the Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules 1967, as amended, the Committee had noted that the Education Committee had accepted the lowest of six tenders, namely that submitted by Stansell QVC Limited in the sum of £398,888.00 for the refurbishment and extension of Janvrin School, Mont Cantel, St. Helier.

Matters lodged

The following matters were lodged au Greffe'' -

 1 .  Draft Policing of Roads

( A m endment No. 8) (Jersey) Regulations 1 9 9 - P.53/96.

P r e sented by the Public Services

C o m mittee.

 2 .  Draft Construction (Safety

P r o visions) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) R e g ulations 199  - P.54/96.

P r e sented by the Employment and

S o c ial Security Committee.

3 . OTC site, La Route es Nouaux, S t . Helier - Phase II: approval of d r a wings - P.55/96.

P r e sented by the Housing

C o m mittee.

 4 .  3 Castle Street and 26 Seale

S t re et, St. Helier: exchange of land - P . 5 6/96.

P r e sented by the Housing

C o m mittee.

 5 .   St. Helier Waterfront Plan:

l e is ure pool - P.57/96.

P r e sented by the Planning and E n v ironment Committee.

 6 .  2 to 10 Halkett Place and 21 and 2 3 Hill Street, St. Helier,

d e v elopment: financing - P.58/96. P r e sented by the Planning and

E n v ironment Committee.

 7 ,  Orillande, La Rue du Mont Capel,

S t . Ouen: development in Green Zone - P . 5 9/96.

P r e sented by the Planning and

E n v ironment Committee.

 8 .  Belval Farm, La Rue de Fliquet,

S t . Martin: development in Green Zone - P . 6 0/96.

P r e sented by the Planning and

E n v ironment Committee.

 9 .  Vocational Service for people

w it h special needs - P.61/96.

P r e sented by the Employment and S o c ial Security Committee.

1 0. Sea wall at Fauvic, Grouville : r e p airs - P.62/96.

P r e sented by the Planning and E n v ironment Committee.

 1 .  King's Garden, St. Saviour's

R o a d, St. Helier : purchase of land - P . 6 3/96.

P r e sented by the Planning and

E n v ironment Committee.

T he following matters were lodged au G reffe'' on 2nd April 1996 -

1 . Misuse of Drugs: strategy and i m p lementation plan - P.51/96. P r e sented by the Defence

C o m mittee.

2 . Projet de Règlements (199 ) sur l e t arif des honoraires des Jurés- J u s ticiers - P.52/96.

P r e senté par le Comité des

F i n ances et de l'Economie.

Stopford Road/Gas Works Gyratory Road Scheme: purchase and sale of land - P.183/95. Withdrawn

THE STATES noted that the Vice-President of the Planning and Environment Committee had withdrawn the proposition relating to the Stopford

Road/Gas Works Gyratory Road Scheme: purchase and sale of land (lodged au Greffe'' on 12th December 1995).

Arrangement of public business for the present meeting

THE STATES acceded to the request of the President of the Finance and Economics Committee that consideration of the following matters,

which had been set down for debate at the

present meeting, be deferred to a later date -

D raft Drug Trafficking

( Miscellaneous Provisions) (Jersey) Law 1 99  - P.18/96.

L odged: 30th January 1996.

F inance and Economics Committee.

D raft Drug Trafficking (Miscellaneous P rovisions) (Jersey) Law 199  (P.18/96): a mendment - P.50/96.

L odged: 26th March 1996.

F inance and Economics Committee.

D raft Drug Offences (International

C o-operation) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.19/96. L odged: 30th January 1996.

F inance and Economics

C ommittee.

THE STATES confirmed that the following matter lodged au Greffe'' would be considered at the present meeting -

P rojet de Règlements (199 ) sur le tarif d es honoraires des Jurés-Justiciers. -

P .52/96.

L odged: 2nd April 1996.

C omité des Finances et de

l 'Economie.

Arrangement of public business for the meeting on 30th April 1996

THE STATES confirmed that the following matters lodged au Greffe'' would be considered at the meeting on 30th April 1996 -

D raft Teachers' Superannuation (Amendment) ( Jersey) Law 199  - P.26/96.

L odged: 13th February 1996.

E ducation Committee.

E nvironmental Charter for Jersey - P .39/96.

L odged: 12th March 1996.

P olicy and Resources Committee.

D raft European

C ommunities (Accessions) (Jersey) R egulations 199  - P.40/96.

L odged: 12th March 1996.

P olicy and Resources Committee.

D raft Policing of Roads (Amendment

N o. 8) (Jersey) Regulations 199  - P.53/96. L odged: 16th April 1996.

P ublic Services Committee.

D raft Construction (Safety

P rovisions) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) R egulations 199  - P.54/96.

L odged: 16th April 1996.

E mployment and Social Security

C ommittee.

O TC site, La Route es Nouaux, S t. Helier - Phase II: approval of d rawings - P.55/96.

L odged: 16th April 1996.

H ousing Committee.

3 Castle Street and 26 Seale Street,

S t. Helier: exchange of land - P.56/96. L odged: 16th April 1996.

H ousing Committee.

2 to 10 Halkett Place and 21 and 23

H ill Street, St. Helier , development:

f inancing - P.58/96.

L odged: 16th April 1996.

P lanning and Environment Committee.

S ea wall at Fauvic,

G rouville: repairs - P.62/96. L odged: 16th April 1996.

P lanning and Environment C ommittee.

V ocational Service for people with special n eeds - P.61/96.

L odged: 16th April 1996.

E mployment and Social Security

C ommittee.

Conservation centre at La Mielle de Morville, St. Ouen - questions and answers (Tape No. 332)

Deputy Philip John Rondel of St. John asked Deputy Harry Hall ewell Baudains of St. Clement, Vice-President of the Planning and Environment Committee, the following questions -

  On 23rd May 1995 the States adopted a

 p roposition of the Planning and Environment  C ommittee approving drawings for the

 c onstruction of a single-storey

 c onservation centre at La Mielle de

M orville, St. Ouen, the States having been

 a dvised that the cost of construction would

b e £76,016.

 1 . Would the President advise members of t h e final cost of the construction and,

i f th e costs have increased from the

f ig u re given to the States, explain the

r e as ons for the increase?

 2 .  Have any other costs been incurred in d e v eloping the conservation centre?'' The Vice-President of the Planning and Environment Committee replied as follows -

1.  T he Frances Le Sueur Centre was

o p en e d in late January this year -

ah e a d of schedule and well within th e b u dgeted cost for this unique

an d v i tally important project. The to t a l c ost for the whole project

w a s £ 1 38,200.

T h e figure quoted by Deputy Rondel n e e ds to be put into perspective -

W h e n the drawings were approved b y t h e States in May 1995 they

w e r e o nly voting on the plans, not

o n t h e project costs. The

es t im  a ted construction cost of

£7 6 ,0 1 6 was provided for

in f o rm  ation purposes, not for a

v o te .  

T h e f ig ure quoted was quite

cl e a rl y for construction only - it w a s n o t total project costs. These ad d i t io nal expenses include site cl e a ra n ce, design, fitting-out and co n s u l tancy costs.

T h e C  ommittee had sufficient

re s o u r ces within its budget to

m e e t t he needs of the project. In 1 9 9 4 t he States voted £50,000 for th e fi rs t phase. Additional costs w e r e m et from existing votes and th e C e ntre was completed by the en d o f 1995.

In 1 9 9 5 the Finance and

E c o n o mics Committee had agreed to re c o m mend to the States £120,000 fo r t h e Centre in the 1996 budget.

In th e event this budget item was

re - a ll o cated because costs had

al r e ad y been met.

In th e event, the project finished w e ll ah ead of schedule, providing a v a lu a ble resource from January th i s y e ar.

 2 .  During the course of the project

g e n eral construction costs did increase f ro m the tender estimate of £76,016 to

£9 8 ,602. This increase was required to

i n co rporate minor changes in the design t h at reflected the changing rôle of the

P l a nning and Environment Committee as c o - ordinators of environmental policy.

T h e original specifications were

u p g raded to provide two significant

i n v estments that help ensure this

u n i que Centre is a leading example of b u i lding practice with the needs of

p u b lic, the needs of the environment a n d the need for long-term economic e f fi ciency firmly in view -

It w a s agreed that £5,231 should b e s p e nt to provide improved

ac c e s s for disabled people. This ta k e s t he form of a timber ramp an d b r idge to allow efficient

w h e e lc hair access.

It w a s also agreed that £8,965

sh o u l d be spent to invest in

u p g ra d ing the environmental

d es i g n . This included the fitting

o f s o la r panels and improving the sp e c i fi cation of wall insulation.

A s a d irect result of these

en v i r o nmental improvements to the

o ri g in a l design, the costs to

h ea t , li ght and power equipment

ar e re d uced and it is expected

th a t s u ch energy saving and cost- cu t t in g methods will prove to be an i n v estment rather than an

ex p e n s e in the long-term by paying b ac k th e costs of their

in t ro d u ction.

A  d ditional architects' instructions for m  in or adjustments added a further

£4 , 270 and £4,118 was required to

s u p plement a shortfall in salvaged

m at erial from the OTC site bringing the t o ta l costs of construction to £98,602.

I n a ddition, expenses for fitting-out

t h e Centre added £18,271. Architects' f e es totalled £12,497, £2,250 was paid i n e ngineering fees and £6,641 was

i n cu rred on direct costs.

T h i s total project cost of £138,262 is a n i nvestment in all accounts. It is an i n v estment in environmental, financial

a n d community terms.

T h e environmental investment is clear -

i n n ovative design that fits in well

w  it h the environment of Les Mielles,

t h e use of recycled materials,

e f fe ctive use of energy conservation

m  ea sures and use of solar panel

t e ch nology all make sound environmental s e n se.

I n f inancial terms, the building is

a l so a winner - architects have

e s ti mated that such a building would c o s t over £200,000 if built from

s c ra tch - over £50,000 of which was s a v ed just from recycling OTC

m at erials - not to mention the savings m ad e by not having to use the 1996 b u d get allocation.

I n p ublic terms, the building is

a l re ady a major success. The Centre has b e e n open ten weeks and already more t h an 400 youngsters from schools and y o u th associations have used the

f a ci lity to help understand the natural

h i st ory of Jersey. In addition, a

s e ri es of Sunday lectures on matters of e n v ironmental and historical interest

h a s attracted a further 350 people.

O  th er local groups are also using the

f a ci lity for meetings.

I t' s not just the Committee that are

c o n vinced the project is a good

i n v estment - interviews have been given t o j ournalists from Holland, Belgium,

S w  itzerland and Austria. This

i n te rnational exposure will help

a d v ertise the Island as a destination

f o r the green' tourist.

I n f act, this unique project has been

s o p ositively regarded that it has been

e n te red into no less than three

n a ti onal competitions - the Royal

I n s titute of British Architects 1996

A  w ard for Architecture, the Engineering C o u ncil 1996 Environment Award for

E n g ineers and the Green Building of the Y  ea r Award.

I n c onclusion, the Frances Le Sueur C e n tre meets the needs of the public p u r se, the environment and the public. I t is a project that is already paying

b a c k dividends in terms of value to the c o m munity and will recoup some of the c o s ts through innovative energy

m  an agement. In all, it is a fitting

e x a mple of good practice of which the S t a tes should be proud.''

Leak of confidential information in the Jersey Evening Post - statement

The President of the Establishment Committee made a statement in the following terms -

  Members are aware that the contents of a

 h ighly confidential Committee document

 c oncerning the possible early retirement of  a number of senior executives within the

 P ublic Services Department were leaked to,  a nd published in, the Jersey Evening Post

o n Thursday, 7th March and that my

 C ommittee has taken a serious view of what  w as, we suspect, a malicious act involving

 a flagrant breach of trust.

I would like to state at the outset that I

a m acutely aware of the sensitivity of my

p osition as Chairman of the Guiton Group,

t he parent company of the Jersey Evening

P ost, and as a director of the newspaper

c ompany itself. I speak this morning

h owever entirely as President of the

E stablishment Committee and neither I nor

m y Committee regard my connections with the n ewspaper as directly relevant to this

i ssue.

M uch as I deplore it, leaks to the media

o f sensitive and confidential States

i nformation are, sadly, now almost accepted a s inevitable and a regular feature of

p olitical life. This leak was, however,

p articularly serious in that it disclosed

h ighly confidential information relating to n amed servants of the public who had every r ight to expect my Committee to offer them, a nd their families, full protection in this

r egard.

A s soon as the offending article was

p ublished I wrote to the individuals

c oncerned offering my sincere apologies and t hose of my Committee. I would like to

r epeat that apology publicly this morning.

T hey should never have been put into this p osition and I am extremely sorry that they w ere.

I am also extremely angry that the

i ndividual responsible for the leak so

c alculatingly breached the trust placed in

h im in what was, presumably, a deliberate a ttempt to sabotage the proposed restructuring of the Public Services

D epartment. In so doing he put at risk that r estructuring, with all the consequential

b enefits - which are considerable - that it

w ould have to the department and to the

t axpayer. Furthermore he put at risk the

e ntire reputation and credibility of the

E stablishment Committee and with it our

a bility to perform the role entrusted in us

b y the States, which by its nature involves d ealing with items of the utmost confidence

o n an almost everyday basis. He has also,

o f course, caused the finger of suspicion

t o be pointed at a number of completely

i nnocent parties, particularly members of

t he Establishment Committee and certain

s taff within the Personnel Department. This i s, in itself, quite shameful and I

a pologise to them for the embarrassment

t hey have been caused and for my inability p ublicly to clear their name by identifying

t he source.

I t is because we are so acutely aware of

o ur responsibilities and indeed our

o bligations in this respect that my

C ommittee has given the most serious

c onsideration to resigning. However it is

v ery late in the life of this States

A ssembly to be electing a new Establishment C ommittee, particularly with the next wage

r ound about to begin, and there would be no p oint whatsoever in resigning and seeking

r e-election en bloc. I had hoped, in the

t ime since the article was published,

t hrough one means or another, to be able to p ositively identify the person responsible,

t o name him personally, and if it was a

m ember of my Committee, to resign and then

o ffer myself for re-election. If successful

I would then have nominated all my existing C ommittee less that member.

U nfortunately although I am very confident t hat I, and other members of my Committee, k now who is responsible I have no positive p roof and I have been persuaded, with no little reluctance, and despite the

e ncouragement of a number of senior Island f igures, that to adopt the action I have

j ust referred to without such proof would

b e dangerous and, in the highly unlikely

e vent that we are wrong, grossly unfair. I

h ave informed the person concerned of my b elief that he is responsible. Sadly, but

n ot surprisingly, he continues to deny it.

M y Committee will not, therefore, be

o ffering our resignation but we hope that

b y the vigorous reaction we have shown to t his situation and our obvious intention

n ot to meekly accept leaks of this nature

w e will have persuaded the person

r esponsible, and others who engage in this p ractice, to think again of their duty,

t heir responsibility, and the threat they

p ose to the integrity of this House and our a bility to operate efficiently and

e ffectively on behalf of the electorate.

U ltimately they achieve little other than

t o bring shame upon themselves and to

c onfirm that they are not worthy of the

t rust placed in them by the Island. They

a lso bring the concept of open Government i nto disrepute.

T his is particularly so in this instance as

m y Committee, in accordance with our normal p ractice, had, in any case, every intention

o f making a public announcement on the

p roposed voluntary early retirements and

v oluntary redundancy but only when the

d etails had been finalised and agreed -

which they had not been at the time of the

l eak - and in a way that was totally

a cceptable to the Public Services Committee

a nd, most importantly, to the individuals

c oncerned.

F inally I am confident that my Committee w ill be able to make an announcement on t his matter very soon and the restructuring

o f the department will still be able to go

a head. If so, what I suspect was a

d eliberate attempt at sabotage will have

b een a complete failure.''

Channel House, Green Street, St. Helier : lease of office accommodation and car parking - P.64/96

THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the Telecommunications Board regarding the lease of office accommodation and car parking spaces at Channel House, Green Street, St. Helier. On the proposition of Deputy Philip John Rondel of St. John the proposition was lodged au Greffe''.

THE STATES decided to take this matter into consideration on 30th April 1996.

States members' remuneration: review - P.65/96

THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the House Committee regarding States members' remuneration. On the proposition of Deputy Philip John Rondel of St. John the proposition was lodged au Greffe''.

THE STATES decided to take this matter into consideration on 30th April 1996.

Road Traffic (Saint Helier) (Jersey) Order 1996: annulment - P.44/96

THE STATES rejected a proposition of Senator Patricia Ann Bailhache that the Road Traffic (Saint Helier) (Jersey) Order 1996 (R & O

No. 8916) be annulled.

Members present voted as follows -

P o u r'' (10) Senators

 C hinn, Bailhache , Tomes. Connétable s

 S t. Clement, Trinity , St. Martin . Deputies

N orman(C), St. Peter, Pullin(S), Trinity .

C o n tre'' (36) Senators

S henton, Jeune , Horsfall, Rothwell, Le M ain, Le Maistre, Stein, Syvret.

Connétable s

S t. Mary, St. Brelade, St. Peter,

G rouville, St. Helier , St. Saviour , St.

 O uen. Deputies

W avell(S), H. Baudains(C), Le

S ueur(H), Coutanche(L), Huelin(B), St.

M ary, S. Baudains(H), Le Geyt(S),

W alker(H), Crespel(H), Carter(H), Johns(H), D uhamel(S), Matthews(B), Routier(H),

D orey(H), Breckon(S), Grouville , Huet(H), S t. Martin, St. John.

1 Newtown Buildings, David Place, St. Helier: sale - P.46/96

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Health and Social Services Committee -

 ( a) approved the sale by the public to Miss V  er onica Lanzon of the property 1

N ew town Buildings, David Place, St.

H el ier, for a consideration of £107,500 w it h the purchasers being responsible

f o r all legal fees involved in the

t ra n saction;

 ( b) authorised the Attorney General and the G  re ffier of the States to pass the

n e c essary contract on behalf of the

p u b lic;

 ( c) agreed that the proceeds of the sale

s h o uld be used in accordance with the w  is hes of the late Mrs. E.J. Bailhache f o r the general welfare of persons

e l de rly and/or blind or sick at the

G  en eral Hospital''.

Jersey Airport: lease to International Energy Group Investments Limited - P.47/96

THE STATES rejected a proposition of the Harbours and Airport Committee regarding the approval of the lease to International Energy Group Investments Limited of an area of land off L'Avenue de la Commune, St. Brelade, known as the St. Brelade's Garage site (Lettings

Nos. L53, L53a and L65).

Members present voted as follows -

P our'' (5) Senators

 C hinn, Bailhache . Connétable

 S t. Martin. Deputies

N orman(C), Johns(H).

C o n tre'' (36) Senators

S henton, Jeune , Horsfall, Rothwell, Le M ain, Le Maistre, Stein, Syvret, Tomes.

Connétable s

S t. Clement, St. Mary, St. Brelade , St. P eter, Grouville , St. Helier , St. Saviour, T rinity.


W avell(S), H. Baudains(C), Le Sueur(H), C outanche(L), Huelin(B), St. Mary,

S . Baudains(H), Le Geyt(S), Walker (H), P ullin(S), Trinity , Carter(H), Duhamel(S), M atthews(B), Routier(H), Dorey(H),

G rouville, Huet(H), St. Martin.

Deputy Alan Breckon of St. Saviour and Deputy Philip John Rondel of St. John declared an interest in the matter and withdrew from the Chamber prior to the debate.

Le Squez School, St. Clement : approval of drawings - P.48/96

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Education Committee -

( a) approved drawings Nos. 2474-150, 151, 1 7 7 , 186, 188-191, 195, 197-203, 203A a n d 224 showing the construction of a

n e w primary school at Le Squez, St.

C l e ment; and

 ( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said drawings on behalf of t h e States.

Emergency Powers and Planning (Amendment)

(Jersey) Law 199 - P.49/96

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Emergency Powers and Planning (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 199 .

Règlements (1996) sur le tarif des honoraires des Jurés-Justiciers - P.52/96

THE STATES, by virtue of Article 7 of the Loi (1938) sur les honoraires des Jurés-Justiciers, adopted Regulations entitled the Règlements (1996) sur le tarif des honoraires des Jurés- Justiciers.

THE STATES rose at 4.10 p.m.

  G  .H  .C . C  O P P O  C K G  re f fi e r o f the States.