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States Minutes 18th March 1997

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STATES MINUTES 18t h Ma rc h 1997 P r ice: £ 4.50

T HE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 1 8th March 1997 at 9.30 a.m. under

t he Presidency of the Bailiff ,

S ir P hi lip Bailhache

__ _______ ___

His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor,

 General Sir Michael Wilkes, K.C.B., C.B.E, w as pr e sent.

__ _______ ___

All members were present with the exception of -

F rancis Herbert Amy, Connétable of

G rouville - out of the Island

M argaret Anne Le Geyt, Deputy of St. S aviour - ill

A lastair John Layzell, Deputy of St.

B relade - out of the Island.

__ _______ ___

P r aye rs

__ _______ ___

Interception of Communications (Jersey) Law 1993: third report of the Commissioner. R.C. 21

The Bailiff presented to the States the third report of the Commissioner, Mr. Robert Harman, Q.C., made under the Interception of Communications (Jersey) Law 1993.

Defence Committee - appointment of member

The States appointed Senator Corrie Stein as a member of the Defence Committee.

Matters presented

The following matters were presented to the States -

1 . Public lotteries: report for

1996 - R.C.16/97.

P r es ented by the Gambling C ont rol Committee.

2 . Dwelling Houses Loan Fund: acc ounts for 1996 - R.C.17/97. P r es ented by the Housing

C om mittee.

3 . Manpower report for the period

1s t J uly 1996 to 31st December 1996 - R .C .18/97.

P r es ented by the Establishment

C om mittee.

4 . States of Jersey Law 1966, as

am ende d - delegation of functions: pol ice services - R.C.19/97.

P r es ented by the Defence

C om mittee.

5 . States of Jersey Law 1966, as

am ende d - delegation of functions: fire pr e cautions - R.C.20/97.

P r es ented by the Defence

C om mittee.

6 . Agricultural loans: report for

1996 - R.C.22/97.

P r es ented by the Agriculture and F i sher ies Committee.

7 . Draft Limited Liability

P ar tnerships (Jersey) Law 199 : C om mittee of Inquiry - report - R .C .23/97.

P r es ented by the Committee of I nqu iry.

8 . Supermarket on Fields 24-27 St.

B r el ade: petition (P.25/97) - report - P .42/ 97.

P r es ented by the Planning and

E nvi ronment Committee.

T HE STATES ordered that the said reports be p rinted and distributed.

9 . States of Jersey Police: annual r ep ort 1996.

P r es ented by the Defence

C om mittee.

Matters noted - land transactions

THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee, dated 10th March 1997, recording the following decisions of the Treasurer of the States under delegated powers, in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land -

( a) as recommended by the Public Services

C ommittee, the lease from Henry Hawkes and C ompany Limited of 45 square metres of land a t Bagot Manor Court, St. Saviour , required

f or the construction of a pumping station

t o serve 10 properties in Fountain Lane,

f or a period of 99 years at an annual rent

o f £1, payable at the commencement of the

l ease, with the Committee being responsible

f or all reasonable legal fees involved in

t he transaction, and with the Committee to

p ay an additional sum of £2,400 to the

c ompany as a disturbance payment for both

t he previous construction works on the site

a nd for the new works and for the loss of

r ent of the adjoining garages during the

c onstruction works. (The Committee

r escinded sub-paragraph (b) of its Act

N o. 8 of 10th February 1997);

( b) as recommended by the Housing

C om mittee, the lease to the Jersey

E l e ctricity Company Limited of sub-

s tat ion No. 591 and section pillar

N o . 6656 l ocated at Liberation Court,

S t . S aviour's Road, St. Helier , on the

bas is that each lease would be for a

per iod of 99 years at an annual rent of

£ 1 f or the sub-station and a nominal £1

f or t he pillar, with all monies to be

paya ble upon the passing of the

cont ract and with each party being

r es pons ible for its own legal costs

as soci ated with the transaction;

( c) as recommended by the Public Services C ommittee, the lease to Mr. Colin Graham L uce of L'Etacq car park, L'Etacq, St. Ouen f or a period of nine years at an annual

r ent of £400 initially, £500 a year from

t he end of the third year and £600 a year

f rom the end of the sixth year (all other

t erms and conditions to remain as the

e xisting lease) and with each party being

r esponsible for its own legal costs

a ssociated with the transaction;

( d) as recommended by the Public Services C ommittee, the lease to Mr. James William W ebster of the bunker at Bouley Bay,

T rinity for a period of three years at an

a nnual rent of £340 (with all other terms

a nd conditions to remain as the existing

l ease) and with each party being

r esponsible for its own legal costs

a ssociated with the transaction;

( e) as recommended by the Public Services C ommittee, the grant to the Jersey

E lectricity Company Limited of wayleave r ights in respect of electricity sub-

s tation No. 501, Patriotic Street car park,

S t. Helier, free of charge and with each

p arty being responsible for its own legal

cos ts associated with the transaction;

( f) as recommended by the Public Services C ommittee, the lease to the Jersey

Electricity Company Limited of 26 square f ee t of land in Field No. 1250, La Rue

de l a Garenne, Trinity , for the

cons truction of a transformer at sub-

s tat ion No. 328 at Becquet Vincent

P um ping Station, for a period of

99 ye ars at an annual rent of £1, with

al l m onies to be payable upon the

pas sing of the contract and with each

par ty being responsible for its own

l egal costs associated with the

t rans action;

( g) as recommended by the Finance and

E conomics Committee, the lease from Mr. E mile Marcel Hyacinthe Le Gall and Mrs.

J anet Le Gall, née Seymour, of the office

s uite at No. 3 The Parade, St. Helier ,

r equired for the Police Court Magistrate,

f or a period of three years from the date

o f completion of the lease, at an annual

r ent of £8,500 (representing £11.90 a

s quare feet), on internal repairing terms

a nd with a six month break clause in favour

o f the Committee, and with each party being r esponsible for its own legal costs

a ssociated with the transaction.

Matters lodged

The following matters were lodged au Greffe'' -

1 . Draft Explosives (Amendment

N o . 2 ) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.43/97. P r es ented by the Defence

C om mittee.

2 . Draft Nursing and Residential

H o m es (No. 2) (Jersey) Law 199 - P .44/ 97.

P r es ented by the Health and

S oci al Services Committee.

3 . Draft Health Insurance

( A m endment No. 12) (Jersey) Law 199 - P .45/ 97.

P r es ented by the Employment and

S oci al Security Committee.

4 . Draft Main Roads

( C l assification) (No. 26) (Jersey) Act 199 - P.46/97.

P r es ented by the Public Services

C om mittee.

5 . Draft Patents (Amendment No. 2) ( Je r sey) Law 199 - P.47/97.

P r es ented by the Finance and

E conom ics Committee.

6 . Victoria College and Jersey

C ol lege for Girls: sixth form fees - P .48/ 97.

P r es ented by the Education

C om mittee.

7 . Draft Sea Fisheries (Les

Mi nqui ers) (Jersey) Regulations 199 - P .49/ 97.

P r es ented by the Agriculture and

F i sher ies Committee.

8 . Draft Social Security

( R ec iprocal Agreement with Jamaica) ( Je r sey) Act 199 - P.50/97.

P r es ented by the Employment and

S oci al Security Committee.

9 . Draft Fishing Vessels (Safety

P r ovi sions) (Jersey) Regulations 199 - P.51/97.

P r es ented by the Harbours and

A i r port Committee.

1 0. Waterfront Enterprise Board

L i m ited: development of a leisure pool com plex - P.52/97.

P r es ented by the Policy and

R es ources Committee.

Draft Sea Fisheries (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 199 - P.174/96 and P.38/97. Withdrawn

THE STATES acceded to the request of the President of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee that the draft Sea Fisheries (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 199 (lodged au Greffe''

on 22nd October 1996) and the amendment thereto (lodged au Greffe'' on 4th March 1997) be withdrawn. Revised draft Regulations had been lodged au Greffe'' at the present meeting (P.49/97).

Arrangement of public business for the next meeting on 8th April 1997

THE STATES confirmed that the following matters lodged au Greffe'' would be considered at the

next meeting on 8th April 1997 -

D raft Explosives (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) L aw 199 - P.43/97.

L odged: 18th March 1997.

D efence Committee.

D raft Nursing and Residential Homes ( No. 2) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.44/97.

L odged: 18th March 1997.

H ealth and Social Services Committee.

D raft Health Insurance (Amendment N o. 12) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.45/97. L odged: 18th March 1997.

E mployment and Social Security

C om mittee.

D raft Main Roads (Classification) (No. 26) ( Jersey) Act 199 - P.46/97.

L odged: 18th March 1997.

P ublic Services Committee.

D raft Patents (Amendment No. 2)

( Jersey) Law 199 - P.47/97.

L odged: 18th March 1997.

F inance and Economics Committee.

V ictoria College and Jersey College f or Girls: sixth form fees - P.48/97. L odged: 18th March 1997.

E ducation Committee.

D raft Sea Fisheries (Les Minquiers)

( Jersey) Regulations 199 - P.49/97. L odged: 18th March 1997.

A griculture and Fisheries Committee.

D raft Social Security (Reciprocal

A g r eement with Jamaica) (Jersey) Act 199 - P.50/97.

L odged: 18th March 1997.

E mployment and Social Security

C om mittee.

D raft Fishing Vessels (Safety

P rovisions) (Jersey) Regulations 199 - P .51/97.

L odged: 18th March 1997.

H arbours and Airport Committee.

W aterfront Enterprise Board Limited:

d evelopment of a leisure pool complex. - P .52/97.

L odged: 18th March 1997.

P olicy and Resources Committee.

Joint Advisory Council - questions and answers (Tape No. 384)

Deputy Terence John Le Main of St. Helier asked Senator Frank Harris on Walker , President of the Finance and Economics Committee, the following questions -

Following the States decision of 24th

S eptember 1996, approving a new

c onstitution and terms of reference for the

J oint Advisory Council, would the President a dvise members -

( a) whether the Finance and Economics

C om mittee has appointed the members of t he r econstituted Council?

( b) who are the four employee

r ep resentatives on the Council?

( c) having regard to the States decision of 24t h September 1996 to accept my

am endm ent that there should be -

f our m embers representing

em pl oyee s, at least two of whom w i ll be r epresentatives of the

T rans po rt and General Workers U ni on'

w h i ch organisations of employees are r ep resented on the Joint Advisory

C ounci l?''

The President of the Finance and Economics Committee replied as follows -

(a) Yes. All existing members of the

C ounc il indicated their

w i ll ingne ss to continue and their

ap poi n tment therefore has been

m ai nt a ined, and one vacancy has be en f i lled.

( b) The four employee representatives of t he Council are -

M r . J . B ushnell M r . M . Kavanagh M r s . B . Gosselin M r . W . McPhee.

( c) The Finance and Economics Committee in J anu ary gave consideration to

nom inations received for membership of

t he J oint Advisory Council in respect

of t he four employee representatives

pr ov ided for in the constitution of the

C ounci l. After most careful

cons ideration the Committee decided to

r et ai n the existing members of the

J oi nt Advisory Council to provide for cont inuity and to fill the vacant

pos ition for an employee representative by ap pointing a person who through

com mon membership will establish a link w i t h the Training and Employment

P ar tnership.

T he S tates' decision of 24th September, 1996 p rovided that of the four members r ep resenting employees, at least two

w o ul d be representatives of the

T r an sport and General Workers' Union. L ar gely because of the perceived value of p roviding for continuity, and

beca use the sitting members of the

J oi nt Advisory Council had indicated

t he i r willingness to continue their

t er m of office, the four employee

r ep resentatives on the Council are

cur rently all members of the Transport and G eneral Workers' Union, although w i t hin that Union they represent

di fferent employee interests.''

Population limits - question and answer - (Tape No. 384)

Senator Stuart Syvret of St. Helier asked

Senator Frank Harris on Walker , President of the Finance and Economics Committee, the following question -

Given that the population projections

r ecently published by the Chief Adviser's

O ffice show a continued growth in

p opulation over the next 10 years even on

t he basis of net nil migration over that

p eriod, would the President of the Finance

a nd Economics Committee advise members what p olicy measures are in place to ensure that

t he resident population of the Island does

n ot rise above the level agreed by the

S tates in September 1996?''

The President of the Finance and Economics Committee replied as follows -

The Finance and Economics Committee in com mon with all other Committees of the S t a tes is required to have regard for

t he s trategic policy objectives adopted by t he States in September 1995 as part of t he debate on the Policy and

R es ources Committee's Strategic Policy R epor t 2000 and Beyond'. One of the obj ectives is that the permanent

r es i dent population of the Island

s houl d be the same or less than the

l evel in September 1995.

T he Policy and Resources Committee's

S t rat egic Policy Report identified the

R egul ation of Undertakings and

D e vel opment Law as the main policy

ins trument to be used to achieve the

popul ation policy objective. The

F i na nce and Economics Committee, in

cons idering licence applications

r ec ei ved under that Law, is taking this

pol icy objective fully into account. In

doi ng so the Committee also consults

w i t h the Policy and Resources Committee on t he adequacy of the existing policy

m eas ures.

T he Finance and Economics Committee however a lso has to be mindful of other States

p olicy objectives. These include

m aintaining a successful economy from which

t he tax revenues will be obtained that are

n eeded to achieve the objective of a

b alanced budget, while at the same time

s atisfying the many expenditure demands

a rising from the agreed social policy

o bjectives.

T ogether with the Policy and Resources

C om mittee, the Finance and Economics C om mittee is monitoring the labour

m ar ket to assess to what extent the

pr e sent policy measures are sufficient

t o e nsure that the population policy

obj ective is met. The Finance and

E conom ics Committee has before the

H o us e today amendments of the

R egul ation of Undertakings and

D e vel opment (Jersey) Law 1973, which w i l l provide for the tightening of the

r eq uirements placed on employers to

pr ov ide information on the nature and

num ber of persons engaged, which

r et ur ns are an essential element in the

m o nitoring process to which I have

r ef er red.

S hould my Committee, in consultation with

t he Policy and Resources Committee, feel it

i s necessary to bring forward any further

a mendments to the Regulation of

U ndertakings and Development Law in support

o f the population policy objective, I can a ssure the House that we will not hesitate t o do so. I would also expect the progress i n achieving this objective to be reviewed i n this year's Strategic Policy Review and A ction Plan which will be debated by this H ouse in September.''

Green Island - question and answer - (Tape No. 384)

Deputy Philip John Rondel of St. John asked Senator Nigel Lewis Quérée, President of the Planning and Environment Committee, the following question -

Following the President's reported

s tat ement that he is committed to doing

w h at ever he can to protect Green Island as a n important part of the Island's

cul t ural and geological heritage, is he

aw ar e that a Sea Defence Working Party has been established which includes

m em bers of his department and would he not agree that it would be better to

deal with general coastal erosion

pr ob lems for the Island as a whole and

not to deal with areas such as Green

I sl and in isolation?''

The President of the Planning and Environment Committee replied as follows -

Yes, as a member of the previous Policy

a nd Resources Committee I am aware that a W orking Party was set up to address the

s trategic issues relevant to the sea

d efences.

M y Committee has seen the minutes of the

i nitial and only meeting of the Working

P arty which the Deputy will know, as a

m ember of the Working Party, took place on 2 nd September 1996 when the Committee was r epresented by the then Vice-President

D eputy H.H. Baudains and Gerard Le Claire, D irector of Environment. My Committee has a greed that, if the Working Party

c ontinues, the Planning and Environment

C ommittee will be represented by myself and G erard Le Claire. Last week we were

n otified that a meeting has been scheduled.

I n the meantime, my Committee received a

r equest from the Heritage Trust on behalf

o f the Société Jersiaise who, we believe,

o wn Green Island which we considered at our m eeting held on 6th March.

T he States have no responsibility for the

m aintenance of Green Island, unlike the

l and which would concern the Working Party. T herefore, Green Island would fall outside

t he agenda of the Working Group.

T he Committee, when considering the

a pplication, agreed that the proposal

s hould be supported as a very modest, one-

o ff contribution to the protection of the

s ite for the following reasons -

( a) it is recognised as a proposed Site of S peci al Interest of International

S t a ture for its unique geology;

( b) the proposals for its protection are

bei ng or ganised by the Heritage Trust

and S ociété Jersiaise. Planning and

E nvi ronment Committee are demonstrating s uppo rt for the protection of an Island

as set that would otherwise not be

pr ot ected.

I agree with the Deputy that it is better

t o have an inter-Committee approach to

i ssues such as coastal erosion, but the

D eputy may have misunderstood that, whilst t he Working Party is looking at effects of

c oastal erosion as a whole, there remains a

r esponsibility on individual landowners to

d eal with localised effects and my

C ommittee is pleased to support them.''

Retirement of the Chief Adviser to the States - questions and answers - (Tape No. 384)

Deputy Robert Charles Duhamel of St. Saviour asked Deputy David Leon Crespel of Trinity , President of the Establishment Committee, the following questions -

1. Wo uld the President confirm that M r . G .C . Powell, Chief Adviser to the S tat es, has given notice of

hi s i nt e ntion to retire from

of f ice? If so, when does the

P res i dent intend to notify the

S tat e s of the date on which Mr.

P ow el l's retirement is to take

ef f e ct ?

2 . Considering that the Chief Adviser to

t he S tates was appointed by the States

on 13t h October 1992, on the

pr op osition of the then Establishment

C om mittee (and is accountable to the

S t a tes in this capacity) would the

P r es ident inform members whether the

E s t ablishment Committee will recommend t he appo intment of a successor to Mr. P ow ell?

3 . If the Establishment Committee intends t o r ecommend that a successor to Mr.

P ow ell is to be appointed, would the

P r es ident inform members whether it is t he i  ntention of his Committee to

r ecommend the appointment of a Chief A d vi ser to the States, with similar

r es pons ibilities and accountability to

t he pr esent postholder or will there be

a ne w post with different

r es pons ibilities and accountability?

4 . Would the President confirm that the

of fi cers of the Corporate Strategy

U n i t, to which reference is made in the

1996 S trategic Policy Review and Action P l a n, will report to and be accountable

t o t he Chief Adviser, or equivalent,

and t hat those officers will provide an

i nd ependent range of professional

advi sory services to the States as a

w h ol e?''

The President of the Establishment Committee replied as follows -

1. Mr . Powell has yet to give my C om m ittee formal notice of his int e nt i on to retire from office.

I c an co nfirm however that, when Mr. P ow ell gives formal notice of his

i nt ent ion to retire from office, the

S t a tes will be informed of the date on w h i ch that retirement is to take

pl ace.

A s t he Deputy will be aware from his conve rsations with the President of the

P ol icy and Resources Committee and from t he m inutes of the Policy and Resources

C om mittee meeting held on 11th

F ebr uary, 1997, which have been

ci r cul ated to all States' members, the

O f f ice of the Chief Adviser has been

t he s ubject of an independent service

r ev iew. In undertaking this review the cons ultants have been asked to address

t he i  ssue of the replacement of the

C hi ef Adviser on his retirement.

A s a m ember of the Policy and Resources C om mittee I can confirm that a draft

r ep ort has been received and in order

t o c omplete the report, the consultants have been asked to draw up for the C om mittee's consideration job

des criptions relevant to some of their

r ec om mendations, and to define more

f ul l y the terms of reference and the

al l oc ation of tasks. Once the report

has been completed and considered by

t he P olicy and Resources Committee and by t he Establishment Committee, the

vi ew s of States' members will be sought on t he consultants' recommendations.

2 . Once the process of consultation on the r ep ort of the consultants has been

com pleted my Committee, in conjunction w i t h the Policy and Resources

C om mittee, will present a report and

pr op osition on the arrangements for the

appoi ntment of a successor to Mr.

P ow ell.

3 . Until the consultants' report in its

com plete form has been received and

cons idered fully by my Committee I am not in a position to give the Deputy an

ans wer to his question.

4 . The decision to engage consultants to

under take a Service Review of the

O f f ice of the Chief Adviser was taken

by t he Policy and Resources Committee

and f ollowed upon the reference in the

1996 S trategic Policy Review and Action P l a n to the responsibilities of a

C or porate Strategy Unit. One of the

m at ters the consultants were asked to

cons ider was how to ensure that these

r es pons ibilities can be carried out in

t he m ost effective manner. Until the

C ons ultants' report in its completed

f or m is to hand and has been seen by

t he m embers of my Committee it would be pr e mature to attempt to answer the

D e put y's question.''

Draft Limited Liability Partnerships (Jersey) Law 199 . Personal statement by Senator P.F. Horsfall

Senator Pierre François Horsfall made a personal statement in the following terms -

On 8th October 1996 the States accepted

m y proposition that a Committee of Inquiry b e set up under Article 30 of the States of

J ersey Law in order to investigate the

p rocedure followed in relation to the

p reparation of the draft Limited Liability

P artnerships (Jersey) Law.

T he Committee has completed its

d eliberations and members have all received a copy of the final report.

S ection 3 of the report is entitled

Conclusions and Recommendations' and its p aragraphs are numbered 3.1 to 3.12.

I would like members to know that I accept a ll of these conclusions and

r ecommendations. Where changes in the

p rocedure used by the Policy and Resources C ommittee are called for, I will ensure

t hat the Committee address any that may

s till be outstanding.

A s the previous President of the Finance a nd Economics Committee I accept

r esponsibility for any conclusions that

r eflect on that Committee and any of its

o fficers.

F inally, I would like to say that when I

b elieve matters to be in the Island's best

i nterests I have a certain enthusiasm for g etting things done but in doing so I have a lways acted in good faith. I am sure that t his is accepted by my fellow members.''

Industrial relations strategy - statement

The President of the Employment and Social Security Committee made a statement in the following terms -

My Committee took on responsibility for

t he industrial relations function at the

b eginning of this year and we are now

b eginning to get to grips with the key

i ssues and how we will address them. I

w ould like to share my Committee's thoughts w ith members and also advise the House how w e propose to deal with one of the main

o utstanding issues from the last Industrial

R elations Committee - minimum pay.

F irst of all, can I express my Committee's

t hanks to those members who have served on v arious Task Groups for their evident

i nterest and support, which I hope they

w ill maintain. To them and to all those who m ay be affected by the proposed

r ationalisation of the Committee structure,

I can only say that we have a complex

p roblem but one which needs dedication and c ommitment. As my Committee has found, h aving absorbed all training and employment f unctions over the last two years, and

l atterly taken on responsibility for all w ork opportunities for the disabled and now t he industrial relations function, decision

m aking certainly becomes more complex.

I am not saying this is wrong or

c omplaining about the difficulties - in

f act, I believe that my Committee has

a lready shown that it can bring about

c onsiderable improvements in the service w hich the States (and in particular my

d epartment) gives to the public. People no l onger have to run between several

d ifferent organisations and departments -

t hey can come to our one stop employment s hop' and get immediate access to a wide

r ange of services, whether they are -

unem ployed and seeking work;

l oo king for opportunities for re- s ki l ling;

em pl oyed and seeking career advice or t rai ning; or

s im ply looking for help in completing a C .V . or job application.

E mployers can also more easily access a w ide range of services whether they are -

w a nt ing to advertise a job;

l oo king to fill large numbers of s ea sonal vacancies;

s ee king information on local or nat i onal labour market trends; or

s ee king help or financial support to i m pr ove skills of their workforce or t he i r business skills.

O ur intention is that the one stop

e mployment shop' will also be able to

p rovide advice and information on a range

o f industrial relations issues (some of

w hich, such as wage disputes, it is already d oing).

H owever, at Committee policy level, any

d ecisions we take on employment matters

m ust be guided by three main but sometimes c onflicting strategies of the States.

F irstly, we have the target to keep

u nemployment at very low levels (the States s et a target of 1½ per cent and we are now

b elow that level).

S econdly, we are required to achieve a

f lexible, highly skilled workforce capable

o f meeting demands of international

c ompetition.

L ast, but not least, we must aim not to

over-regulate' or do anything

u nnecessarily to stifle the economic growth

which is so essential in funding the social

p rogrammes for the Island, for many of

w hich my Committee has responsibility. This i s vital to the stability of the Island and

t he dignity of every member of our society.

W eighing up and balancing these States

p riorities is no easy matter, as I have

s aid. My Committee has recently reviewed i ts strategy, and has reached the view that

i t should not look at industrial relations

i n isolation from its other employment and s ocial security responsibilities. The

C ommittee has decided that it should aim to w ork with all concerned so that they -

rem ain employed in a changing labour m ar ket, assisted by responsible working pr a ctices'.

O ne of our objectives, as set out in our B usiness Plan, will be -

to pr ovide a framework to help

em pl oyer s and employees work toget her for their mutual benefit an d f or the good of the Island'.

W e do believe that there is a need for some l egislative framework, but kept to a

m inimum and concentrating not just on the r ights of individuals but also their

r esponsibilities and those of employers.

T here are duties and obligations on both

s ides. The existing legislation needs to be

o verhauled and brought up to date in line w ith the principles of good employment

p ractice and, as I said, to the mutual

b enefit of employers, employees and the

g ood of the Island.

W e also believe that it is important to

r eview the effectiveness of the Industrial

D isputes Law (1956) and develop proposals f or its modernisation in line with the

p rinciples of good employment practice. I b elieve we need a simple, independent

a rbitration/conciliation system which is

a ble to resolve disputes quickly and

e ffectively.

O ur approach will be to work in partnership

w ith all interested parties (including the

T rade Unions) in the difficult task of

d eveloping a flexible system of employment r elated law which will allow business to

c ontinue to respond to the market place

w hilst preserving the basic rights of the

i ndividual. I believe that it is vital to

b ring our industrial relations system up to

d ate if we are to remain a respected, and

r esponsible, member of the international

c ommunity.

F inally, my Committee wants to look at the i ssue of minimum pay legislation in more

d epth. Already, we have considered all the

e vidence that was available to the previous

I ndustrial Relations Committee and taken on b oard advice from the Chief Adviser. We

w ill shortly be talking to other interested

p arties, including the existing

C onsultative Group.

I would like to stress that my Committee h as no difficulty with the main part of the p roposition currently lodged -

t he pr inciple of a fair day's work for a f ai r day's pay.

I nde ed, I doubt that any member would di sagr ee with that principle. Where

t he r e are likely to be differing views

i s on t he definition of a fair day's

w o r k' - how do you define productivity acr os s a wide range of jobs? There are

l ikel y to be just as many differing

vi ew s on a fair day's pay'. I also

s us pect that there may be different

vi ew s as to how we actually achieve

s uch fairness across all employment

s ec tors. Is it through law and

i ns pect orates policing compliance? Or

s houl d Government simply set targets and w ork with all concerned to achieve

t he m ? Some may feel that the market

pl ace w ill set its own levels and that

G o ver nment interference may be

count erproductive, resulting in higher

i nf l ation, job losses and so on. Others

m ay f eel that this is a price worth

payi ng for social justice. Whatever

one' s point of view, it is only right

t ha t Members should be as fully

i nf or med as possible before making such a de cision.

T he issue of minimum pay has been going on f or a considerable time now. Although

S enator Shenton lodged a report and

p roposition in March 1993, the previous

I ndustrial Relations Committee only

p resented their views at the end of 1996, a nd indeed then modified them slightly. Y et, having gone through the available e vidence we still have no idea -

how many people are being paid less t ha n £3.50 an hour, particularly taking i nt o ac count board and lodgings and ot h er benefits; what, if any, is the

s ize of the problem?

how a minimum wage of £3.50 (or any ot h er given rate) will impact on the econ omy, affect unemployment

( pa rticularly job opportunities for young people) or otherwise: might it caus e more problems than it would

s ol ve?

w h at effect a minimum wage might have on ot her wage rates for higher grades

of s taff; would existing wage

di ff erentials become greater?

w h at would be the impact on some of the ri s k groups' such as the disabled,

t ho se in training, younger people, and

s o on ; would employers be reluctant to

em pl oy such persons? What allowance

m ight need to be made for them, and

how ?

w h at would be the impact on small bus inesses, how do we define small'?

w h at is the best approach from a Jersey poi nt of view; what lessons can be

l ear ned from other countries (with or w i t hout minimum wage system)?

M y Committee is particularly concerned a bout these unresolved issues and the lack

o f agreement that appears to exist even

a mongst the members of the previous

I ndustrial Relations Committee's

C onsultative Group. To quote from their m inutes -

T he Group noted that the planned

r es t ructuring of the States Committees

had h astened the necessity to bring

t hi s matter before the States. It had

been proposed that the Industrial

R el ations Committee be amalgamated with t he E mployment and Social Security

C om mittee. It was, therefore, essential

t ha t the Industrial Relations Committee

pr e sented a report to the States on

m ini mum pay before the end of its term

of o ffice. Members of the Group

m ai ntained their reservations that

t he r e was still insufficient

i nf or mation to support a case for the i m pl ementation of minimum pay'.

T herefore, my Committee intends to bring a f urther and fuller report addressing the

p roblem as a whole, and including the

i ssues raised above, as soon as sufficient

m eaningful information can be obtained. W hat we intend to do is -

t al k t o all interested parties - in

par ticular the sectors most likely to be a ffected (viz. tourism, agriculture and r etail) - and identify their

conc erns;

under take an economic study to assess t he pos sible impact of a minimum wage on em ployment and the economy in gene ral;

cons ider the likely impact on

di sadva ntaged groups, young people l oo king for jobs, those undergoing

t rai ning, and also any effects it may have on small businesses;

as ses s its impact on poverty, its

ef fec t on weekly family income and how i t m ight fit in with other initiatives

t ha t the Committee is pursuing to

al l ev iate poverty and then -

co ns i der fully all the options and ident if y the best way forward for Je r s e y.

D epending on that report, it may be

p ossible to debate the existing

p roposition, but failing that my Committee w ould wish to lodge a revised report and

p roposition, acknowledging that this is an i ssue of considerable public interest.

I n summary I am making this statement to

a llay any fears that the work of previous

I ndustrial Relations Committees might go

u nnoticed by my Committee, or be relegated t o a status of little or no importance. On

t he contrary, my Committee sees issues such a s these as central to its responsibilities

i n the field of good employment practice,

a nd will give them full priority and

r esources in the interest of the public of

t he Island as a whole.''

Albanian projects - statement

The President of the Overseas Aid Committee made a statement in the following terms -

Due to the current political climate in A lbania, Jersey has pulled out of it's

p lanned work project.

T his year's training programme in family

p lanning, child nutrition and management of a cute chest infections and diarrhoea in

c hildren and teacher training has been

c ancelled. Workers would have been trained t o cover a population of 120,000.

F or those people who have been concerned a bout the possibility of Jersey Overseas

A id Committee abandoning the poorest

c ountry in Eastern Europe, let me assure

t hem that once the situation is resolved,

w e will hopefully return to continue with

t hose desperately needed training

p rogrammes.''

John Le Fondré Hall , States of Jersey Airport: fire safety - statement

The President of the Harbours and Airport Committee made a statement in the following terms -

The Jersey Evening Post on Tuesday 11th

M arch 1997 carried a front page article

a bout the new John Le Fondré Hall . In it I

m ade reference to a statement made to the

H ouse on 22nd October last year by the then P resident of the Harbours and Airport

C ommittee, Senator Chinn. Part of that

s tatement read water reserves to deal with

a fire in the new departures hall would be

in place before it becomes operational

.. .'. I was correctly reported and

r esponded that Senator Chinn could not have m eant it.

I wish now to publicly apologise to Mr.

C hinn. His statement on 22nd October was e ntirely correct and I was wrong to insist

o therwise. I now confirm to the House that t he fire precautions already installed in

t he new John Le Fondré Hall meet the

s tatutory requirements of the relevant

d evelopment approvals and this was announced as such in a media statement on 1 1th March signed by myself, President of D efence, Chief Fire Officer and the

r elevant building control officer. As

s tated in my predecessor's statement to the

H ouse and after further consultation with

t he States Fire Service, an approved

s prinkler system will be installed to

c ertain retail facilities which will be

s upplementary to the fire fighting

p recautions already installed and approved.

A s to the current situation in respect of

t he fire fighting water reserves, these

h ave not yet been completed because a

d ecision was taken subsequently to extend t hem to cover the fuel farm. Construction i s currently in progress.

I wish to reassure members of the House and t he public that safety has been and remains

a n overriding priority of my Committee and t hat my Committee have full confidence in

t he design team charged with the project. I

a lso have complete confidence in the

o verall fire safety measures at the

a irport.''

Territorial Sea (Consequential Provisions) (Jersey) Law 1994 (Appointed Day) Act 1997

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 4 of the Territorial Sea (Consequential Provisions) (Jersey) Law 1994, made an Act entitled the

Territorial Sea (Consequential Provisions) (Jersey) Law 1994 (Appointed Day) Act 1997.

Sea Fisheries (Jersey) Law 1994 (Appointed Day) (No. 2) Act 1997

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 24 of the Sea Fisheries (Jersey) Law 1994, made an

Act entitled the Sea Fisheries (Jersey) Law 1994 (Appointed Day) (No. 2) Act 1997.

Attendance Allowance Board: appointment

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Employment and Social Security Committee, appointed the undermentioned as members of the Attendance Allowance Board in pursuance of Article 4 of the Attendance Allowance (Jersey) Law 1973, as amended, for a period of three years with effect from 1st April 1997 -

D r. J. Newell (Chairman)

D r. D. Crill

D r. S. Milner

R everend Dr. A.D. Williams D r. D. Fullerton

M rs. M. Rebindaine

M rs. A. Le Feuvre.

Rent Control Tribunal: appointment

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee, and in pursuance of paragraph (1) of Article 3 of the Dwelling Houses (Rent Control) (Jersey) Law 1949, as amended, appointed the following persons to act as Chairman and members of the Rent Control Tribunal for a further period of 12 months ending on 12th April 1998, namely -

H enry Robert Hall , O.B.E. - Chairman M rs. Shirley Norma Barr

D onald George Filleul

T erence Lavery

M ichael Robottom.

Bellozanne Valley, St. Helier : policy for purchase of properties - P.224/96

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Planning and Environment Committee -

( a) approved in principle the policy of

pur chasing on behalf of the public any pr op erties that may become available f or pur chase all or any part of which

l ie w ithin a 100 metre radius of the

ba d neighbour' operations at the waste di spos al site at Bellozanne Valley, St. H e l ier, as defined on drawing

N o . 522/ 1;

( b) authorised the Public Services and

P l a nning and Environment Committees to pur chase such of those properties as

t he y con sider it desirable to acquire,

at a f air and proper price to be agreed

by t he Finance and Economics Committee;

( c) authorised the payment or discharge of t he expe nses incurred in connexion with t he pur chase of any such properties and al l i nterests therein, from the

P l a nning and Environment Committee's capi tal vote of credit - Land

A c qui sition - Major Reserve'' (vote

N o . C 0904);

( d) authorised the Attorney General and the G r ef fier of the States to pass such

cont racts as it might be found

nece ssary to pass in connexion with any s uch purchase;

( e) agreed that all such properties should be a dministered by the Public Services C om mittee.

Florence Boot Cottages, St. Clement : sale of land - P.5/97

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee -

1 . approved -

( a ) the cancellation of the existing

75 y ear lease of the site of the

F lor e nce B oot Cottages to the F.B. C ot t ag es Trust;

( b ) the sale of the freehold of an

ar ea of land measuring about five ve r gée s as shown on drawing

N o.12/ 387/1 to the F.B. Cottages H ous ing T rust for a consideration of £ 930,0 00, payable in stages as fol low s -

£ 15 0,000 pa yable on completion of P ha se I of the residential de vel opm ent;

£ 30 0,000 pa yable on completion of P ha se I I; and

£ 40 0,000 pa yable on completion of P ha se I II;

£ 80 ,000 pa yable on completion of P ha s e I V;

su bj e ct to the total £930,000 be i ng p ayable by no later than 30t h J u ne 2002, and with each pa r t y bei ng responsible for the pa ym e nt of its own legal costs;

2 . authorised the Attorney General and the G r ef fier of the States to pass the

nece ssary contracts;

3 . authorised the Treasurer of the States t o r eceive the amount connected with t he abov e transactions.

Members present voted as follows -

  P our ' ' (39) Senators

S henton, Horsfall, Le Maistre, Stein,

Q uérée, Bailhache , Tomes, Norman, Walker . Connétable s

S t. Clement, St. Lawrence , St. Mary , St. B relade, St. Peter , St. Helier , St.

S aviour, St. Martin , St. Ouen , St. John , T rinity.


W avell (S), H. Baudains (C), Coutanche (L), S t. Mary, Trinity , Pullin (S), Johns (H),

R outier (H), Grouville , St. Martin , Le Main ( H), Blampied (H), Rabet (H), Vibert (B),

d e la Haye (B), Le Cornu (C), St. Peter ,

D ubras (L), St. Ouen .

C ont r e'' (9) Senators

S yvret, Kinnard. Deputies

S . Baudains (H), Duhamel (S), Dorey (H), B reckon (S), Huet (H), St. John , Crowcroft .

The Jersey Electricity Company Limited: appointment of directors - P.17/97

The President of the Finance and Economics Committee, nominated for appointment as directors of The Jersey Electricity Company Limited the following -

S enator Jean Amy Le Maistre

M rs. Enid Clare Quénault, Connétable of St. B relade

M r. Malcolm Pollard, Connétble of St. Peter D eputy Derek Ryder Maltwood of St. Mary D eputy Kenneth William Syvret, M.B.E., of S t. Ouen.

Deputy Philip John Rondel of St. John was proposed by Deputy Terence John Le Main of St. Helier .

THE STATES, having proceeded to a secret ballot, the Bailiff declared the following results -

S enator Le Maistre - 34 votes

C onnétable of St. Brelade - 41 votes C onnétble of St. Peter - 38 votes

D eputy of St. Mary - 42 votes

D eputy of St. Ouen - 41 votes

D eputy of St. John - 23 votes.

THE STATES thereupon adopted the proposition of the Finance and Economics Committee and appointed the undermentioned members as directors of The Jersey Electricity Company Limited, with effect from 1st April 1997, in accordance with Article 90 of the Articles of Association of the Company -

S enator Jean Amy Le Maistre

M r. Malcolm Pollard, Connétable of St.

P et er

M rs. Enid Clare Quénault, Connétable of St. B relade

D eputy Derek Ryder Maltwood of St. Mary D eputy Kenneth William Syvret, M.B.E., of S t. Ouen.

The Jersey New Waterworks Company Limited: appointment of directors - P.18/97

The President of the Finance and Economics Committee, nominated for the appointment as directors of the Jersey New Waterworks Company Limited the following -

S enator Leonard Norman

M r. Jack Roche, Connétable of St. Saviour , a s a member of the Finance and Economics C ommittee

M r. John Baudains Germain, Connétable of S t. Martin

D eputy Imogen Nicholls of Grouville .

Deputy Philip John Rondel of St. John was

p roposed by Deputy Terence John Le Main of S t. Helier.

THE STATES, having proceeded to a secret ballot, the Bailiff declared the following results -

S enator Leonard Norman - 45 votes C onnétable of St. Saviour - 45 votes C onnétable of St. Martin - 39 votes D eputy of Grouville - 40 votes

D eputy of St. John - 25 votes.

THE STATES, referring to their Acts dated 24th August 1982 and 22nd February 1983, adopted the proposition of the Finance and Economics Committee and appointed the undermentioned members as directors of the Jersey New Waterworks Company Limited, with effect from 1st April 1997, in accordance with Article 7(4) of

the Articles of Association of the company -

S enator Leonard Norman

M r. Jack Roche, Connétable of St. Saviour , a s a member of the Finance and Economics C ommittee

M r. John Baudains Germain, Connétable of S t. Martin

D eputy Imogen Stephanie Nicholls of

G r ouvi lle.

2 Verdun Mews, Mont Neron, St. Helier : financial assistance - P.20/97

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Finance and Economics Committee -

( 1) approved the granting of financial

as si stance by way of a loan to Mr. Gary

J on K emp and Mrs. Caryl Ann Kemp (née L e S aint), of 2 Verdun Mews, Le Mont

N e r on, St. Helier , who need urgently to

r ec ons truct the southern boundary wall

of t heir property fronting on to Grands

V a ux t o protect from damage their

pr op erty and passsing members of the

publ ic;

2 . agreed -

( a ) to make, on application by Mr.

G ar y J on Kemp and Mrs. Caryl Ann K em p (née Le Saint) to the States

T reas u ry, a loan at a rate of four

pe r ce nt a year of such sum and

se cur ed i n such a manner as the

F inanc e and Economics Committee co ns i der s reasonable in relation

to t h e ow ners' costs, repayable on

or bef or e the expiry of ten years

fr om t h e date upon which the loan

is m ade or on sale or transfer of

the pr oper ty from the owner to a

thi rd par ty, whether by inter

vi vos t ransaction, by will or

int e st a cy, whichever is the

ea r l ie r , on the basis that the

C om m ittee may vary the terms of

thi s pr oposition in any case where

it i s s at isfied that genuine

ha r ds h ip would arise;

( b ) that the work should be carried out t o t he satisfaction of the

P lanni ng and Environment

C om m ittee.

Barge Aground, St. Ouen : purchase - P.21/97

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Planning and Environment Committee -

( a) authorised the purchase from the Scout

A s s ociation Jersey, of the property

know n as Barge Aground, La Grande Route des Mielles, St. Ouen , (as shown on

dr a wing No. 545/1) for £150,000, with

eac h party paying its own legal costs;

and t o authorise the Greffier of the

S t a tes to sign the said drawing on

beha lf of the States;

( b) authorised the Attorney General and the G r ef fier of the States to pass, on

beha lf of the public, any contract

w h i ch it might be found to be necessary t o p ass in connexion with the purchase

of t he said property and any interests

t he r ein;

( c) authorised the payment or discharge of any e xpenses incurred in connexion with t he s aid purchase from the Planning and E nvi ronment Committee's capital vote of cr edi t Acquisition of Land - Major

R es erve'' (vote No. CO904).

Deputy Kenneth William Syvret of St. Ouen declared an interest in the matter and withdrew from the Chamber prior to the debate.

Jersey Scout Association: financial assistance - P.22/97

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Finance and Economics Committee -

( a) authorised a grant of £300,000 to the

J er s ey Scout Association for the

pur pose of establishing a new

head quarters/camping centre on the site of W eston's Bistro, Five Mile Road, St. O u en;

( b) agreed that the Finance and Economics C om mittee should meet the necessary

expe nditure from the General Reserve.

Deputy Kenneth William Syvret of St. Ouen declared an interest in the matter and withdrew from the Chamber prior to the debate.

Building Bye-laws (Validation) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.26/97

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Building Bye-laws (Validation) (Jersey) Law 199 .

Island Planning (Fees) (Validation) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.27/97

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Island Planning (Fees) (Validation) (Jersey) Law 199 .

Police Court (Change of Name) (Jersey) Law 1996 (Appointed Day) Act 1997 - P.28/97

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 4 of the Police Court (Change of Name) (Jersey) Law 1996, made an Act entitled the Police Court (Change of Name) (Jersey) Law 1996 (Appointed Day) Act 1997.

Companies (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.29/97

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Companies (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 199 .

Fields 563, 565, 568 and part of 564, St. Brelade : purchase - P.30/97

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Planning and Environment Committee -

( a) approved the purchase on behalf of the publ ic from Mr. Donald Edward Le

B out illier, Mrs. Anna Lucas Cabot (née L e B outillier), Mr. Edward John Le

B out illier, Mr. Brian Le Boutillier,

Mr s . Maureen Ann Rondel (neé Le

B out illier) and Mr. David James Le

B out illier, for £27,000, of Fields 563,

565, 56 8 and part of Field 564, St.

B r el ade, measuring approximately nine ver gées, (as shown on drawing

N o . 547/ 1) for use as a conservation

ar ea an d providing improved access to l and al ready in the public ownership,

w i t h the public being responsible for

t he vend ors' reasonable legal costs in

r es pec t of the transaction;

( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said drawing on behalf of t he S tates;

( c) authorised the Attorney General and the

G r ef fier of the States to pass any

cont racts which it might be found

nece ssary to pass in connexion with the pur chase of the said properties and any i nt er ests therein;

( d) authorised the payment or discharge of t he expe nses to be incurred in the said

pur chase from the Planning and

E nvi ronment Committee's capital vote of cr edi t - Land Acquisition - Major

R es erve'' (vote No. CO904).

Deputy Philip John Rondel of St. John declared an interest in the matter and withdrew from the Chamber prior to the debate.

Bankruptcy (Désastre) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1996 (Appointed Day) Act 1997 - P.31/97

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 2 of the Bankruptcy (Désastre) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1996, made an Act entitled the Bankruptcy (Désastre) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1996 (Appointed Day) Act 1997.

Regulation of Undertakings and Development (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.32/97

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Regulation of Undertakings and Development (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Law 199 .

Regulation of Undertakings and Development (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Regulations 1997 - P.33/97

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 2 of the Regulation of Undertakings and Development (Jersey) Law 1973, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Regulation of Undertakings and Development (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Regulations 1997.

Members present voted as follows -

  P our ' ' (40) Senators

S henton, Horsfall, Rothwell, Stein, Quérée, B ailhache, Syvret, Tomes, Norman, Walker , K innard.

Connétable s

St. Clement , St. Lawrence , St. Mary , St. Brelade , St. Helier , St. Saviour , St. Martin , Trinity .


H . Baudains (C), Le Sueur (H), St. Mary , T rinity, Pullin (S), Johns (H), Duhamel

( S), Routier (H), Breckon (S), Grouville , H uet (H), St. Martin , Blampied (H), Rabet ( H), Crowcroft (H), Vibert (H), de la Haye ( B), Le Cornu (C), St. Peter , Dubras (L), S t. Ouen.

C ont r e'' (2) Deputies

D orey (H), St. John .

Waterfront Enterprise Board: membership - P.34/97

The President of the Policy and Resources Committee, nominated for appointment as States Directors of the Waterfront Enterprise Board

the following members -

S enator Vernon Amy Tomes

M r. Robert Lester Le Brocq, Connétable of S t. Helier

D eputy Derek Ryder Maltwood of St. Mary .

Senator Stuart Syvret was proposed by Deputy Alan Simon Crowcroft of St. Helier .

THE STATES, having proceeded to a secret ballot, the Bailiff declared the following results -

S enator Tomes - 36 votes

C onnétable of St. Helier - 43 votes D eputy of St. Mary - 42 votes

S enator Syvret - 11 votes.

THE STATES thereupon adopted the proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee, and -

( a) appointed the following members as S t a tes Directors of the Waterfront

E nt erprise Board Limited for a period of t hree years expiring on 31st March 2000 -

S en at o r Vernon Amy Tomes M r . R obe rt Lester Le Brocq, C onné table of St. Helier

D eput y D erek Ryder Maltwood of St. M ar y;

( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o n otify the company of the States' deci sion.

Waterfront Enterprise Board: share capital - P.40/97

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee, referred to their Act dated 12th December 1995, approving the establishment of the Waterfront Enterprise Board as a separate legal entity, and -

( a) agreed that the necessary steps should be t aken to increase the share capital

of t he company from £1,000,000 to

£ 20,00 0,000;

( b) authorised the Finance and Economics C om mittee, in consultation with the

com pany, to agree a programme for the S t a tes to purchase the Company's shares by i nstalments;

( c) charged the Finance and Economics

C om mittee to set up a sinking fund to

pr ov ide for any writing off of such

par t of the States' investment in the

com pany's shares as may be authorised

by t he Finance and Economics Committee at t he conclusion of the development of

t he S t. Helier Waterfront area.

Members present voted as follows -

  P our ' ' (40) Senators

S henton, Horsfall, Le Maistre, Stein, Q uérée, Tomes, Norman, Walker .

Connétable s

S t. Clement, St. Lawrence , St. Mary , St. B relade, St. Peter , St. Helier , St.

S aviour, St. Martin , St. Ouen , Trinity .


H . Baudains (C), Le Sueur (H), Coutanche ( L), St. Mary , S. Baudains (H), Trinity ,

P ullin (S), Johns (H), Routier (H), Dorey ( H), Grouville , St. Martin , St. John ,

B lampied (H), Rabet (H), Crowcroft (H), V ibert (B), de la Haye (B), Le Cornu (C), S t. Peter, Dubras (L), St. Ouen .

C ont r e'' (6) Senators

B ailhache, Syvret, Kinnard. Deputies

D uhamel (S), Breckon (S), Huet (H).

Jersey Amateur Dramatic Club: consolidated loan - P.35/97

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Finance and Economics Committee, referred to their Act dated 22nd June 1993 in which they approved a loan of £100,000 to the Jersey Amateur Dramatic Club to assist with the purchase of a disused agricultural outbuilding

at Fairview Farm, La Hougue Bie, St. Saviour , and their Act dated 10th December 1996 in which they approved an additional loan of £60,000 to the Club to assist with completion of the conversion of the outbuilding and agreed -

( i) that the two loans should be

cons olidated by the cancellation of the deed creating the registered charge in

r es pec t of the loan of £100,000 and the pas sing of a deed creating a new

r eg istered charge in the sum of

£ 160,0 00;

( ii) t hat the consolidated loan should be r ep ai d over a period not

ex ceed ing 30 years from the date of t he cr eation of the secured

ch ar ge ;

( iii) that the consolidated loan should be i nt er est free up to and

incl udi ng 31st December 1999 and ther eaf ter should bear interest of

fi ve per cent a year;

( iv) t hat the first repayment of

pr i nc ipa l and interest should be

m ade on 31s t August 2000 and

su bs equ ent repayments would be

m ade on 31s t August each year

ther eaf ter. The annual payments

sh oul d be made in such sum as the F inanc e and Economics Committee sh oul d decide and the Committee

m i gh t w aive repayment in any year if i t a ppea rs to the Committee to

be appr opriate to do so;

( v) that the Committee might vary the per iod of the consolidated loan by

acc epting premature repayments from the C l ub, either in part or in whole;

( vi) t hat the consolidated loan was to be r eg i stered against the property w hi ch w as to be kept in good

m at er i al order;

( vii) that the Greffier of the States be au t hor ised to pass all necessary

co nt r act s.

Deputy Maurice François Dubras of St. Lawrence declared an interest in the matter and withdrew from the Chamber prior to the debate.

Greville Bathe Fund: appointment of trustees - P.36/97

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Finance and Economics Committee, approved the appointment of the undermentioned as trustees for the purpose of administering the income of the Greville Bathe Fund -

( a) Jurat Ernest William Herbert in place

of D onald Edward Le Boutillier, who, on 8t h November 1991, ceased to hold the

of fi ce of Jurat; and

( b) Jurat Arthur Philip Quérée in place of P et er Gilroy Blampied, O.B.E., who, on 7t h January 1997, ceased to hold the

of fi ce of Jurat.

Franchise (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Regulations 1997 - P.37/97

THE STATES, in pursuance of Articles 6 and 12 of the Franchise (Jersey) Law 1968, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Franchise (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Regulations 1997.

Transfer of administration of States properties - P.39/97

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Planning and Environment Committee, approved the transfer of administration from the Planning and Environment Committee -

( a) to the Housing Committee of the

under mentioned buildings and land -

( i) 6 Hilary Street, St. Helier (as sh ow n on drawing No. 526/1);

( ii ) l  and at the former OTC site, First T ow er , St. Helier , the site of the

S t. A ndr ew's Court housing de vel opm ent (as shown on drawing N o. 527 /1);

( ii i) l and at the former OTC site, F ir s t T ow er, St. Helier , the

si te of P has e II of a housing d evel opm ent (as shown on

d raw ing N o. 527/1);

( b) to the Public Services Committee of the f ol l owing -

( i) land formerly part of Field 702a,

L a R ue a Don, Grouville , measuring 915 s qua re feet, used for highway

im pr ove ment purposes (as shown on dr aw ing No. 524/1);

( ii ) l  and at the former OTC site, First

T ow er , St. Helier , now known as La R out e ès Nouaux, used for highway im pr ove ment purposes (as shown on dr aw ing No. 527/1);

( ii i) l and at the former OTC site,

F ir s t T ow er, St. Helier , the

si te of t he new ly constructed

p ubl i c c ar park (as shown

h at c hed o n drawing No. 527/1);

( c) to the Education Committee of the f ol l owing land and buildings -

F iel d 799 a nd outbuildings,

C la r e m ont Road, St. Saviour , and the pr oper ty known as Cancale, be i ng t he site of the new Jersey C ol l eg e for Girls preparatory

sc hool (as shown on drawing

N o.525 /1);

( d) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said drawings on behalf of t he S tates.

Departments of the Judiciary and Legislature (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.41/97

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Departments of the Judiciary and Legislature (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law

199 .

THE STATES rose at 5.50 p.m.

G .H .C . C O P P O C K G r ef fi e r of the States.