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STATES MINUTES 21s t O ct ober 1997 P r ic e co de : C
T HE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 21st October 1997 at 9.30 a.m. under
t he Presidency of the Bailiff ,
S ir P hi lip Bailhache
__ _______ ___
His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor,
General Sir Michael Wilkes, K.C.B., C.B.E, w as pr e sent.
__ _______ ___
All members were present with the exception of -
T erence John Le Main, Deputy of St.
H elier - out of the Island
G raeme Ernest Rabet, Deputy of St. Helier -
o ut of the Island.
__ _______ ___
P ray ers read by the Greffier __ _______ ___
Subordinate legislation tabled
The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -
1 . Road Traffic (Speed Limits)
( A m endment) (Jersey) Order 1997. R & O 9144.
2 . Road Traffic (Saint Saviour)
( A m endment No. 6) (Jersey) Order 1997. R & O 9145.
3 . Road Traffic (Saint Clement)
( A m endment No. 12) (Jersey) Order 1997. R & O 9146.
4 . Gambling (Channel Islands
L ot tery) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 1997. R & O 9154.
5 . Motor Vehicles (Construction and
U s e ) (Amendment No. 37) (Jersey) Order 1997. R & O 9155.
6 . Motor Vehicles (Driving
I ns t ruction) (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) O r der 1997. R & O 9156.
7 . Motor Vehicles (Driving
L i c ences) (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) O r der 1997. R & O 9157.
8 . Motor Vehicle Registration
( G ene ral Provisions) (Amendment No. 5) ( Je r sey) Order 1997. R & O 9158.
9 . Health Insurance (Pharmaceutical
B enef it) (General Provisions)
( A m endment No. 9) (Jersey) Order 1997. R & O 9159.
1 0. Health Insurance (Pharmaceutical
B enef it) (General Provisions)
( A m endment No. 10) (Jersey) Order 1997. R & O 9160.
Matter presented
The following matter was presented to the States -
R esidential land availability
r ev iew - R.C.37/97.
P resented by the Planning and E nvironment Committee.
THE STATES ordered that the said report be p rinted and distributed.
Matters noted - land transactions
THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee, dated 13th October 1997, recording the following decisions of the Treasurer of the States under delegated powers, in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land -
( a) as recommended by the Health and
S oci al Services Committee, the renewal of t he lease from Macpor Development C om pany Limited of Flat 1, 29 Midvale R oad, S t. Helier, required for the
cont inued occupation by a speech
t he r apist, for a period of 12 months
f rom 1st October 1997, at an annual
r en t of £6,820.65, with all other terms
and c onditions remaining the same as
t he exi sting lease, on the basis that
eac h party would be responsible for its ow n l egal costs arising from this
t rans action;
( b) as recommended by the Harbours and
A i r port Committee, the addendum to the cur rent lease to Kufra Trading Limited
of t he Marina Shop and adjoining
s tor erooms on the New North Quay, Port of S t. Helier, so as to include a
t ar m acadamed area to the rear of the
pr e mises measuring 980 square feet,
w i t h effect from 1st June 1997 at an
annua l rent of £2,000 (representing a
r at e o f £2.04 a square foot), subject
t o r eview as provided in the current
l eas e;
( c) as recommended by the Housing
C ommittee, the entering into of a Deed
of A rrangement with Mr. Timothy John
B eche let and Mrs. Barbara Ann Bechelet, née Fennessey, for the grant of formal
dr a inage rights beneath the access road
s er vi ng the pumping station owned by
t he publ ic located at the rear of St.
P et er's Arsenal, St. Peter , for a
s ingl e capital sum of £250, with Mr.
and M rs. Bechelet being responsible for
t he publ ic's reasonable legal expenses
ar is ing from the transaction;
( d) as recommended by the Harbours and
A i r port Committee, the lease to British
Mi dl and Airways of office accommodation ( B 137A ) located at the western end of
t he pas senger pier and a workshop
( B 90 ), Rest Rooms (B90A and B90D),
L ocke r Room (B90B) and Operations area ( B 90C ) adjacent to the fuel compound,
t ot al ling 1,174 square feet, for a
per iod of nine years from 1st April
1997, a t an annual rent of £10,124.20
s ubj ect to annual rent reviews on 1st
A p r il;
( e) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the sub-lease to
J er s ey European Airways Limited of -
( i) accommodation (Letting
N os . D 003A, D003B, D003C and D 003D ) in the John Le Fondré
D epa rt ure Hall , Jersey Airport,
tot a ll ing approximately 741 square feet , f or a period of nine years
fr om 1st April 1997, at an annual
rent of £8,865, subject to annual
rent r ev iews on 1st April, plus a
se r vi ce charge of £1 a square foot in r e s pec t of air conditioning
(am ount ing to £741), subject to
an nual reviews commencing 1st
A pr il 2000; and
( ii ) a t icket desk (Letting No. D003) in t h e J ohn Le Fondré Departure
H al l , J ersey Airport, measuring
ap pr oxi mately 154 square feet, for a p er i od of nine years from 1st
A pr il 1997, a t an annual rent of
£ 5,0 00 s ubject to annual rent
revi ew s on 1st April;
( f) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the assignment of t he l ease from Esso Petroleum Limited ( E s so) to Fuel Supplies (C.I.) Limited ( S he ll) of the Fuel Farm at Jersey
A i r port;
( g) as recommended by the Harbours and
A i r port Committee, the lease to Channel I sl and Tourist Services Limited of
345 s quare feet of accommodation in the f ir s t floor of the building known as
A l ar es House, Jersey Airport, for a
per iod of three years from 1st
S ept ember 1997, at an annual rent of
£ 3,795 , subject to annual rent reviews
on 1s t September, on the basis that the
l eas e was to be reviewed at six monthly i nt er vals by the Committee with regard
t o t he demolition of Alares House for
t he deve lopment of a one-way road
s ys tem;
( h) as recommended by the Public
S er vices Committee, the purchase from -
( i) Mr. John Le Sueur Gallichan and
M r s . D oreen Ruth Gallichan, née Le M as ur ier, of land at Fields
N os . 1 148 and 1150, Trinity ,
requi red for the construction of a
pum pi ng station, namely 160 square m et res for a consideration of
£ 1,7 22 pl us £999 rent for use of a
w or k ing area, including the
co ns t ruct ion and maintenance of a
ne w a cce ss track and the granting
of r i ght s of way along the track
for t he l ife of the pumping
st at i on ; and
( ii ) Mr . John Le Sueur Gallichan
(S eni or ) of land at Fields
N os . 1 148 and 1150, Trinity ,
requi red for the construction of a pum pi ng station, namely 8 square m et res , including an existing
out bui lding and steps, for a
co ns i der ation of £86; on t he basis that the Committee would be r esponsible for all accommodation w o r ks required and the payment of all r ea s onable legal costs arising from the t rans action.
Matter noted - acceptance of tender
THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee, dated 13th October 1997, showing that, in pursuance of Rule 5 of the Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules 1967, as amended, the Committee had noted that the Education Committee had accepted the lowest of four tenders, namely that submitted by Charles Le Quesne (1956) Limited in the sum of £8,229,691 for the construction of the main campus of the Jersey College for Girls, Mont Millais, St. Helier .
Matters lodged
The following matters were lodged au Greffe'' -
1 . Draft Public Service Vehicles
( F ee s) (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) R egul ations 199 - P.156/97.
P r es ented by the Defence
C om mittee.
2 . Draft Hire Cars (No. 7) (Jersey) R egul ations 199 - P.157/97.
P r es ented by the Defence
C om mittee.
3 . Draft Patents (Amendment No. 2)
( Je r sey) Law 1997 (Appointed Day) Act 199 - P.158/97.
P r es ented by the Finance and
E conom ics Committee.
4 . Strategic Policy Review and
A c t ion Plan 1997 (P.149/97): fourth am endm ents - P.160/97.
P r es ented by Senator W.
K i nna rd.
5 . Strategic Policy Review and
A c t ion Plan 1997 (P.149/97): fifth am endm ents - P.161/97.
P r es ented by the Housing
C om mittee.
The following matters were lodged on 14th October 1997 -
1 . Anne Port rock face, St. Martin : r em edial work - P.153/97.
P r es ented by Deputy F.J. Hill of S t . M artin.
2 . Strategic Policy Review and
A c t ion Plan 1997 (P.149/97): second am endm ents - P.154/97.
P r es ented by Senator R.J.
S hent on.
3 . Strategic Policy Review and
A c t ion Plan 1997 (P.149/97): third am endm ents - P.155/97.
P r es ented by Deputy A. Breckon
of S t. Saviour.
Accident benefit: special payment - P.159/97
THE STATES noted that Deputy Terence John Le Main of St. Helier had given notice of his intention to lodge au Greffe'' a proposition regarding accident benefit: special payment, but had decided not to proceed.
Arrangement of public business for the
next meeting on 4th and 5th November 1997
THE STATES confirmed that the following matters lodged au Greffe'' would be considered at the
next meeting on 4th and 5th November 1997 -
S trategic Policy Review and Action Plan 1 997 - P.149/97.
L odged: 30th September 1997.
P olicy and Resources Committee.
S trategic Policy Review and Action P lan 1997 (P.149/97): amendment - P .150/97 (revised).
L odged: 7th October 1997.
D eputy J.L. Dorey of St. Helier .
S trategic Policy Review and Action
P lan 1997 (P.149/97): second amendments - P .154/97.
L odged: 14th October 1997.
S enator R.J. Shenton.
S trategic Policy Review and Action
P lan 1997 (P.149/97): third amendments - P .155/97.
L odged: 14th October 1997.
D eputy A. Breckon of
S t. Saviour.
S trategic Policy Review and Action
P lan 1997 (P.149/97): fourth amendments - P .160/97.
S enator W. Kinnard.
S trategic Policy Review and Action P lan 1997 (P.149/97): fifth
a mendments - P.161/97.
H ousing Committee.
Home Office, Members of the Constitutional and Policy Unit - welcome
The Bailiff welcomed to the Island Mrs. Gloria Moody and Miss Fiona Miller of the Home Office Constitutional and Policy Unit.
States' members remuneration - questions and answers (Tape No. 409)
Deputy Frederick John Hill of St. Martin asked Deputy Derek Ryder Maltwood of St. Mary , President of the House Committee, the following questions -
1. O n 6th May 1997, the report of the
S tat e s M embers' Remuneration Board w as r el eased to enable the House
C om m ittee to bring a proposition
be f or e t he States. Would the
P res i dent inform members -
( a ) what steps have the House
C om m ittee taken to produce a pr opos ition?
( b ) when does he expect a proposition to be p resented to the States?
2 . The House Committee has been in the pr oc ess of producing a States Members' H a ndboo k. Would the President inform m em bers of the progress of the
pr od uction and when it will be
com pleted?''
The President of the House Committee replied as follows -
1. I regret that the Deputy of St.
M ar ti n has had to ask these
que s t ions as it had been the
int e nt i on of the House Committee to l o dge t his proposition several
m ont hs ago.
T he po sition is that the House
C om mittee decided to present to the
S t a tes a report and proposition seeking appr oval of the recommendations of the
B oar d. However, some complications then ar o se with the administrative
pr oc edures of the Scheme, but I am
pl eas ed to report that these have now been resolved. Therefore, I envisage
t ha t the House Committee will approve
t he r eport and proposition at its
m eet ing on 30th October. They will then be l odged au Greffe' through the
i nt er mediary of the Finance and
E conom ics Committee and I would expect t ha t the proposition will be debated on
9t h December 1997.
2 . The Members' Handbook is at last on the ver ge of publication. I envisage that
t he f inal draft will be approved by the
H o us e Committee at its meeting on 30th O c t ober 1997. In which case, it will
t he n be prepared for publication and
di st ributed as soon as possible
t he r eafter.
I n c ase I do not have a better
oppor tunity, I would like to thank all
t ho se who have been involved in its
pr e paration. A considerable amount of
w o r k and research has been undertaken
by a n umber of people and, on behalf of
t he H ouse Committee and fellow members, I w ould like to express my sincere
gr a titude to them.''
Cost of interpreters - question and answer (Tape No. 409)
Deputy Philip John Rondel of St. John asked Deputy Michael Adam Wavell of St. Saviour , President of the Defence Committee, the following question -
Would the President inform members of the c ost to the States of Jersey Police of
e mploying interpreters during 1996, and
p rovide similar details for the years, 1992
a nd 1994?''
The President of the Defence Committee replied as follows -
The costs to the States of Jersey Police
o f employing interpreters since 1992 are as
f ollows -
1992 £ 2,744 1993 £ 12,193 1994 £ 18,670 1995 £ 24,786 1996 £ 31,158 1997 t o date £ 27,431
T hese costs include the use of interpreters f or all nationalities.''
Jersey Arts Trust - statement
The President of the Education Committee made a statement in the following terms -
Following questions asked of me by Deputy V ibert on 7th October 1997, I undertook to
m ake a statement to the House concerning
t he issues raised in his first question
w hich was -
W i ll the President inform the Assembly of t he progress that has been achieved
by t he Jersey Arts Trust against its
s tat ed targets for the years 1996 and
1997, w hich were included in its Five
Y e ar Plan, presented to the States on
9t h July 1996 as part of P.114/96
Je r sey Arts Trust: future funding'?'
A s I confirmed at the time, I had contacted
t he Chairman of the Arts Trust, Sir Peter
C rill, to obtain the information requested
b y Deputy Vibert . I received a
c omprehensive response from Sir Peter which I have circulated to all members. I would
d raw the attention of members to Sir
P eter's willingness and commitment to
p rovide any further details requested by
t hem.
F or the sake of clarity, I would like to
r emind members of the status of the Arts T rust and of the relationship which exists b etween the Trust and the Education
C ommittee.
T he Arts Trust was established by an act of i ncorporation by the Royal Court.
A s such the Jersey Arts Trust was a uthorised to -
T ake, acquire, hold and possess in its cor porate name all forms of property bot h real and personal and wheresoever s it ua ted in order that the objects of
t he A ssociation may be achieved.
T he T rust is an incorporated body with w i de ranging powers and duties. Under i ts C onstitution, the Arts Trust has
t he f ollowing responsibilities to the
E duca tion Committee -
( i) to advise and co-operate with the E duc at ion Committee on matters co nnect ed with the Arts;
( ii ) l iaise with the Education
C om m i tt ee on the provision of educa t ion opp ortunities and
event s i nvol ving arts and
cr af ts .
T he Education Committee also has
r esponsibilities to the Trust. These are -
1 . to recommend to the States a person who m ay be a ppointed as Chairman; however, i t i s the States that make that
appoi ntment;
2 . to nominate a member of the Education C om mittee to act as Vice Chairman of
t he T rust;
3 . to consider and approve or reject
al t er ations to the Trust's constitution
pr op osed by a majority of its members; w h i le the Committee has a role in
appr oving amendments to the
cons titution of the Trust, it is the
r es pons ibility of the Trust to make
r ep resentations to the Royal Court for am endm ents to its constitution.
I trust that this clarifies any
m isconceptions which may have been held by m embers concerning the status of the Trust
a nd the extent of my Committee's
r esponsibilities towards it. However, I am
w illing to use my best endeavours to assist
i n resolving present difficulties and I
w ill continue to give my support to those
w ho give so much of their time and energy
t o supporting the Arts in Jersey.''
Jersey Arts Trust - questions and answers (Tape No. 409)
Deputy Michael Edward Vibert of St. Brelade asked Senator Leonard Norman, President of the Education Committee, the following questions -
1. I s the President now in a position
to, and will he now, answer my
que s t ion o f two weeks ago
regar di ng the progress that has
be en ac hieved by the Jersey Arts
T rus t agai nst their stated targets
for t he ye ars 1996 and 1997 which w er e i ncl uded in the Trust's Five Y ear P lan which was presented to the S tat es on 9th July 1936 as
pa r t of the Finance and Economics C om m ittee's proposition Jersey
A r t s T rust: future funding'
(P .114/ 96)?
2 . Will the President also inform the
m em bers as to the latest situation
r eg arding the Jersey Arts Trust's
r es t ructuring proposals for the arts in J er s ey?''
The President of the Education Committee replied as follows -
- O n 7th October, I replied to
D eput y V ibert's first question to the be s t of my knowledge and
ab i l it y. I indicated my
und erstanding that the question sh oul d have been asked of the
C hai r m an of the Arts Trust and that , on be half of Deputy Vibert , I had c ontacted Sir Peter to
se cur e hi s response.
I ha ve received a comprehensive reply f rom Sir Peter which I have circulated t o a ll members. In his letter, Sir
P et er confirmed his willingness and com mitment to provide any further
det ai ls requested by any member of the H o us e.''
Senator Patricia Ann Bailhache , Vice-President of the Education Committee, replied as follows -
- I n March of this year, the
E duc at ion Committee, in accordance w i th t he c onstitution of the Arts
T rus t , r eceived representations
fr om t h e Arts Trust for changes to
it s cons titution. The Committee
ga ve i t s approval, in principle,
to t h e pr oposals on the
und er s tanding that the Trust would
take f ur ther advice and return to
the C om mittee, in due course, with
a d et a i led draft of the amendments
pr i or t o representations to the
R oya l C ourt.
T he A rts Trust is engaged in further di scus sions with interested groups. Mem bers are well aware of the extent and n ature of those discussions.
B ecau se of the difficulties which have been experienced, the consultative pr oc ess now includes arrangements for conc iliation and we are most
appr eciative of the commitment that is bei ng gi ven by Jurat Nick Herbert who i s chai ring a first meeting of
i nt er ested parties on Tuesday, 21st
O c t ober 1997.
I m ust stress to members that the
pr op osals for amendments to the
cons titution of the Arts Trust are
s ti ll on the table'. Furthermore, I am
not a member of the group which will be m eet ing with Jurat Herbert and I am
s ur e t hat members will agree that it
w o ul d be quite inappropriate for me to m ake a ny statement which might
i nf l uence or prejudice the conciliation
w h i ch is underway.''
Elysée Estate, St. Helier - Phase II: approval of drawings
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee -
( a) approved drawings Nos. 3903/01 - 17 i nc l usive and 1158/2/03 showing the
r ed evelopment of Phase II of Elysée
E s t ate, St. Helier ;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said drawings on behalf of t he S tates.
Industrial Disputes Tribunal: appointment of Chairman
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Legislation Committee, referred to their Act,
dated 21st February 1989 and, in accordance with the provisions of Article 3A of the Industrial Disputes (Jersey) Law 1956, as amended, appointed Advocate Ashley Hoy as Chairman of the Industrial Disputes Tribunal.
St. Helier Waterfront plan - west of Albert Pier: residential area 3 - P.130/97
THE STATES rejected the proposition of Senator Richard Joseph Shenton that the States refer to their Act, dated 22nd July 1997, in which they designated areas 1, 2 and 3 of the St. Helier Waterfront area, shown on drawing No. 558/1, for use for residential purposes, and agree to
delete area 3 from that designation and to redesignate that area for use as public open
Members present voted as follows -
P our '' (20) Senators
S henton, Horsfall, Rothwell, Le Maistre. Connétable s
S t. Mary, St. Brelade , St. Peter , G rouville, St. Martin .
S . Baudains(H), Le Geyt(S), Trinity ,
R outier(H), Dorey(H), Huet(H), St. Martin , S t. John, Blampied(H), de la Haye(B), Le C ornu(C).
C ont re'' (30) Senators
S tein, Quérée, Bailhache , Syvret, Tomes, N orman, Walker , Kinnard.
Connétable s
S t. Clement, St. Lawrence , St. Saviour , St. O uen, St. John , Trinity .
W avell(S), H. Baudains(C), Le Sueur (H), C outanche(L), St. Mary , Pullin(S),
J ohns(H), Duhamel(S), Layzell(B),
B reckon(S), Grouville , Crowcroft (H),
V ibert(B), S. Pierre, Dubras(L), S. Ouen.
Privileges and Immunities (Diplomatic, Consular, Etc.) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.94/97
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Privileges and Immunities (Diplomatic, Consular, Etc.) (Jersey) Law 199 .
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Privileges and Immunities) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.95/97
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Privileges and Immunities) (Jersey) Law 199 .
Referendums - P.131/97
THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of Senator Stuart Syvret and adopting Part 1, agreed -
( a) in principle to the holding of r ef er endums; and
( b) that a referendum should be held when t he S tates agree -
( i) to the principle of a referendum on t he subject in question;
( ii ) the wording of the ballot;
( ii i) t he date of the referendum. Members present voted on Part 1 as follows -
P our '' (25) Senators
S henton, Quérée, Bailhache , Syvret, Norman, W alker, Kinnard.
Connétable s
S t. Lawrence, St. Mary , Grouville , St. M artin, St. John , Trinity .
C outanche(L), S. Baudains(H), Duhamel(S), D orey(H), Layzell(B), Breckon(S),
G rouville, St. Martin , St. John ,
C rowcroft(H), Vibert (B), Dubras(L).
C ont re'' (17) Senators
H orsfall, Rothwell, Le Maistre, Stein. Connétable s
S t. Clement, St. Brelade .
H . Baudains(C), St. Mary , Trinity ,
P ullin(S), Johns(H), Routier(H), Huet(H), B lampied(H), de la Haye(B), Le Cornu(C), S . Ouen.
THE STATES rejected Part 2 of the proposition requesting the States -
( a) to agree in principle to the holding of r ef er endums called by the public
t hr ough popular initiative; ( b) to agree that a referendum shall be hel d w hen a petition containing the w o r ding of the proposed ballot and 5,000 s ignatures is presented to the S t a tes;
( c) that the procedure for calling a
r ef er endum through popular initiative s houl d be -
( i) a written request for a referendum sh al l be submitted to the Greffier of t he S tates; the request shall
co nt a in t he text of the proposed
ba l l ot a nd be signed by ten
vot er s;
( ii ) t he wording of the proposed ballot an d pet ition shall be tested by
the G r effier of the States to
en s ur e that the intention of the
m ot ion i s clear and the petition
is i n or der. When satisfied he
sh al l r e fer the matter to the
A t tor ney G eneral who will test the pr opos ition for compatibility with the I s la nd's obligations under
int e rna tional agreements and the
Is l and' s constitutional
rel a ti ons hip with the United
K i n gdom ;
( ii i) w hen the above requirements h ave b een s atisfied the
B a il if f s hal l notify the
S tat es and f rom that date the p et i ti one r s shall have a
p er i od no t exceeding six
m ont hs t o ga ther the requisite n um b er o f signatures;
( iv ) when the petition is complete the pe t i ti oner s shall approach a
w i ll ing m ember of the States who w i ll pr esent the petition to the
H ous e ;
( v ) the referendum shall be held as so on as is practically possible
af t e r t hat date.
Members present voted on Part 2 as follows -
P our '' (6) Senators
Q uérée, Syvret, Kinnard. Deputies
D uhamel(S), Grouville , Crowcroft (H).
C ont re'' (36) Senators
S henton, Horsfall, Rothwell, Le Maistre, S tein, Bailhache , Norman, Walker .
Connétable s
S t. Clement, St. Lawrence , St. Mary , St. B relade, Grouville , St. Martin , St. John , T rinity.
H . Baudains(C), Coutanche(L), St. Mary ,
S . Baudains(H), Trinity , Pullin(S),
J ohns(H), Routier(H), Dorey(H), Layzell(B), B reckon(S), Huet(H), St. Martin , St. John ,
B lampied(H), Vibert (B), de la Haye(B), Le C ornu(C), Dubras(L), S. Ouen.
Secondary education: re-organisation - P.151/97 and P.152/97
THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the Education Committee on Secondary education re-organisation and accepted an amendment of Deputy Stanley John Le Cornu of St. Clement that at the end of the proposition
there should be inserted the words , except
that the membership of the Appeals Panel within the new system should comprise -
o ne member of the Education Committee, who s hall act as chairman,
t wo independent persons.''
THE STATES adopted the proposition as amended and supported the Education Committee's recommendation to replace with a system based on selection, the arrangements established
following the adoption by the States on 20th November 1973 of a report and proposition regarding the re-organisation of secondary education whereby priority for transfer to Hautlieu School has to be given to the wishes of the parents and the student even when they are contrary to the other indications,'' except that
the membership of the Appeals Panel within the new system should comprise -
o ne member of the Education Committee, who s hall act as chairman,
t wo independent persons. Members present voted as follows -
P our '' (27) Senators
S henton, Horsfall, Le Maistre, Stein, B ailhache, Norman.
Connétable s
S t. Clement, St. Mary , St. Brelade , S t. Martin, St. John , Trinity .
H . Baudains(C), Coutanche(L),
S . Baudains(H), Trinity , Duhamel(S),
R outier(H), Layzell(B), Breckon(S),
H uet(H), St. Martin , St. John , Blampied(H), d e la Haye(B), Le Cornu(C), St. Ouen .
C ont re'' (11) Senators
R othwell, Kinnard. Connétable s
S t. Lawrence, Grouville . Deputies
P ullin(S), Johns(H), Dorey(H), Grouville , C rowcroft(H), Vibert (B), Dubras(L).
THE STATES rose at 6.05 p.m.
G .H .C . C O P P O C K G r ef fi e r of the States.