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States Minutes 9th June 1998

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THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 9th June 1998 at 9.30 a.m. under

the Presidency of the Bailiff ,

Sir Philip Bailhache ____________

All members were present with the exception of

Ja c k Roche, Connétable of St.  Saviour –ill

M i c h ael Adam Wavell, Deputy of St.  Saviour – out of the Island E v e ly n Mabel Pullin, Deputy of St.  Saviour – out of the Island

R o b e rt Charles Duhamel, Deputy of St.  Saviour out of the Island T e re n ce John Le Main, Deputy of St.  Helier – out of the Island.


Prayers ____________

Tribute to the late Mrs. P.G. Green former Deputy of St. Saviour

The Bailiff paid tribute to the late Mrs. Phyllis Gartrell Green, a former Deputy of St.  Saviour. THE STATES observed one minute's silence as a mark of respect.

Royal visit – H.R.H. The Princess Royal

The Bailiff informed the Assembly that Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal would open the new States offices at Morier House, Halkett Place on 23rd July 1998.

Australian Parliamentarian's visit welcome

The Bailiff welcomed to the States Mr. Demetri Dollis, M.P., member of the Legislation Assembly (lower House) of the State of Victoria, Australia.

Subordinate legislation tabled

The following enactments were laid before the States, namely   B us  ine s s Names Appeal (Jersey) Rules 1998. R & O 9237.   St . C  le m  ent's Fête (Jersey) Order 1998. R & O 9242.

Tourism Committee – resignation of member

THE STATES noted the resignation of Deputy Alan Simon Crowcroft of St. Helier from the Tourism Committee.

Defence Committee: appointment of member

THE STATES appointed Deputy Jacqueline Jeannette Huet of St.  Helier as a member of the Defence Committee.

Public Services Committee: appointment of member

THE STATES  appointed   Deputy Alan  Simon   Crowcroft  of  St.  Helier as a member of  the Public Services Committee.

Matters presented

The following matters were presented to the States

  F o r m e r  Stampers Foodstore, La Route de Beaumont, St.  Peter: development in Aircraft Noise Zone  1

(P.127/98): comments – P.129/98.

P re s e nted by the Harbours and Airport Committee.

P r is o n Board: report for 1997 – R.C.28/98.

THE STATES ordered that the said reports be printed and distributed.

Matters noted – acceptance of tenders

THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee, dated 20th May 1998, showing that, in pursuance of Rule  5 of the Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules 1967, as amended, the Committee had noted that –

( a ) the Housing Committee had accepted a negotiated tender from A.C.  Mauger and Son (Sunwin)

Limited in the sum of £3,426,653.92 in a contract period of 49 weeks, for the refurbishment of two high rise blocks at Le Marais Flats, St. Clement;

( b ) the Housing Committee had accepted the lowest of seven tenders, namely that submitted by

J.F.  Marett and Son Limited, in the sum of £2,456,761.91 in a contract period of 64 weeks for Phase  III of the refurbishment of Le Geyt Flats, St.  Helier;

(c ) the Housing Committee had accepted the lowest of six tenders, namely that submitted by Hacquoil

and Cook Limited, in the sum of £2,503,300 in a contact period of 62 weeks for Phase I of th refurbishment of Grasett Park, St. Saviour.

Matters lodged

The following matters were lodged "au Greffe"

T e a c hin g of Jerriais in primary schools – P.130/98. P re s e nted by the Education Committee.

  T r a inin  g and development of public sector employees – P.132/98. P re s e nted by the Establishment Committee.

Arrangement of public business for the next meeting on 16th June 1998

THE STATES acceded to the request of Senator Stuart Syvret that the proposition regarding Nuclear waste discharges into the marine environment (P.106/98) – lodged "au Greffe" on 19th May 1998 be considered as the first item of matters lodged "au Greffe" listed under Public Business at the next meeting on 16th June 1998.

THE STATES confirmed that the following matters lodged "au Greffe" would be considered at the next meeting on 16th June 1998

N u c le ar waste discharges into the marine environment – P.106/98. L o d g ed: 19th May 1998.

S en a t or S. Syvret.

N u c le ar waste discharges into the marine environment (P.106/98): amendment – P.130/98. L o d g ed: 2nd June 1998 by Deputy A.S. Crowcroft of St. Helier.

P o li c y and Resources Committee.

P u b li c elections legislation – P.55/98.

(b ) P  ublic Elections (Postal Voting) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 199 – L o d g ed: 31st March 1998, partially debated 21st April 1998.

L e g is lation Committee.

D r a ft Public Elections (Postal Voting) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 199  (P.55/98): amendment – P.108/98. L o d g ed: 26th May 1998.

L e g is lation Committee.

P u b li c elections legislation – P.55/98.

(c ) F ranchise (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Law 199 – P.55/98. L o d g ed: 31st March 1998.

L e g is lation Committee.

Je r s e y Airport: lease to Hi-Speed Freight Limited – P.90/98. L o d g ed: 19th May 1998.

H a r b ours and Airport Committee.

F ri s c o, 3 Clos St. Clement, St. Peter: purchase and rescission of Act– P.91/98. L o d g ed: 19th May 1998.

H a r b ours and Airport Committee.

L a C ollette, St. Helier: lease to Ronez Limited – P.92/98. L o d g ed: 19th May 1998.

H a r b ours and Airport Committee.

D r a ft Powers of Arrest (Injunctions) (Jersey) Law 199 – P.109/98. L o d g ed: 26th May 1998.

L e g is lation Committee.

P ro j e t de Loi (199 ) (Amendement) au sujet des témoins et informateurs – P.115/98. L o d g ed: 2nd June 1998.

L e g is lation Committee.

P ro j e t de Loi (199 ) sur l'atténuation des peines et sur la mise en liberté surveillée – P.117/98.

L o d g ed: 2nd June 1998. L e g is lation Committee.

D r a ft Unlawful Public Entertainments (Jersey) Regulations 199 – P.118/98. L o d g ed: 2nd June 1998.

D e fe n ce Committee.

D r a f t Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (Amendment No.  15) (Jersey) Regulations

199 – P.120/98.

L o d g ed: 2nd June 1998.

E s ta b lishment Committee.

D  ra f t Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (Existing Members) (Amendment No.  4)

(Jersey) Regulations 199 – P.121/98.

L o d g ed: 2nd June 1998.

E s ta b lishment Committee.

D ra f t Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (Former Hospital Scheme) (Amendment

No.  3) (Jersey) Regulations 199 – P.122/98.

L o d g ed: 2nd June 1998.

E s ta b lishment Committee.

D ra f t Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (General) (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey)

Regulations 199 – P.123/98.

L o d g ed: 2nd June 1998.

E s ta b lishment Committee.

D r a ft Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (New Members) (Amendment No.  6) (Jersey)

Regulations 199 – P.124/98.

L o d g ed: 2nd June 1998.

E s ta b lishment Committee.

T h e J ersey New Waterworks Company Limited – loans: major capital works programme – P.125/98. L o d g ed: 2nd June 1998.

F in a n ce and Economics Committee.

F o r m er Stampers Foodstore, La Route de Beaumont, St.  Peter: development in Aircraft Noise Zone 1 –


L o d g ed: 2nd June 1998.

P la n n ing and Environment Committee.

F o r m er Stampers Foodstore, La Route de Beaumont, St. Peter: development in Aircraft Noise Zone 1

(P.127/98): comments – P.129/98.

H a r b ours and Airport Committee.

Archirondel, St. Martin: transfer of administration of land – P.133/98

THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the Housing Committee regarding the transfer of the administration of land at Archirondel, St. Martin . On the proposition of Deputy Philip John Rondel of St. John the proposition was lodged "au Greffe".

Manual worker posts: outsourcing – P.104/98. Withdrawn

THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of Senator Richard Joseph Shenton regarding the outsourcing of manual worker posts. After discussion, Senator Shenton withdrew the proposition.

States members' income support and expense allowance – P.207/97, report and amendmentsR.C.42/97, P.58/98, P.64/98, P.71/98, P.72/98 Revised and P.134/98

THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the House Committee concerning States members' income support and expense allowance and adopted Paragraph 1.

THE STATES adopted an amendment of Senator Richard Joseph Shenton that for sub-paragraph (a) of Paragraph 2 there should be substituted the following sub-paragraph –

"( a ) with effect from 1st January 1997

( i) t h e m aximum level of income support shall be increased from £14,500 to £24,000 a year; and ( ii ) t h e a llowable income from all other sources shall be increased from £6,250 to £8,000 a year;" Members present voted on Senator Shenton's amendment to sub-paragraph (a) of Paragraph 2 as follows –

"Pour" (29)


S h e n ton, Horsfall, Rothwell, Le Maistre,Stein, Quérée, Bailhache , Syvret, Walker , Kinnard. Connétable s

S t. L a wrence, St. Helier , St. Martin, St. Ouen .


H  . B audains(C), Coutanche(L), S.  Baudains(H), Le  Geyt(S), Trinity , Johns(H), Routier(H), Dorey(H

Layzell(B), Breckon(S), Grouville , St.  Martin, Crowcroft (H), Vibert (B), Dubras(L).

"Contre" (19)


T o m e s, Norman.

Connétable s

S t. C lement, St. Mary, St.  Brelade, St.  Peter, Grouville , St.  John, Trinity . Deputies

L e S ueur(H), St.  Mary, Huet(H), St.  John, Blampied(H), Rabet(H), de  la  Haye(B), Le  Cornu(C), St.  Pe

S.  Ouen.

THE STATES commenced consideration of an amendment of Deputy Stanley John Le Cornu of St. Clement that in sub-paragraph (a) of Paragraph 2 for the words"1st January 1997" there should be substituted the words "1st January 2000". Senator Frank Harris on Walker then proposed an amendment to Deputy Le Cornu's amendment that for the words "1st January 2000" there should be substituted the words "1st January 1998", which amendment was lodged "au Greffe" by Deputy Philip John Rondel of St. John.

THE STATES then adjourned. THE STATES rose at 5.10 p.m.

G.H.C. COPPOCK Greffier of the States.