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THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 26th September 2000 at 9.30 a.m. under the Presidency of the Deputy Bailiff , Michael Cameron St. John Birt, Esq.
All members were present with the exception of -
S e nator Corrie Stein - out of the Island
S e nator Paul Vincent Francis Le Claire - out of the Island
R o bert Lester Le Brocq, Connétable of St. Helier - out of the Island
J o hn Baudains Germain, Connétable of St. Martin - out of the Island
C a rlyle John Le Herissier Hinault, Connétable of St. John - out of the Island P h illip Roy Cabot, Connétable of St. Trinity - out of the Island
S h irley Margaret Baudains, Deputy of St. Helier - out of the Island
J a cqueline Jeannette Huet, Deputy of St. Helier - out of the Island
M aurice François Dubras, Deputy of St. Lawrence - out of the Island
C e lia Joyce Scott Warr en, Deputy of St. Saviour - ill
Prayers read by the Deputy Bailiff
Channel Television - filming of special meeting on 12th October 2000.
THE STATES acceded to the request of Channel Television to be permitted to film in the States Chamber on Thursday 12th October 2000 during the special meeting being held to mark the departure of His Excellency The Lieutenant Governor, General Sir Michael Wilkes, KCB, CBE.
Subordinate legislation tabled
The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -
Hospital Charges (Long-Stay Patients) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Order 2000 R & O 79/2000. Port Control Unit (General Provisions) (Revocation No. 2) (Jersey) Order 2000. R & O 80/2000.
Harbours and Airport Committee - appointment of member
THE STATES appointed Deputy Philip John Rondel of St. John as a member of the Harbours and Airport Committee.
Matters presented
The following matters were presented to the States -
Manpower report for the period 1st January 2000 to 31st March 2000 - R.C.31/2000. Presented by the Industries Committee.
General Reserve: grant of additional funds to 30th June 2000 - R.C.32/2000. Presented by the Finance and Economics Committee.
States Resource Plan 2000 (P.143/2000): amendment (P.156/200) - comments - P.156/2000 Com. Presented by the Public Services Committee.
THE STATES ordered that the said reports be printed and distributed. Matters noted - land transactions
THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 18th September 2000 recording the following decisions of the Treasurer of the States under delegated powers, in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land -
- a s recommended by the Harbours and Airport Committee, wayleave agreements with the undermentioned for a period of nine years from 1stJanuary2000 -
- M r.DonaldJohn Egré and Miss Joan Lillian Egré,in respect of Fields Nos. 748,750and 751, St. Peter,forwhichtheCommitteewouldpay an annual rent of£2,500;
- M rs. NoelaMay Martin, née Egré,andMiss Joan Lillian Egré, in respect of Field No. 746, St. Peter,forwhichtheCommitteewouldpay an annual rent of£2,000;
on the basis that Miss Joan Lillian Egré would be allowed life enjoyment of the fields and would receive the income derived from the abovementioned wayleaves, such income to be reviewed in line with the Jersey Retail Price Index on 1st January 2003 and 1st January 2006, with the Committee to be responsible for all reasonable legal costs arising from the transaction;
- a s recommendedbythe Health and Social ServicesCommittee, the renewalof the leaseto the Jersey Electricity Company Limited of Electricity Sub-Station No.54,Roussel Street, St. Helier , for a periodof99 years, deemedto have commencedon 25th June 1999, at an annual rent of£1 to be paid in onelump sum uponthepassingofthecontract, with all other termsand conditions in accordance with the usual contracts, and with the associated wayleaves granted freeofcharge, on the basis that each party would be responsible for its own legal costs arising from the transaction.
THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 18th September 2000 showing that, in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved, as recommended by the Housing Committee, with the support of the Planning and Environment Committee, the purchase from Mrs. Vivian Blair, née Richard, of No. 28 Columbus Street, St. Helier , a four-bedroom house, for the sum of £180,000 plus legal fees, to be funded from Planning and Environment Committee Capital Vote C0904 - Acquisition of Land - Major Reserve.
Matters noted - acceptance of tender
THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 18th September 2000, showing that, in pursuance of Rule 5 of the Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules 1967, as amended, the Committee had noted that the Housing Committee had accepted the lowest tender received for Phase III of the redevelopment of Oak Tree Gardens (formerly Elysée Estate), St. Helier , namely that submitted by Charles Le Quesne (1956) Limited in the sum of £5,352,739.87, in a contract a period of 78 weeks.
Matters lodged
The following matters were lodged "au Greffe" -
Parish of Trinity : grant of a loan (Field 818) - P.161/2000. Presented by the Finance and Economics Committee.
Draft Customs and Excise (Jersey) Law 1999 (Appointed Day) Act 200 - P.162/2000. Presented by the Finance and Economics Committee.
Draft Finance (No. 2) (Jersey) Law 200 - P.163/2000. Presented by the Finance and Economics Committee.
Equalisation of welfare - P.164/2000. Presented by the Connétable of St. Peter.
La Moye School, St. Brelade : approval of drawings - P.165/2000.
Presented by the Education Committee.
Le Champ des Fleurs, La Rue à Don, Grouville : sale to Jersey Homes Trust - P.166/2000. Presented by the Housing Committee.
Albert Pier housing, St. Helier : transfer of administration and sale of dwellings - P.167/2000. Presented by the Housing Committee.
Control of public entertainment - P.168/2000 Presented by Senator C.G.P. Lakeman.
Draft Police (Honorary Police Complaints and Discipline Procedure) (Jersey) Regulations 200 (P.159/2000): amendments - P.169/2000.
Presented by Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St. Clement.
Draft Parish Rate (Jersey) Law 200 - P.170/2000. Presented by the Connétable of St. Peter.
The following matters were lodged on 19th September 2000 -
Draft Police (Complaints and Discipline) (Jersey) Law 1999 (Appointed Day) Act 200 - P.158/2000. Presented by the Home Affairs Committee.
Draft Police (Honorary Police Complaints and Discipline Procedure) (Jersey) Regulations 200 - P.159/2000. Presented by the Home Affairs Committee.
Jersey Police Complaints Authority: appointment of Chairman and members - P.160/2000.
Presented by the Home Affairs Committee.
Arrangement of public business for the next meeting on 10th October 2000
THE STATES confirmed that the following matters lodged "au Greffe" would be considered at the next meeting on 10th October 2000 -
Le Champ des Fleurs, La Rue à Don, Grouville : sale to Jersey Homes Trust - P.166/2000. Lodged: 26th September 2000.
Housing Committee.
Albert Pier housing, St. Helier: transfer of administration and sale of dwellings - P.167/2000. Lodged: 26th September 2000.
Housing Committee.
Millennium town park: petition - P.190/97.
Lodged: 2nd December 1997 and referred to the Policy and Resources Committee. Deputy A.S. Crowcroft of St. Helier .
Millennium town park: petition (P.190/97): report - P.135/98. Presented: 16th June 1998.
Public Services Committee.
Millennium town park: petition (P.190/97): report.
Presented: 11th April 2000. (A4 report entitled "The Millennium Town Park"). Planning and Environment Committee.
Draft Civil Proceedings (Vexatious Litigants) (Jersey) Law 200 - P.70/2000. Lodged: 16th May 2000.
Legislation Committee.
Draft Homicide (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 200 - P.136/2000. Lodged: 1st August 2000.
Legislation Committee.
Draft Borrowing (Control) (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 2000 (Appointed Day) Act 200 - P.148/2000. Lodged: 29th August 2000.
Finance and Economics Committee.
Draft Collective Investment Funds (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 2000 (Appointed Day) Act 200 - P.149/2000.
Lodged: 29th August 2000.
Finance and Economics Committee.
Draft Insurance Business (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 2000 (Appointed Day) Act 200 - P.150/2000. Lodged: 29th August 2000.
Finance and Economics Committee.
Draft Investment Business (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 2000 (Appointed Day) Act 200 - P.151/2000. Lodged: 29th August 2000.
Finance and Economics Committee.
Draft Registration of Business Names (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 2000 (Appointed Day) Act 200 - P.152/2000.
Lodged: 29th August 2000.
Finance and Economics Committee.
Parish of Trinity : grant of a loan (Field 818) -P.161/2000. Lodged: 26th September 2000.
Finance and Economics Committee.
Draft Customs and Excise (Jersey) Law 1999 (Appointed Day) Act 200 - P.162/2000. Lodged: 26th September 2000.
Finance and Economics Committee.
Draft Finance (No. 2) (Jersey) Law 200 - P .1 6 3 /2000. Lodged: 26th September 2000.
Finance and Economics Committee.
La Moye School, St. Brelade: approval of drawings - P.165/2000. Lodged: 26th September 2000.
Education Committee.
Draft Parish Rate (Jersey) Law 200 - P.170/2000. Lodged: 26th September 2000.
Connétable of St. Peter.
Milk quota scheme - question and answer (Tape No. 605)
The Deputy of St. Peter asked Senator Jean Amy Le Maistre, President of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee, the following question -
"Would the President inform the Assembly whether the Committee has received details of the milk quota scheme which Jersey Milk proposes to introduce and, if so, would he -
- g i v e members details of the scheme;
- o u t li ne the likely effects of the schemeon the future of the dairy industryand in particular on smallherds;
- i n d ic ate whether the Committee has approved the proposals?"
The President of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee replied as follows -
"Yes, the Committee has received details of the milk licensing scheme. The details have also been presented to milk producers by Jersey Milk and at a meeting on 29th August 2000 there was, by a show of hands, overwhelming support for the proposals.
- T h e aim ofthescheme,which was designedby Jersey Milk in consultation withthe Jersey Milk MarketingBoard,istoprovideJersey Milk with a mechanism to limit the total amountof milk it receives from producers. Thisisconsideredto be necessarybecausethetotalvolumeofmilk produced in the Island hasbeen gradually increasing and this is creating a difficult marketing problem for Jersey Milk,which is obliged by law toaccept all milk offered to itbyproducers. The scheme,which will operate from 1st January 2001, will allow Jersey Milk tolimit the total volumeof milk produced according to its assessmentofmarket requirements.
E a c h producer is to be issued with an initial licence, based on milk supplied in the year to June
2000. Producers can appeal against the initial licence issued to an Assessment Committee on a number of grounds, which have been notified to producers. Once the licence has been finalised for producers they will not be paid for any supply in excess of the licensed amount. When the initial licences have been decided for all producers the Executive of Jersey Milk will decide whether any pro rata adjustment is required to licences to bring production in line with expected market requirements in the future.
- T h e effects of theschemeare likely tobe beneficial both to the dairy industry and toconsumers. The scheme will provide the industry with a mechanism to control milk production to a level that can be marketed profitably. The industry should therefore be more profitable than would otherwise be the case. This will provideanaddedmeasureof stability for theindustryas a whole and greater confidence in the future for individual producers. Theconsumershould also benefit because, to the extent that the industry mayneed financial support in future, this supportwould be minimised. A profitable industry will alsoenable Jersey Milk to continue its successful policy of introducing a wider range of dairyproducts.The existence of the scheme will also strengthen the arguments for Jersey to continue toprotect its industry from the potentially very damaging effects of liquid milk importation.
W it h regard to the smaller scale producers, consideration is still being given to any special
provisions that may be necessary to protect their interests. The scheme has been written to allow flexibility to deal with special concerns of this kind. The situation will be monitored closely in the early stages of the scheme with the intention of safeguarding the interests of smaller scale producers.
- T h e Agriculture and Fisheries Committee hasnotbeenaskedtogive its approval to the scheme. The Committeeconsiders that control ofproduction is a matter for the industry itself toresolve. The Committeeconsiders that the milk licensing schemeis a responsible and well-considered initiative by the industry. The Committee is currently seeking advice from theLawOfficers concerning its role in facilitating the introduction of the scheme.
Operation of the Termination of Pregnancy (Jersey) Law 1997 - questions and answers (Tape No. 605)
Senator Christopher Gerard Pellow Lakeman asked Senator Stuart Syvret, President of the Health and Social Services Committee, the following questions -
"1. I n relation to the comments made by the Medical Officer of Health in his report for 1999, presented
to the Assembly on 12th September 2000, would the President explain -
(a ) w h e n the difference in rate of abortions between Jersey and Guernsey was brought to the
attention of the Sexual Health Strategy Group?
( b ) w h a t preliminary view his Department takes for this disparity?
a n d w o u l d he provide details to the Assembly of the membership of the Group?
- T h e Medical Officer of Health describes one medical practitioner who has persistently and deliberately contravened the administrative requirements of the Law'. Would the President provide to the Assembly -
(a ) in fo rmation as to whether the person involved is in private practice or employed by the
( b ) f u ll d etails of the omissions referred to by Dr. Grainger and sanctions taken, if any?
( c ) d e t a ils of the measures that will be required to ensure the Termination of Pregnancy Law is
- In his annual report for 1999, the Medical Officer of Health makes mention of an Ethics Committee. Would the President please provide to the Assembly -
( a ) d e ta i ls of the membership, with relevant qualifications and experience? ( b ) d e ta i ls of the length of appointment and criteria for selection?
( c ) a li s t of issues considered by the Committee since inception?"
The President of the Health and Social Services Committee replied as follows -
" 1 (a ) The Medical Officer of Health received the Annual Report of the Director of Public Health for Guernsey at the end of 1999. The differences in the reported termination rates were discussed with the Chairman of the Sexual Health Strategy Group in March this year.
T h e S e x ual Health Strategy Group is committed to examining a range of indicators, including
comparisons with Guernsey and the United Kingdom. However, it is awaiting data for 1999 from the United Kingdom before it will be possible to consider the implications.
(b ) T here are no fundamental differences in the approach of either Island to the question of personal and
social education and health promotion.
E x p l a n a ti ons include the possibility that this is a short-term statistical anomaly or that there has been
an error in the way the data has been interpreted. In particular, the initial analysis involved comparisons of data from Guernsey with Jersey averaged over different time periods; and the original figures were based on age-specific rates.
F u r t h e r a nalysis, based on rates per total births, demonstrates the termination rate to be less than 20
per cent higher in Jersey and, allowing for the margin of error, this is not statistically significant.
T h e re a r e inevitably some differences in termination of pregnancy rates throughout Europe, and
fluctuations over time may reflect changing cultural or social values. It is notable that the rates for Guernsey have been slightly different from those for Jersey for many years.
I t h a s b e e n agreed that the statistics should be re-examined when more data is available for this year. (c ) T he members of the Sexual Health Strategy Group are -
R e p r e s entatives of key voluntary organisations -
t h e P r e s id e n t o f Alliance for Life;
t h e M a n a g e r o f Jersey Brook Advisory Service;
a re p r e se n t a ti v e of the Causeway Centre;
t h e D ir e c to r o f ACET Jersey;
t h e C o m m u n it y Officer from ACET;
a n d a f am i ly p lanning nurse from Family Nursing and Home Care.
R e p r es e n t a ti ves from other States Departments and organisations -
th e Jersey Youth Officer;
a n ad v i s e r fr o m the Education Department; t w o G e n e r al M edical practitioners.
H e a l th a n d S ocial Services staff -
t h e N u rs e M a n ager of the General Hospital Day Surgery Unit, a n u rs e f r o m th e Mental Health Service;
a n u rs e f r o m th e Sexual Health Clinic;
a C o n s u lt a n t G ynaecologist and Obstetrician;
t h e C o n s u l ta n t Microbiologist;
a se n i o r C l in i c al Medical Officer from Public Health;
t h e D ep u t y M e dical Officer of Health;
a re p r e se n t a ti v e from the Alcohol and Drugs Service;
t h e S e x u a l H ea lth Promotion Officer;
a n u rs e t u to r , f rom the General Hospital;
a n d a r ep r e s e n tative from the Children's Service.
2 .( a ) I can advise the Assembly that the person involved is employed by the Health and Social Services
- T heomissions were of a technical and administrative nature involvingthe failure to provide, at the right time, all the details requested in the certificates whichmustbecompletedtocomply with the Law.
S p e c if ic a l ly, the omissions were -
(1 ) f i rs t ly , that the second signatures on certain forms were those of clinicians who had not at that
time been entered onto the list of practitioners approved for the purposes of the Law;
(2 ) s e c o n dly, the confidential form of notification to the Medical Officer of Health had not been sent
to the Medical Officer of Health within the seven day period required under the Law.
W h il s t t e chnically contraventions of the Law, the medical opinions were not questioned by the
Medical Officer of Health and the administrative irregularities would not have changed the outcomes of the
T h e s e m at ters were referred to the Attorney General. His advice was acted upon and since early this
year revised administrative arrangements have been implemented. I am now informed that the matter has been satisfactorily resolved and no further irregularities have been noted.
(c ) I believe the Law is currently enforceable as the Health and Social Services Committee may remove
the name of any practitioner from the list of practitioners approved for the purposes of this Law, should they not comply with the administrative requirements.
3 .( a ) I should explain that the role of the Ethics Committee is to advise the Health and Social Services
Committee on policy regarding ethical issues; to consider specific issues relating to clinical research proposals; and to respond to requests from clinicians in all disciplines for support on ethical matters arising in their professional practice.
T h e m e m b ership of the Ethics Committee reflects this broad range of responsibilities as follows -
th e C h a i rm a n is a Consultant Medical Practitioner who is currently studying for a Masters degree
in Legal Aspects of Medical Practice.
T h re e o th e r members are clinical professionals -
a G e n e r a l M edical Practitioner;
th e C h i e f P h armacist, who is familiar with the Medicines legislation and the principles of clinical
drug trials, and who has had previous experience on a Local Research Ethics Committee;
th e C h i e f N ursing Adviser, who is a nursing graduate, a registered general nurse and registered
mental health nurse, and has also had previous experience on a Local Research Ethics Committee.
T h e r e m a i nder are six non-clinical members -
a m e m b e r o f the clergy with significant experience in medical ethics, and a Local Research Ethics
th e m a n a g e r of a charitable organisation supporting people with mental health problems, and who
is qualified and has substantial experience in social services;
a l o ca l A d v o cate who has a qualification and particular interest in health care law and ethics;
a l a y m e m b e r, a respected member of the community who has also had significant involvement in
voluntary organisations;
a s e n i o r m a nager who is qualified in bio-medical sciences and holds a Masters degree in health
an d I a m a l so a member.
(b ) E ach member is appointed by the Health and Social Services Committee for an initial period of three
years, which may be extended to ensure the staggering of future appointments.
T h e s e m e n and women are selected on the basis of their wide experience and expertise in the medical and scientific aspects of clinical research, the welfare of individuals and the broader ethical issues to
be considered by the Ethics Committee. The criteria for selection include their ability to offer different perspectives on ethical issues from a diversity of professional and lay backgrounds. Despite
being drawn from groups with an interest in health and social care, members are appointed in their own right to
participate as individuals of sound judgement and relevant experience. Particularly, they do not represent any lobby or interest group.
- T heEthicsCommittee first met in February this year under its present,broader constitution, and has considered and advised on a numberoflocalresearch proposals andmulti-centreclinical trials.
T h e s e w e re -
a s tu d y o n d r ug and alcohol misuse in Jersey;
th e C h a n n e l Island Occupation Birth Cohort Study;
a s tu d y o n b u limia nervosa;
a s tu d y o n w ork-related stress in nursing and other professions; sc r e e n in g fo r kidney disease;
a c li n i ca l d r u gs trial for a new anti-microbial agent.
M e m b er s of the Committee have also offered support to clinical staff in connection with consent to
medical treatment, living wills' and the termination of pregnancy. It is currently considering some complex ethico-legal matters related to a draft Human Fertilisation and Embryology Law. In the near future, the Committee intends to develop further guidance on a number of ethical issues of the kind that commonly confront health authorities.
I w o u l d like to express my Committee's sincere thanks to those voluntary members of the Ethics
Committee who have given a considerable amount of their time and expertise to consider some of the difficult and complex ethical issues facing health and social care professionals."
States Resource Plan 2000 - P.143/2000; amendment - P.156/2000; comments - P.156/2000Com.; second amendment - P.157/2000
THE STATES, commenced consideration of a proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee concerning the States Resource Plan 2000 and adopted paragraph (a).
Members present voted as follows -
"Pour" (34)
Horsfall, Le Maistre, Bailhache , Syvret, Norman, Walker , Le Sueur. Connétable s
St. Peter , St. Ouen, St. Brelade , St. Lawrence, St. Mary.
H. Baudains(C), St. Mary, Trinity , Routier(H), Breckon(S), Grouville , St. Martin, Le Main(H), Crowcrof (H), Vibert (B), St. Peter, St. Ouen, G. Baudains(C), Dorey(H), Troy (B), Voisin(L), Farnham (S), L Hérissier(S), Ozouf (H), Fox(H), Bridge(H), Martin(H).
"Contre" (1)
St. John. Paragraph (b) was adopted.
THE STATES, commenced consideration of paragraph (c) and rejected an amendment of the Deputy of St. John that after the words "as set out in Table 4.4" there should be inserted the words "with the exception that in the PSD Sewers Programme the cumulative costs without risk be increased from £6,310,000 to £7,410,000 by reducing from £4,000,000 to £2,900,000 the Central IT Vote for 2001 as shown in Table 4.3."
Members present voted as follows -
"Pour" (4) Deputies
Duhamel(S), St. Martin, St. John, G. Baudains(C).
"Contre" (35)
Horsfall, Bailhache , Syvret, Norman, Walker , Kinnard, Le Sueur, Lakeman. Connétable s
St. Peter , St. Ouen, St. Saviour , St. Clement, St. Brelade , St. Lawrence, St. Mary. Deputies
H. Baudains(C), St. Mary, Trinity , Routier(H), Layzell(B), Breckon(S), Grouville , Le Main(H) Crowcroft (H), Vibert (B), St. Peter, St. Ouen, Dorey(H), Troy (B), Voisin(L), Farnham (S), Le Hérissie (S), Fox(H), Bridge(H), Martin(H).
Paragraph (c) was adopted, the States having rejected a proposition of the Deputy of St. John that the States move to the consideration of the next item on the order paper.
Members present voted as follows on paragraph (c) -
"Pour" (34)
Horsfall, Le Maistre, Quérée, Bailhache , Norman, Walker , Kinnard, Le Sueur. Connétable s
St. Peter , St. Ouen, St. Saviour , St. Clement, St. Brelade , St. Lawrence, St. Mary. Deputies
St. Mary, Trinity , Duhamel(S), Routier(H), Layzell(B), Breckon(S), Grouville , Le Main(H), Crowcroft (H), Vibert (B), St. Peter, G. Baudains(C), Troy (B), Voisin(L), Farnham (S), Ozouf (H), Fox(H), Bridg (H), Martin(H).
"Contre" (7)
H. Baudains(C), St. Martin, St. John, St. Ouen, Dorey(H), Le Hérissier(S).
Paragraph (d) was adopted the States having rejected an amendment of the Connétable of St. Peter that after the words "as set out in Table 6.8" there should be inserted the words "with the exception that the draft Shops (Sunday Trading) Law, currently prioritised in 33rd position, should be granted sufficient priority in the Programme to enable the draft Law to be presented to the States no later than 30th June 2001."
Members present voted as follows -
"Pour" (11)
Connétable s
St. Peter , St. Ouen, St. Saviour , St. Brelade , St. Lawrence, St. Mary. Deputies
Duhamel(S), Breckon(S), St. Ouen, G. Baudains(C), Voisin(L).
"Contre" (24)
Horsfall, Le Maistre, Quérée, Bailhache , Syvret, Walker , Kinnard, Le Sueur. Connétable
St. Clement .
H. Baudains(C), Trinity , Routier(H), Layzell(B), Grouville , St. Martin, Le Main(H), Crowcroft (H), Viber (B), St. Peter, Troy (B), Le Hérissier(S), Ozouf (H), Fox(H), Martin(H).
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee received the States Resource Plan 2000 and in particular -
- a p p r ovedthecash limits for eachofthenon-tradingCommittees as set out in Table2.2 totalling £323,550,000 in 2001 and £342,426,000 in 2002; in placeofthose approved on 6th July 1999 and to approve an overall cash limit for non-tradingCommitteesof £360,000,000 in 2003;
- a p p r ovedtheextensionof the PoplarsDay Centre to enable the renal dialysis unit to bere-located within the General Hospital at a cost of £1.1 million, the work to commencein2000;
- a p p r oved the recommendedprogrammeof capital projects for 2001 as set outinTables 4.1, 4.3 and 4.4 and approved in principle the proposed programmes for 2002 and 2003 as set outin Tables 4.5and 4.6;
- a p p r oved the legislation programme for 2001 assetout in Table6.8and the revised procedure set out in paragraph 6.6 for dealing withurgentlaw drafting items.
Statistics Users Group: appointment of Chairman - P.140/2000
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee, referred to their Act dated 17th November 1999 in which they approved the establishment of a Statistics User Group and approved the appointment of Professor Tim Holt CB as Chairman of the Statistics Users Group for a period of three years commencing on 15th September 2000 on the terms set out in paragraph 4 of the report of the Committee dated 15th August 2000.
Draft Social Security (Amendment No. 14) (Jersey) Law 200 - P.137/2000
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Social Security (Amendment No. 14) (Jersey) Law 2000.
Draft Health Insurance (Medical Benefit) (Amendment No. 52) (Jersey) Regulations 200 - P.138.2000
THE STATES, in pursuance of Articles 18 and 46 of the Health Insurance (Jersey) Law 1967, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Health Insurance (Medical Benefit) (Amendment No. 52) (Jersey) Regulations 2000.
Draft Health Social Security (Reciprocal Agreement with Japan) (Jersey) Act 200 - P.139/2000
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 48 of the Social Security (Jersey) Law 1974, as amended, and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, made an Act entitled the Social Security (Reciprocal Agreement with Japan) (Jersey) Act 2000.
Draft Licensing (Licence Fees) (Jersey) Regulations 2000- - P.144/2000
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 11 of the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Licensing (Licence Fees) (Jersey) Regulations 2000.
Members present voted as follows -
"Pour" (31) Senators
Le Maistre, Bailhache , Norman, Walker , Kinnard, Le Sueur.
Connétable s
St. Peter , St. Saviour , St. Clement, St. Brelade , St. Lawrence. Deputies
H. Baudains(C), Duhamel(S), Routier(H), Layzell(B), Breckon(S), Grouville , St. Martin , Crowcroft (H), Vibert (B), St. Peter, St. Ouen, G. Baudains(C), Dorey(H), Troy (B), Voisin(L), Farnham (S), Le Hérissie (S), Ozouf (H), Fox(H), Martin(H).
"Contre" (3)
Syvret. Deputies
St. John, Le Main(H).
THE STATES then adjourned until the following day. THE STATES rose at 6.01 p.m.
C .M . N E W C O M B E
Deputy Greffier of the States.