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PPC Minutes 27th June 2005

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IC/KAK/209 111


27th June 2005


All members were present, with the exception of Senator P.V.F. Le Claire and Deputy J-A. Bridge.

Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier Connétable D.F. Gray Deputy P.N. Troy Deputy C.J. Scott Warr en Deputy J.A. Bernstein

In attendance -

M.N. de la Haye, Greffier of the States I. Clarkson, Committee Clerk

Note: The Minutes of this meeting comprise Part A only.

Standing Orders A1.  The Committee, with reference to its Act No. A1 of 26th May 2005, recalled of the States of that it had approved a further series of amendments to the new draft Standing Orders Jersey: revision. of the States of Jersey.


The Committee received a revised draft of the new Standing Orders of the States of Clerk Jersey, together with an accompanying report prepared by the Greffier of the States. G.O.S. It was clarified that the revised draft contained all the modifications requested by the L.D. Committee at its meetings on 19th and 26th May 2005.

The Committee considered that the new draft Standing Orders contained a balanced, efficient and viable  set of internal rules for the operation of the States Assembly. In producing the draft, the Committee had followed existing States' decisions concerned with the Machinery of Government Reform. It nevertheless acknowledged that a number  of  significant  additions  and  key  changes  were  proposed  in  the  draft including, but not exclusive to, the following

  1. r evised proceduresfor lodging propositions;
  2. revised  minimum lodging  periods  and  a  requirement  for  every proposition tobegiven a provisional debate date when lodged;
  3. a new 30minute period ofquestionswithout notice to Ministers at each scheduled  meeting, which would be in  addition to  the  existing  oral question period with notice;
  4. provision  of a  new question period  that  would follow  a  ministerial statement;
  5. n ew procedures for considering legislation with, in particular, the option

to refer the draft to a scrutiny panel;

  1. t he ability to interrupt debates so that a matter could be referred to scrutiny;
  2. n ewmethods for fixing debate dates;
  3. p rocedures on theappointmentof the Chief Minister and Ministers
  4. n ew procedures on the appointment andtermsof reference of the future Privileges and Procedures Committee,the Public Accounts Committee and the scrutiny panels;
  5. te rms ofreferencefor the future Chairmen'sCommittee;
  6. t he introduction of a Hansard' record ofthe proceedings of the Statesas required by the new States ofJerseyLaw 2005;
  7. si mplified procedureson petitions;
  8. incorporation of the draft Code ofConduct into StandingOrders;and,
  9. r evised rulesconcerning the RegisterofMembers' Interests.

Accordingly the Committee agreed that all members of the Assembly should be invited to review and comment on the draft. The Committee further agreed that it should aim to consider any responses received within one month, in order that the draft new Standing Orders could be amended (if necessary), approved and lodged au Greffe' in late July 2005. In turn, a debate would be requested for 13th September 2005, so as to ensure that the new Standing Orders were in place for the commencement of ministerial government.

The Greffier of the States was requested to take the necessary action.