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A-CH/SC/162 241
1st June 2010
All members were present, with the exception of Deputy J.B. Fox, Deputy J.A. Martin, Deputy M.R. Higgins, from whom apologies had been received.
Connétable J. Gallichan of St. Mary, Chairman Senator B.I. Le Marquand
Connétable P.F.M. Hanning of St. Saviour Deputy C.H. Egré
In attendance -
M.N. de la Haye, Greffier of the States
Mrs. A.H. Harris , Deputy Greffier of the States (Part of Item B1; Items A3, A4, A5 and A6 only)
Miss A-C. Heuston, Clerk to the Privileges and Procedures Committee
Note: The Minutes of this meeting comprise Part A and Part B.
Minutes. A1. The Minutes of the meetings of 7th May 2010 (Part A only), 13th May (Part B only) and 18th May 2010 (Part A and Part B) were taken as read and were confirmed.
States Members' A2. The Committee, with reference to its Minute No. B2 of 18th May 2010, Remuneration recalled that it was scheduled to meet with the States Members' Remuneration Review Body. Review Body on 15th June 2010.
One area for discussion would be the possible provision of pensions for States members. The Chairman recalled that Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire had sent an e-mail to all States members which stated that the Committee had a closed mind' in respect of the matter. This was incorrect, as, at the request of the Committee, the Review Body was currently investigating the development of a scheme through which the States would make matched contributions to individual States members' private pension schemes. It was agreed that discussions with the Review Body would also include matters arising in respect of the Comprehensive Spending Review.
Standing Order A3. The Committee, with reference to its Minute No. A3 of 26th January 2010, 168 of the received the proposition: Disposal of States property: revised procedures, lodged "au Standing Orders Greffe" by Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire on 25th May 2010 (P.63/2010 (re-issue) refers), of the States of in respect of Standing Order 168 of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey. Jersey.
P.63/2010 (re- The proposition asked the States to decide whether revised procedures should be issue). introduced in respect of Ministerial Decisions made under the provisions of Standing 450/2/1(17) Order 168. The Committee recalled that it had discussed Standing Order 168 with Mr. P. Griffin, Principal Valuer, Property Holdings, and Mr. M. Grant, Assistant
Director, Property Holdings, at its meeting in January 2010. At that meeting the
Committee had been minded to agree that:
- d eedsofarrangement should bedealtwithunder delegated authority;
- th e grant, renewal,extensionor variation of social housingagreements should only bebroughtbefore the States if more than 3 months' notice was required;
- a de minimislevelcould be setunderwhichpropertytransactions could be reported to States memberson a monthly basis, rather than havingto be reportedto the States15workingdaysin advance ofanybinding arrangement being entered into.
The Committee had invited Property Holdings to come forward with proposals for the possible amendment of the Standing Order.
Having considered Deputy Le Claire's proposition, the Committee expressed the view that members could contact Property Holdings directly if they required more information about a proposed transaction under Standing Order 168. The Committee agreed that a comment to this effect should be drafted for consideration at a future meeting.
The Committee Clerk was requested to take the necessary action.
Public Accounts A4. The Committee, with reference to its Minute No. A9 of 27th April 2010, Committee: received a draft response to the recommendations of the Public Accounts Committee States Spending in its report: States Spending Review (P.A.C.2/2010 refers).
P.A.C.2/2010 The Committee recalled that it had agreed to remind members that the proposition 512(3). itself was the binding element of any projet, and that the content of the accompanying
report was merely background information. It had also recommended that a mechanism, such as a register of undertakings, be put in place by the Council of Ministers to ensure that decisions of the States Assembly were realised.
The Committee approved the draft response and asked that it be forwarded to the Public Accounts Committee in early course.
The Committee Clerk was requested to take the necessary action.
States members' A5. The Committee, with reference to its Minute No. A9(a) of 16th March 2010, facilities: discussed the provision of refreshments for States members during States sittings Refreshment following the retirement of the former States tea lady.
1240/9/1(137) It was noted that several members had voiced their concern to the Chairman in
respect of the cost of employing a part-time Refreshment Assistant. The position was currently being filled by temporary staff and had been advertised as a Grade 2 post. The Committee discussed alternative options for providing refreshments for members on States meeting days, such as the installation of vending machines, or members being required to make their own drinks. It was noted that both of these options would result in additional cleaning costs.
It was agreed that the additional cleaning requirements should be costed, and that no appointment to the position of Refreshment Assistant would be made until these had been considered by the Committee. It was agreed that the Chairman should notify
the Chief Minister and the Minister for Treasury and Resources of the position. Matters for A6. The Committee noted the following matters for information:
- c orrespondence dated 19th May2010 from the Vice Chairman to the President of the Chairmen's Committee regarding the report of the Media WorkingParty;
- c orrespondence dated 19th May2010 from the Vice Chairman toMr.N. Wells, Director, Information Services regarding the provision of information technology for Statesmembers.
- c orrespondence dated 19th May2010 from theViceChairman to Mr. B.R. Cooperregarding the Reviewof the Rôles of the Crown Officers;
- t heCommittee'songoingworkprogramme, with particular regard to the following:
- th e Greffierofthe States had arrangedtomeet with the Scott ish Parliamentary Standards Commissioner in connexion with the Committee's review of Standing Orders 155 to158 and the Code of Conductfor Elected Members;
- th e Committee would review the proceduresfor taking theappel when the quorumdropped in the States Chamber.