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2014.01.16 PPC Minutes

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16th January 2014


All members were present, with the exception of Deputy J.H. Young, from whom apologies had been received.

Deputy J.M. Maçon, Chairman

Senator S.C. Ferguson (not present for Item Nos. A1 to A8 inclusive and Item No. B1)

Senator B.I. Le Marquand (not present for Item Nos. B2, B3 and B4) Connétable L. Norman of St. Clement

Deputy J.A. Martin

Deputy M. Tadier

In attendance -

A.H. Harris , Deputy Greffier of the States A. Goodyear, Committee Clerk

Note:  The Minutes of this meeting comprise Part A and Part B.

Minutes.  A1.  The  Minutes  of  the  meetings  of  24th  September  (Part  A  only),  13th

November (Part A only), 14th November (Part A only), 15th November (Part A and Part B), 9th December (Part A and Part B), 12th December (Part A only), 18th December (Part A only) and 30th December 2013 (Part A only), having been previously circulated, were taken as read and were confirmed.

Public  A2.  The Committee, with reference to its Minute No. A13 of 9th December Elections:  2013, recalled that it had not yet presented a comment to the States in respect of Single  the  proposition  of   Deputy  M.   Tadier  entitled:  Public  Elections:  Single Transferable  Transferable  Voting  System  (STV)  and  an  Alternative  Voting  System  (AV)' Voting System  (P.171/2013 refers).

(STV) and an

Alternative  The Committee recalled that it had previously agreed to consider the content of Voting System  any  comment  it  wished  to  make  in  respect  of   Deputy   Tadier 's  proposition (AV)  following the outcome of the various reform debates which had been lodged "au (P.171/2013).  Greffe" (P.93/2013, P.94/2013, P.98/2013, P.116/2013 P.117/2013 and associated 424/2(86)  amendments refer). However, Deputy Tadier 's proposition was due to be debated

on 21st January 2014 and debate on the proposition of Senator Ozouf entitled Composition and Election of the States – reform proposal 1' had been deferred until the same date (P.93/2013 refers). The Committee noted that Deputy Tadier 's proposition proposed the replacement of the current plurality voting system with two separate voting systems, namely the Single Transferable Vote system (STV) for multi-member constituencies and the Alternative Vote system (AV) for single- member  constituencies.  The  impact  of  the  proposed  changes  would  vary, depending  upon  the  structure  of  the  States  Assembly  at  the  time  of implementation. The Committee was  invited to consider whether it wished  to present a comment to the States in respect of the Deputy 's proposition and noted

that a draft comment had been prepared for its consideration.

It was noted that the majority of the Committee did not favour the introduction of the STV system for multi-member constituencies. While the Committee was more supportive of the possible introduction of the AV system, it did not believe that it should be introduced while  members  of the  States Assembly continued  to be elected  in  both  multi-member  and  single-member  constituencies.  This  would require two different voting systems to remain in place, one for multi-member constituencies (whether that be first past the post' or STV), and one for single- member constituencies.

The  Committee,  having  agreed  certain  amendments  to  the  draft  comment, requested  that  it  be  revised  and  circulated  to  members  for  approval  and presentation to the States in early course. The Committee Clerk was requested to take the necessary action.

Referenda:  A3.  The Committee, with reference to its Minute No. A14 of 9th December revised  2013, received the proposition of Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier entitled: Referenda: procedures  revised  procedures'  and  a  draft  comment  which  had  been  prepared  for  the (P.153/2013).  Committee's consideration.


The Committee noted that the proposition requested the States to agree that the Committee review the current provisions of the Referendum (Jersey) Law 2002 and bring forward proposals to define more clearly the conditions that may be applied to the holding of any future referendum. The Deputy proposed that terms should be defined in respect of the holding of a referendum, which may vary depending on the type of referendum and whether it represented the final step in a decision-making process.

The Committee agreed that, should the States decide to adopt the proposition of Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier, it would be content to review the current provisions of the Referendum (Jersey) Law 2002 and bring forward proposals accordingly. It was noted, however, that if the Committee's review found that amendments to the Law were necessary, law drafting time would need to be requested and, once drafted, the amendments would need to be lodged "au Greffe" for debate by the States. If adopted, the amendments would then require the sanction of the Privy Council. It was therefore unlikely that any such amendments to the Referendum (Jersey)  Law  2002  would  be  in  place  in  advance  of  the  referendum  on  the composition and election of the States  Assembly that was due to be held on election day in October 2014 (the adoption by the States of paragraph (e) of P.116/2013 and paragraph (e) of P.117/2013 refer).

The  Committee,  having  agreed  certain  amendments  to  the  draft  comment, requested  that  it  be  revised  and  circulated  to  members  for  approval  and presentation to the States in early course. The Committee Clerk was requested to take the necessary action.

Composition  A4.  The Committee, with reference to its Minute No. A5 of 9th December 2013, and Election of  gave further consideration to the reform of the States Assembly and, in particular, the States  the preparation of a Referendum Act following the adoption by the States on 15th Assembly –  November  2013  of  paragraph  (e)  of  the  Committee's  proposition  entitled, reform  Composition of the States Assembly: Interim reform for 2014 and referendum for proposals:  further reform' (P.116/2013 refers) and paragraph (e) of the proposition of Deputy referendum.  A.K.F.  Green  of  St.  Helier  entitled,  Composition  and  election  of  the  States 465/1(195)  Assembly: reform – proposal 4' (P.117/2013 refers).


21st Meeting 16.01.14

The  Committee  had  prepared  a  draft  referendum  question  which  had  been forwarded to the Statistics Unit for review. A revised question had been drafted as follows:

The States Assembly' (Jersey's government) is currently made up of three types of politicians: 8 Senators (elected by voters of the whole island), 29 Deputies  (elected  by  voters  of  relevant  districts  and  parishes),  12 Connétable s (elected by voters of an entire parish).

A new system has been proposed. The States Assembly' could be made up a single type of politician. The new type of politician would be elected by voters of parishes, and the number of politicians representing a parish would be  in  proportion  to  the  population  of  that  parish.   Connétable s  would continue to be elected to run each parish. They would not automatically have a seat in the States Assembly' but could stand for election to the States Assembly' as well.

Do you think this new system should be introduced for Jersey?  YES / NO

It was noted that the Statistics Unit had, however, raised concerns regarding the multi-faceted nature of the question. It was noted that, should an individual answer no' it would not be possible to establish which elements of the proposal they wished to reject and, if the outcome of the referendum was a yes' vote, areas of the  proposal  remained  unspecified,  including,  for  example,  the  number  of politicians. It was noted, however, that if the number of politicians was specified in the question, this would serve to further complicate the question. The Statistics Unit had therefore  concluded  that it  was  only able to  recommend  a  different approach such as the preparation of a suite of questions to be asked in the Jersey Annual Social Survey or similar in order to fully explore the public acceptability of each of the range of concepts.

The Committee, having considered the matter,  was of the view that it should continue in its efforts to draft a referendum question, having been charged to do so by the States. The Committee discussed whether the question should contain the entire package of proposals being put forward, to include the number of members, the proposed constituencies and the distribution of seats. The Committee agreed certain amendments to the draft question and requested that a further draft be prepared using the question: "Should the States Assembly be made up of one type of member elected in parish based constituencies? Yes/No". It was agreed that the drafts, having been circulated to the Committee, should then be referred to the UK

Electoral Commission to request consideration of their wording and intelligibility. The Committee Clerk was requested to take the necessary action.

Public  A5.  The Committee, with reference to its Minute No. A11 of 9th December Elections:  2013, recalled that it had agreed to consider the possibility of establishing pre-poll amendments to  voting facilities in school premises for the next elections in October 2014. legislation and

administration:  It was noted that the Deputy Judicial Greffier and the Minister for Education, Sport pre-poll voting  and Culture, Deputy P. Ryan, had been invited to attend the present meeting, but in schools.  had sent their apologies.


The Committee, with reference to Minute No. B1 of the present meeting, recalled that it had commenced work on draft amendments to the Public Elections Law following  the  adoption  by  the  States  of  the  Committee's  proposition:  Public

Elections:  amendments  to  legislation  and  administration'  (P.110/2013  refers). Paragraph A(i) of the aforementioned proposition provided that "pre-poll voting should be offered on a Saturday before election day in a town location and two separate out-of-town locations on at least two Saturdays". It had also agreed that the opening hours for out-of-town polling stations on a Saturday should be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Committee gave further consideration to the proposed opening hours and agreed to revise its recommendation to the Judicial Greffier, and to propose that pre-poll voting stations should be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on a Saturday (Minute No. B1 of the present meeting refers).

The Committee agreed that it would wish to recommend the use of Le Rocquier School as a location for out-of-town polling on a Saturday in the lead-up to the October 2014 elections. The Deputy Greffier of the States was requested to advise the   Deputy  Judicial  Greffier  of  the  Committee's  request.  The  Chairman  was requested to write to the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture, to inform him of the Committee's decision.

Machinery of  A6.  The Committee, with reference to its Minute No. A7 of 9th December 2014, Government  received  an  oral  update  regarding  the  ongoing  work  of  the  Machinery  of Review:  Government Steering Group.


Group.  It was noted that law drafting had commenced in respect of amendments to the 465/1(182)  States of Jersey Law 2005 following consideration of the recommendations of the

Machinery of Government Sub-Committee and that the Steering Group would, in early  course,  be  seeking  to  finalise  law  drafting  instructions  in  respect  of amendments to the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey.

Disqualifica- A7.  The  Committee  received  e-mail correspondence dated  5th January 2014 tion for office  from Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier in connexion with the provisions of the States of under Article 8  Jersey Law 2005 regarding disqualification for office as a result of having been of the States of  declared "en désastre".

Jersey Law

2005.  The Committee recalled that, on 3rd January 2013, Acts of Court had been issued 450/1(20)  stating that the property of States Deputies S. Pitman and T.M. Pitman had been

declared "en désastre" and, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8(1)(f) of the  States  of  Jersey  Law  2005,  the  two  Deputies  had  been  disqualified  with immediate  effect  from  membership  of  the  States  Assembly.   Deputy  R.G.  Le Hérissier had asked the Chairman whether the Committee had a view on whether the Island's bankruptcy laws were "more draconian" than elsewhere, especially with  regard  to  their  impact  upon  politicians.  In  considering  the  matter,  the Committee had regard for Articles 8(1)(f), 8(3) and 8(4) of the States of Jersey Law 2005.

The Committee noted that, in the United Kingdom, under the Enterprise Act 2002, a sitting Member of Parliament would become disqualified with his seat declared vacant if he became a person in respect of whom a bankruptcy restrictions order had effect.

It  was noted  that the  period of time  for which  an individual was deemed  to bankrupt under the States of Jersey Law 2005 did not align with that established under the Bankruptcy (Désastre) (Jersey) Law 1990. Article 8(3)(b) of the States of Jersey Law provided that the disqualification attaching to a person by reason of his or her having become bankrupt would cease on the expiry of five years from the day  that  the  proceedings  had  been  concluded;  while  Article  40(1)  of  the Bankruptcy Law provided that the Viscount would apply to the court for an order

21st Meeting 16.01.14

discharging  the  debtor  at  the  expiration  of  four  years  from  the  date  of  the declaration.

The Committee, having considered the matter, requested the Chairman to write to H.M. Attorney General to request that a comparison be undertaken of the position in Jersey in relation to that in the UK. The Committee Clerk was requested to take the necessary action.

States  A8.  The  Committee  considered  a  request  from  Senator  S.C.  Ferguson  that members'  Property Holdings be requested to review the current lighting provision in the facilities:  States Building. The Committee agreed that Property Holdings should be invited to lighting.  consider the use of L.E.D. (Light Emitting Diode) lighting throughout the States 1240/9/1(137)  Building. The Committee Clerk was requested to take the necessary action.