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Diversity Forum (PPC Sub-Committee) - 13 July 2021

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Privileges and Procedures Committee: Diversity Forum Meeting 14: 13 July 2021

Members present: Deputy L.M.C. Doublet (Chair), Connétable R. Vibert of St. Peter , Connétable R. Buchanan of St. Ouen , Connétable K. Shenton-Stone of St. Martin , Deputy C.F. Labey of Grouville , Deputy K. Pamplin of St. Saviour and Deputy I. Gardiner of St. Helier

Apologies: Senator K.L. Moore and Deputy J.H. Perchard of St. Saviour

  1. Minutes of the meetings on 30 March and 1 April

Two corrections were made to the minutes of the meeting held on 30 March: to the title of the Democratic Accountability and Governance Sub-Committee and to attribute the comments in item 8 (Any other business) to Deputy Doublet rather than Deputy Alves . With those changes the minutes of the meeting on 30 March and the email meeting on 1 April were approved.

In relation to item 2 on 30 March (forthcoming States business) and the issue of ministerial responsibility for equalities, the Chair drew attention to the written answer she had received to WQ.192/2021. She also said that there had been changes the membership of the Gender Pay Gap review panel which was now meeting again and which would begin to consider the ethnicity pay gap.

The Forum discussed the possibility of following up the recent Facebook Live event and whether the Forum could support similar initiatives led by Women in Politics.

The Greffier reported back from a meeting Deputy Alves chaired with the Polish and Romanian consuls in relation to the proposed formation of a national minorities contact group (item 4, 30 March). It had not proved possible to get a wider range of people to attend the meeting. The consuls who did attend were supportive of the aim of engaging further with their communities to encourage political participation but different views were expressed on how this might best be achieved. Members mentioned a range of other people who might be interested in such work. The Deputy of Grouville said that the Island Identity project was also seeking to engage with national minority communities and it was important not to duplicate efforts, a sentiment with which the Forum concurred.

  1. Forthcoming business of the States

The Chair said there were a number of points which the Forum could raise with the Democratic Accountability and Governance Sub-Committee, for example in relation to the recommendations of the gender-sensitive audit of the Assembly, unconscious bias training, or the work being undertaken on the diversity of recruitment to States-funded boards and arm's length organisations. The Sub- Committee was organising workshops for States Members and it was agreed to review the position after the workshops.

  1. Progress on 2020-22 strategy

The Forum noted a paper from the Greffier on progress against the 2020-22 strategy. In relation to specific points:

The installation of name and information plates on rooms in the States Building was currently the subject of a planning application;

The Chair noted that the frequency of late sittings of the Assembly, arranged at short notice, had diminished and there was now more consultation on such matters

The Greffier said that the work on the diversity of States-funded boards and arm's length organisations had paused as a government-backed diversity and inclusion toolkit would be published shortly and its contents would influence the shape of the recommendations likely to be made to the Forum

No progress had been made in relation to changing rules to achieve gender balance in certain Assembly positions. The Forum agreed to raise this with the Democratic Accountability and Governance Sub-Committee.

It was agreed that the proposed "action plan for nurturing a diverse and inclusive society" should be discussed at the next meeting of the Forum.

  1. Civic engagement event, 28 June

Vanessa Page, Research and Project Officer, States Greffe, joined the meeting for this item.

The Forum noted that the event on 28 June had been well received and successful and thanked the Greffe, particularly Vanessa and Ed Le Gallais, Communications Officer, for their efforts.

Feedback from Senator Pallett and Liberate was noted. The Forum expressed a wish to hold another, larger event in the autumn, when Covid restrictions were more relaxed, ideally involving a wider range of under-represented groups, including the Portuguese, black, Muslim and Jewish communities. The Forum would also support similar parish events. The Connétable of St Martin said she was interested in organising such an event and the Connétable of St Peter proposed an event covering the three parishes in the new north west electoral district (St Peter, St Ouen and St Mary).

  1. Unconscious bias training: follow up

Emily Thomas, Research and Project Officer, States Greffe, joined the meeting for this item.

The Chair said that there had been strongly positive feedback about the in-person unconscious bias training which had recently taken place. The issue now was to ensure that Members who missed the session could make future sessions. Ms Thomas said she was working with the scrutiny team and the Ministerial Support Unit to arrange training for scrutiny members and ministers which fitted with their schedules. After that she would plan for new Members to be trained, after the election. The Forum thanked Ms Thomas and noted the position.

  1. Invitation to Helen Pankhurst to meet States Members

The Chair said she was in touch with Helen Pankhurst and the Centenary Action Group with a view to organising a briefing for States Members and hoped to announce details shortly.

  1. Culture in the States Assembly: dealing effectively with poor behaviour

Noting the complexity of the papers circulated by the Greffier, and the importance of the subject, the Forum agreed to ask the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association to propose speakers for a seminar on the subject for Forum members to discuss the issues and international best practice, preferably in early September. The Greffier undertook to make the arrangements.

Next meeting: Tuesday 21 September, 2.30pm