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Privileges and Procedures Committee Machinery of Government Sub-Committee (1st Meeting )
26th July 2023
Part A (Non-Exempt)
All members were present with the exception of Connétable R. Vibert of St Peter from which apologies had been received.
Deputy L.V. Feltham of St Helier Central, Chair Deputy T.A. Coles of St Helier South
Deputy A. Howell of St John, St Lawrence and Trinity Deputy H.L. Jeune of St John, St Lawrence and Trinity
In attendance –
Miss. K. Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Mrs. J. Hales , Research and Project Officer
Note: The Minutes of this meeting comprise Part A
To appoint a A1. The Sub-Committee approved the appointment of Deputy T.A. Coles as Vice Chair. Vice-Chair. It was noted that both the Chair and Vice Chair were members of the Reform Party
however, no objections to the appointment on this basis were received.
Terms of A2. The Sub-Committee approved the Terms of Reference. Reference.
Paper on the A3. The Sub-Committee discussed the recently circulated paper on the scope of the scope of the review. The Sub-Committee asked that some minor amendments be made to include review and input from the Bailiff , the Greffier of the States, Deputy Greffier of the States and proposed Assistant Greffiers where applicable. It was agreed that organisation charts be sought consultation. from Governmental departments which would be circulated to the Sub-Committee in
due course.
Briefing paper A4. The Sub-Committee noted the recently circulated briefing paper regarding the regarding the Machinery of Government key milestones and agreed it would report back on any issues machinery of within the document at the next meeting. The tracker used by the Comptroller and government Auditor General as a tool for following up on findings and recommendations within key Government was discussed with the Chair informing the Sub-Committee that the Public milestones. Accounts Committee received regular updates from Government. It was also informed
that a tracker used by Governmental Departments was due to be rolled out to Scrutiny Panels later in the year which may be useful for the Sub-Committee to view, once received.
To decide on A5. The Sub-Committee requested information and background on the process of the next steps decision making within the States Assembly including Ministerial Orders and of the review. Ministerial Decisions.
Future A6. The Sub-Committee agreed that it would meet monthly on a Wednesday morning meetings and from 9am to 10am. The Officer advised that meeting invites would be circulated in due
1st Meeting 26.07.2023
frequency of course. meetings.