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Privileges and Procedures Committee
(37th Meeting) (Business conducted electronically)
26th January 2024 Part A (Non-Exempt)
All members were present, with the exception of Deputy L. J. Farnham of St. Mary , St. Ouen and St. Peter , Deputy M. R. Ferey of St. Saviour and Deputy L. K. F. Stephenson of St. Mary , St. Ouen and St. Peter , from whom apologies had been received.
Connétable K. Shenton-Stone of St. Martin , Chair Deputy M. R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier North , Vice-Chair Deputy C. S. Alves of St. Helier Central
Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central
In attendance -
C.L. Fearn, Assistant Secretariat Officer, Specialist Secretariat Note: The Minutes of this meeting comprise Part A only.
Requirement A1. The Committee, with reference to its Minute No. A2 of 15th January 2024, for seconder at considered a comment which had been prepared in response to the report and time of lodging proposition entitled Requirement for seconder at time of lodging a proposition' a proposition (P.102/2023), and approved the comments for presentation to the States Assembly. (P.102/2023):