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25th March 2003
Notification of presentation of matters for information under Standing Order 6A(1)(b) -
Public Lotteries: report for 2002. R.C.14/2003. Economic Development Committee.
Freedom of Information: Consultation Paper. R.C.15/2003. Privileges and Procedures Committee.
Mont Orgueil development strategy: appointment of independent expert (P.19/2003) – P.19/2003. Com. comments. (2) Environment and Public Services Committee.
Notification of Papers lodged "au Greffe" under Standing Order 17A(1)(b) -
Code of Conduct for elected Members of the States. P.32/2003. Privileges and Procedures Committee.
Waterfront Enterprise Board Limited: dissolution. P.33/2003 Senator S. Syvret.
M.N. DE LA HAYE Greffier of the States
21st March 2003.