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Order Paper 10th October 2006

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Tuesday 10th October 2006


Draft Income Support (Jersey) Law 200- (P.102/2006): comments P.102/2006. Presented: 6th October 2006. Com. Council of Ministers.

Public Records (Jersey) Law 2002: report on the application of the R.77/2006. Law during 2005.

Presented: 5th October 2006.

Minister for Education, Sport and Culture.

Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) R.78/2006.

  1. Leaseofsite at Highlands College, LaRue du FroidVent,

St.  Saviour;

  1. Sale of Field  246, LePort, St.  Peterand a strip of land to the

north of Le Mont à la Brune, St.  Brelade, and the acquisition of

Le Braye Sand Dunes, St.  Brelade and St.  Peter.

Presented: 6th October 2006.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Review of the Zero/Ten Design Proposal. S.R.4/2006. Presented: 28th September 2006.

Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel.


Waterfront Enterprise Board: appointment of Chairman publication P.119/2006. of transcript of in camera debate.

Lodged: 29th September 2006.

Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier .

Draft Customs and Excise (Jersey) Law 1999 (Appointed Day) (No.  2) P.120/2006. Act 200-.

Lodged: 29th September 2006.

Minister for Home Affairs.

Le Marais Low Rise Redevelopment Phase 2: redefinition of P.121/2006. boundaries.

Lodged: 3rd October 2006.

Minister for Housing.

Draft Consumer Safety (Jersey) Law 2006 (Appointed Day) Act 200-. P.122/2006. Lodged: 5th October 2006.

Minister for Economic Development.

Draft Family Allowances (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.123/2006. Lodged: 5th October 2006.

Minister for Social Security.

  1. Written Questions -
  1. T he Minister forSocial Security will tableananswertoquestionsaskedby Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire ofSt.Helierregarding social securitycards.
  2. The Chief Minister will table ananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier of St. SaviourregardingtheMigration Policy.
  3. The Minister for PlanningandEnvironment will table ananswer to questions asked by Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire of St. Helier regarding pollution from green waste or agricultural waste.
  4. The Minister for TransportandTechnicalServices will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier regarding odour control at La Collette compostingsite.
  5. The Minister for TransportandTechnical Services will table ananswertoquestions asked by Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire ofSt. Helier regarding contamination causedby the dumpingof potatoes andgreenwaste.
  6. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to a questionaskedby Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire of St. Helierregardingthecostofremoving leachate from green waste and potato waste.
  7. The Chief Minister will table ananswer to a question asked bySenatorB.E. Shenton regarding the cost of newsletters.
  8. The Minister for Housing will table an answer to a question askedby Senator B.E. Shenton regarding the cost of newsletters.
  9. The Minister for TransportandTechnical Services will table ananswertoquestions asked by Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire ofSt. Helier regarding clinical waste disposal.
  10. The Minister for Health and Social Services will tableananswer to a questionasked by Deputy P.V.F.LeClaireof St. Helier regarding clinical wastedisposal.
  11. The Minister for Health andSocial Services willtable an answer to questionsasked by Deputy G.P. Southern ofSt.Helierregarding bariatric (gastric band)surgery.
  12. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will tableananswer to questionsasked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helierregarding the protection of pension rights for employeesof Jersey Telecom.
  13. The Minister forSocialSecurity will table an answerto questions askedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding the draftEmploymentRelations(Jersey)Law


  1. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will tableananswer to questionsasked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding trust legislation and tax avoidance.
  2. The Minister for SocialSecurity will table an answer to a questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding new pensions legislation.
  3. The Minister forSocial Security will tableananswertoquestionsaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding the setting ofminimumwage rates.
  1. – Oral Questions (90 minutes) -
  1. Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Minister for Treasury and Resources

"How did the Minister and the Council of Ministers assess the economic, social and strategic implications of selling off Jersey Telecom?"

  1. S enatorB.E.Shentonwill ask the following questionof the Minister for Economic Development

"Would the Minister explain the rationale for spending £18,000 of taxpayers' money on a JCRA review of the sale of Jersey Telecom when a review is already being carried out by the Telecoms Scrutiny Sub-Panel?"

  1. D eputyP.V.F.LeClaire of St. Helier will ask the followingquestion of the Minister for Transport and TechnicalServices

" D uring the period between the closure of the Crabbé compost site and the opening of the La Collette site what was done with all the different materials including green waste, wooden material from the construction industry and agricultural waste that had been going to Crabbé and how long was this period?"

  1. Deputy G.P. Southern ofSt.Helier will askthefollowingquestionof the Minister for Treasury andResources

" W ould the Minister inform members how the Comptroller of Income Tax will

regard for tax purposes a trust drawn up under The Trusts (Jersey) Law 1984 as recently amended, such that the trust deed can be amended to the extent that the settlor may become a beneficiary and will such a trust be regarded as a "bare trust?"

  1. D eputy C.J. Scott Warr en of St. Saviour will ask the following questionofthe Minister for Treasury and Resources

" F ollowing a decision taken in December 2002 by the then Public Services

Committee to allocate £20,000 for a Longueville Road crossing, and extensive subsequent work to ensure the safest pedestrian solution, including preliminary negotiations with a third party to acquire land, what action, if any, is the Minister taking to overcome the current financial impasse which is now placing this project in jeopardy?"

  1. Deputy J.A. Martin of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Chief Minister –

" F ollowing his statement in the Assembly on 19th July 2006 that the Council of

Ministers would be bringing forward proposals for a new States-owned property

company  to  incorporate  the  Waterfront  Enterprise  Board "in  September", following

which the position of Chairman of the new company would be publicly advertised, would the Chief Minister update members on progress on this issue?"

  1. Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St. Clement will ask the following question of the Minister for Education,SportandCulture

" W ould the Minister advise members whether the refurbishment of Le Squez Youth Club went over budget and, if so, by how much and for what reasons, and would he also state whether the club's Management Committee was informed before work started?"

  1. Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St. Clement will ask the following question of the Minister for Transportand Technical Services

" W ould the Minister advise what resources have been allocated to the maintenance of grassed areas under his Department's control in each of the last five years?"

  1. Deputy  J.A. Martin of St. Helier  will  ask the  following  question of the Chief Minister –

" W ould the Chief Minister inform members who sits on the Corporate Management Board, how often it meets, whether proper Minutes kept and who the Minutes are distributed to?"

  1. Deputy D.W. Mezbourian ofSt.Lawrence will ask the followingquestionof the Minister for Education,SportandCulture

" W ould the Minister advise members of the number of students who left school this year and, of those leavers, the number who did not go into any form of further education?"

  1. Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Minister for Transportand Technical Services

"W  ould the Minister advise members whether an annual report on bus usage, similar

to the one published in March in recent years, will be published this year and, if so, when?"

  1. Deputy D.W. Mezbourian ofSt.Lawrence will ask the followingquestionof the Minister for Education,SportandCulture

" W ould the Minister advise members of the system that is in place to claim money back from undergraduates who withdraw from a course without completing it?"

  1. The Connétable ofSt. Helier will ask the followingquestionof the Minister for Transport and TechnicalServices

"W  ould the Minister state the dates and times this year when sewage sludge has been

transported from Bellozanne to La Collette and indicate the total amount of sludge, if any, that is currently stored at La Collette?"

  1. The Deputy of Trinity will ask the followingquestionof the Minister for Education, Sport andCulture

" W ould the Minister inform members whether he was consulted by the Minister for

Health and Social Services regarding the possibility of installing condom machines in

secondary schools before the report appeared in the local media?"

  1. Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier will ask the following questionof the Minister for TreasuryandResources

" W  ould the Minister agree to release to all members the estimates of the sectoral breakdown of the tax gap caused by the 0/10 proposals that were given to scrutiny last week, would he justify the level of secrecy he has attached to them and would he inform  members  of  the  basis  on  which  the  estimates  for  potential  yield  from attribution/distribution are based?"

  1. The Connétable of St. Helier will ask the followingquestionof the Minister for Health and SocialServices

" W  ould  the  Minister  explain  whether  there  is  any  requirement  for  the  Health

Protection Department to be consulted over potential pollution risks created by the transport  of  sewage  sludge  within  St.  Helier,  the  storage  of  this  material  at  La Collette 2, or the application of material containing sewage sludge on agricultural fields and amenity land and, if not, why not?"

  1. – Questions to Ministerswithout notice (30 minutes) - 1st question period Minister for Housing.

2nd question period – Chief Minister.


Composting facilities at La Collette, St.  Helier: cessation. P.76/2006. Lodged: 15th June 2006.

Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St. Clement .

Composting facilities at La Collette, St.  Helier: cessation (P.76/2006) P.76/2006. comments. Com. Presented: 4th July 2006.

Minister for Transport and Technical Services.

Draft Income Support (Jersey) Law 200-. P.102/2006. Lodged: 29th August 2006.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft Income Support (Jersey) Law 200- (P.102/2006): comments P.102/2006. Presented: 6th October 2006. Com. Council of Ministers.

Plémont headland, St.  Ouen: preservation for public enjoyment. P.112/2006. Lodged: 19th September 2006.

Connétable of St. Ouen.


24th October 2006

Goods and Services Tax: exempt or zero-rated items. P.86/2006. Lodged: 4th July 2006.

Senator S. Syvret.

Goods and Services Tax: exempt or zero-rated items (P.86/2006) P.86/2006. second amendment. Amd.(2) Lodged: 13th September 2006.

Senator S. Syvret.

Fields 190 and 192, Rue de la Sergente, St. Brelade: petition P.75/2006. Lodged: 13th June 2006, and referred to the Minister for Planning and


Deputy S. Power of St. Brelade.

Draft Waste Management (OECD Revised Decision) (Jersey) P.97/2006. Regulations 200-.

Lodged: 1st August 2006.

Minister for Planning and Environment.

Draft Waste Management (Jersey) Law 2005 (Appointed Day) Act P.98/2006. 200-.

Lodged: 1st August 2006.

Minister for Planning and Environment.

Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts P.101/2006. Committee.

Lodged: 15th August 2006.

Chairmen's Committee.

Code  of  Practice  for  Scrutiny  Panels  and  the  Public  Accounts P.101/2006. Committee (P.101/2006): comments. Com. Presented: 1st September 2006.

H.M. Attorney General.

Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts P.101/2006. Committee (P.101/2006): amendment. Amd. Lodged: 6th September 2006.

Chairmen's Committee.

Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts P.101/2006. Committee (P.101/2006): second amendment. Amd.(2) Lodged: 13th September 2006.

Council of Ministers.

Draft Weights and Measures (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.103/2006. Lodged: 31st August 2006.

Minister for Economic Development.

Draft Amendment (No.  5) of the Standing Orders of the States of P.104/2006. Jersey.

Lodged: 5th September 2006.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.

Draft Maintenance Orders (Enforcement) (Amendment No.  2) (Jersey) P.105/2006. Law 200-.

Lodged: 8th September 2006.

Chief Minister.

Draft Lois sur la Société de Bienfaisance de la Marine Marchande de P.106/2006. Jersey (Repeals) (Jersey) Law 200-.

Lodged: 8th September 2006.

Chief Minister.

Draft Data Protection (Appeals) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.108/2006. Lodged: 12th September 2006.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Draft Customs and Excise (Jersey) Law 1999 (Appointed Day) (No.  2) Act P.120/2006. 200-.

Lodged: 29th September 2006.

Minister for Home Affairs.

Draft Consumer Safety (Jersey) Law 2006 (Appointed Day) Act 200-. P.122/2006. Lodged: 5th October 2006.

Minister for Economic Development.

7th November 2006

Provision of Pedestrian Crossings. P.60/2006. Lodged: 23rd May 2006.

Connétable of St. Helier.

Provision of Pedestrian Crossings (P.60/2006): comments. P.60/2006. Presented: 20th June 2006. Com. Minister for Transport and Technical Services.

Ministerial Government: review of first 12 months. P.77/2006. Lodged: 20th June 2006.

Senator B.E. Shenton.

Draft Housing (General Provisions) (Amendment No.  23) (Jersey) P.109/2006. Regulations 200-.

Lodged: 13th September 2006.

Minister for Housing.

Draft Rates (Apportionment) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.110/2006. Lodged: 13th September 2006.

Comité des Connétable s.

Draft Electronic Communications (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.111/2006. Lodged: 14th September 2006.

Minister for Economic Development.

St.  Aubin: proposed land reclamation and improvements impact P.113/2006. assessment.

Lodged: 21st September 2006.

Deputy S.C. Ferguson of St. Brelade.

Draft Restriction on Smoking (Workplaces) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.114/2006. Lodged: 22nd September 2006.

Minister for Health and Social Services.

Draft Amendment (No. 6) of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey. P.116/2006 Lodged: 25th September 2006.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.

Draft Public Employees (Retirement) (Amendment No.  6) (Jersey) Law P.118/2006. 200 -.

Lodged: 26th September 2006.

Chief Minister.

Waterfront Enterprise Board: appointment of Chairman – publication of P.119/2006. transcript of in camera debate.

Lodged: 29th September 2006.

Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier .

21st November 2006

Draft Howard Davis Farm (Removal of Covenant) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.65/2006. Lodged 30th May 2006.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Howard Davis Farm, Trinity : part of Fields 562, 827 and 828 sale of P.68/2006. land.

Lodged: 5th June 2006.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Howard Davis Farm, Trinity : part of Fields 562, 827 and 828 sale of land P.68/2006. (P.68/2006) – comments. Com. Presented: 8th August 2006.

Public Accounts Committee.

Policing commercial and profit-making events: new user pays' charge. P.94/2006. Lodged: 21st July 2006.

Minister for Home Affairs.

Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006: extension to Jersey. P.117/2006. Lodged: 26th September 2006.

Chief Minister.

Le Marais Low Rise Redevelopment Phase 2: redefinition of boundaries. P.121/2006. Lodged: 3rd October 2006.

Minister for Housing.

Draft Family Allowances (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.123/2006. Lodged: 5th October 2006.

Minister for Social Security.

5th December 2006

Draft The Law Society of Jersey Law 2005 (Appointed Day) Act 200-. P.115/2006. Lodged: 25th September 2006.

Chief Minister.

M.N. DE LA HAYE Greffier of the States

5th October 2006 Note

In accordance with a decision of the States on 25th October 2005, this meeting will continue, if necessary, on Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th October 2006.


  1. T h e Minister for SocialSecurity will table answers to thefollowingquestionasked by Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire of St. Helier

" Would the Minister inform members

( a) w hether a system is in place in the Social Security Department to keep a record of the number of

Social Security cards issued by nationality and, if so, what the statistics by nationality are?

( b) w hether these records can be interpreted to demonstrate the numbers of individuals currently in

Jersey in order to ascertain the demographics for immigration analysis and active card use or ownership?

( c) w hether any cross-records are kept with visits to doctors and ITIS payments and, if not, whether it

would be possible for such a records system to be implemented in order to assist in identifying who is working where and how many people are paying their Social Security contributions?"

  1. T h e Chief Minister will table an answerto the followingquestionaskedby Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier of St. Saviour

" When will the key mechanisms of the new Migration Policy as approved by the States be in place?"

  1. T h e Minister for Planning and Environment will tableanswerstothefollowingquestionaskedby Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire ofSt.Helier

" (a ) has there been any contamination of reservoirs from leachate caused by green waste or agricultural waste since 1995 and, if so, what has been the remediation of these incidents and what has it cost?

(b ) h ow many sites, if any, has the Planning and Environment Department monitored and, how many,

if any, does it continue to monitor, in relation to leachate contamination in Jersey from green waste and agricultural waste; how much, if anything, has this management and monitoring cost the Department since 1995 and how many man hours have been involved?"

  1. T h e Minister forTransportandTechnicalServices will table ananswer to the followingquestionaskedby Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire of St. Helier

"I n re l ation to La Collette composting site, would the Minister give details regarding the use at present of

any odour controls and, in particular, whether any applications and chemicals are used? If so, what are the guidelines for the use of these chemicals and has the Department sought advice on any known health risks associated with these applications?"

  1. T h e Minister for Transport and Technical Services will table answers to the followingquestionaskedby Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire of St. Helier

" (a ) In which locations in Jersey has contamination been caused due to the dumping of potatoes and/or green waste since 1995?

(b ) H ow many of these sites, if any, have required, and continue to require, leachate removal; how has

this been done in the past and, if on-going, how is it being done at present?

(c ) H ave any private contractors been used for this work and, if so, how much has this cost to date?

(d ) H ow much longer, if at all, will these sites continue to require treatment and/or leachate removal?

(e ) H ow many man hours has this work cost to date, what is the current requirement and what is the

estimate for the future?

(f ) W hat long-term plans, if any, exist to address problems in any areas where problems persist?"

  1. T h e Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answertothefollowingquestionaskedby Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire ofSt.Helier

" A s d ifferent Committees were responsible in the past for the management of the Island's green waste and composting, is the Minister able to determine from the States' accounting records the total amount that has been spent by the States on removing leachate from green waste/potato waste for each of the years since 1995 to date?"

  1. T h e Chief Minister will table an answer to the following questionaskedbySenatorB.E.Shenton

" W o u ld the Chief Minister inform members how much it costs to produce the Changing States' newsletter, and any other newsletters produced by the Chief Minister's Department, including –

(i ) th e number of employees involved?

(i i) to tal hours required?

(i ii )  e ditorial costs?

(i v )  p rinting costs? (including the cost of all materials) (v ) d istribution costs?"

  1. T h e Minister forHousing will table an answer to the following questionaskedbySenatorB.E.Shenton

" W o u ld the Minister inform members how much it costs to produce the Community News - The Newsletter from States of Jersey Housing' newsletter, and any other newsletters produced by his Department, including

(i ) th e number of employees involved?

(i i) to tal hours required?

(i ii )  e ditorial costs?

(i v )  p rinting costs? (including the cost of all materials) (v ) d istribution costs?"

  1. The Minister forTransportand Technical Services will table ananswertothefollowingquestionaskedby Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire of St. Helier

" (a ) Would the Minister inform members what plans, if any, there are in respect of the clinical waste facilities currently located at Bellozanne and, in particular, whether there are plans to move the facility to La Collette or to place a new incinerator there?

(b ) W hat is the current condition of the clinical waste incinerator and what is its projected useable life

at present?

(c ) H ow much does it cost to operate the incinerator and how much, if anything, is recharged to the

Health and Social Services Department for the disposal of waste?

(d ) D oes the agricultural industry use the incinerator for the incineration of animal parts and, if so,

what charge, if any, is made for this service?"

  1. The Minister for Health and SocialServices will table ananswerto the followingquestionasked by Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire ofSt.Helier

" W  o u ld the Minister inform the Assembly what issues, if any, exist for the Health and Social Services Department in relation to the disposal of clinical waste both now and in the future and would he also give details of the costs of this service to the Department?"

  1. The Minister forHealthand Social Services will tableanswers to the following questionsaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier

" F u rt h er to his answers to questions on bariatric (gastric band) surgery given on 26th September 2006, would the Minister inform members

( a ) w hat timescale is envisaged for the establishment of a partnership arrangement with one such

centre' referred to in part a) of his answer?

( b ) w hen the Waiting List Project Board, referred to in part b), is expected to have completed and

considered its findings?

( c ) w hat proportion of the possible £400,000 funding that is required to complete the procedure for all

those on the waiting list he is seeking to find and agree in the 2007 budget for the most extreme cases'?

( d )  h ow many of the 40 patients can expect to have surgery in the coming year?

( e ) w hether funding for the appropriate intermediate treatment clinics for those who remain on the

waiting list will be maintained?"

  1. The Minister for TreasuryandResourceswill table ananswer to the following questions askedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier

"W  o u l d the Minister –

 ( a )  d etail in clear terms what issues are involved in the protection of pension rights for past, current

and future employees of Jersey Telecom should the Company be sold wholly or partly into private ownership?

 ( b )  i nform members what measures he is developing with others to address these issues and what

progress he has made to date?"

  1. The Minister for Social Security will tableananswer to the following questions askedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier

" (a ) Would the Minister inform members whether the draft Employment Relations (Jersey) Law 200-, approved by the States on 17th May 2005, has yet been sanctioned by Her Majesty in Council and, if not, is the Minister aware of the reasons for the delay?

(b ) W hat communications or discussions, if any, have taken place in the last 16 month period with the

United Kingdom authorities over this issue and will he release the content of any such communications to members?"

  1. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table answers tothefollowingquestionsaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier

" 1 . F urther to his written and oral answers on 26th September 2006, would the Minister inform members whether

(a ) the practice outlined in part (a) of his written answer not to declare such interests and sources

of foreign income' (such as foreign trusts) on a Jersey Income Tax Return constitutes tax evasion and would render a Jersey resident liable to prosecution?

(b ) the additional clause concerning Settlor Reserved Powers in the Trust Law, even if it creates

no "new motives" for avoidance or evasion in the Minister's view, gives greater certainty to both the settlor and the trustee that such reservations are acceptable practice in Jersey in terms of tax avoidance?

(c ) the introduction of reserved settlor powers is designed so that Jersey can better compete for

the ultra high net worth end of the market for international tax avoidance through trusts?

(d ) Jersey Trust Law can now be used by Jersey residents to avoid tax by setting up trusts with

reserved powers using, say, Guernsey trustees?

2 .  W i ll the Minister inform members whether under the Trusts (Jersey) Law 1984, as amended ( a ) a Jersey trust is now revocable even when the trust deed states that it is not?

( b ) a Jersey trust deed can be amended by the settlor, to the extent that the settlor may become

the beneficiary by a residency clause or similar?

( c ) a trustee can now be dismissed by the settlor thus removing protection from the beneficiary?

3 . I n a n e-mail dated 14th September 2006 the Director – International Finance wrote that if the

discretion of the trustee is fettered (at present) there is a risk that the trust could subsequently [be] attacked as a sham. For an international client, these are reasons not to use a Jersey trust'. Would the Minister state whether he concurs with this statement and, if not, why not? Will he estimate for members the scale, if any, of such risk?"

  1. T h e Minister for SocialSecurity will table an answer to thefollowingquestionasked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier

" W o u l d the Minister inform members whether he intends to take any steps to bring forward legislation relating to pension schemes similar to the 1997 and 2004 U.K. Pension Acts to address, in particular –

( a ) th e s tatutory right for trustees of company pension schemes to award cost of living increases; and

( b ) the right of beneficiaries to elect representatives to the boards of trustees of pension schemes?" I f s o , w h e n does the Minister expect to bring forward this new legislation?"

  1. T h e Minister for Social Security will table ananswertothefollowing questions askedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier

" ( a) Has the Minister been consulted over the inclusion of question 25 in the Employment Forum's consultation paper on the minimum wage rate, namely Do you think that there should be a youth rate as well as a trainee rate?' and would the Minister inform members whether he considers that it is appropriate for this issue to be reconsidered when a clear decision not to include a youth rate was made by the States on 22nd July 2004?

(b )  Would the Minister outline for members the proposed timetable for the production of the

Employment Forum's report and for the consultation and lodging of his recommendations on the minimum wage, and would he assure members that adequate time will be allowed for a full debate prior to the setting of rates in the industries most affected?

( c ) Would the Minister inform members whether he will take account of the figures relating to the

appropriateness of the current level of the minimum wage as set out in my letter dated 24th February 2006 (circulated to all members on 28th February 2006) when he brings forward recommendations for 2007 minimum wage rates?"


(See Item I(c))

First 15 minute period Treasury and Resources Economic Development Transport and Technical Services Education Sport and Culture

Second 15 minute period Home Affairs

Chief Minister

Health and Social Services Chief Minister