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Order Paper 1st April 2008

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Tuesday 1st April 2008


(Explanatory note attached)

Income Support (Transitional Provisions) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 2008. R&O.38/2008. Minister for Social Security.


Rezoning of sites in the Green and Countryside Zones and Island Plan Review P.33/2008. (P.33/2008): comments. Com. Presented: 27th March 2008.

Minister for Planning and Environment.

Public Lotteries: report for 2007. R.21/2008. Presented: 18th March 2008.

Minister for Economic Development.

Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) (a) The Coach House, 48 R.22/2008. Rouge Bouillon, St. Helier – proposed sale; (b) 5 Le Clos Lauren, Belle Vue, St. Brelade proposed sale of land. Presented: 19th March 2008.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Public Records (Jersey) Law 2002: report on the application of the Law during R.23/2008. 2006.

Presented: 26th March 2008.

Minister for Education, Sport and Culture.

States of Jersey Complaints Panel: report for 2007. R.24/2008. Presented: 26th March 2008.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.

Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) S1 St.  Helier Yacht Club, R.25/2008. South Pier, St.  Helier surrender and renewal of lease.

Presented: 28th March 2008.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

States Assembly Annual Report. R.26/2008. Presented: 31st March 2008.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.


Draft Proceeds of Crime (Supervisory Bodies) (Jersey) Law 200- (P.29/2008): P.29/2008. amendments. Amd. Lodged: 14th March 2008.

Minister for Economic Development.

Draft Customs and Excise (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 200- (P.31/2008): P.31/2008. amendments. Amd. Lodged; 18th March 2008.

Deputy of St. Ouen.

Draft Customs and Excise (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 200- (P.31/2008): P.31/2008. second amendments. Amd.(2) Lodged; 18th March 2008.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Draft Goods and Services Tax (Jersey) Law 2007 (Appointed Day) P.41/2008 (Amendment) Act 200- (P.41/2008): amendment. Amd. Lodged: 20th March 2008.

Senator L. Norman.

Draft European Communities Legislation (Implementation) (Bovine Semen) P.43/2008. (Jersey) Regulations 200-.

Lodged: 14th March 2008.

Chief Minister.

Draft Centeniers (Terms of Office) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.44/2008. Lodged: 18th March 2008.

Comité des Connétable s.

Draft Financial Services (Amendment of Law) (No.  3) (Jersey) Regulations P.45/2008. 200-.

Lodged: 18th March 2008.

Minister for Economic Development.

Family Nursing and Home Care Debt. P.46/2008. Lodged: 19th March 2008.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Channel Islands Lottery: Allocation of a percentage of profits for 2007-2008. P.47/2008. Lodged: 20th March 2008.

Minister for Economic Development.

Bailiff of Jersey: investigation into dual role. P.48/2008. Lodged: 20th March 2008.

Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier .

Working Party to Review Appropriateness of Departmental Structure. P.49/2008. Lodged: 20th March 2008.

Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St. Clement .

Draft Legal Deposit (Jersey) Law 2007 (Appointed Day) Act 200-. P.50/2008. Lodged: 28th March 2008.

Minister for Education, Sport and Culture.

Draft Legal Deposit (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.51/2008 Lodged: 28th March 2008.

Minister for Education, Sport and Culture.


In accordance with Standing Order 34(1), Deputy Paul Vincent Francis Le Claire of St. Helier has informed the Greffier of the States that the following proposition lodged "au Greffe" is to be withdrawn

Bailiff of Jersey: investigation into dual role. P.48/2008. Lodged: 20th March 2008.

Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier .

  1. – Written Questions (attached)
  1. The Minister for Transport and Technical Services will table ananswerto a questionasked by D eputyP.V.F.Le Claire of St. Helierregardingthecostof a report oncomposting issues.
  2. The Minister for Social Security will tableananswer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern ofSt. Helier regarding the creation of a HouseholdMedicalAccountunderIncome Support.
  3. The Minister for Social Security will tableananswer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern ofSt.Helier regarding the linking of the 2009Statesemployees pay awards to the new RPI(Y) inflation measure.
    1. The Attorney General will tableananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern ofSt. Helier regarding the legalpositionof the States of Jersey with respect to its employeesunder the Employment Relations (Jersey)Law2007and its codesof practice.
    2. The Minister for TreasuryandResources will tableananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern ofSt.Helierregardingthe effective rates of tax chargedto profits forthe five sub sectors of the financialservices sector.
  4. The Minister for Health and SocialServices will table ananswerto a questionaskedby Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St. Clement regarding howoften pillows are renewed within hospitals and whether they arechecked for theaspergillusfumigatusfungus.
  5. The Minister forEducation, Sport and Culture will table ananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy G.C.L.Baudainsof St. Clement regarding whether the Jersey HeritageTrust has a policy that favours the employmentoflocalpersons.
    1. The Minister forHome Affairs will tableananswerto a questionaskedby Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St. Clementregardingwhethertheemergencyservicesencounteraccess difficulty within the St. Helier ring road.
  1. The Minister for EconomicDevelopment will table ananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St. Clement regarding whether Jersey Harbours haveplans to relocate the fuel farm.
  2. The Minister for TransportandTechnicalServices will table an answer to a questionasked by D eputyR.G.LeHérissierof St. Saviour regarding annual payments to Connex since the start of the current contract.
  3. The Chairman of Privileges and Procedures Committee will tableananswerto a question asked by Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier of St. Saviour regarding the progressof the Freedom of Information Law.
  4. The Chief Minister will table ananswerto a questionaskedby Deputy R.G.HérissierofSt. Saviour regarding the political accountability of Ministers.
  5. The Chief Minister will tableananswerto a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding Imagine Jersey 2035.
  1. – Oral Questions (90 minutes)
  1. Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier of St. Saviour will ask the following questionoftheMinisterfor Planning andEnvironment -

"Will the Minister identify what measures, if any, he is planning to introduce to improve the way in which applications for large projects are handled?"

  1. The Connétable of St. Helier will ask the followingquestionof the Minister for Planning and Environment -

"Will the Minister explain the reasons behind his decision to approve a large residential development on the headland above Portelet against the recommendation of his senior planning officers and in spite of opposition from the National Trust and other bodies?"

  1. Deputy J.A.MartinofSt. Helier will askthefollowingquestion of the Minister for Transport and TechnicalServices -

"Would the Minister confirm that any proposals to replace the housing development at Ann Court with a 1000 space car park will be lodged for consideration by the Assembly and, if this is being considered, when is this likely to happen?"

  1. Deputy K.C. Lewis of St. Saviour will ask the following questionof the Minister for Social Security -

"Will the Minister inform members what progress, if any, has been made regarding the introduction of insurance for long term residential care?"

  1. Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier of St. Saviour will ask the following questionoftheMinisterfor Home Affairs -

"Will the Minister be proposing that the Board of Visitors for HMP La Moye be based upon the model used at Greenfields and if not, why?"

  1. The Deputy ofSt.Martin will askthefollowingquestionof the Chief Minister -

"Now that Mr Bellwood's appeal to the Employment Tribunal has been compromised, will the Chief Minister explain why the case was contested, who was responsible for that decision, what cost was involved, why a member of the Greenfield's staff has been suspended and whether there will be an inquiry into the circumstance surrounding Mr Bellwood's dismissal?"

  1. Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier will ask the followingquestionof the Minister forSocial Security -

"Will the Minister inform members whether any problems occurred in the issue of benefit cheques over the recent bank holiday and, if so, to what extent were recipients of benefits affected?"

  1. The Deputy ofSt.Martin will askthefollowingquestionof the Chief Minister -

"Given that two Ministers with direct involvement with Greenfields are apparently not in favour of proposed amendments to the Criminal Justice (Young Offenders) Law to confer new sentencing powers in respect of offenders aged 12+, will the Chief Minister explain why the amendments were included in the law drafting programme?"

  1. The Connétable of Grouville will askthefollowingquestionof the Minister for Planning and Environment -

"Following the speech to the Chamber of Commerce by Mr Liston last week and demands from members of this Assembly over the last 2 years, will the Minister now put in place a plan to take advantage of the opportunities being offered by the advance in technology of tidal power as shown by the Alderney Group?"

  1. The Connétable of St. Helier will ask the followingquestion of the Minister forEconomic Development -

"Will the Minister advise what steps he is taking to exploit the opportunity presented to the Island's agricultural industry by the designation of 2008 as International Year of the Potato?"

  1. Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Social Security -

"Would the Minister provide a breakdown, in terms of gender, status and age, of the "winners" and "losers" under the Income Support scheme, in terms of differentials between previous and current benefits and in particular, of those recipients affected by the £4.1million reduction in transitional relief outlined for 2009, and if not, why not?"

  1. – Questions to Ministerswithout notice (30 minutes) - 1 s t q u e stion period – Minister for Social Security

2 n d q u estion period – Chief Minister


Draft Export Control (Jersey) Law 200-. P.21/2008. Lodged: 5th February 2008.

Minister for Home Affairs.

Draft Employment of States of Jersey Employees (Amendment No.  3) (Jersey) P.22/2008. Regulations 200-.

Lodged: 5th February 2008.

Chief Minister.

Draft Act annulling the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment P.23/2008. No.  9) (Jersey) Order 2007.

Lodged: 6th February 2008.

Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St.  Clement.

Draft Political Parties (Registration) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.25/2008. Lodged: 8th February 2008.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.

Draft Proceeds of Crime (Supervisory Bodies) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.29/2008. Lodged: 18th February 2008.

Minister for Economic Development.

Draft Proceeds of Crime (Supervisory Bodies) (Jersey) Law 200- (P.29/2008): P.29/2008. amendments. Amd. Lodged: 14th March 2008.

Minister for Economic Development.

Draft Customs and Excise (Amendment No.  5) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.31/2008. Lodged: 19th February 2008.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Draft Customs and Excise (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 200- (P.31/2008): P.31/2008. amendments. Amd. Lodged; 18th March 2008.

Deputy of St. Ouen.

Draft Customs and Excise (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 200- (P.31/2008): P.31/2008. second amendments. Amd.(2) Lodged; 18th March 2008.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Rezoning of sites in the Green and Countryside Zones and Island Plan Review. P.33/2008. Lodged: 26th February 2008.

Deputy of Grouville .

Rezoning of sites in the Green and Countryside Zones and Island Plan Review P.33/2008. (P.33/2008): comments. Com. Presented: 27th March 2008.

Minister for Planning and Environment.

Draft Financial Services (Amendment No.  3) (Jersey) Law 2008 (Appointed P.40/2008. Day) Act 200-.

Lodged: 11th March 2008.

Minister for Economic Development.

Draft Goods and Services Tax (Jersey) Law 2007 (Appointed Day) P.41/2008. (Amendment) Act 200-.

Lodged: 12th March 2008.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Draft Goods and Services Tax (Jersey) Law 2007 (Appointed Day) P.41/2008 (Amendment) Act 200- (P.41/2008): amendment. Amd. Lodged: 20th March 2008.

Senator L. Norman.


29th April 2008

Draft Civil Aviation (Jersey) Law 200-. P.18/2008. Lodged: 29th January 2008.

Minister for Home Affairs.

Draft Civil Aviation (Jersey) Law 200- (P.18/2008): comments. P.18/2008. Com. Presented: 6th March 2008.

Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel.

Draft Health Implementation (Jersey) Law 200-. P.34/2008. Lodged: 26th February 2008.

Minister for Health and Social Services.

Draft Sea Fisheries (Inshore Trawling, Netting and Dredging) (Amendment) P.36/2008. (Jersey) Regulations 200-.

Lodged: 6th March 2008.

Minister for Economic Development.

Health Services Disciplinary Tribunal: constitution and appointment of P.37/2008. Members.

Lodged: 11th March 2008.

Minister for Social Security.

Flu pandemic funding. P.38/2008. Lodged: 11th March 2008.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Draft Harbours (Amendment No.  41) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.39/2008. Lodged: 11th March 2008.

Minister for Economic Development.

Draft Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.42/2008. Lodged: 12th March 2008.

Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel.

Draft European Communities Legislation (Implementation) (Bovine Semen) P.43/2008. (Jersey) Regulations 200-.

Lodged: 14th March 2008.

Chief Minister.

Draft Centeniers (Terms of Office) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.44/2008. Lodged: 18th March 2008.

Comité des Connétable s.

Draft Financial Services (Amendment of Law) (No.  3) (Jersey) Regulations P.45/2008. 200-.

Lodged: 18th March 2008.

Minister for Economic Development.

Working Party to Review Appropriateness of Departmental Structure. P.49/2008. Lodged: 20th March 2008.

Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St. Clement .

13th May 2008

Jersey Enterprise Board Limited: proposed establishment. P.194/2007. Lodged: 19th December 2007.

Council of Ministers.

Jersey Enterprise Board Limited: proposed establishment (P.194/2007) P.194/2007. amendment. Amd. Lodged: 28th December 2007.

Deputy J.B. Fox of St. Helier.

Jersey Enterprise Board Limited: proposed establishment (P.194/2007) third P.194/2007. amendment. Amd.(3) Lodged: 19th February 2008.

Public Accounts Committee.

Committee of Inquiry into the operation of Third Party Planning Appeals. P.35/2008. Lodged: 26th February 2008.

Deputy C.J. Scott Warr en of St.  Saviour.

Family Nursing and Home Care Debt. P.46/2008. Lodged: 19th March 2008.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Channel Islands Lottery: Allocation of a percentage of profits for 2007-2008. P.47/2008. Lodged: 20th March 2008.

Minister for Economic Development.

Draft Legal Deposit (Jersey) Law 2007 (Appointed Day) Act 200-. P.50/2008. Lodged: 28th March 2008.

Minister for Education, Sport and Culture.

Draft Legal Deposit (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.51/2008 Lodged: 28th March 2008.

Minister for Education, Sport and Culture.

3rd June 2008

Draft Taxation (Land Transactions) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.185/2007. Lodged: 4th December 2007.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

(Principles adopted on 12th March 2008)

Draft Taxation (Land Transactions) (Jersey) Law 200- (P.185/2007): P.185/2007. comments. Com. Presented: 10th March 2008.

Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel.

Draft Taxation (Land Transactions) (Jersey) Law 200- (P.185/2007): P.185/2007. amendments. Amd. Lodged: 26th February 2008.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Millennium Town Park: Funding from Strategic Reserve. P.1/2008. Lodged: 3rd January 2008.

Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier.

Millennium Town Park: Funding from Strategic Reserve (P.1/2008) – P.1/2008. comments. Com. Presented: 26th February 2008.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Census of Island's population. P.32/2008. Lodged: 26th February 2008.

Deputy of Grouville .

M.N. DE LA HAYE Greffier of the States

26th March 2008 Note –

In accordance with the meeting dates fixed for 2008 by the Privileges and Procedures Committee, this meeting will continue, if necessary, on Wednesday 2nd April 2008, Thursday 3rd April 2008 and Friday 4th April 2008.

Explanatory Note regarding subordinate legislation tabled at this meeting.

(See Item B)


This Order amends the Income Support (Transitional Provisions) (Jersey) Order 2008.

It applies where a claim for income support has been made for a household. If a member of the household was entitled to and had claimed a Health Insurance Exception ("HIE") when the income support scheme came into effect, the household will be entitled to a protected payment in respect of that benefit in the same way as it would be entitled to protected payments for other benefits replaced on the introduction of income support.

The amount of the protected payment for HIE will be £1.96 multiplied by the number of people in the household who were entitled to and had claimed HIE immediately before income support came into effect. It will be taken into account in the same way as other replaced benefits in calculating any top-up sum to which the household is entitled.

The Order, which will come into force on 17th March 2008, will have the effect of providing for eligibility for payment from the introduction of income support.

Applicants will have until 1st May 2008 to claim this additional protected payment, although a determining officer has a discretion to extend the time for sufficient reason.

The provisions of the principal Order as to the phasing out of other protected payments will also apply to protected HIE payments.

The Order was made on 9th March 2008 and came into force on 17th March 2008.


  1. T he Minister for Transport and Technical Services will table ananswerto the following question askedby Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire of St. Helier -

" I n view of the fact that on 11th March 2008, the Minister stated in the Assembly that the report in relation to compost issues had cost £100,000, would the Minister provide the detail of this expenditure, particularly if any private consultants were involved?

G  iven that the Minister also stated that after the report was completed that it revealed nothing the Department

did not already know, would he advise what the value of the report was and why it cost so much when nothing new was presented?

W  ould the Minister consider that this work could have been better undertaken by the States Auditors?"

  1. T he Minister forSocialSecurity will table an answer to the followingquestionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier -

" F ollowing his announcement that around a further 1,000 households, previously covered by the HIE scheme, were to receive additional transitional support to create a Household Medical Account (HMA) under Income Support (IS), will the Minister inform members of the following in respect of these households:

  1. how many qualified for HIE andunderwhichmechanismsother than lowincome?
  2. how manynow have noentitlement to receive IS ?
  3. how many have been assessed to receive ISat a ratebelow the levelof their States rental, and therefore have insufficient fundsto pay into anHMA?
  4. whether hisdepartment has informed allGPs that all previous recipients ofHIEwillnow have their GP consultations funded from anHMA,and when did this occur?

W  ill he also confirm his statement that, despite previous agreements with representatives of GPs that former

HIE recipients would now be expected to pay £5 per visit directly to the GP, with the rest of the consultation fee coming from the patients' HMA, he believes that GPs were not going to charge the £5 fee?

D o es his statement include most GPs, all GPs or the agreement of GP representative bodies, and

is it permanent, or temporary, and if the latter, how long will the agreement be in place?

W  ill the Minister inform members what sum per visit was to be paid through the Social Security department

by the individual's HMA?

If the absence of the direct £5 payment is to be permanent, will he further state what new arrangements will be put in place for payments to GPs?

W  ill the Minister make clear to members, to GPs and to recipients of HMAs what arrangements are in place

to cater for funding:

  1. home visits from the GP, for those whocannotget to thesurgery,and
  2. payments for the services of the Family Nursing and HomeCare(Jersey) Inc.?

What will happen to the support delivered to these 1,000 households in October 2008?

  1. T he Minister forSocialSecurity will table an answer to the followingquestionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier -

"Given the Minister for Treasury and Resources' stated intention to link the 2009 States' employees' pay awards to his new RPI(Y) inflation measure, which does not include taxation changes and will therefore be lower than the actual rise in the cost of living given by RPI, and following the development of RPI (pensioner) and RPI (low income) measures, what measures does the Minister propose, in conjunction with the Minister for Treasury and Resources if necessary, for the indexation of a) pensions and b) other benefits in 2009, and why?"

  1. H .M. AttorneyGeneral will table an answerto the followingquestionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier -

"In relation to the legal position of the States of Jersey with respect to its employees under the Employment Relations (Jersey) Law 2007 and its related codes of practice, will the Attorney General advise members:

  1. whether heisawareof any other jurisdiction wheregovernmentemployees, whilst being regarded as employed by a single unified body, equivalent to the States of Jersey EmploymentBoard,forallotheremploymentand contractual purposes, are in thematter of employment disputes, regarded as being employed by the relevant Minister?
  2. Of the argumentson either side of the questionofwhether the treatment applied bythe States to its employees (above) could befound to be a disproportionate restriction on the right of States employees to take secondary industrial action in support of other States employees?
  3. In the eventofemployersand trade unions failing to agree over which services (or elements of services)minimum service agreements outlined in articles 31to35ofCode 2 should apply to and what level of minimum services should apply, what legal position would pertain to
  1. individual ministersasemployers;
  2. the StatesEmploymentBoard;
  3. trade unions concerned;
  4. the SocialSecurity Minister;

in respect of their duty of care to provide and maintain essential services to Islanders?"

  1. T he Minister forTreasury and Resources will table ananswer to the following questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier -

"In reply to a question on 11th September 2007 the Minister stated that he had instructed the Comptroller of Income Tax to undertake the necessary research to reveal to Members the amounts and effective rates of tax charged to profits for the five sub-sectors of the financial services sector, along with the comparative figures for all 11 sectors of the economy for the latest year for which he has data, and estimate what impact the advent of Zero 10 will have on these figures. Is he now able to give a response to the Assembly?"

  1. T heMinister for Health and SocialServices will table ananswerto the followingquestionasked by Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St. Clement -

"Would the Minister advise how frequently pillows are renewed within the hospitals under his administration, whether they are checked for the aspergillus fumigatus fungus and, if not, why not?"

  1. T he Minister forEducation, Sport and Culture will table ananswer to the followingquestionaskedby Deputy G.C.L.Baudainsof St. Clement -

"Would the Minister advise whether the Jersey Heritage Trust has a policy that favours the employment of local persons and if not, why not?"

  1. T he Minister for Home Affairs will tableananswer to thefollowingquestionasked by Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St. Clement -

"Would the Minister advise whether the emergency services currently encounter access difficulties within the St Helier ring road as a consequence of road or pavement alterations/street furniture?"

  1. T he Minister forEconomicDevelopment will table ananswer to the followingquestionasked by Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St. Clement -

"Would the Minister advise whether Jersey Harbours have any plans to relocate the fuel farm and, if so, in what timescale?"

  1. The Minister for Transport and Technical Services will table ananswerto the following question askedby Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier ofSt.Saviour -

"Would the Minister identify the annual payments made to Connex since the start of the current contract? How much has Connex received in fuel rebate during each year of the current contract?

Has the Shift Allowance Claim of £186,000 been repaid to the States and if not, why not?"

  1. The Chairmanof the Privileges and ProceduresCommittee will tableananswer to the followingquestion asked by Deputy R.G.LeHérissierofSt. Saviour -

"When will the Committee be deciding whether or not it is proceeding with a Freedom of Information Law?"

12  The Chief Minister will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St.

Saviour -

"Is the Chief Minister satisfied that the concept of the political accountability of Ministers is working effectively within the States?"

13. The Chief Minister for Transport and Technical Services will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier -

"(a) Does the Chief Minister stand by the statement on page 4 of the report "Imagine Jersey 2035 – preparing for the future" he issued in co-operation with the "Involve" organisation on the 13th March 2008 -

" The survey and initial conference votes indicated a strong opposition to any increase in taxes and contributions."?

I f so, how does he reconcile this with the information given on page 27 of the report, covering the conference,

and with the following statement from page 75 on the wider survey:

" T he vast majority of submissions were in favour of encouraging the resident population to pay more"?

(b) What justification can the Chief Minister offer to States members and to the public for the following statements -

"Young people and those in full-time education were most likely to oppose this option (paying more)three fifths of those in full-time education voted against"

"100% in the 19-24 age group voted against raising taxes." "Half of the 0-18 group voted against."


1st Session



First 15 minute period

Second 15 minute period







29th April

Home Affairs


13th May

Treasury and Resources

Chief Minister

3rd June

Transport & Technical Services

Economic Development

17th June

Health and Social Services

Chief Minister

1st July

Planning and Environment

Education, Sport and Culture

15th July

Social Security

Chief Minister