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Monday 13th July 2009
- TABLING OF SUBORDINATE ENACTMENTS (Explanatory note attached)
Water Pollution (Code of Good Agricultural Practice) (Jersey) Order 2009. R&O.61/2009. Minister for Planning and Environment.
Oral Questions with notice: revised ballot procedures (P.105/2009) – P.105/2009. comments. Com. Presented: 7th July 2009.
Privileges and Procedures Committee.
Ann Court housing site, St. Helier: temporary use (P.108/2009)– comments. P.108/2009. Presented: 8th July 2009. Com. Minister for Housing.
Meetings of the States 2010. R.73/2009. Presented: 7th July 2009.
Privileges and Procedures Committee.
Jersey Child Care Trust: report and financial statements at 31st December R.74/2009. 2008.
Presented: 8th July 2009.
Minister for Education, Sport and Culture.
Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts Committee: P.112/2009. amendments.
Lodged: 6th July 2009.
Chairmen's Committee.
Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme: revised Scheme. P.113/2009. Lodged: 8th July 2009.
Minister for Home Affairs.
- – Written Questions (attached)
- The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy S.S.P.A. Power of St. Brelade regarding changes to the Criminal Justice (Young Offenders) (Jersey) Law 1994.
- H.M. Attorney General will table an answer to a question asked by Senator B.E. Shenton regarding changes to the funding of successful Magistrate's Court prosecutions.
- The Minister for Education, Sport and Culture will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy T.A. Vallois of St. Saviour regarding increases in Salary and Wages between the years 2007 and 2008.
- The Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy T.A. Vallois of St. Saviour regarding increases in Salary and Wages between the years 2007 and 2008.
- The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy T.A. Vallois of St. Saviour regarding increases in Salary and Wages between the years 2007 and 2008.
- The Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding nursing vacancies.
- The Minister for Social Security will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding the success of Income Support as an in work' benefit.
- The Chief Minister will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding the job group comparisons within the comments on the proposition entitled States Employees: pay increase for 2009/2010 (P.68/2009) – amendment'.
- The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding the Economic Advisor's analysis of the size of the downturn in Jersey's economy.
- The Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answer to a question asked by the Deputy of St. John regarding the contingency plans for staffing at the Hospital should there be a major Swine Flu outbreak.
- The Chief Minister will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier regarding the cost of providing Blackberries and mobile telephones to Ministers and Assistant Ministers.
- The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy
- Tadier of St. Brelade regarding the effective tax rate for all 1(1)(k) residents currently living in the Island.
- The Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy
- Tadier of St. Brelade regarding the number of emergency services visits to St Saviour's hospital and the other mental health establishments over the past 5 years.
- The Chief Minister will table an answer to a question asked by the Deputy of St. John regarding the selection of a Chairman and members to conduct the Committee of Inquiry into the Reg's Skips Limited Planning application.
- The Chairman of the Privileges and Procedures Committee will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier regarding the use of laptops in the Chamber.
- – Oral Questions (90 minutes)
- The Deputy of St. Martin will ask the following question of the Minister for Home Affairs –
"With reference to Operation Blast, will the Minister advice Members, what motivated the States Police to create the files and cease the practice last November, who was responsible, was there any political involvement, who gave consent for searches to be carried out on States Members and what internal disciplinary investigations have taken place to date?
- Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture –
"What action, if any, is the Minister taking to deal with the funding crisis surrounding the Jersey Heritage Trust?"
- Deputy D.J. de Sousa of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Treasury and Resources –
" C ould the Minister advise whether there was a conversion from Euro to Sterling within the Jersey Airport accounts, and, if so, explain the reasoning for this when Euros were required to fund the Energy for Waste plant?"
- Deputy S.S.P.A. Power of St. Brelade will ask the following question of the Minister for Health and Social Services –
"Can the Minister outline what action, if any, the Health and Social Services Department is able to take to stop the inappropriate feeding of seagulls by some householders in high density housing areas that can cause annoyance to other householders or neighbours?"
- Deputy A.E. Jeune of St. Brelade will ask the following question of the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture –
"Given that many of those completing courses this year are experiencing difficulties in finding suitable positions in which to fulfil their ambitions for which they have studied and qualified, does the Minister consider it appropriate to increase the number of places available for study at Highlands College and what procedures, if any, are in place to ensure that the training given is suitable to the vacancy situations in the Island?"
- The Deputy of St. John will ask the following question of the Minister for Economic Development –
" C an members be told when the list at La Collette Marina was closed for new vessels wanting a mooring and would the Minister advise whether the Harbours Department is reviewing the waiting list for all marinas, and if so, would he explain in what way?"
- The Deputy of St. Martin will ask the following question of the Minister for Home Affairs –
"Will the Minister advise members of the States of Jersey Police policy in respect of compensation if police officers damage property when gaining entry to premises following the arrest of the occupier, with or without a warrant?"
- The Connétable of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Home Affairs –
" W ould the Minister state the duration and cost of the suspension of the Chief Officer of the States of Jersey Police and advise when he expects the investigation to be completed?"
- Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Treasury and Resources –
"In the light of last week's States decision not to support pay awards for States workers and in the interests of ensuring a level playing field, what action, if any, will the Minister be taking, aas the representative of the shareholders to prevent £340,000 being paid out as loyalty' bonus' to seven senior management figures at Jersey Telecom?"
- The Deputy of St. John will ask the following question of the Minister for Economic Development –
" W ould the Minister advise Members of the length of time the fisheries vessel the Norman Le Brocq has been out of service over the last 12 months and the reason for this?"
- Deputy K.C. Lewis of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture
" W hat consideration, if any, will the Minister give to banning from all schools very high caffeine energy drinks that could raise metabolic rates in children?"
- The Connétable of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Home Affairs –
" W ould the Minister state how many community police officers are deployed in the Parishes, the cost per officer of this service, and whether it is planned to increase their role?"
- Senator A. Breckon will ask the following question of the Minister for Housing –
" How were the prices for the 46 residential units at La Providence determined, as detailed in R.68/2009?"
- Deputy M. Tadier of St. Brelade will ask the following question of the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture –
"Given the States commitment the strategic plan to 'promoting and protecting Jersey's unique cultural identity' , will the Minister explain what concrete steps, if any, he has taken and will take to secure the future of quintessentially local attractions such as Hamptonne and the Maritime museum?"
- Deputy K.C. Lewis of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Chairman of the Comité des Connétable s –
" Given that Parish Hall enquires are not reported, will the Comité undertake to provide to the media combined monthly statistics from all parishes listing how many people have been charged with cycling on pavements, driving whilst using a mobile phone, speeding etc, thus providing a deterrent, and if not, why not?"
- Senator A. Breckon will ask the following question of the Minister for Planning and Environment –
" W hat planning conditions, if any, were altered in relation to the drainage system for the development known as La Providence constructed on Goose Green Marsh?"
- Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Chief Minister –
"Will the Chief Minister inform members what research, if any, has been done and what evidence found concerning pay awards including bonuses for senior management in the private sector for 2009?"
- Deputy M. Tadier of St. Brelade will ask the following question of H.M. Attorney General –
"Will H.M Attorney General explain to members what steps he takes and has taken to ensure against any apparent conflict of him being both the legal adviser to the Council of Ministers on child abuse matters, whilst at the same time being the person responsible for deciding whether or not to prosecute in such cases?
- Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Minister for Treasury and Resources –
" How is the Fiscal Stimulus funding being utilised to improve the public infrastructure?"
- Deputy J.A. Martin of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Minister for Treasury and Resources –
"Further to the Minister's response to a question by Deputy Tadier on 16th June 2009, regarding transition payments, would he expand upon his statement that landlords, including Housing Trusts, are going to have the rent they charge dictated by the tenant or the States, and advise how many landlords he anticipates that this will affect?"
- Deputy A.E. Jeune of St. Brelade will ask the following question of the Minister for Transport and Technical Services –
"Given that on 2nd June 2009 the Minister advised that his Department would be working with Economic Development and Planning and Environment on a review of the abattoir and would report at the end of July 2009, would the Minister advise of the progress of this report, the anticipated date for its publication and the current management costs of the abattoir?"
- Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Planning and Environment –
" Would the Minister clarify whether the pumping station for the new La Providence
development at Goose Green has been installed by Dandara (Jersey) Limited yet; if not, why not and when will this be completed?"
- Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Treasury and Resources –
"Will the Minister inform members what evidence, if any, he has of structural fiscal deficit for the years 2009 - 2012?"
- Deputy S.S.P.A. Power of St. Brelade will ask the following question of the Minister for Home Affairs –
Is the Minister concerned that a minority of young offenders under the age of fifteen know that
they cannot receive a custodial sentence, and consequently behave in a manner that causes repeat offending and if so, what action, if any, does he propose to take?
- Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Chief Minister –
"What other benefits that are funded by the States, aside from travel, entertainment and mobile phone expenses, do Ministers and Assistant Ministers enjoy and does the Chief Minister consider it right that other States members do not enjoy free mobile phone support when Article 44 of the States of Jersey Law 2005 requires that all States members receive equal remuneration and allowances?"
- – Questions to Ministers without notice (30 minutes) –
1st question period – Minister for Economic Development
2nd question period – Chief Minister
Senator Stuart Syvret: Vote of Censure. P.107/2009. Lodged: 29th June 2009.
Privileges and Procedures Committee.
Draft Sea Fisheries (Satellite Monitoring) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.56/2009. Lodged: 14th April 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Draft Sea Fisheries (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) P.57/2009.
Regulations 200-.
Lodged: 14th April 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Television Licences for persons over 75. P.100/2009. Lodged: 16th June 2009.
Deputy M. Tadier of St. Brelade.
Draft Social Security (Television Licence Benefit) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.64/2009. Lodged: 5th May 2009.
Minister for Social Security.
Draft Social Security (Television Licence Benefit) (Jersey) Regulations 200- P.64/2009. (P.64/2009): amendment. Amd. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Social Security.
Draft Residential Tenancy (Jersey) Law 200-. P.74/2009. Lodged: 21st May 2009.
Minister for Housing.
Draft Residential Tenancy (Jersey) Law 200- (P.74/2009): amendment. P.74/2009. Lodged: 29th June 2009. Amd. Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré of St. Lawrence.
Draft Amendment (No. 11) of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey. P.75/2009. Lodged: 27th May 2009.
Privileges and Procedures Committee.
Esplanade Quarter and Waterfront development: deferral. P.77/2009. Lodged: 29th May 2009.
Deputy of St. John.
Esplanade Quarter and Waterfront development: deferral (P.77/2009) – P.77/2009. amendment. Amd. Lodged: 1st July 2009.
Deputy of St. John.
Annual Business Plan 2009: variation in respect of pay freeze. P.78/2009. Lodged: 29th May 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Draft Income Tax (Amendment No. 33) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.82/2009. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005: funding requests under Article 11(8). P.83/2009. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Draft Banking Business (Depositors Compensation) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.86/2009. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Draft Banking (Depositors Compensation) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.87/2009. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Strategic Reserve Fund: use for Bank Depositors' Compensation Scheme. P.84/2009. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Draft Public Finances (Depositors Compensation) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.85/2009. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Draft Income Tax (Amendment No. 32) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.81/2009. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Draft Foundations (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.88/2009. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Draft Foundations (Continuance) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.89/2009. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Draft Companies (Takeovers and Mergers Panel) (Amendment of Law) P.91/2009. (Jersey) Regulations 200-.
Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Draft Income Support (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.93/2009. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Social Security.
Ratification of the Agreement for the exchange of information relating to tax P.94/2009. matters between the States of Jersey and France.
Lodged: 3rd June 2009.
Chief Minister.
Cannot be debated until 15th July 2009
Ratification of the Agreement for the exchange of information relating to tax P.95/2009. matters between the States of Jersey and Ireland.
Lodged: 3rd June 2009.
Chief Minister.
Cannot be debated until 15th July 2009
Ratification of the Agreement for the exchange of information relating to tax P.96/2009. matters between the States of Jersey and the United Kingdom.
Lodged: 3rd June 2009.
Chief Minister.
Cannot be debated until 15th July 2009
Draft Taxation (Exchange of Information with Third Countries) (Amendment P.97/2009. No. 3) (Jersey) Regulations 200-.
Lodged: 3rd June 2009.
Chief Minister.
Cannot be debated until 15th July 2009
Jersey Financial Services Commission: appointment of Chairman. P.101/2009. Lodged: 17th June 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
(In camera debate)
Draft Supply of Goods and Services (Jersey) Law 2009 (Appointed Day) Act P.103/2009. 200-.
Lodged: 23rd June 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Oral Questions with notice: revised ballot procedures. P.105/2009.
Deputy M. Tadier of St. Brelade.
Oral Questions with notice: revised ballot procedures (P.105/2009) – P.105/2009. comments. Com. Presented: 7th July 2009.
Privileges and Procedures Committee.
Ann Court housing site, St. Helier: temporary use. P.108/2009. Lodged: 30th June 2009.
Connétable of St. Helier.
Cannot be debated before 14th July 2009.
Ann Court housing site, St. Helier: temporary use (P.108/2009)– comments. P.108/2009. Presented: 8th July 2009. Com. Minister for Housing.
Electricity tariffs: Regulations under Article 22 of the Electricity (Jersey) Law P.41/2009. 1937.
Lodged: 24th March 2009.
Senator A. Breckon.
Electricity tariffs: Regulations under Article 22 of the Electricity (Jersey) Law P.41/2009. 1937 (P.41/2009) – comments. Com. Presented: 27th April 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Electricity tariffs: Regulations under Article 22 of the Electricity (Jersey) Law P.41/2009. 1937 (P.41/2009) – amendment. Amd. Lodged: 26th May 2009.
Senator A. Breckon.
Ann Court Site, St. Helier: use for sheltered social housing for the over-55s. P.43/2009. Lodged: 27th March 2009.
Deputy J.A. Martin of St. Helier.
Composition and election of the States: revised structure. P.72/2009. Lodged: 19th May 2009.
Privileges and Procedures Committee.
Composition and election of the States: revised structure (P.72/2009) – P.72/2009. comments. Com. Presented: 18th June 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Composition and election of the States: revised structure (P.72/2009) – P.72/2009. amendment. Amd. Lodged: 25th June 2009.
Deputy of St. Martin.
Property and Infrastructure Regeneration: the States of Jersey Development P.79/2009. Company Limited.
Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Council of Ministers.
Property and Infrastructure Regeneration: the States of Jersey Development P.79/2009. Company Limited (P.79/2009) – amendment. Amd.
Connétable of St. Helier.
Composition and election of the States: single election day each year. P.109/2009. Lodged: 30th June 2009.
Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré of St. Lawrence.
Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts Committee: P.112/2009. amendments.
Lodged: 6th July 2009.
Chairmen's Committee.
Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme: revised Scheme. P.113/2009. Lodged: 8th July 2009.
Minister for Home Affairs.
22nd September 2009
Child abuse compensation claims: freedom of expression for survivors. P.49/2009. Lodged: 6th April 2009.
Senator S. Syvret.
Child abuse compensation claims: freedom of expression for survivors P.49/2009. (P.49/2009) – comments. Com. Presented: 11th May 2009.
Council of Ministers.
Child abuse compensation claims: freedom of expression for survivors P.49/2009. (P.49/2009) – amendment. Amd. Lodged: 29th April 2009.
Council of Ministers.
Committee of Inquiry: confidential files held by States of Jersey Police on P.104/2009. States Members and others.
Lodged: 23rd June 2009.
Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier.
Pension Schemes: dealing with the past service liability. P.110/2009. Lodged: 1st July 2009.
Senator B.E. Shenton.
Draft Shops (Regulation of Opening and Deliveries) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.111/2009. Lodged: 1st July 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
20th October 2009
Draft Sea Fisheries (Bag Limits) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.58/2009. Lodged: 14th April 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Sea Fisheries: sale of fish without licence and licensing of ormer fishing. P.106/2009. Lodged: 29th June 2009.
Deputy A.K.F. Green of St. Helier.
Greffier of the States
8th July 2009
Note –In accordance with the decision of the States on 17th June 2009, this meeting will continue, if
necessary, on Tuesday 14th, Wednesday 15th, Thursday 16th and Friday 17th July 2009.
Explanatory Note regarding subordinate legislation tabled at this meeting. (See Item B)
This Order approves the Code of Good Agricultural Practice for the Protection of Water set out in the Schedule to this Order. This Order comes into force forthwith and remains in force for 5 years.
The Order was made on 29th June 2009 and came into force on being made.
1. The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy S.S.P.A. Power of St. Brelade –
"In light of the recent court case involving six local girls under the age of fifteen who viciously attacked
two visiting French girls, hospitalising them, could the Minister advise whether he intends pursuing changes to the current situation whereby under the Criminal Justice (Young Offenders) (Jersey) Law 1994, the Courts only have the power to remand a young person under fifteen and have no power to impose a custodial sentence on someone under fifteen; and would he provide up to date statistics for the period 2004 to 2008 from the States of Jersey Police, Parish Hall enquiries and the Youth Court to illustrate :
- whether there is an increase in young offenders coming to the attention of the Police, Parishes or Courts?
- whether those under the age of 15 are carrying out more offences?
- whether the number of referrals to the Youth Court has increased?"
- H . M . Attorney General will table an answer to the following question asked by Senator B.E. Shenton –
" W ould H.M. Attorney General advise whether he would consider investigating the establishment of a system whereby defendants would contribute towards prosecution costs, where appropriate and taking into account ability to pay, in respect of successful Magistrate's Court prosecutions?"
- The Minister for Education, Sport and Culture will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy T.A. Vallois of St. Saviour –
"Given that an increase of £2,936,438 in Salary and Wages (not including social security or pension) for Education, Sport and Culture occurred between the years 2007 and 2008, together with an increase of 7.2 Full Time Equivalent Members of staff, would the Minister provide a full breakdown and reason for these increases?"
- The Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy T.A. Vallois of St. Saviour –
"Given that an increase of £5,062,293 in Salary and Wages (not including social security or pension) for Health and Social Services occurred between the years 2007 and 2008, together with a decrease of 42.57 Full Time Equivalent members of staff, would the Minister provide a full breakdown and reason for the increase in Salary and Wages?
W ould the Minister also explain the reason for the increase in expenditure of £11,366,740 from 2007 to
2008, and detail what allocations or re-allocations of funds were made during that period?"
- The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy T.A. Vallois of St. Saviour –
"Given that an increase of £3,279,769 in Salary and Wages (not including social security or pension) for
Home Affairs occurred between the years 2007 and 2008, together with an increase of 23.23 Full Time Equivalent members of staff, would the Minister provide a full breakdown and reason for the increases?"
- The Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answer to the following question asked by
Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
" W ill the Minister inform members of the vacancy rate in real (Full Time Equivalent) and percentage terms of nursing staff without including Health Care Assistants (HCA's)?
In order to set the figures given in her answer on 30th June 2009 in context, will the Minister further give
the historic vacancy rate over the past decade for the registered nurse (with and without HCA) workforce?
W ill she give a breakdown of the proportions of those with and without local housing qualifications and
J category status over the same period?
W ill she inform members whether those leaving the service have a leaving interview and, if so, what
information she has regarding the reasons given by those leaving the service?
W ill she further comment on the potential impact of the pay freeze on recruitment and retention in the
light of pay rises under negotiation in Guernsey and the UK?
W ill the Minister advise whether the figure of 5% for the vacancy rate for nursing is seen by hospital
management team as a critical point which puts some service provision under threat, and if not, advise whether the current rate of 5.39% is acceptable, and detail at what level services would be under threat?"
- The Minister for Social Security will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
"W ill the Minister inform members whether he has data to show an increase in the rate of those finding
work through his department's services whilst on benefit after the first 18 months of Income Support, and if not, when will he be in a position to inform members of the success or otherwise of Income Support as a genuine in work' benefit?"
- The Chief Minister will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
" W il l the Chief Minister advise the Assembly the name of the Company who produced the work which was included as a table within the comments on the proposition entitled States Employees: pay increase for 2009/2010 (P.68/2009) – amendment' and state exactly where they found police, fire and prison officers in the private sector in Jersey?
W ill he further release details of the full paper, including detailed analysis of the job group comparisons,
and any background papers used by this Company and, if not, why not?
W ill he further state whether he has full confidence in the validity of these figures, if the current study is
being conducted by the same organisation and whether he would be prepared to have the organisation and its work subjected to scrutiny by the Economic Affairs or Corporate Services scrutiny panels?"
- The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
" W ill the Minister release to members details of the Economic Advisor's quantative and qualitative analysis of the size of the downturn in Jersey's economy referred to in his response to a question on 30th June 2009?"
- T he Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answer to the following question asked by the Deputy of St. John –
"Given that Swine flu has arrived on Island, can members be advise what contingency plans, if any, are
in place to ensure that the Hospital continues to be fully staffed should the following situations arise–
- if m edical staff (doctors and nurses) fall ill with Swine flu
- if m embers of staff's families are taken ill
- if m embers of staff have to stay at home to look after their families because schools are shut?"
- The Chief Minister will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier –
"W hich Ministers and Assistant Ministers have Blackberries or mobile phones paid for by the States?
W hat is the expenditure covered by the States for these communications for the last 3 years and from
what budget does it come?
W hat were the costs of these phones per individual for the last 6 months?
W hat were the total costs of their communications over the last 12 months? W ith which local telephone company is the account held?
In view of the fact that Article 44 of the States of Jersey Law 2005 requires that all States members
receive equal remuneration and allowances, how does the Chief Minister reconcile this added support for these members?"
- The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy M. Tadier of St. Brelade –
"W ill the Minister provide a detailed breakdown of the effective tax rate for all 1(1)Ks currently living in
the island for the past 5 years?"
- The Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy M. Tadier of St. Brelade –
"W ill the Minister inform members on how many occasions, if any in the past 5 years the police and/or
other emergency services have been called out to St Saviour's hospital and the other mental health establishments as a result of staff being unable to restrain and deal with violent patients and will she provide these figures with a breakdown per year as well as a general total?"
- The Chief Minister will table an answer to the following question asked by the Deputy of St. John –
" Given that on 13th May 2009, the States approved P.50/2009 entitled Committee of Inquiry: Reg's Skips Ltd. – Planning applications, as amended, would the Chief Minister advise what progress, if any, has been made in selecting a Chairman and members of the Committee?"
- The Chairman of the Privileges and Procedures Committee will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier –
"Given that Blackberries and some mobile telephones are capable of sending and receiving e-mails, and
are commonly used by some members in the Chamber, does the Committee have any plans to allow laptops to be used in the Chamber to give all members an equal opportunity to communicate with each other in debates and to research issues over the internet as can be done with these devices?"
2nd Session
| First 15 minute period | Second 15 minute period |
| Minister | Minister |
8th September | Education, Sport and Culture | Health and Social Services |
22nd September | Home Affairs | Chief Minister |
6th October | Social Security | Planning and Environment |
20th October | Housing | Chief Minister |
3rd November | Transport and Technical Services | Treasury and Resources |
17th November | Economic Development | Chief Minister |
1st December | Education, Sport and Culture | Health and Social Services |
8th December | Home Affairs | Chief Minister |