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Tuesday 30th June 2009
(Explanatory note attached)
Companies (Appointment of Takeovers and Mergers Panel) (Jersey) Order R&O.57/2009. 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Conservation of Wildlife (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Order 2009. R&O.58/2009. Minister for Planning and Environment.
States Employees: pay increase for 2009/2010 (P.68/2009) – comments. P.68/2009. Presented: 24th June 2009. Com. Chief Minister.
States Employees: pay increase for 2009/2010 (P.68/2009) – amendment P.68/2009. (P.68/2009 Amd.) – comments. Amd.Com. Presented: 24th June 2009.
Chief Minister.
States Employees: pay increase for 2009/2010 (P.68/2009) – second P.68/2009. amendment (P.68/2009 Amd.(2)) – comments. Amd.(2). Presented: 24th June 2009. Com. Chief Minister.
Jersey Mutual Insurance Society Incorporated: alteration of Fundamental P.71/2009. Rules – Petition (P.71/2009) – comments. Com. Presented: 25th June 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Composition and election of the States: revised structure (P.72/2009) – P.72/2009. comments. Com. Presented: 18th June 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Draft Security Interests (Jersey) Law 200-: Consultation Paper. R.67/2009. Presented: 22nd June 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) – purchase of 46 residential R.68/2009. units at "La Providence" from Bel Royal (Jersey) Limited and the onward sale
to 46 purchasers in accordance with P.74/2008 and MD-H-2009-0049 and
Presented: 23rd June 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Prison Board of Visitors – Annual Report 2008. R.69/2009. Presented: 23rd June 2009.
Minister for Home Affairs.
Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel: Waterfront Enterprise Board (P.12/2009) S.R.1/2009. (S.R.1/2009) – response of the Chief Minister. Res. Presented: 23rd June 2009.
Chief Minister.
Committee of Inquiry: Operation Blast'. P.102/2009. Lodged: 18th June 2009.
Deputy of St. John.
Draft Supply of Goods and Services (Jersey) Law 2009 (Appointed Day) Act P.103/2009. 200-.
Lodged: 23rd June 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Committee of Inquiry: confidential files held by States of Jersey Police on P.104/2009. States Members and others.
Lodged: 23rd June 2009.
Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier.
In accordance with Standing Order 34(1), the proposers of the following propositions lodged au Greffe' have informed the Greffier of the States that they are to be withdrawn –
States Employees: pay increase for 2009/2010 (P.68/2009) – second P.68/2009. amendment. Amd.(2) Lodged: 12th June 2009.
Connétable of St. Peter.
Committee of Inquiry: Operation Blast'. P.102/2009. Lodged: 18th June 2009.
Deputy of St. John.
Appointment of the Bailiff 's Consultative Panel. (Explanatory note attached)
- – Written Questions (attached)
- T he Chief Minister will table an answer to a questionaskedby Deputy T.A. Vallois of St. Saviour regarding the adoption of recommendations from scrutiny reports.
- T he Chief Minister will table an answer to a question asked by the Deputy of St. Martin regarding staffsuspensions.
- T he Minister for Education, Sport and Culture will tableananswerto a questionaskedby Deputy T.M. Pitmanof St. Helier regarding plans to privatise oroutsource elements of service delivery.
- T he Minister for Home Affairs will tableananswerto a questionaskedby Deputy T.M. Pitman ofSt. Helier regarding plans to privatise oroutsourceelementsof service delivery.
- T he Minister for Planning andEnvironment will table an answerto a question askedby Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier regarding plans to privatise or outsource elements of service delivery.
- T he Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answerto a questionasked by Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier regarding plans to privatise or outsource elements of service delivery.
- T he Minister for TransportandTechnicalServices will tableananswerto a questionaskedby Deputy T.M. Pitmanof St. Helier regarding plans to privatise oroutsource elements of service delivery.
- T he Minister for Social Security will table ananswer to a question askedby Deputy S.Pitman of St. Helierregarding plans to privatise oroutsourceelementsof service delivery.
- T he Minister for EconomicDevelopment will table an answer to a questionaskedby Deputy S. Pitman ofSt. Helier regarding plans to privatise oroutsourceelementsof service delivery.
- The Minister for Health and SocialServices will table ananswerto a questionaskedby Deputy
- PitmanofSt. Helier regarding plans to privatise oroutsourceelementsof service delivery.
- The Minister for Housingwill table ananswerto a question askedby Deputy S.PitmanofSt. Helier regarding plans to privatise oroutsourceelementsof service delivery.
- The Chief Minister will table an answerto a question askedby Deputy S.PitmanofSt. Helier regarding plans to privatise oroutsourceelementsof service delivery.
- The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answerto a questionasked by Deputy G.P. Southern ofSt.Helier regarding estimates for the downturn in the economy for 2009and 2010.
- The Minister for Education, Sport and Culture will tableananswerto a questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regardingthenumberofsecondaryteachingvacancies advertised by his department for September 2009.
- The Minister for Education, Sport and Culture will tableananswerto a questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding changesmadetoteachers' pension terms and conditions fornew entrants.
- The Minister for Health and SocialServices will table ananswerto a questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding thenumberofvacant nursing and social worker positions.
- The Chief Minister will table an answerto a questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding the recruitment ofthenew Deputy Chief Executive.
- The Minister for SocialSecurity will table an answer to a questionasked by Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier of St. Saviour regarding employment trends and the collation of unemployment statistics.
- The Chairmanof the Privileges andProcedures Committee will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier ofSt.Saviour regarding cases placed before theComplaints Board.
- The Minister for SocialSecurity will table an answer to a questionasked by Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier of St. Saviour regardingthe status of the claim against the assets of Woolworthsin Jersey by GMAC.
- The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answerto a questionasked by Deputy R.G.LeHérissierofSt. Saviour regarding the reform of the public sector.
- The Minister forHome Affairs will table an answerto a question asked by Deputy M.R. Higgins ofSt.Helierregarding the JerseyField Squadron
- – Oral Questions (90 minutes)
- Deputy T.A. Vallois of St. Saviour will ask the followingquestionof the Minister for Economic Development –
" C ould the Minister provide a breakdown of the reduction of £782,500 in Salary and Wages (as per 2008 Financial Accounts) for Jersey Harbours, when there was only a reduction in 1 Full Time Employee on their records since the 2007 Financial Accounts?"
- Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier of St. Saviour will ask the following questionoftheMinisterfor Treasury andResources –
" W ould the Minister state how many projects have been approved as part of the Fiscal Stimulus Package and how many of these will address the issues raised by the recently announced redundancies in the finance sector?"
- Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire ofSt.Helier will ask the following questionof the Minister for Home Affairs –
" W ould the Minister inform members of the precise purpose why files were kept on States Members and, if it was merely for the purposes of administration in order that they would know who to call in the event of an issue, would the Minister state how much has the operation cost and why it was given an operational name?"
- Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture –
" W ill the Minister state whether the local graduate training initiative for secondary teachers is validated by the UK authorities and, if this is not the case, advise whether it therefore restricts graduates to teaching only in Jersey?"
- Deputy D.J.deSousaof St. Helier will ask the followingquestionof the Minister forHousing –
" C an the Minister inform the Assembly what policies and procedures were in place to monitor
rent rebate from the time of its introduction in 1991 and the reason for the increase in rent rebate
subsidy costs from £1million to £24 million over the intervening period?"
- Deputy T.M. Pitman will ask the following questionof the Chief Minister –
" W ould the Chief Minister advise whether there is evidence to suggest that the Chief Executive Officer was involved in the establishment of 'Operation Blast' and, if so, will he, as a neutral act, be suspended whilst this matter is investigated?"
- Deputy T.M. Pitmanof St. Helier will ask the followingquestion of the Minister forEconomic Development –
" F ollowing on from my question of 16th June 2009, regarding spiralling anti-social behaviour involving cars and motorbikes on the road along Albert Quay, would the Minister advise the Assembly whether this matter has been referred to the police/authorities for further action to be taken?"
- The Deputy of St. Mary will ask the following questionof the Minister for Planning and Environment –
" W hen the contractors working on the incinerator sliced into toxic ash pits supposedly sealed forever, just weeks into the construction phase, did they breach the Construction Environmental Action Plan and, if so, what action has the Minister taken or does he propose to take?"
- The Deputy ofSt.Martin will ask the followingquestionof the Minister for Health and Social Services –
" W ill the Minister inform members of the original estimated cost of the Verita investigation and the revised estimated cost now that Verita has replaced one member and added another member to its team and is she confident that the new Verita team has the expertise and terms of reference to allow for a thorough and satisfactory investigation?"
- The Deputy of St. Mary will askthe following questionofthe Minister for Treasury and Resources –
" G iven that the availability of suitable land for allotments is likely to be limited and in light of the Minister for Economic Development's support for the concept of allotments and their importance to the community, would the Minister commit to not marketing or disposing of any agricultural land for 6 months, in order that the allotment working group's report can be considered before any such disposal?"
- Senator P.F.C. Ozouf will ask the following questionof the Chairmanof the Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel –
"M indful of the urgency of having a Depositor Protection Scheme to protect individuals'
deposits and the significant efforts taken to bring legislation to the Assembly as soon as possible, could the Chairman confirm that his Panel will complete its report on the draft legislation, and undertake not to delay the debate on 14th July 2009?"
- The Deputy ofSt.John will ask the followingquestionofthe Minister for Social Security –
" G iven that doctors are being asked to visit patients at home if they have flu symptoms, will the Minister advise whether it is necessary for doctors to have to produce triplicate versions of the signed paperwork in order to claim their fees and, if so, will he undertake to implement a simpler approach so as to minimise their already large workload?"
- The Deputy of St. John will ask the following questionof the Minister for Health and Social Services–
" G iven that presently no agreement exists with other jurisdictions to recoup the costs of non- natives with as little as 5 years residency being cared for in nursing homes/hospitals at the taxpayer's expense if the person has no means of payment, what action, if any, is the Minister taking to put in place a reciprocal agreement with other countries?"
- Deputy R.G.LeHérissierof St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Chairman of Privileges andProcedures Committee –
" W ould the Chairman explain why the Committee has issued no formal statement in relation to Operation Blast?"
- Deputy S.Pitman of St. Helier will ask the followingquestion of the Minister for Social Security –
" Would the Minister advise Members whether 91 recipients of Long Term Incapacity
Allowance, considered unable to work by the Medical Board, are not receiving their incapacity pension, and if so, explain why?"
- Deputy S.PitmanofSt.Helier will ask the followingquestionofH.M. Attorney General –
" W ould H.M. Attorney General inform Members when, and how, he was first informed about Operation Blast?"
- Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier will askthefollowingquestionof the Chief Minister –
" I n the light of the continuation of the bonus culture in banking in the UK and Jersey, how does the Minister justify a pay freeze for nurses and other public sector workers?"
- The Connétable of St. Ouen will askthefollowingquestionofthe Minister forEconomic Development –
" I n view of the fact that, as far back as 2000, the then Harbours and Airport Committee warned the public of the possible danger of rock fall on the public road leading to Greve de Lecq Harbour, would the Minister advise what has been done to ensure public safety and confirm whether his Department are putting the cost of the necessary remedial work ahead of the safety of the public?"
- Deputy M. Tadier ofSt. Brelade will ask the following question of the Minister for Transport and TechnicalServices –
" W hat added pressures will an increased population put on the infrastructure of the Island, vis à vis the Minister's department, and is he confident that sufficient resources will be made available to meet these demands?"
- Deputy P.V.F.LeClaireof St. Helierwill ask thefollowingquestionof the Minister for Health and Social Services –
" G iven that on 2nd June 2009 the Minister mentioned a wholly separate disciplinary process' would take place in relation to the excluded consultant, would she advise why the Department is attempting to investigate his actions before the Verita investigation is completed and confirm whether the Medical Director has been appointed as case manager, and, if so, explain the reasoning for this when he had a major role in the incident?"
- The Deputy ofSt.Martin will askthefollowingquestionof the Minister forHome Affairs –
" W ith reference to Operation Blast, will the Minister advice Members, what motivated the States Police to create the files and cease the practice last November, who was responsible, was there any political involvement, who gave consent for searches to be carried out on States Members and what internal disciplinary investigations have taken place to date?"
- Senator S.C.Ferguson will ask the followingquestionof the Minister for Healthand Social Services
" Would the Minister explain why, despite his willingness, the Verita team has not yet
interviewed the excluded consultant and inform Members whether there is an insistence on completing the disciplinary case against him before the Verita enquiry is concluded?"
- – Questions to Ministerswithout notice (30 minutes) –
1 s t q u e stion period – Minister for Home Affairs
2 n d q u estion period – Minister for Treasury and Resources
The Chairman of the Comité des Connétable s will make a statement regarding the Island-wide rate.
Committee of Inquiry into the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Rourke. P.76/2009. Lodged: 29th May 2009.
Senator S. Syvret.
Committee of Inquiry into the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Rourke (P.76/2009): P.76/2009. comments. Com. Presented: 16th June 2009.
Minister for Health and Social Services.
Child abuse compensation claims: freedom of expression for survivors. P.49/2009. Lodged: 6th April 2009.
Senator S. Syvret.
Child abuse compensation claims: freedom of expression for survivors P.49/2009. (P.49/2009) – comments. Com. Presented: 11th May 2009.
Council of Ministers.
Child abuse compensation claims: freedom of expression for survivors P.49/2009. (P.49/2009) – amendment. Amd. Lodged: 29th April 2009.
Council of Ministers.
States Employees: pay increase for 2009/2010 P.68/2009. Lodged: 12th May 2009.
Deputy of St. John.
States Employees: pay increase for 2009/2010 (P.68/2009) – comments. P.68/2009. Presented: 24th June 2009. Com. Chief Minister.
States Employees: pay increase for 2009/2010 (P.68/2009) – amendment. P.68/2009. Lodged: 19th May 2009. Amd. Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier.
States Employees: pay increase for 2009/2010 (P.68/2009) – amendment P.68/2009. (P.68/2009 Amd.) – comments. Amd.Com. Presented: 24th June 2009.
Chief Minister.
Jersey Mutual Insurance Society Incorporated: alteration of Fundamental P.71/2009. Rules – Petition.
Lodged: 19th May 2009.
Connétable of St. Saviour.
Jersey Mutual Insurance Society Incorporated: alteration of Fundamental P.71/2009. Rules – Petition (P.71/2009) – comments. Com. Presented: 25th June 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Draft Employment (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 2009 (Appointed Day) P.73/2009. Act 200-.
Lodged: 21st May 2009.
Minister for Social Security.
Suspension of States Employees: Composition of Review Panel. P.98/2009. Lodged: 3rd June 2009.
Deputy of St. Martin.
Draft Court of Appeal (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) Law 2008 (Appointed Day) P.99/2009. Act 200-.
Lodged: 4th June 2009.
Chief Minister.
13th July 2009
Electricity tariffs: Regulations under Article 22 of the Electricity (Jersey) Law P.41/2009. 1937.
Lodged: 24th March 2009.
Senator A. Breckon.
Electricity tariffs: Regulations under Article 22 of the Electricity (Jersey) Law P.41/2009. 1937 (P.41/2009) – comments. Com. Presented: 27th April 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Electricity tariffs: Regulations under Article 22 of the Electricity (Jersey) Law P.41/2009. 1937 (P.41/2009) – amendment. Amd. Lodged: 26th May 2009.
Senator A. Breckon.
Ann Court Site, St. Helier: use for sheltered social housing for the over-55s. P.43/2009. Lodged: 27th March 2009.
Deputy J.A. Martin of St. Helier.
Draft Sea Fisheries (Satellite Monitoring) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.56/2009. Lodged: 14th April 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Draft Sea Fisheries (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) P.57/2009. Regulations 200-.
Lodged: 14th April 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Draft Sea Fisheries (Bag Limits) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.58/2009. Lodged: 14th April 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Television Licences for persons over 75. P.100/2009. Lodged: 16th June 2009.
Deputy M. Tadier of St. Brelade.
Draft Social Security (Television Licence Benefit) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.64/2009. Lodged: 5th May 2009.
Minister for Social Security.
Draft Social Security (Television Licence Benefit) (Jersey) Regulations 200- P.64/2009. (P.64/2009): amendment. Amd. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Social Security.
Draft Residential Tenancy (Jersey) Law 200-. P.74/2009. Lodged: 21st May 2009.
Minister for Housing.
Draft Amendment (No. 11) of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey. P.75/2009. Lodged: 27th May 2009.
Privileges and Procedures Committee.
Esplanade Quarter and Waterfront development: deferral. P.77/2009. Lodged: 29th May 2009.
Deputy of St. John.
Annual Business Plan 2009: variation in respect of pay freeze. P.78/2009. Lodged: 29th May 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Draft Income Tax (Amendment No. 32) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.81/2009. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Draft Income Tax (Amendment No. 33) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.82/2009. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005: funding requests under Article 11(8). P.83/2009.
Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Strategic Reserve Fund: use for Bank Depositors' Compensation Scheme. P.84/2009. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Draft Public Finances (Depositors Compensation) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.85/2009. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Draft Banking Business (Depositors Compensation) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.86/2009. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Draft Banking (Depositors Compensation) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.87/2009. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Draft Foundations (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.88/2009. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Draft Foundations (Continuance) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.89/2009. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Draft Companies (Takeovers and Mergers Panel) (Amendment of Law) (Jersey) P.91/2009. Regulations 200-.
Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Draft Income Support (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.93/2009. Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Minister for Social Security.
Ratification of the Agreement for the exchange of information relating to tax P.94/2009. matters between the States of Jersey and France.
Lodged: 3rd June 2009.
Chief Minister.
Cannot be debated until 15th July 2009
Ratification of the Agreement for the exchange of information relating to tax P.95/2009. matters between the States of Jersey and Ireland.
Lodged: 3rd June 2009.
Chief Minister.
Cannot be debated until 15th July 2009
Ratification of the Agreement for the exchange of information relating to tax P.96/2009. matters between the States of Jersey and the United Kingdom.
Lodged: 3rd June 2009.
Chief Minister.
Cannot be debated until 15th July 2009
Draft Taxation (Exchange of Information with Third Countries) (Amendment P.97/2009. No. 3) (Jersey) Regulations 200-.
Lodged: 3rd June 2009.
Chief Minister.
Cannot be debated until 15th July 2009
Jersey Financial Services Commission: appointment of Chairman. P.101/2009. Lodged: 17th June 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
8th September 2009
Composition and election of the States: revised structure. P.72/2009. Lodged: 19th May 2009.
Privileges and Procedures Committee.
Composition and election of the States: revised structure (P.72/2009) – P.72/2009. comments. Com. Presented: 18th June 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Property and Infrastructure Regeneration: the States of Jersey Development P.79/2009. Company Limited.
Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Council of Ministers.
Property and Infrastructure Regeneration: the States of Jersey Development P.79/2009. Company Limited (P.79/2009) – amendment. Amd. Lodged: 8th June 2009.
Connétable of St. Helier.
Draft Supply of Goods and Services (Jersey) Law 2009 (Appointed Day) Act P.103/2009. 200-.
Lodged: 23rd June 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
22nd September 2009
Committee of Inquiry: confidential files held by States of Jersey Police on P.104/2009. States Members and others.
Lodged: 23rd June 2009.
Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier.
M.N. DE LA HAYE Greffier of the States
25th June 2009 Note –
In accordance with the meeting dates fixed for 2009 by the Privileges and Procedures Committee, this meeting will continue, if necessary, on Wednesday 1st July and Thursday 2nd July 2009.
Explanatory Note regarding subordinate legislation tabled at this meeting.
(See Item B)
This Order appoints the body known in the United Kingdom as the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers for the purposes of exercising functions under the Companies (Takeovers and Mergers Panel) (Jersey) Law 2009.
The Order was made on 17th June 2009 and comes into force on 1st July 2009. R&O.58/2009.
This Order extends protection to wild starlings under the Conservation of Wildlife (Jersey) Law 2000. It amends Part 2 of Schedule 1 to that Law, to remove starlings from the list of wild birds that are not"protected wild birds".
The Order was made on 24th June 2009 and comes into force on 1st July 2009.
On 7th July 1992 the States, adopting a proposition of Senator R.J. Shenton, "agreed to establish a Consultative Panel of elected members of the States with whom the Bailiff would be able to meet in order to consult on a confidential basis in appropriate cases".
The composition of the Panel has been amended on a number of occasions since 1992 to reflect changes to the machinery of government and the current composition, agreed on 16th May 2006, is as follows –
the Chairman of the Comité des Connétable s;
the Chief Minister;
the Chairman of the Privileges and Procedures Committee;
the Minister for Treasury and Resources; and
five other members elected by ballot by the States for a period of 3 years.
On 16th May 2006 the States appointed Senator Stuart Syvret, the Deputy of Trinity , the then Deputy Deidre Wendy Mezbourian of St. Lawrence, Senator Terence John Le Main and the Deputy of Grouville as the 5 members elected by ballot (Senator Syvret resigned from the Panel in 2008).
Although the Panel does not meet frequently it nevertheless enables the Bailiff to discuss various matters with elected members. For example, matters discussed by the Panel in the past few years have included the plans for Liberation Day and Royal visits, the arrangements for the departure of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor and the arrival of his successor, the appropriate way to mark the departure from the States of retiring members in December 2008. The panel is also consulted in relation to Crown appointments and has recently been consulted in relation to the appointment of the new Bailiff and Deputy Bailiff .
As the 3 year term of office of the 5 members elected by ballot in 2006 has expired it is necessary to re-appoint members. In accordance with the procedure followed in 2006 nominations will be invited from the floor at this meeting and each nomination will need to be seconded. If there are more than 5 nominations made a ballot will be held and the 5 members receiving the largest numbers of votes will be elected as members of the Panel. In the ballot each member will be able to cast up to 5 votes.
- The Chief Minister will table ananswerto the followingquestionaskedby Deputy T.A. Vallois ofSt. Saviour –
" C ould the Chief Minister advise the number of recommendations from all scrutiny reports that have been adopted by Ministers since the introduction of ministerial government and how many recommendations have been put forward to departments?
H ow does the Council of Ministers consider the scrutiny process is working effectively with Ministers and
their departments?"
- The Chief Minister will table an answer to the following questionaskedby the Deputy ofSt.Martin –
" W ould the Chief Minister advise the Assembly of the total number of staff, by Department, who were suspended as a result of disciplinary infractions since 1st January 2009 and, in each case, identify the employee group concerned, the period of suspension, the means of disposal of the case and, in those cases where the time between the suspension date and the disciplinary hearing was greater than the eight weeks recommended by the States Employment Board, the reason for the extension?
W ould the Chief Minister advise the Assembly of the total number of staff who were suspended during the
period 2006 to 2009, and who remain suspended, identifying in each case the employee group concerned, the period of suspension and the reason why the employee remains suspended?"
- The Minister for Education, Sport and Culture will table ananswertothefollowingquestion asked by Deputy T.M.Pitmanof St. Helier –
" F ollowing on from the Strategic Plan, what sector, if any, in his department's service delivery does the Minister plan to privatise or outsource and how many jobs will this effect; further still, what savings are planned?"
- The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answerto the following questionaskedby Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier –
" F ollowing on from the Strategic Plan, what sector, if any, in his department's service delivery does the Minister plan to privatise or outsource and how many jobs will this effect; further still, what savings are planned?"
- The Minister for Planning andEnvironment will table ananswer to the following question askedby Deputy T.M.Pitmanof St. Helier –
" F ollowing on from the Strategic Plan, what sector, if any, in his department's service delivery does the Minister plan to privatise or outsource and how many jobs will this effect; further still, what savings are planned?"
- The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table ananswerto the following question askedby Deputy T.M.Pitmanof St. Helier –
" F ollowing on from the Strategic Plan, what sector, if any, in his department's service delivery does the Minister plan to privatise or outsource and how many jobs will this effect; further still, what savings are planned?"
- The Minister forTransportand Technical Services will table ananswertothefollowingquestionaskedby Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier –
" F ollowing on from the Strategic Plan, what sector, if any, in his department's service delivery does the Minister plan to privatise or outsource and how many jobs will this effect; further still, what savings are planned?"
- The Minister forSocial Security will tableananswer to the following questionaskedby Deputy S.Pitmanof St. Helier –
" F ollowing on from the Strategic Plan, what sector, if any, in his department's service delivery does the Minister plan to privatise or outsource and how many jobs will this effect; further still, what savings are planned?"
- The Minister for EconomicDevelopment will table an answer to the followingquestionasked by Deputy S. Pitman ofSt. Helier –
" F ollowing on from the Strategic Plan, what sector, if any, in his department's service delivery does the Minister plan to privatise or outsource and how many jobs will this effect; further still, what savings are planned?"
- The Minister for Health and SocialServices will table ananswerto the followingquestionasked by Deputy
S. Pitman of St. Helier –
" F ollowing on from the Strategic Plan, what sector, if any, in his department's service delivery does the Minister plan to privatise or outsource and how many jobs will this effect; further still, what savings are planned?"
- The Minister for Housing will table an answer to thefollowingquestionasked by Deputy S.Pitmanof St. Helier –
" F ollowing on from the Strategic Plan, what sector, if any, in his department's service delivery does the Minister plan to privatise or outsource and how many jobs will this effect; further still, what savings are planned?"
- The Minister for EconomicDevelopment will tableananswer to thefollowingquestionaskedby Deputy S. Pitman ofSt. Helier –
" F ollowing on from the Strategic Plan, what sector, if any, in his department's service delivery does the Minister plan to privatise or outsource and how many jobs will this effect; further still, what savings are planned?"
- The Minister forTreasury and Resources will table ananswer to the following questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
" W ill the Minister inform members what evidence he has to support his estimates for the downturn in the economy for 2009 and 2010 of 4% and 2% respectively?"
- The Minister forEducation, Sport and Culture will table ananswer to the followingquestionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
"W ill the Minister inform members of the number of secondary teaching vacancies advertised by his
department for September 2009 listed by subject area along with the numbers of applicants for these posts? Will he further state whether applicants were fully qualified secondary teachers in the subjects required and whether applicants were locally qualified, UK graduates or other nationalities? How many vacancies remain unfilled?"
- The Minister forEducation, Sport and Culture will table ananswer to the followingquestionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
" W ill the Minister inform members what changes have been made to teachers' pension terms and conditions for new entrants and state how this differs from the UK equivalent?
D oes the Minister agree with the statement of the Comptroller and Auditor General, supported by PAC, that
"terms and benefits must be broadly equivalent to those of the mainland in order to recruit staff."?
D o es the Minister anticipate recruitment difficulties given the recently negotiated reduced pension terms?"
- The Minister for Health and SocialServices will table ananswerto the followingquestionasked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
"W ill the Minister inform members how many positions, and at what levels, are unfilled in the full
complement of -
• Hospital nurses
• Social workers
W hat measures, if any, does the Minister have in place to remedy the position?"
- The Chief Minister will table an answertothefollowingquestionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
" W ould the Chief Minister give precise details a) of the procedure followed in the recruitment of the new Deputy Chief Executive and b) of his job description?"
- The Minister for SocialSecurity will table ananswer to the followingquestionaskedby Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier of St. Saviour –
" G iven the difficulties in accurately keeping track of unemployment trends will the Minister be revising the way in which such statistics are collected and, if so, how?"
- The Chairmanof the Privileges and ProceduresCommittee will tableananswer to the followingquestion asked by Deputy R.G.LeHérissierofSt. Saviour –
" W ill the Complaints Board be able to comment on whether alleged contraventions of Human Rights are a factor in cases placed before it?"
- The Minister forTreasury and Resources will table ananswer to the following questionaskedby Deputy R.G.LeHérissierofSt. Saviour –
" W ould the Minister confirm whether the remit of one of his Assistant Ministers covers reform of the public sector and cost cutting and, if so, would he explain how this will come about?"
- The Minister forHome Affairs will table ananswer to the following questionaskedby Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier –
" F ollowing my earlier oral question would the Minister please provide the following detailed information on the Jersey Field Squadron:
- H o w muchis the Island's defence contribution to HMGovernmentwhichcovers the cost of the Jersey Field Squadron?
- W hat is the permanent staff of the FieldSquadron,breaking it down into seconded regular army personnel and localpersonnel?
- W h at is the cost of housing permanentmembersof the FieldSquadron?
- W ould the Minister give the numberof Island volunteerpersonnelon the books of the Squadron broken downby –
- n u mbersrecordedontheestablishmentforeach year from the formation of the unit;
- n u mbersrecordedontheestablishmentwho were actually paid for attendanceat training sessions from the year of its formation;
- n u mbersofvolunteerson establishment whoattendedannualcampforeach year since its formation;
- n u mbers of volunteers on establishment who have served in Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq or Afghanistan.
- W o uld the Minister give details of the equipment paid for by JerseyforusebytheSquadronand its current location?
1st Session –
| First 15 minute period | Second 15 minute period |
| Minister | Minister |
14th July | Economic Development | Chief Minister |
2nd Session
| First 15 minute period | Second 15 minute period |
| Minister | Minister |
8th September | Education, Sport and Culture | Health and Social Services |
22nd September | Home Affairs | Chief Minister |
6th October | Social Security | Planning and Environment |
20th October | Housing | Chief Minister |
3rd November | Transport and Technical Services | Treasury and Resources |
17th November | Economic Development | Chief Minister |
1st December | Education, Sport and Culture | Health and Social Services |
8th December | Home Affairs | Chief Minister |