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Order Paper 3rd February 2009

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Tuesday 3rd February 2009


(Explanatory note attached)

Financial Services (Amendment of Schedule  2 to Law) (No.  3) (Jersey) Order R&O.9/2009. 2009.

Minister for Economic Development.

Road Traffic ( Trinity ) (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Order 2009. R&O.10/2009. Minister for Transport and Technical Services.

Community Provisions (Restrictive Measures Zimbabwe) (No. 6) R&O.11/2009. (Amendment No.  2) (Jersey) Order 2009.

Chief Minister.


Woolworths employees: payment of statutory notice periods (P.9/2009) P.9/2009. addendum. Add. Presented: 26th January 2009.

Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier.

States of Jersey Law 2005: delegation of functions Economic Development R.5/2009. delegations to Assistant Ministers.

Presented: 29th January 2009.

Minister for Economic Development.

Machinery of Government Review (R.105/2007): summary of action arising. R.6/2009. Presented: 29th January 2009.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.

States of Jersey Law 2005: delegation of functions States Employment Board. R.7/2009. Presented: 29th January 2009.

Chief Minister.


Rôle of the unelected members of the States: review (P.5/2009) – amendment. P.5/2009. Lodged: 27th January 2009. Amd. Deputy T.M. Pitman of St.  Helier.

Rôle of the unelected members of the States: review (P.5/2009) – second P.5/2009. amendment. Amd.(2) Lodged: 27th January 2009.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.

Jersey Consumer Council: appointment of Chairman. P.10/2009. Lodged: 23rd January 2009. (re-issue) Minister for Economic Development.

Draft Limited Partnerships (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 2009 (Appointed Day) P.11/2009. Act 200-.

Lodged: 23rd January 2009.

Minister for Economic Development.

Waterfront Enterprise Board: revised Memorandum and Articles of P.12/2009. Association.

Lodged: 27th January 2009.

Council of Ministers.

Waterfront Enterprise Board: appointment of States director. P.13/2009. Lodged: 28th January 2009.

Senator B.E. Shenton.

Public Employees Contributory Retirement Scheme: membership of the P.14/2009. Committee of Management.

Lodged: 29th January 2009.

Chief Minister.

Manual Workers' Joint Council: Employers' Side membership. P.15/2009. Lodged: 29th January 2009.

Chief Minister.

Natural gas pipeline: strategic study. P.16/2009. Lodged: 29th January 2009.

Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St.  Helier.

  1. Written Questions (attached)
  1. The Minister forEducation, Sport and Culture will tableananswerto a questionaskedbythe Connétable ofSt.Lawrence regarding schoolsuspensions.
  2. The Minister for Economic Development will table an answer to a question asked by the Deputy of St. John regarding a review of offshore companies' redundancy policies.
  3. The ChairmanoftheComité des Connétable swilltableananswer to a questionaskedby the Deputy of St. John regardingthe2008 elections.
  4. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to a questionaskedbythe Deputy

of St. John regarding the annual fuel costs to all States departments.

  1. The Minister forTransport and Technical Services will table ananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier of St.  Saviour regarding the provisionofbaggagespaceonbusesto the Airport.
  2. The Minister forEducation, Sport and Culture will table ananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier of St.  Saviour regarding greater efficiencies within theEducation, Sport andCultureDepartment.
  3. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answerto a questionasked by Deputy R.G.LeHérissierofSt. Saviour regarding laying new policy initiatives beforethe States.
  4. The Minister for Planning and Environment will table an answer to a questionaskedby the Deputy of Grouville regarding the appointment of a UKConsultant to draw up a social needs housing policy.
  5. The ChairmanoftheComité des Connétable swilltableananswer to a questionaskedby the Deputy of Grouville regarding the criterion for admittingpeopleonto parish waiting lists for Sheltered Housing.
  6. The Minister for Health and SocialServices will table ananswerto a questionaskedby Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire of St.  HelierregardingtheHealthand Social Services Department's travel policy.
  7. The Minister for TreasuryandResources will table an answer to a questionaskedbythe Deputy of Grouville regarding the architects employed within the Property Holdingssection.
  8. The Chief Minister will table ananswer to a questionaskedby the Deputy ofSt. Martin regarding the United NationsConventionon the RightsofPersons with Disabilities.
  9. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answerto a questionasked by Deputy S.S.P.A. Powerof St. Brelade regarding theuseof States land for allotments.
  10. The Chief Minister will table ananswer to a question asked by the Connétable of St.  Lawrence regarding the total numberof staff suspensions during 2008.
  11. The Minister for Planning andEnvironment will table an answerto a question askedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St.  Helierregarding the numberof one-bed flats under construction or with planning permission in 2008 and2009.
  12. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answerto a questionasked by Deputy G.P. Southern ofSt. Helier regarding the on-line availability of the Oxerareport into Land ValueTax.
  13. The Minister for SocialSecurity will table ananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern ofSt. Helierregarding the impactof changes in circumstances to IncomeSupport recipients.
  14. The Minister for SocialSecurity will table ananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St.  Helier regarding a like for like comparisonof benefit systems.
  15. The Minister for Health and SocialServices will table ananswerto a questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern ofSt. Helier regarding charges for x-rays and otherscans for thoseonIncome Support.
  1. – Oral Questions (90 minutes)
  1. The Deputy of St. John will ask the following question of the Minister for Treasury and Resources

" W ould the Minister advise whether the Old Harbour Works building at La Collette is to stay empty or has it been let, if so, what is the rental charge, which department receives the money and are any remedial works required to put the building in good order, and, if so, can members be given details of the works to be undertaken and the costs involved?"

  1. Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier of St. Saviour will ask the following questionoftheMinisterfor Health and SocialServices

" I s the Minister satisfied with current policy in respect of private work undertaken by Hospital consultants?"

  1. Deputy S.S.P.A. Power ofSt. Brelade will ask the followingquestionofthe Minister for Economic Development

" W ould the Minister advise members what action, if any, can be taken to ensure that Jersey travellers are charged a fair rate by Condor to travel to St. Malo, given that passengers from Weymouth travelling to the same destination are charged a lower fare despite the fact the voyage time is on average three times that of the Jersey passage?"

  1. Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier will askthefollowingquestionof the Chief Minister –

" I n the light of allegations of evidence relating to the suspension of the Chief Officer of the States of Jersey Police being destroyed by the States Chief Executive Officer, will the Chief Minister act to immediately implement a full independent inquiry and suspend the Chief Executive Officer until such an inquiry is completed?"

  1. Deputy T.M.Pitmanof St. Helier will ask the following questionof the Minister for Transport and TechnicalServices

" W ould the Minister provide the Assembly with a year on year breakdown of the consultancy costs to date in relation to the Solid Waste Strategy and the new Energy from Waste plant and explain why he did not answer the very same query within a written question from the Deputy of St Mary on 20th January 2009?"

  1. Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier will ask the followingquestionof the Minister forSocial S e curity–

" W ill the Minister inform members what plans, if any, he has to introduce protection for Jersey employees from redundancy through insolvency and, if so, in what timescale his plans can be introduced?"

  1. Deputy K.C. Lewis ofSt.Saviour will ask the followingquestionofthe Minister for Home Affairs –

" W ill the Minister be seeking to ban the so called legal-high' drugs available in the Island?"

  1. The Deputy ofSt.Martin will askthefollowingquestionof the Chief Minister –

"G iven that when the States approved the Draft Human Rights (Jersey) Law (P.197/99),

Members were informed that the key requirement would be that of training and a Working Group would be established to organise and oversee the training of relevant staff, would the Minister advise whether the Working Group remains active and, if not, explain why, particularly given changes in personnel and States Members?"

  1. Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire of St. Helier will ask the following questionof the Minister forHealth and Social Services

" Would the Minister advise the Assembly whether patients are required to provide the Health and Social Services Department with copies of their income tax forms in order to access overseas travel support, and if so, when was this policy introduced?"

  1. Deputy S.S.P.A.Powerof St. Brelade will ask thefollowingquestionof the Minister for Economic Development

" Does the Minister consider that a 20kg limit on hold baggage is unreasonable at holiday times and, if so, would he undertake to persuade those enforcing such a limit to increase it to 30kg during these times as part of the conditions to operate in and out of Jersey Airport?"

  1. Deputy J.A.MartinofSt.Helier will ask the followingquestionofthe Minister for Social Security –

" W ould the Minister advise the Assembly how many meetings, if any, have taken place with the Ministers for Transport and Technical Services and Education, Sport and Culture to bring forward proposals for appropriate replacements for HIE Travel cards and free Active cards as charged by the States on 22nd November 2007, when adopting P.145/2007?"

  1. The Deputy of Grouville will ask the followingquestionofthe Minister for Housing –

" W ould the Minister confirm that he has established a Policy with rational and consistent criteria for determining admission onto waiting lists for housing built on re-zoned land?"

  1. The Deputy of Trinity will ask the following question of the Minister for Health and Social Services –

" W ould the Minister advise the Assembly what impact there would be on the provision of care beds for the elderly in the Island if the current UK Health provider should cease operation due to financial difficulties?"

  1. The Deputy ofSt.Martin will askthefollowingquestionof the Minister forHome Affairs –

"W ill the Minister outline what the Association of Chief Police Officers' role was in the

Historic Child Abuse Enquiry, at what stage of the Enquiry the Association became involved, whether it is still involved, its cost to date to the Island, and whether the Minister is satisfied with the Association's involvement?"

  1. Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire of St. Helier will ask the following questionof the Chief Minister -

" W ould the Minister advise whether passports will be required to travel from Jersey to the United Kingdom (UK) from 2014 and what negotiations, if any, have occurred between the Chief Minister's Department and the UK on this matter?"

  1. Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier will ask the followingquestionof the Minister for Treasury and Resources

" W  ould the Minister agree that, having given an undertaking during his election campaign to give further consideration to delaying the start of 20% means 20%' taxation proposals on middle and high earners, and in light of the impact of recession on the economy, a deferral of this measure could help boost the economy and, if so, what action, if any, will he be taking?"

  1. Deputy R.G.LeHérissierof St. Saviour will ask the followingquestionof the Minister for Health and SocialServices

" W  ould the Minister outline the lessons, if any, that have been learnt following the tragic death of a patient while undergoing an operation?"

  1. The Deputy ofSt.John will askthe following questionofthe Minister for Treasuryand Resources -

" W  ould the Minister advise the Assembly why so many States employees have purchase cards, the value of spend allowed on each card and whether there have been any incidents of abuse by States employees in the last five years and if so, how many cases and to what value?

  1. Questions to Ministerswithout notice (30 minutes)

1 s t q u e stion period – Minister for Education, Sport and Culture 2 n d q u estion period – Minister for Health and Social Services


Draft Gender Recognition (Jersey) Law 200-. P.174/2008. Lodged: 25th November 2008.

Chief Minister.

Draft Gender Recognition (Jersey) Law 200- (P.174/2008): amendment. P.174/2008. Lodged: 20th January 2009. Amd. Chief Minister.

Draft Amendment (No.  10) of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey. P.179/2008. Lodged: 5th December 2008.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.

Draft Employment (Minimum Wage) (Amendment No.  5) (Jersey) Regulations P.180/2008. 200-.

Lodged: 9th December 2008.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft Companies (Amendment No.  10) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.185/2008. Lodged: 23rd December 2008.

Minister for Economic Development.

Draft Companies (Amendment No.  3) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.186/2008. Lodged: 23rd December 2008.

Minister for Economic Development.

Rôle of the unelected members of the States: review. P.5/2009. Lodged: 6th January 2009.

Deputy of St.  Martin.

Rôle of the unelected members of the States: review (P.5/2009) – amendment. P.5/2009. Lodged: 27th January 2009. Amd. Deputy T.M. Pitman of St.  Helier.

Rôle of the unelected members of the States: review (P.5/2009) – second P.5/2009. amendment. Amd.(2) Lodged: 27th January 2009.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.

Energy from Waste facility: rescindment. P.8/2009. Lodged: 20th January 2009.

Deputy of St.  Mary.

Woolworths employees: payment of statutory notice periods. P.9/2009. Lodged: 21st January 2009.

Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier.

Woolworths employees: payment of statutory notice periods (P.9/2009) P.9/2009. addendum. Add. Presented: 26th January 2009.

Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier.


24th February 2009

Draft Sex Offenders (Jersey) Law 200-. P.178/2008. Lodged: 3rd December 2008.

Minister for Home Affairs.

Ministerial government: review. P.181/2008. Lodged: 10th December 2008.

Deputy of St.  John.

Ann Court Site, St.  Helier: use for sheltered social housing for the over-55s. P.184/2008. Lodged: 23rd December 2008. (re-issue) Deputy J.A. Martin of St.  Helier.

Voisinage and customary law: review. P.1/2009. Lodged: 5th January 2009.

Senator B.E. Shenton.

Draft Summary Fines (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.6/2009. Lodged: 13th January 2009.

Comité des Connétable s.

Property sold by the public: restriction on renting back. P.7/2009. Lodged: 20th January 2009.

Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St.  Helier.

Jersey Consumer Council: appointment of Chairman. P.10/2009. Lodged: 23rd January 2009. (re-issue) Minister for Economic Development.

Draft Limited Partnerships (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 2009 (Appointed Day) P.11/2009. Act 200-.

Lodged: 23rd January 2009.

Minister for Economic Development.

Waterfront Enterprise Board: appointment of States director. P.13/2009. Lodged: 28th January 2009.

Senator B.E. Shenton.

Public Employees Contributory Retirement Scheme: membership of the P.14/2009. Committee of Management.

Lodged: 29th January 2009.

Chief Minister.

Manual Workers' Joint Council: Employers' Side membership. P.15/2009. Lodged: 29th January 2009.

Chief Minister.

Natural gas pipeline: strategic study. P.16/2009. Lodged: 29th January 2009.

Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St.  Helier.

10th March 2009

Waterfront Enterprise Board: revised Memorandum and Articles of P.12/2009. Association.

Lodged: 27th January 2009.

Council of Ministers.

24th March 2008

Draft Income Tax (Amendment No.  32) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.161/2008. Lodged: 21st October 2008.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Draft Income Tax (Amendment No.  32) (Jersey) Law 200- (P.161/2008): P.161/2008. comments. Com. Presented: 25th November 2008.

Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel.

31st March 2008

Rates: the States' liability. P.147/2008. Lodged: 16th September 2008.

Connétable of St. Helier.

Rates: the States' liability (P.147/2008) – comments. P.147/2008. Presented: 16th January 2009. Com. Minister for Treasury and Resources.

La Pouquelaye old school site: provision of youth and community facilities. P.187/2008. Lodged: 24th December 2008.

Connétable of St. Helier.

A.H. HARRIS Deputy Greffier of the States

29th January 2009 Note –

In accordance with the meeting dates fixed for 2009 by the Privileges and Procedures Committee, this meeting will continue, if necessary, on Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th February 2009.

Explanatory Note regarding subordinate legislation tabled at this meeting.

(See Item B)


This Order amends Schedule  2 to the Financial Services (Jersey) Law 1998 in relation to fund services business carried on by overseas persons. Schedule  2 exempts specified activities from classes of financial service business and consequently from the requirement to be registered under the Law.

Article  1 amends Schedule  2 to the Law. Paragraph  3B of the Schedule is amended so that transactions fall within the exemption if they relate to any undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities within the meaning of Council Directive No.  85/611/EEC of 20 December 1985 on the co-ordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS) (O.J. No.  L375 31.12.1985) and are authorized by that Directive.

Article  1 also adds a new paragraph to Schedule  2. This new paragraph exempts fund services business carried on by an overseas person in the circumstances set out in paragraph  3B of the Schedule from the class of fund services business. Fund services business carried on in these circumstances is not therefore treated as financial service business for the purpose of the Law.

Article  2 cites the title of the Order and provides that it comes into force 7 days after it is made. The Order was made on 21st January 2009 and came into force on 28th January 2009.


This Order makes Les Ruelles, in Trinity , one way from La Route de la Trinité to La Rue du Mont Pellier. The Order was made on 23rd January 2009 and comes into force on 6th February 2009.


This Order substitutes the lists of individuals and companies connected with the Government of Zimbabwe whose assets shall be frozen.

The Order was made on 28th January 2009 and came into force on 31st January 2009.


  1. T h e Ministerfor Education, Sport and Culture will table an answer to the following question askedby the Connétable ofSt. Lawrence

"F  o r the academic years 2005 to 2008 inclusive, would the Minister inform members

(a ) o f  the total number of pupils in the non fee-paying secondary schools who have been suspended;

(b ) h o w many of those pupils have been suspended for a period of more than 5  days or an aggregate

period of more than 15  days in any school term;

(c ) o f the current policy for deciding upon suspension; (d ) w h ether that policy will be reviewed?"

  1. T h e Minister for EconomicDevelopment will table ananswerto the following questionasked by the Deputy of St.  John –

" F o ll owing the demise of Woolworths, will the Minister review those companies operating in the Island who do not pay local income tax and undertake to bring forward the relevant legislation to ensure that any such companies extend their redundancy policies to their staff in Jersey and if not, will he explain why?"

(F o r clarity I am a shareholder of Woolworth or was depending on the outcome.)

  1. T h e Chairman of the Comitédes Connétable s will tableananswer to the following question askedby the Deputy of St.  John –

" (1 ) C an the Chairman inform members if he is aware of any complaints from electors of the Island in respect of the 2008 elections, particularly in relation to persons being disenfranchised by not being on the electoral list despite evidence existing that the electoral form had been returned, or having filled in a postal voting form and forwarded it to the Judicial Greffier's Office but never receiving a voting slip, and if so, how many?

(2 ) W  ere there any fraudulent forms returned to the Judicial Greffier's office, if so, how many and

what action has been taken?

(3 ) H a ve any complaints been received about voting irregularities in any parish, and if so, would he

advise which parish, how many complaints and what action, if any, has been taken?"

  1. T h e Minister for TreasuryandResourceswill table ananswer to the following questionaskedby the Deputy of St.  John –

" (1 ) W ould the Chief Minister advise the Assembly of the annual cost of providing electricity to all States departments broken down as follows?

States offices;


Leisure facilities;

Main roads, i.e. Victoria Avenue;

Other main roads;


States accommodation (communal areas only);

States quangos (such as WEB offices);

Any others not already specified.

(2 ) W o uld he also advise the –

(a ) a n n u al cost of heating States departments by other means such as oil or gas? (b ) c o s t of gas heating per annum and which properties?

(c ) c o s t of oil heating per annum and which properties?

(d ) c o s t of other types of heating such as coal?

  1. T h e Minister for TransportandTechnicalServices will table an answer to thefollowingquestionasked by Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier ofSt.Saviour

" G i v en the Minister's acknowledgement during the election for his post that it was completely daft to have an airport bus that cannot accommodate suitcases' when is it intended to provide suitable baggage space on buses serving the Airport?"

  1. T h e Minister for Education, Sport andCulture will table ananswer to the following questionaskedby Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier ofSt.Saviour

" G i v en the Minister's oft-repeated calls for public service cutbacks and efficiencies, what steps, if any, is he proposing to bring about greater efficiencies within the Education, Sport and Culture Department?"

  1. T h e MinisterforTreasury and Resources will table ananswer to the followingquestionaskedby Deputy R.G.LeHérissierofSt. Saviour –

" W h a t steps, if any, are in place to ensure that new policy initiatives from the Minister are first notified to the States, prior to media publicity?

  1. T h e Minister for Planning andEnvironment will table an answer to the following questionaskedby the Deputy of Grouville

(1 ) " G iven that in a response to my oral question on 20th January 2009, the Minister indicated that a

UK Consultant had been appointed to draw up a policy and implement a States decision to require developments of over a certain size to provide a percentage of their build for social need, could he indicate –

(a ) w h e n the UK Consultant was appointed?

(b ) w h y the Minister's own senior officers could not draw up such a Policy, given the template

is available under section  106 of the UK Planning Guidelines?

(c ) h o w much the appointment is costing the taxpayer?

( d ) h o w long it will be before the Policy is implemented and used as part of the Planning


( e ) w h ether the delay in implementing a relatively simple policy which already exists

elsewhere is acceptable?

(2 ) C o uld the Minister detail how many developments, if any, he has he approved since the States

decision on 2nd April 2008, which would have fallen under the policy?

(3 ) D o es the Minister accept that, had the policy been implemented before the rezoning debate in July

2008, some areas of the countryside could have been saved from development, and opportunities to require developers to contribute to the supply of first-time buyer and sheltered housing in the Island have been wasted?

  1. T h e Chairman of the Comitédes Connétable s will tableananswer to the following question askedby the Deputy of Grouville

" (1 ) G iven that on 2nd April, 2008, the Assembly agreed by 40  votes to 6 that a consistent criterion for admitting people to parish waiting lists for Sheltered Housing would be brought forward by the Minister for Housing. Since that time, could the Chairman confirm –

(a ) h o w  many meetings have been held between the Connétable s and Minister for Housing to

develop such a criteria?

(b ) a t w h at stage of development it is?

(2 ) W o uld the Chairman confirm whether the numbers of people on the Parish waiting lists were used

to imply during the rezoning of the countryside debate (P.75/2008) that there was an "urgent, desperate need" for sheltered housing, even though that was not a requirement for admissibility and, if so, what definition of "desperate" and "needy" was applied?

(3 ) D i d some of the people on the Connétable s' waiting lists also appear on the Housing Department's

central list for States Housing?

  1. T h e Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answer to thefollowingquestionasked by Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire of St. Helier

" W  h at is the Travel Policy of the Health and Social Services Department for patients and relatives requiring off-Island treatment and are the Income Tax and Social Security Departments involved, and if so, in what way?"

  1. T h e Minister forTreasury and Resources will table an answerto the followingquestionaskedby the Deputy of Grouville

" W  it h regard to the architects employed within the Property Services Department, could the Minister confirm –

( a ) h o w many architects, technicians, engineers and supporting staff are employed within the

Department's Architectural section?

(b ) at what cost are all of these posts for the year ended 2008?

(c ) at what grade and cost are each of the architects?

(d ) w h at specific projects have they completed since the end of 2006?

(e ) w h en was the last time the Department entered a design into the Jersey Design Awards and, if not

last year, why?

  1. T h e Chief Minister will table an answer to the following questionaskedby the Deputy of St. Martin –

" G i v en that in R.3/2009, presented to the States on 20th January 2009, reference is made to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and that Jersey has been asked to consider whether they wish to extend the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Disabled People to the Island, would the Minister advise –

(a ) w h ether the Island Authorities have been notified whether the UK has ratified the Convention? (b ) w h en and who will be examining the legislative and administrative implications for the Island? (c ) w h ether the public and States Members will be consulted?

(d ) w h o will be scrutinising the findings of any consultation process?

( e ) w h ether States Members will be able to consider the outcome of any investigation into the

legislative and administrative implications?

  1. T h e Minister for Treasury and Resources will tableananswer to the followingquestionaskedby Deputy S.S.P.A. Powerof St. Brelade

" C a n the Minister assure the Assembly that he will use his best efforts in 2009 to work with other States Departments, particularly Planning and Environment and Education, Sport and Culture, to encourage the use of States land for allotment farming purposes?"

  1. T h e Chief Minister will table an answer to the following question asked by the Connétable of St. Lawrence –

" (1 ) W ould the Chief Minister advise the Assembly of the total number of staff, by Department, who were suspended as a result of disciplinary infractions during the year 2008 and, in each case, identify the employee group concerned, the period of suspension, the means of disposal of the case and, in those cases where the time between the suspension date and the disciplinary hearing was greater than the 8 weeks recommended by the States Employment Board, the reason for the extension?

(2 ) W  ould the Chief Minister advise the Assembly of the total number of staff who were suspended

during the period 2007 to 2008, and who remain suspended, identifying in each case the employee group concerned, the period of suspension and the reason why the employee remains suspended?"

  1. T h e Minister for Planning andEnvironment will tableananswer to the followingquestionasked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St.  Helier –

" W i l l the Minister release to members the number of (under 55) one-bed flats under construction or with

planning permission for 2008 and 2009 that he agreed would be made available as soon as possible in his

response to my question on the oversupply of such dwellings on 15th July 2008?"

  1. T h e Minister for Treasury and Resources will tableananswer to the followingquestionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St.  Helier

" In a response to the following on further research on Land Value Tax on 1st July 2008, the then Minister stated that the results of work done by Oxera on the subject were available on-line, but as I have been unable to access this report electronically, will the Minister state whether it has been withdrawn from the site and if so, will he arrange to provide members with a copy of the report either in hard copy or electronically?"

  1. T h e Minister for SocialSecurity will table an answer to thefollowingquestionasked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St.  Helier

"( 1 ) W ill the Minister inform members what steps, if any, have been taken to prevent those in receipt of

Income Support having to repay the costs of additional G.P. visits, such as a recent case where a claimant was advised by Social Security staff that she would have to pay back to the department the cost of additional visits to and from her G.P., totalling over £300?

(2 ) In particular what steps will the Minister take to ensure that – (a ) a l l s t aff are fully trained in handling such matters; and

(b ) b o t h G.P.s and Income Support recipients are fully informed what funding arrangements

are in place to deliver full and flexible G.P. access?

(3 ) W i ll he further inform members what guidelines, if any, are now in place to ensure that those who

find or return to work are not charged for overpayment for the time taken by the Department to calculate the new level of benefit? In his answer will he indicate for members what targets, if any, are in place for addressing changes in claimants' circumstances promptly?"

  1. T h e Minister for SocialSecurity will table an answer to thefollowingquestionasked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St.  Helier

" In t he light of the Minister's commitment to "working closely with scrutiny" (speech to members 11th December 2008) will the Minister assure the Assembly that he will co-operate with the Chairman of the Income Support Scrutiny Sub-Panel to establish a "like-for-like" comparison of benefit systems requested of his predecessor on 1st July 2008 and, if so, will he undertake to do so in a timely manner so that the impact of the new system on claimants can be understood before the cuts in benefits take place in October of this year?"

  1. T h e Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answer to thefollowingquestionasked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St.  Helier –

"( 1 ) G iven that in response to the following asked on 16th September 2008 regarding charges for X-ray

and other scans for those on Income Support, the Minister stated that the Health and Social Services Department was "currently undertaking a review of these services", will he advise what progress, if any, has been made in allocating the costs of these services, which used to be free to recipients of HIE, between the 2 departments?

(2 ) W  ill he further indicate what the current charges for such scans are, and what proportion of X-ray

and other scans are undertaken at the request of G.P.s and therefore incur a charge?"


1st Session



First 15 minute period

Second 15 minute period







24th February

Home Affairs

Chief Minister

10th March


Planning and Environment

24th March

Social Security

Chief Minister

31st March

Transport and Technical Services

Treasury and Resources

28th April

Economic Development

Chief Minister

12th May

Education, Sport and Culture

Health and Social Services

19th May

Home Affairs

Chief Minister

2nd June


Planning and Environment

16th June

Social Security

Chief Minister

30th June

Transport and Technical Services

Treasury and Resources

14th July

Economic Development

Chief Minister