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Tuesday 19th January 2010 at 10.15 a.m.
(Explanatory note attached)
Community Provisions (Restrictive Measures – Iran) (Amendment) (Jersey) R&O.126/2009. Order 2009.
Chief Minister.
Planning and Environment (2010 Fees) (Jersey) Order 2009. R&O.134/2009. Minister for Planning and Environment.
Taxation (Exchange of Information with Third Countries) (Specified Dates R&O.135/2009. (Iceland, Sweden, UK)) (Jersey) Order 2009.
Chief Minister.
Taxation (Land Transactions) (LTT Statements and Receipts) (Jersey) Order R&O.136/2009. 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Tariff of Harbour Dues. R&O.137/2009. Minister for Economic Development.
Health and Social Services (2010 Fees) (Jersey) Order 2009. R&O.138/2009. Minister for Health and Social Services.
Road Traffic (St. Helier Amendments) (No. 2) (Jersey) Order 2009. R&O.139/2009. Minister for Transport and Technical Services.
Road Traffic (St. Martin) (Amendment No. 10) (Jersey) Order 2009. R&O.140/2009. Minister for Transport and Technical Services.
Transport and Technical Services (Driver and Vehicle Standards – 2010 Fees R&O.141/2009. and Miscellaneous Provisions) (Jersey) Order 2009.
Minister for Transport and Technical Services.
Excise Duty (Relief and Drawback) (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Order 2010. R&O.1/2010. Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Money Laundering (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Order 2010. R&O.2/2010. Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Fort Regent: establishment of a working group (P.188/2009) – amendment P.188/2009. (P.188/2009 Amd.) and second amendment (P.188/2009 Amd.(2))– Amds. comments. Com. Presented: 13th January 2010.
Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel.
States of Jersey Law: Quorum in the States (P.194/2009) – comments. P.194/2009. Presented: 4th January 2010. Com. Privileges and Procedures Committee.
Strategy for dealing with young offenders: establishment of Working Group P.201/2009. (P.201/2009) – comments. Com. Presented: 24th December 2009.
Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel.
Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) – R.137/2009.
- La RueduPontMarquet, St. Brelade– acquisition ofland;
- N02NewNorthQuay, St. Helier (Warehouse) – lease.
Presented: 14th December 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) – R.138/2009.
- Modena, Clarence Road, St. Helier – proposed sale;
- 2 Dorset Street, St. Helier (shop) – lease.
Presented: 14th December 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) – R.139/2009. Site of former Mascot Motors, Georgetown Park Estate, St. Clement – sale.
Presented: 16th December 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
States of Jersey Law 2005: delegated functions – Social Security. R.140/2009. Presented: 17th December 2009.
Minister for Social Security.
Social Security (Reserve) Fund: investment strategy. R.141/2009. Presented: 18th December 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Births, Marriages and Deaths in 2008: statement. R.142/2009. Presented: 22nd December 2009.
Minister for Home Affairs.
Review of the Waterfront Enterprise Board: terms of reference. R.143/2009. Presented: 22nd December 2009.
Chief Minister.
Religious representation in Parliaments in other jurisdictions. R.1/2010. Presented: 5th January 2010.
Privileges and Procedures Committee.
States Expenditure Forecasts: updated evidence submitted by the Comptroller R.2/2010. and Auditor General to the Finance Sub-Panel of the Corporate Services
Scrutiny Panel – December 2009.
Presented: 6th January 2010.
Comptroller and Auditor General.
Special funds: Accounts of the larger special funds for the year ended 31 R.3/2010. December 2008.
Presented: 6th January 2010. Comptroller and Auditor General.
Comptroller and Auditor General's Annual Report for the year ended 30 June R.4/2010. 2009.
Presented: 13th January 2010.
Comptroller and Auditor General.
Long-term Care Funding: Consultation Paper. R.5/2010. Presented: 15th January 2010.
Minister for Social Security.
Prison Board of Visitors (S.R.7/2009): response of the Minister for Home S.R.7/2009. Affairs. Res. Presented: 16th December 2009.
Minister for Home Affairs.
Property and Infrastructure Regeneration: the States of Jersey Development P.79/2009. Company Limited (P.79/2009) – fourth amendment. Amd.(4) Lodged: 14th January 2010.
Senator J.L. Perchard.
Fort Regent: establishment of a working group (P.188/2009) – second P.188/2009. amendment. Amd.(2) Lodged: 5th January 2010.
Minister for Education, Sport and Culture.
Draft Employment (Minimum Wage) (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) P.211/2009. Regulations 200-.
Lodged: 24th December 2009.
Minister for Social Security.
Draft Jersey Mutual Insurance Society, Incorporated (Alteration of Rules) P.212/2009. (No. 6) (Jersey) Law 200-.
Lodged: 24th December 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Waterfront Planning Application: Zephyrus Scheme. P.1/2010. Lodged: 6th January 2010. (re-issue) Deputy of St. Mary.
Jersey Overseas Aid Commission: appointment of Commissioner. P.2/2010. Lodged: 13th January 2010.
Deputy I.J. Gorst of St. Clement.
In accordance with Standing Order 34(1), the proposers of the following propositions lodged au Greffe' have informed the Greffier of the States that they are to be withdrawn –
Property and Infrastructure Regeneration: the States of Jersey Development P.79/2009. Company Limited (P.79/2009) – third amendment. Amd.(3)
Lodged: 2nd December 2009. Senator J.L. Perchard.
User Pays' Charges: States of Jersey Police. P.176/2009. Lodged: 19th October 2009.
Minister for Home Affairs.
Resignation of the Connétable of St. Helier from the Public Accounts Committee.
- – Written Questions (attached)
- T he Chief Minister will table ananswerto a question asked by Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire of St. Helier regarding the ratification oftheEuropeanConventionon the Rights oftheChild.
- T he Minister for HealthandSocialServices will table ananswer to a question askedby Deputy R.G.Le HérissierofSt. Saviour regarding the cost of voluntary redundancyprogrammes.
- The Minister for Planning andEnvironment will table an answer to a question askedby Deputy R.G.Le HérissierofSt. Saviour regarding changestothe planning process.
- T he Minister for Planning andEnvironment will tableananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire ofSt. Helierregarding increases in sea levels.
- T he Minister for Treasury and Resources will table ananswerto a questionaskedby Deputy M.R. HigginsofSt. Helier regarding archive spaces rented byStatesdepartments.
- T he Minister for HealthandSocialServices will table ananswer to a question askedby Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier regarding operations carried out in eachconsultancy discipline at the hospital from 2005 to2009.
- H .M. Attorney General will table an answer to a questionaskedby Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier of St. Saviour regarding the numberof legally qualified staff employed in the Law Officers Departmentinthelasttenyears.
- T he Minister for Treasury and Resources will table ananswerto a questionaskedby Deputy P.V.F.Le ClaireofSt. Helier regarding the cost of telephone services for theTreasury and ResourcesDepartment for each of the last 3 years.
- T he Minister for HealthandSocialServices will table ananswer to a question askedby Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire of St. Helierregarding the cost oftelephoneservices at the Health and Social Services Department for eachof the last 3 years.
- The Minister for Planning andEnvironment will table an answerto a questionaskedby the
Deputy of St. John regarding the Ramsar sites around the Island.
- The Minister for TreasuryandResources will table ananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy T.A. Vallois of St. Saviour regarding the amount of funds used in 2009 as automatic stabilisers.
- The Minister for EconomicDevelopment will table an answer to a questionaskedby Deputy T.A.ValloisofSt. Saviour regarding the testing of economic growth plans for sustainability.
- The Chief Minister willtableananswer to a question askedby Deputy R.G.Le Hérissierof St. Saviour regarding savings targets set for the Deputy Chief Executive in 2009.
- The Minister for Housing will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier ofSt. Saviour regarding applications for housing qualifications.
- The Minister for TreasuryandResources will table ananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helierregarding a review ofthe tax contributions of 1(1)(k) category residents.
- The Minister forSocial Security willtable an answerto a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding the availability ofan alternative toFamilyAllowanceunder the newIncomeSupportscheme.
- The Minister forSocial Security willtable an answerto a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helierregarding the implementation oftheEmployment Forum's minimum wage recommendations.
- The Minister forHousing will tableananswerto a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding average waiting timesfornew applicants to access housing.
- The Minister for Health and SocialServices will table an answer to a questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding the planned useof the Williamson funding.
- The Minister for Transport and TechnicalServiceswilltableananswer to a questionaskedby the Connétable ofSt. Helierregarding private hire cabs.
- The Minister forHome Affairs will table ananswer to a question askedbythe Connétable of St. Helier regarding the conclusion of the Wiltshire Police investigations into Operation Rectangle and Operation Blast.
- The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answerto a questionaskedby the Deputy of St. Martin regardingthesuspensionof the Chief OfficeroftheStatesofJerseyPolice.
- The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answerto a questionaskedby the Deputy of St. Martin regardingtheappointment of Wiltshire Constabulary to investigate OperationBlast.
- The Minister for Social Securitywill table ananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy M.R. Higgins ofSt. Helierregardingunemployment statistics.
- The Minister for Housing will table ananswerto a question askedby Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier regarding housing statistics.
- The Minister for Social Securitywill table ananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy M.R. Higgins ofSt. HelierregardingIncomeSupport claimants.
- The Minister for Planning andEnvironment will table an answerto a questionaskedby the
Deputy of St. Mary regarding access to an independent review of marine pollution.
- The Minister for EconomicDevelopmentwill table ananswerto a question askedby the Deputy of St. Maryregarding the collection ofsealevel data in Jersey.
- The Minister for Education, Sport andCulture will table ananswer to a questionaskedbythe Deputy of St. Maryregarding parenting training and support.
- The Minister for Transport and TechnicalServiceswilltableananswer to a questionaskedby the Deputy of St. MaryregardingEnergy from WasteClientTeam' and Technical Adviser' costs.
- The Minister for Education, Sport andCulture will table ananswer to a questionaskedbythe Deputy of St. Maryregarding the financial support offered to studentsofvocational further education courses.
- H.M. Attorney General will table an answerto a questionaskedby Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier regarding breaches of Article 44ofthe States ofJerseyLaw2005.
- The Chairmanof the Privileges and ProceduresCommitteewill table an answer to a question asked by Deputy T.M. PitmanofSt. Helier regarding the suspension of the Chief Officer of the States of Jersey Police.
- The Minister for Home Affairs will table ananswerto a question asked by Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier regarding the sentencing of individuals convicted of importingdrugs into the Island.
- The Minister forHousing will tableananswerto a question asked by Deputy T.M. Pitmanof St. Helier regarding the completion of works at Willow Court.
- The Minister for EconomicDevelopment will table an answer to a questionaskedby Deputy
S. Pitman of St. Helier regarding monitoring the effects of GST.
- – Oral Questions (120 minutes)
- Deputy G.P. Southern ofSt. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Treasury and Resources –
" F ollowing his undertaking on 3rd November 2009 to follow the Chief Minister's commitment to inclusivity, will the Minister state which members of the Fiscal Strategy Steering Group he considers to be proponents of progressive taxation?"
- The Deputy of Grouville will ask thefollowingquestion of the Chairmanof Privileges and Procedures Committee –
" C ould the Chairman indicate which Standing Order prohibited the Committee from answering the issues set out in the suspended Chief Officer of the States of Jersey Police's letter of 13th November 2009?"
- The Deputy of St. John will ask the following question of the Minister for Economic Development –
" F ollowing Channel Television's closure of the Teletext services for the Harbours and Airport as well as the Weather/Met pages, what actions, if any, have been taken to enhance the existing services provided by the BBC's Ceefax, which currently provides a partial Airport service on
Page 462?"
- Deputy S.PitmanofSt. Helier will ask the followingquestionofthe Minister for Housing –
" C an the Minister advise Members how much the calendar, sent to all States tenants, cost to produce and deliver?"
- Deputy K.C. Lewis ofSt. Saviour will askthefollowingquestionof the Minister forHealthand Social Services –
" F urther to news that the UK is to sell on sixty million doses of swine flu vaccine, with France and Germany also selling on, is the Minister concerned about the take up of the vaccine in Jersey?"
- Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier will askthefollowingquestionof the Chief Minister –
" D id a meeting led by the Chief Executive take place after the CMB meeting on 25th July 2007 to discuss matters relating to the Minister for Health and Social Services and, if so, who was present at the meeting, was the possible removal from office of the Minister discussed and, if so, would the Chief Minister suspend all those present from their duties pending a full investigation into this matter"
- Deputy R.G.Le HérissierofSt. Saviour will ask the following questionof the Minister for Economic Development –
" W hat is the total cost of the recently installed Airport Security Fence and what was the legislative requirement, if any, for its installation?"
- Deputy T.A. Vallois ofSt. Saviour will ask the followingquestionof the Minister forEconomic Development –
" Further to Ministerial Decision MD-E-2009-0162, could the Minister advise how the
additional wireless telegraphy licence fee income of £360,527 was identified within the Economic Development Department, why there was no awareness of this for the 2009 Business Plan budget and how £160,527 of these monies will support the pressures in the finance industry due to the global financial crisis?"
- Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helierwill ask thefollowingquestionofthe Minister for Transport and TechnicalServices –
" W ill the Minister advise when the Transport and Technical Services Department intends to respond to my repeated requests over the last 6 months for information concerning Bellozanne chimney temperature readings and outline the reasons for the delay?"
- The Deputy ofSt. Martin will ask the following question of the Chairman of the Privileges and Procedures Committee –
" W ill the Chairman inform Members whether the response she sent on 13th November 2009, to a letter dated 30th October 2009 from the suspended Chief Officer of the States of Jersey Police, was discussed by members of the Committee and, if not, why not; will she inform Members whether she discussed the letter with elected or non-elected States Members and, if so why, and did she forward the letter to any Ministers or officers and, if so, to whom and when?"
- Senator S.C.Ferguson will ask the followingquestionof the Minister for Health and Social Services –
" G iven that the UK Chief Medical Officer recently predicted that there will not be a third wave of H1N1 Flu, could the Minister indicate how much of the stockpile of vaccine and Tamiflu remains (in quantities and monetary terms) and how much of the emergency spending agreed at the last sitting of the States has been drawn down?"
- The Deputy of St. Johnwill ask the following questionof the Minister forTransportand Technical Services –
" G iven that Connex have cancelled Island bus services on a number of occasions in 2010 because of snow and left children stranded on routes and at schools, what action, if any, is the Department taking to ensure that the service continues for as long as possible in times of bad weather and is the Minister satisfied that the Connex provision is robust enough to deal with snow conditions?"
- Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Housing –
" W ill the Minister advise why his 2010 Business Plan fails to address the concerns raised in sections 6.1 and 6.2 of the Whitehead Report Summary Document, particularly regarding the shortfall in maintenance funding; gaps in the research into household numbers, tenure requirements and unmet housing needs amongst lower income groups, and a decline in the scale of the social sector, and state when he will address these issues?
- The Deputy of Grouville will ask the following question of the Minister for Treasuryand Resources –
" W ould the Minister confirm to the Assembly that the Treasury and Resources Department is able to identify, quantify and justify, in respect of existing public policies, every expenditure of public monies, including that of non-Ministerial functions, and that if asked, with reasonable notice, each specific head of expenditure could be so accounted for?"
- The Deputy ofSt. Mary will ask the followingquestionof the Chief Minister –
" W ould the Chief Minister inform the Assembly whether any contingency planning is in place or being considered to reduce the possible negative impact on Jersey's tourism and finance industries of national media coverage arising from the issues raised on Senator Syvret's blog posting of 23rd December 2009?"
- Deputy S.PitmanofSt. Helier will ask thefollowingquestionof the Minister for Education, Sport andCulture –
" W ould the Minister advise why such low numbers of young people are using the Youth Service, as demonstrated in the 2009 Annual Social Survey, and outline what plans, if any, he has to increase the usage of this facility?"
17. Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Chief Minister–
" W hen will the Minister be laying the proposed Charities Law before the Assembly?"
18. The Deputy of St. Mary will ask the following question of the Minister for Planning and Environment –
" W ould the Minister inform members why the investigation into alleged pollution incidents during construction of the incinerator at La Collette, which has now been ongoing for 8 months, has taken so long, whether it is intended that the matter will be referred to H.M. Attorney General for a decision on whether to prosecute and if so, when?"
- Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier will askthefollowingquestionof H.M. Attorney General –
" G iven that much weight was attributed to the views of independent UK lawyers in the decision to not to prosecute a number of cases in the Historic Abuse inquiry, could the Attorney General inform for the Assembly whether he is fully satisfied that the UK lawyers were truly independent of his own Chambers and, if not, would he agree to re-open these cases to re- assess whether prosecutions should take place?"
- The Deputy ofSt. Martin will askthefollowingquestionof the Chief Minister –
" G iven that the suspension of the Chief Officer of the States of Jersey Police is a neutral act, will the Chief Minister inform Members why he initially refused to provide the suspended Chief Officer with the times and dates on which the suspension documents dated 12th November 2008 were actually created and did the Chief Minister seek legal advice before contesting the suspended Chief Officer's application to the Complaints Board?"
- Deputy K.C. Lewis of St. Saviour will ask the following questionof the Minister forPlanning and Environment –
" F urther to news that the number of puffins at Plémont is down to twelve breeding pairs due to a high population of rats in the area, what action, if any, will the Minister take to instigate the eradication of rats on the property by the landowners with immediate effect?
- – Questions to Ministerswithout notice (30 minutes) –
1 s t q u e stion period – Minister for Social Security
2 n d q u estion period – Minister for Planning and Environment
Draft Gambling (2010 Fees) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.141/2009. Lodged: 8th September 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
(Principles and Regulation 1 adopted 2nd December 2009)
Draft Gambling (2010 Fees) (Jersey) Regulations 200- (P.141/2009): P.141/2009. amendment. Amd. Lodged: 6th October 2009.
Deputy of St. Martin.
Draft Gambling (2010 Fees) (Jersey) Regulations 200- (P.141/2009): P.141/2009. amendment (P.141/2009 Amd.) – comments. Amd.Com. Presented: 16th November 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Draft Gambling (2010 Fees) (Jersey) Regulations 200- (P.141/2009): second P.141/2009. amendment. Amd.(2)
Lodged: 17th November 2009. Deputy E.J. Noel of St. Lawrence.
Plémont Holiday Village: acquisition by the Public. P.144/2009. Lodged: 9th September 2009.
Connétable of St. Ouen.
Blackberries: costs for Ministers and Assistant Ministers and use in the P.186/2009. Assembly.
Lodged: 29th October 2009.
Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier.
Blackberries: costs for Ministers and Assistant Ministers and use in the P.186/2009. Assembly (P.186/2009) – comments. Com. Presented: 30th November 2009.
Council of Ministers.
Blackberries: costs for Ministers and Assistant Ministers and use in the P.186/2009. Assembly (P.186/2009) – comments. Com.(2) Presented: 1st December 2009.
Privileges and Procedures Committee.
Fort Regent: establishment of a working group. P.188/2009. Lodged: 3rd November 2009.
Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel.
Fort Regent: establishment of a working group (P.188/2009) – amendment. P.188/2009. Lodged: 24th November 2009. Amd. Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier.
Fort Regent: establishment of a working group (P.188/2009) – second P.188/2009. amendment. Amd.(2) Lodged: 5th January 2010.
Minister for Education, Sport and Culture.
Fort Regent: establishment of a working group (P.188/2009) – amendment P.188/2009. (P.188/2009 Amd.) and second amendment (P.188/2009 Amd.(2))– comments. Amds. Presented: 13th January 2010. Com. Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel.
Draft Supply of Goods and Services (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.190/2009. Lodged: 11th November 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
User Pays' Charges: Immigration fees. P.193/2009. Lodged: 17th November 2009.
Minister for Home Affairs.
States of Jersey Law: Quorum in the States. P.194/2009. Lodged: 17th November 2009.
Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier.
States of Jersey Law: Quorum in the States (P.194/2009) – comments. P.194/2009. Presented: 4th January 2010. Com. Privileges and Procedures Committee.
Draft Employment of States of Jersey Employees (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) P.198/2009. Regulations 200-.
Lodged: 24th November 2009.
Chief Minister.
Strategy for dealing with young offenders: establishment of Working Group. P.201/2009. Lodged: 27th November 2009.
Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier.
Strategy for dealing with young offenders: establishment of Working Group P.201/2009. (P.201/2009) – comments. Com. Presented: 24th December 2009.
Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel.
Draft Public Holidays and Bank Holidays (Jersey) Act 200-. P.204/2009. Lodged: 1st December 2009.
Chief Minister.
Brighter Futures: funding for 2010 and beyond. P.208/2009. Lodged: 8th December 2009.
Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier.
NOTE: The Greffier has been advised by the proposers of the following propositions that, in accordance with Standing Order 32, which requires at least two clear working days' notice to be given before the meeting date for a proposition not previously agreed to be debated, they wish for their propositions to be considered by the States at this meeting –
Draft Foundations (Additional Annual Charge) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. P.210/2009. Lodged: 8th December 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Waterfront Planning Application: Zephyrus Scheme. P.1/2010. Lodged: 6th January 2010. (re-issue) Deputy of St. Mary.
(Cannot be debated before 20th January 2010)
2nd February 2010
Draft Planning and Building (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.189/2009. Lodged: 3rd November 2009.
Minister for Planning and Environment.
Ann Court site: petition. P.202/2009. Lodged: 27th November 2009.
Deputy J.A. Martin of St. Helier.
Assemblée Parlementaire de la Francophonie, Jersey Branch – Branch Rules. P.203/2009. Lodged: 1st December 2009.
Connétable of St. Ouen.
Appointments made by the States: revised procedures. P.205/2009. Lodged: 1st December 2009.
Privileges and Procedures Committee.
Climate Change: Copenhagen Conference – petition. P.206/2009. Lodged: 8th December 2009.
Deputy of St. Mary.
Draft Banking (Depositors Compensation) (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations P.207/2009. 200-.
Lodged: 8th December 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Draft Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians (Registration) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.209/2009. Lodged: 8th December 2009.
Minister for Health and Social Services.
Jersey Overseas Aid Commission: appointment of Commissioner. P.2/2010. Lodged: 13th January 2010.
Deputy I.J. Gorst of St. Clement.
23rd February 2010
Carbon Intensity of Imported Electricity: review. P.156/2009. Lodged: 30th September 2009.
Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier.
Natural Gas Pipeline: strategic study. P.157/2009. Lodged: 30th September 2009.
Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier.
Committee of Inquiry: confidential files held by States of Jersey Police on P.197/2009. States Members and others.
Lodged: 17th November 2009.
Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier.
Committee of Inquiry: confidential files held by States of Jersey Police on P.197/2009. States Members and others (P.197/2009) – comments. Com. Presented: 20th November 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Committee of Inquiry: confidential files held by States of Jersey Police on P.197/2009. States Members and others (P.197/2009) – amendment. Amd. Lodged: 20th November 2009.
Deputy J.B. Fox of St. Helier.
Draft Employment (Minimum Wage) (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Regulations P.211/2009. 200-.
Lodged: 24th December 2009.
Minister for Social Security.
Draft Jersey Mutual Insurance Society, Incorporated (Alteration of Rules) P.212/2009. (No. 6) (Jersey) Law 200-.
Lodged: 24th December 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
9th March 2010
Property and Infrastructure Regeneration: the States of Jersey Development P.79/2009. Company Limited (as amended). (re-issue) Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Council of Ministers.
Property and Infrastructure Regeneration: the States of Jersey Development P.79/2009. Company Limited (P.79/2009) – fourth amendment. Amd.(4) Lodged: 14th January 2010.
Senator J.L. Perchard.
M.N. DE LA HAYE Greffier of the States
14th January 2010 Note –
Members are reminded that the annual Service of Dedication in the Parish Church of St. Helier will take place at 9.30 a.m. prior to the States' meeting at 10.15 a.m.
In accordance with the meeting dates fixed for 2010 by the Privileges and Procedures Committee, this meeting will continue, if necessary, on Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st January 2010.
Explanatory Note regarding subordinate legislation tabled at this meeting.
(See Item B)
This Order substitutes the list of persons, entities and bodies in or connected with Iran whose funds and economic resources are frozen.
The Order was made on 9th December 2009 and came into force on 16th December 2009.
This Order increases fees under the following enactments –
Animal Welfare (Licence Fee) (Jersey) Order 2008 Dangerous Wild Animals (Jersey) Law 1999
High Hedges (Application Fee) (Jersey) Order 2008 Waste Management (Fees) (Jersey) Order 2008 Planning and Building (Fees) (Jersey) Order 2008.
This Order also sets fees under the Artificial Insemination of Domestic Animals (Jersey) Law 1952.
The fees take effect on 1st January 2010. The increases are the first since 1st January 2009. The increases, except in relation to high hedges, planning and building, amount to 2.5%. The high hedges fee goes up 25%.
Building application fees go up by between 3% and 25% and planning application fees go up by 24% or 25%. The Order was made on 10th December 2009 and came into force on 1st January 2010.
This Order specifies the dates on which 3 tax information exchange agreements came into force between Jersey and Iceland, Jersey and Sweden and Jersey and the UK. These dates are 3rd December 2009, 23rd December 2009 and 27th November 2009 respectively.
The Order was made on 15th December 2009 and came into force forthwith. R&O.136/2009.
This Order prescribes matters concerning statements relating to Land Transaction Tax regarding information, fees and receipts.
The Order was made on 15th December 2009 and came into force on 1st January 2010. R&O.137/2009.
This tariff would, from 1st January 2010, increase by 2.5% the harbour dues for arriving and departing passengers and vehicles carried on "drive on/drive off" ferries and revise the due structure for use of a berth. The dues were last increased on 1st January 2009.
The Tariff was made on 15th December 2009, subsequent to the approval of the States given on 10th December 2009, and came into force on 1st January 2010.
This Order increases by, approximately 2.5%, the following fees –
- t hefeesconnected with registration authorizing the carryingonof a nursinghome,mental nursing
home or residential home;
- t hefeesconnectedwiththegrant,renewal or transfer of a licence toconduct a nursing agency;
- t hefees in relation to the rolls of ancillary dental workers;
- t hefeefor a licence tosell ice-cream from a vanor stall;
- the maximum fee that a registered medical practitioner may charge for completing a medical certificate to accompanyan application for cremation.
This Order increases, by approximately 2.1%, the hospital charges for long-stay patients.
This Order increases, by approximately 69%, the fee for a cremation. The revised fee covers the whole cost of providing the service. As before, no fee is paid for the cremation of the remains of a person who was under the age of 18 at death.
All of the fees were last increased on 1st January 2009.
The Order was made on 16th December 2009 and came into force on 1st January 2010.
Road Traffic (St. Helier Amendments) (No. 2) (Jersey) Order 2009. Minister for Transport and Technical Services.
This Order –
- c reates the St. Thomas' residential andbusiness parking zoneinSt Helier; and
- m akes it an offencefor a person to stop a vehicle on a part of a road,footwayorcycle track in St. Helier that is set aside for loading orunloadingofvehicles (unless the vehicle is being loaded or unloaded).
The Order was made on 18th December 2009, Articles 1, 2 and 14 came into force on 25th December 2009 and the remainder came into force on 13th January 2010.
This Order replaces the Schedule to the Road Traffic (St. Martin) (Jersey) Order 1989 in order to impose one-way restrictions on parts of two green lanes, La Longue Rue and La Rue de Payn. Bicycles are to be exempt from those restrictions.
The Order also adapts Article 3 of the Road Traffic (St. Martin) (Jersey) Order 1989 more closely to th mechanism of the Schedule.
The Order was made on 18th December 2009 and came into force on 25th December 2009.
Part 1 of this Order increases, by approximately 2.5%, fees connected with –
- an application for a badgeto drive a public service vehicle;
- r e gistration of a motor vehicle, changes of registration mark, issue of trade licences and issue of certificates in respect of vehicle standards;
- registration of driving instructors;
- li c ensingof a vehicle that doesnotcomply with construction and use requirements;
- d ri ving tests.
The increases took effect from 1st January 2010. Fees were last increased on 1st January 2009.
Part 2 of this Order –
- in t roduces type approval requirementsfor registration of agricultural tractors;
- a d ds to the categories of Italian driving permitin replacement for which a Jersey driving licence maybe issued.
These amendments commenced on 1st January 2010. The Order was made on 18th December 2009.
This Order re-introduces rules for relief on and drawback of duty paid on registration of a motor vehicle. The rules are the same as those that applied prior to 6th May 2008.
The Order was made on 11th January 2010 and comes into force on 1st September 2010. R&O.2/2010.
This Order amends the Money Laundering (Jersey) Order 2008 mostly by tightening and clarifying some of the requirements in that Order, particularly in relation to the identification requirements where trusts and other types of legal arrangement are involved.
The Order was made on 11th January 2010 and came into force on 18th January 2010.
- T he Chief Minister will table an answer to the followingquestion asked by Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire of St. Helier –
"As the UK signed the European Convention on the Rights of the Child on 19th April 1990, ratified it on 16th December 1991 and it came into force in the UK on 15th January 1992, what prevents Jersey ratifying this Convention and then moving to do everything it can to implement it, given that the Assembly agreed to do this in Priority 9 of the Strategic Plan?"
- T heMinister for Health and SocialServices will table ananswerto the followingquestionasked by Deputy R.G.Le HérissierofSt. Saviour–
"What sums of money, if any, have been expended in the last budgetary year to cover voluntary redundancies and similar programmes, and how many individuals have been the subject of such programmes in the last year?"
- T he Minister for Planning and Environment will table ananswerto the following questionaskedby Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier –
"Does the Minister propose to remove time consuming matters such as Sign Applications from the full Planning process and, if so, when does he intend to implement such changes?"
- T he Minister for Planning and Environment will table ananswerto the following questionaskedby Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire ofSt. Helier–
"Following the postponement of the networked British Irish Council/Hadley Centre sea level increase scenarios from November 2008 until April 2009, will the Minister now share the most up to date scenarios and findings and inform us how they compare to our own information at present?
Does the Minister believe that more emphasis needs to be placed on planning for these scenarios and their likely impacts?"
- T he Minister forTreasury and Resources will table ananswer to the following questionaskedby Deputy M.R. HigginsofSt. Helier –
"As the States are seeking value for money from all States Departments and Agencies such as the Law Officers and Viscount's Department, would the Minister provide the Assembly with the following information –
- the amountof archive spacebeingrentedeach year byeachStatesdepartment and agency from the:
- public sector; and
- private sector
- the costof this storage with each sector andthecharges for the movement,maintenanceand retrieval of this material for eachyear starting from the beginning of 2005 totheend of 2009?"
- T heMinister for Health and SocialServices will table ananswerto the followingquestionasked by Deputy M.R. HigginsofSt. Helier –
"(1) For each medical discipline/specialism (for example: cardiology, neurology, orthopaedics etc) would
the Minister advise the Assembly of the following information:
- t henumberofconsultantsemployed on a full time and part time basis in eacharea
- ( i) the numberofnon-private health insurance people on waiting lists to see a c o nsultant in each of these areas; and
(i i) the average time they are waiting to see the consultant
- ( i) the numberof private health insurance peopleon waiting lists tosee a consultant i n eachof these areas; and
(ii)the average time they are waiting to see the consultant.
- T hetotalnumberof operations carried out in each discipline at the hospital during the last five years, starting on1st January 2005endingon31stDecember 2009 stating:
- th e numberof private and non-private operations carriedoutineach discipline foreach year;
- th e costofperformingtheseoperationsineachareaforeach year fornon-private health insurance patients and private healthinsurance patients.
- T henumber,disciplinesandcostsoflocumsandagency nursing staffemployedby the hospitalfor eachof the five years starting on 1st January 2005 ending on 31stDecember2009."
- H.M. Attorney General will table an answerto the followingquestionaskedby Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier of St. Saviour –
" W ould H.M. Attorney General provide a graph showing, year by year, the growth in the number of legally qualified staff employed in the Law Officers Department in the last ten years?
H ow many of the legally qualified staff recruited over the last ten years have, at some point, been Members
of Chambers at 7 Bedford Row?
W hat payments have been made over each of the last 3 years to Counsel at Bedford Row and what percentage
does this constitute of the total amounts paid for external legal advice over each of the last 3 years?
W ould H.M. Attorney General provide a copy of the tendering document used for inviting applications to
provide external legal advice?
W hat sums, if any, have been paid, over each of the last 3 years to legal firms based in Jersey for criminal
prosecution and defense work and would H.M. Attorney General identify the firm in each year which received the highest payment?"
- T he Minister forTreasury and Resources will table ananswer to the following questionaskedby Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire –
"What was the cost of telephone services for the Treasury and Resources Department for each of the last 3 years in terms of –
- T elephoneRental
- T elephoneCalls
- O ther services(Broadband/mobile rental charges etc)?"
- The Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answertothefollowingquestion asked by Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire ofSt. Helier–
" W hat was the cost of telephone services for the Health and Social Services Department for each of the last 3 years in terms of –
- T elephoneRental
- T elephoneCalls
- O ther services(Broadband/mobile rental charges etc)?"
- The Minister for Planning andEnvironment will table an answer to the followingquestionasked by the Deputy of St. John –
" W ould the Minister advise what management plans, if any, exist for each of the 4 Ramsar sites in Jersey (namely the South East Coast, Les Ecréhous and Les Dirouilles, Les Minquiers and Les Pierres de Lecq/Paternosters), whether the plans were approved by the Department forEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Ramsar Secretariat and advise when these management plans were put into place?
H o w much has been spent on the management of each site since each Ramsar Convention was put in place? W hat funding is in place for any recurrent costs required to implement the Ramsar Conventions fully?
A re the management plans for these sites updated and shared with Defra and the Ramsar Secretariat and, if
not, why not?"
- The Minister forTreasury and Resources will table ananswer to the following questionaskedby Deputy T.A.ValloisofSt. Saviour –
" C ould the Minister advise how much of the £112 million, set aside for automatic stabilisers, was used in 2009, which departments received monies and whether the Minister has a forecast of how much of these funds will be used during the first two quarters of 2010?"
- The Minister forEconomicDevelopment will table ananswer to the followingquestionasked by Deputy T.A.ValloisofSt. Saviour –
" C ould the Minister advise what work, if any, is currently being undertaken by the Economic Development Department in order to meet priority 2 of the Strategic plan 2009-2014 (maintain a strong, environmentally sustainable and diverse economy), and, in particular, to test economic growth plans for sustainability to ensure they do not diminish our natural capital?"
- The Chief Minister will table ananswerto the following questionaskedby Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier of St. Saviour –
" C ould the Chief Minister outline the cost savings targets set for the Deputy Chief Executive and indicate to what extent they were met in 2009?"
- The Minister forHousing will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier of St. Saviour –
" C ould the Minister indicate the number of applications made for permission to enter the qualified housing market in Jersey, for persons not otherwise qualified, in each of the last three years?
H o w many of these were granted and on what grounds?"
- The Minister forTreasury and Resources will table ananswer to the following questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
" W ill the Minister give further details of his proposals to review the tax contributions of 1(1)k's announced in his budget speech (paragraphs 126 to 131) and in particular advise whether he has appointed a suitable person to conduct the review and if so, will he advise who that will be, and if not, will he advise when he intends to make the appointment?
W hat sum for 1(1)(k) tax returns, over the current £9 million, does he consider to be an appropriate target?"
- The Minister forSocialSecurity will table an answer to the followingquestionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
" W ill the Minister inform members what arrangements, if any, are in place under the new Income Support scheme to replace Family Allowance which was previously available to parents with less than 5 years' residency?"
- The Minister forSocialSecurity will table an answer to the followingquestionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
" W ill the Minister be amending legislation to prevent employers from using tips to top up minimum wage pay, in accordance with the Employment Forum's 2010 recommendation on minimum wage rates, and if so when will he do so, and, if not, why not?"
- The Minister forHousing will table ananswerto the followingquestionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
" W ill the Minister advise members what actual average waiting times are currently being achieved for new applicants to access housing and, if these are higher than the targets specified within the 2010 Housing Department Business Plan (1 bed less than 12 months; 2 bed less than 6 to 7 months; 3 bed less than 8 months) what specific measures will be put in place to achieve the targets?"
- The Minister for Health and SocialServices will table ananswerto the followingquestionasked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
" W hen will the Minister provide members with a full breakdown of Williamson funding for 2010 along with estimates for 2011 and 2012, in order to provide stable funding for appropriate community initiatives?"
- The Minister for Transport and Technical Services will table ananswerto the following question askedby the Connétable ofSt. Helier –
" W ould the Minister explain what practical and legal difficulties would have to be overcome in order to allow private hire cabs to provide transport for members of the public waiting at a taxi rank on those occasions when there are no taxis available to service the rank?"
- The Minister forHome Affairs will table ananswertothefollowingquestionaskedby the Connétable of
St. Helier –
"W ould the Minister provide a timetable for the conclusion of the Wiltshire Police investigations into
Operation Rectangle and Operation Blast, and a timetable for the conclusion of any disciplinary procedures arising from these investigations?"
- The Minister for Home Affairs will table ananswertothefollowingquestionaskedby the Deputy of St. Martin –
" W ith reference to the suspension of the Chief Officer of the States of Jersey Police will the Minister inform Members –
- t he date when the WiltshireConstabularywas appointed toundertake to investigation?
- t hetermsofreferencefor the investigation?
- t heamount paid totheWiltshireConstabularyasat31stDecember 2009?
- t he cost tocover the duties notbeingundertaken by thesuspended Chief Officer asat 31st December 2009?
- t hepredicted date for the completion ofthe investigation bytheWiltshireConstabulary?
- th e predicted total cost of the investigation by the Wiltshire Constabulary?
- t hepredicted total cost ofcovering the duties not being undertakenby the suspended Chief Officer?"
- The Minister for Home Affairs will table ananswer to the followingquestionaskedbythe Deputy of St. Martin –
" W ill the Minister advise –
- the date when the WiltshireConstabularywas appointed toinvestigate "Operation Blast"?
- the termsofreferencefor the investigation?
- the amount paid totheWiltshireConstabularyasat31stDecember 2009?
- the predicted date ofthecompletion of the investigation?
- the predictedtotal cost of the investigation?"
- The Minister forSocialSecurity will tableananswertothefollowing question askedby Deputy M.R. Higgins ofSt. Helier –
" I n order to give Members a better understanding of unemployment situation in the Island would the Minister provide the Assembly the following information –
- the age of those registered as unemployed, broken down into the following age ranges: less than 18; 18 to25;26to59;and60years and above?
- the genderof the unemployedineachagerange?
- the occupationssoughtbytheunemployedineachage range andineachgender?
- the numberofyears residency ofeachunemployed person in the Island using the following time periods together with their countryof birth: less than 6 months; 6 months to less than 12months; 12 months to less than 2 1/2 years; 2 1/2 years toless than 5 years; 5 years toless than 8 years; 8 years to less than 11 years; 11yearsormore?"
- The Minister for Housing will table ananswer to the following questionaskedby Deputy M.R.Higginsof St. Helier –
"Would the Minister provide the Assembly with the following information –
- the number of J category consents issued in each of the last 5 years broken down into occupational/industry categories?
- w hat other departments oragencies in Jersey, if any, are empoweredtogrant J category consents?
- t henumber of 1(1)(k) category consents issued over eachof the last five years, indicating from whichcountriesthe individuals concernedwerepreviouslyresidentand/or domiciled?
- the number of persons housed by the Department, broken down as follows – single person households under the age of 25;singlepersonhouseholdsunder the age of 25 with children; single personhouseholds aged between 25and65;singlepersonhouseholdsagedbetween25 and 65 with children; couples aged between 25 and 65;couples aged under65 with children; couples aged over65andsinglepeopleagedover65."
- The Minister for Social Security will table ananswerto the followingquestionaskedby Deputy M.R. Higgins ofSt. Helier –
" I n order for members to have a better understanding of those claiming Income Support, would the Minister provide the following information –
- t henumberof people under the age of18 claiming support;?
- t henumberof people aged between18andunder25?
- t henumberof people aged between25and60?
- t henumberof people aged over 60 years of age?
- T henumber of peopleofworkingagewho are medically unfit to workbrokendown into their gender and the followingtime periods of sickness absence – less than 6 months; 6 months to less than 12months;12monthsto 3 years; 3 years to 6 years; more than 6 years but notclassed as permanently unfit to work; unfit to work?"
- The Minister forPlanning and Environment will table an answerto the followingquestionaskedby the Deputy of St. Mary –
" Following on from a response to a written Question on 21st September 2009 (Q.4745), would the Minister provide members with a copy of the independent review of the marine pollution (by the Centre for Research for Environment and Health) mentioned in the answer to the second question?"
- The Minister for EconomicDevelopment will tableananswer to thefollowingquestionaskedby the Deputy of St. Mary –
" Would the Minister inform members whether sea level data is collected officially in Jersey, and if so give brief details of how it is collected, how it is made comparable year on year, how long it has been collected for, and whether the data is publicly available?"
- The Minister forEducation, Sport and Culture will table an answertothefollowingquestion asked bythe Deputy of St. Mary –
"Would the Minister inform members what services currently exist to provide training and support in parenting and, if this information is not available, can the Minister inform members when it will be available?"
- The Minister forTransport and Technical Services will table ananswer to the followingquestionaskedby the Deputy of St. Mary –
"Given that in his answer to a written question on 1st December 2009, the Minister referred to EfW Client team" costs and Technical Adviser costs', could the Minister explain what exactly these headings of expenditure are?
W ould the Minister advise members whether any claims of any kind have been made by the contractor or
contractors against the Transport and Technical Services Department, as the client, or Fichtner, as the consultant project manager, and if so, can the Minister advise the Assembly what these claims are for and the progress being made in resolving them?"
- The Minister for Education, Sport andCulture will table ananswer to thefollowingquestionaskedby the Deputy of St. Mary –
" W ould the Minister advise members of the Education, Sport and Culture Department's policy on supporting students financially in further education which is vocational, including part time studies off-Island?
W ould the Minister advise members where the full policy and rates of support in relation to vocational
courses may be found?"
- H.M. Attorney General will tableananswer to thefollowingquestionaskedby Deputy T.M. Pitmanof St. Helier –
" G iven his advice that the payment of Blackberry phone bills for Members of the Executive is simply a matter of interpretation' and in his view thus not a breach of Article 44 of the States of Jersey Law 2005, can the Attorney General confirm that this also leaves the way open for cars and resultant fuel costs (for example) to also be provided for Members of the Executive?"
- The Chairmanof the Privileges and ProceduresCommittee will tableananswer to the followingquestion asked by Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier –
" G iven the concern at the manner and protracted nature of the suspension of the Chief Officer of the States of Jersey Police, specifically the part played in this by members of the Council of Ministers, will the Privileges and Procedures Chairman explain why the Committee has refused the suspended Chief Officer's request to investigate whether the Code of Conduct procedures were adhered to?"
- The Minister forHome Affairs will table ananswer to the following questionaskedby Deputy T.M.Pitman of St. Helier –
" W ill the Minister clarify how and why reducing sentencing for individuals convicted of importing drugs into the Island will help alleviate Jersey's drug problem and advise what evidence he has to support such a proposal?"
- The Minister for Housing will table ananswer to thefollowingquestionaskedby Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier –
" W ill the Minister give assurances that work associated with the installation of a new entry/intercom system in the homes of the elderly residents at Willow Court will be completed as a matter of urgency, including the removal of old appliances, filling of holes and painting of walls and will he provide a date for completion?"
- The Minister for EconomicDevelopment will tableananswer to thefollowingquestionaskedby Deputy S. Pitman ofSt. Helier –
" W ill the Minister inform Members whether the Economic Development Department has monitored the effect of GST, since its implementation, on each industry sector, small businesses and the purchasing power of the consumer?
I f so, what impact, if any, has been identified and how often is this monitored? If not, does the Department
plan to do so?"
2010 | First 15 minute period Minister | Second 15 minute period Minister |
2nd February | Housing | Chief Minister |
23rd February | Transport and Technical Services | Economic Development |
9th March | Treasury and Resources | Chief Minister |
23rd March | Education, Sport and Culture | Health and Social Services |
20th April | Home Affairs | Chief Minister |
11th May | Social Security | Planning and Environment |
25th May | Housing | Chief Minister |
8th June | Transport and Technical Services | Treasury and Resources |
22nd June | Economic Development | Chief Minister |
6th July | Education, Sport and Culture | Health and Social Services |
19th July | Home Affairs | Chief Minister |
2nd session |
| ||
14th September | Social Security | Planning and Environment |
28th September | Housing | Chief Minister |
12th October | Transport and Technical Services | Treasury and Resources |
19th October | Economic Development | Chief Minister |
2nd November | Education, Sport and Culture | Health and Social Services |
16th November | Home Affairs | Chief Minister |
30th November | Social Security | Planning and Environment |
7th December | Housing | Chief Minister |