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Tuesday 2nd February 2010
(Explanatory note attached)
Housing (Fees) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 2010. R&O.6/2010. Minister for Housing.
Road Traffic (Public Parking Places – Charges) (Jersey) Order 2010. R&O.7/2010. Minister for Transport and Technical Services.
Taxation (Exchange of Information with Third Countries) (Specified Date R&O.8/2010. (Australia)) (Jersey) Order 2010.
Chief Minister.
Natural Gas Pipeline: strategic study (P.157/2009) – comments. P.157/2009. Presented: 28th January 2010. Com. Council of Ministers.
Assemblée Parlementaire de la Francophonie, Jersey Branch – Branch Rules P.203/2009. (P.203/2009) – comments. Com. Presented: 28th January 2010.
Council of Ministers.
Climate Change: Copenhagen Conference – petition (P.206/2009) – comments. P.206/2009. Presented: 28th January 2010. Com. Council of Ministers.
Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) – R.9/2010.
- A43B (Workshop),A43C(ExternalArea) and V12M(Warehouse),A32
(Lifeboat Café), N35 (Portacabin Office/Store), St. Helier – lease;
- A33andA33A(Ground-site and Store), AlbertPier, St. Helier – lease.
Presented: 25th January 2010.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Fort Regent Review (S.R.11/2009): response of the Minister for Education, S.R.11/2009. Sport and Culture. Res. Presented: 29th January 2010.
Minister for Education, Sport and Culture.
Energy from Waste Plant and Ramsar: Review of Planning Process. S.R.1/2010. Presented: 26th January 2010.
Environment Scrutiny Panel.
Planning and Environment: division into 2 ministerial offices. P.3/2010.
Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier.
Compulsory wearing of cycle helmets. P.4/2010. Lodged: 25th January 2010.
Deputy A.K.F. Green of St. Helier.
Jersey Financial Services Commission: appointment of Commissioner. P.5/2010. Lodged: 28th January 2010.
Minister for Economic Development.
Manual Workers' Joint Council: Employers' Side Membership. P.6/2010. Lodged: 29th January 2010.
Chief Minister.
- – Written Questions (attached)
- T he Minister for Planning andEnvironment will tableananswerto a questionaskedby the Connétable ofSt. Helierregarding the Harcourt schemefor the Esplanade.
- T he Minister for Planning and Environment will table an answer to a questionaskedbySenator J.L. Perchard regarding the designationof a Site of Special Interest or a Building ofLocal Interest.
- T he Minister for Planning and Environment will table an answer to a questionaskedbySenator J.L. Perchard regarding the designationofJersey'swestcoastas a National Park.
- T he Minister for Planning and Environment will table an answer to a questionaskedbySenator J.L. Perchard regarding the increased cost of Planning fees.
- T he Chief Minister will tableananswer to a questionaskedbySenator J.L. Perchardregarding costs of terminating contractual agreements.
- T he Chief Minister will tableananswer to a questionaskedbySenator J.L. Perchardregarding disciplinary action by the States EmploymentBoard.
- T he Minister ofEconomicDevelopment will table an answer to a questionasked by Deputy G.P. Southern ofSt. Helier regarding the extent of involvement in the restructuring of Jersey Post
- T he Minister for SocialSecurity will table ananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding the impact of the restructuring of Jersey Post on Income Support expenditure.
- H .M. Attorney General will table an answerto a question askedby Deputy T.M.Pitmanof St. Helier regarding the involvementof lawyers from 7 Bedford Rowinwork relating to the Historic Child Abuse Inquiry.
- The Minister for Home Affairs will tableananswerto a questionaskedby Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier regarding complaints from residents of Albert QuayApartmentsin respect of anti socialbehaviour.
- The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answerto a questionasked by Deputy T.M.Pitmanof St. Helier regarding a review oftaxation rates.
- The Chairmanof the Privileges andProcedures Committee will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy T.M.Pitmanof St. Helier regarding correspondence with the suspended Chief Officer oftheStatesofJersey Police.
- The Minister forHealthandSocialServices will table an answer to a questionaskedbythe Deputy of St. Martinregarding the totalcostof the Department's legalfees.
- The Minister forHome Affairs will table ananswer to a question askedbythe Deputy of St. Martin regarding thenumberof properties searchedbythe States of Jersey Police in relation to the suspected misuse of personalcomputers.
- The Minister for Housing will table ananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding thej' category licence policy.
- The Chief Minister will table an answer to a questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding the mediation process between the States Employment Board and Teaching Union representatives.
- The Minister for Housing will table an answer to a question askedby Deputy G.P. Southern regarding the Whitehead report recommendations.
- H.M. Attorney General will table ananswer to a question askedby Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier of St. Saviourregardingprocedures followed in the selection of Crown Advocates.
- The Minister of Planning andEnvironment will table an answer to a questionasked by Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier ofSt. Saviour regarding powers used under Article 84of the Planning and Building (Jersey)Law2002.
- The Chief Minister will table ananswerto a questionaskedby Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier of St. Saviour regarding savings targets for2010.
- – Oral Questions (120 minutes)
- D eputyK.C. Lewis of St. Saviour will ask thefollowingquestionof the Minister for Planning and Environment –
"Will the Minister authorize or instruct the demolition of unsightly derelict buildings such as Pontins and the Fort Regent pool, without prejudice to any planning application that may or may not be subsequently approved, and if not why not?"
- T he Deputy ofSt. Martin will ask thefollowingquestionof the Minister forHealth and Social Services –
"Will the Minister state which Members received copies of the Verita Report ahead of the presentation on Monday 1st February 2010 and why the majority of Members were denied copies until the actual presentation?"
- Senator S.C. Ferguson will ask the following question of the Minister for Treasury and Resources –
"Given the reticence of the United Kingdom Government to set out clearly their plans to deal with the country's deficit, would the Minister advise how he intends to deal with the structural deficit expected in Jersey in 2012?"
- Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Economic Development –
"When was the Minister informed of the plans to restructure Jersey Post?"
- D eputyP.V.F.Le Claire of St. Helier will ask the following questionof the Chief Minister –
"How important are the retail sales surveys conducted as part of our understanding of the local economy and what do they cost to compile and publish in terms of manpower and resources?"
- T he Deputy ofSt.John will ask the followingquestionofthe Chief Minister –
"Would the Minister give brief details of the emergency exercise that was held several weeks ago, including the number of personnel involved across all services, whether it was considered successful, whether private organisations participated in the exercise, did the Island's Honorary Police play an active part and, as the scenario was a plane crash, which States Department took overall responsibility?"
- Deputy T.A. Vallois of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Minister for Economic Development –
"In respect of the report completed by LECG on the Review of regulatory powers, resources and functions of the Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority as a telecommunications regulator', could the Minister advise what work, if any, has been done by the Economic Development Department to implement the recommendations made in this report?"
- D eputy M.R. Higgins ofSt.Helierwillask the followingquestionofthe Minister for Treasury and Resources –
"Following his response to a written question on 19th January 2010, would the Minister outline what significant resources' would be required to furnish me with the data relating to archive storage across States Departments and advise when he will be able to provide the information requested?"
- T he Deputy of St. Mary will ask the followingquestionofthe Minister forTransport and Technical Services –
"Given that the Minister received over 1000 responses to the sustainable transport policy consultation document, when will a report be available which summarises these responses and what form will this report take?"
- Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier will askthefollowingquestionof the Chief Minister – "Will the Minister inform membersof the reasons for the breakdownofmediationtalks with teachers' representatives over their dispute with the StatesEmploymentBoard?"
- The Deputy ofSt.Martin will askthefollowingquestionof the Chief Minister –
"Will the Chief Minister advise Members what advice and training, if any, is given to States employees, and newly appointed States employees in particular, on the Human Rights (Jersey) Law 2000; what the current budget for the promotion of Jersey's Human Rights obligations is, and whether there are any plans to increase the funding for that activity?"
- The Deputy ofSt.Mary will ask the followingquestionof the Chief Minister –
"Given that the Retail Price Index (x) (RPI(x)) figure captures the real impact of any increase in the cost of living for all Island residents, will the Chief Minister undertake to review the position on the publication of the different types of RPI so that the RPI(x) figure becomes the "headline figure", instead of the RPI, which includes house prices and can therefore be misleading?"
- Deputy T.A. Vallois ofSt. Saviour will askthefollowing question of the Chief Minister –
"In view of the proposed re-alignment of legislation and reforms being introduced later in the year by the House of Commons under an Equality Bill, would the Chief Minister advise whether he will be looking at a similar approach based on Jersey's social policy framework which was established in 2007?"
- – Questions to Ministerswithout notice (30 minutes) – 1 s t q u e stion period – Minister for Housing
2 n d q u estion period – Chief Minister
Draft Planning and Building (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.189/2009. Lodged: 3rd November 2009.
Minister for Planning and Environment.
Draft Employment of States of Jersey Employees (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) P.198/2009. Regulations 200-.
Lodged: 24th November 2009.
Chief Minister.
Strategy for dealing with young offenders: establishment of Working Group. P.201/2009. Lodged: 27th November 2009.
Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier.
Strategy for dealing with young offenders: establishment of Working Group P.201/2009. (P.201/2009) – comments. Com. Presented: 24th December 2009.
Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel.
Strategy for dealing with young offenders: establishment of Working Group P.201/2009. (P.201/2009) – comments. Com.(2) Presented: 18th January 2010.
Council of Ministers.
Strategy for dealing with young offenders: establishment of Working Group P.201/2009. (P.201/2009) – comments. Com.(3) Presented: 19th January 2010.
Minister for Home Affairs.
Assemblée Parlementaire de la Francophonie, Jersey Branch – Branch Rules. P.203/2009. Lodged: 1st December 2009.
Connétable of St. Ouen.
Assemblée Parlementaire de la Francophonie, Jersey Branch – Branch Rules P.203/2009. (P.203/2009) – comments. Com. Presented: 28th January 2010.
Council of Ministers.
Draft Public Holidays and Bank Holidays (Jersey) Act 200-. P.204/2009. Lodged: 1st December 2009.
Chief Minister.
Appointments made by the States: revised procedures. P.205/2009. Lodged: 1st December 2009.
Privileges and Procedures Committee.
Appointments made by the States: revised procedures (P.205/2009) – P.205/2009. comments. Com. Presented: 18th January 2010.
Council of Ministers.
Climate Change: Copenhagen Conference – petition. P.206/2009. Lodged: 8th December 2009.
Deputy of St. Mary.
Climate Change: Copenhagen Conference – petition (P.206/2009) – comments. P.206/2009. Presented: 28th January 2010. Com. Council of Ministers.
Draft Banking (Depositors Compensation) (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations P.207/2009. 200-.
Lodged: 8th December 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Brighter Futures: funding for 2010 and beyond. P.208/2009. Lodged: 8th December 2009.
Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier.
Draft Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians (Registration) (Jersey) Law 200-. P.209/2009. Lodged: 8th December 2009.
Minister for Health and Social Services.
Waterfront Planning Application: Zephyrus Scheme. P.1/2010. Lodged: 6th January 2010. (re-issue) Deputy of St. Mary.
Waterfront Planning Application: Zephyrus Scheme (P.1/2010) – comments. P.1/2010. Presented: 19th January 2010. Com. Minister for Planning and Environment.
Waterfront Planning Application: Zephyrus Scheme (P.1/2010) – comments. P.1/2010. Presented: 19th January 2010. Com.(2) Minister for Transport and Technical Services.
23rd February 2010
Natural Gas Pipeline: strategic study. P.157/2009. Lodged: 30th September 2009.
Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier.
Natural Gas Pipeline: strategic study (P.157/2009) – comments. P.157/2009. Presented: 28th January 2010. Com. Council of Ministers.
Committee of Inquiry: confidential files held by States of Jersey Police on P.197/2009. States Members and others.
Lodged: 17th November 2009.
Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier.
Committee of Inquiry: confidential files held by States of Jersey Police on P.197/2009. States Members and others (P.197/2009) – comments. Com. Presented: 20th November 2009.
Minister for Treasury and Resources.
Committee of Inquiry: confidential files held by States of Jersey Police on P.197/2009. States Members and others (P.197/2009) – amendment. Amd. Lodged: 20th November 2009.
Deputy J.B. Fox of St. Helier.
Draft Employment (Minimum Wage) (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Regulations P.211/2009. 200-.
Lodged: 24th December 2009.
Minister for Social Security.
Draft Jersey Mutual Insurance Society, Incorporated (Alteration of Rules) P.212/2009. (No. 6) (Jersey) Law 200-.
Lodged: 24th December 2009.
Minister for Economic Development.
Jersey Overseas Aid Commission: appointment of Commissioner. P.2/2010. Lodged: 13th January 2010.
Deputy I.J. Gorst of St. Clement.
Planning and Environment: division into 2 ministerial offices. P.3/2010.
Lodged: 22nd January 2010.
Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier.
Compulsory wearing of cycle helmets. P.4/2010. Lodged: 25th January 2010.
Deputy A.K.F. Green of St. Helier.
Jersey Financial Services Commission: appointment of Commissioner. P.5/2010. Lodged: 28th January 2010.
Minister for Economic Development.
(Consideration in camera')
Manual Workers' Joint Council: Employers' Side Membership. P.6/2010. Lodged: 29th January 2010.
Chief Minister.
9th March 2010
Carbon Intensity of Imported Electricity: review. P.156/2009. Lodged: 30th September 2009.
Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire of St. Helier.
Ann Court site: petition. P.202/2009. Lodged: 27th November 2009.
Deputy J.A. Martin of St. Helier.
Ann Court site: petition (P.202/2009) – comments. P.202/2009. Presented: 19th January 2010. Com. Minister for Planning and Environment.
23rd March 2010
Property and Infrastructure Regeneration: the States of Jersey Development P.79/2009. Company Limited (as amended). (re-issue) Lodged: 2nd June 2009.
Council of Ministers.
Property and Infrastructure Regeneration: the States of Jersey Development P.79/2009. Company Limited (P.79/2009) – fourth amendment. Amd.(4) Lodged: 14th January 2010.
Senator J.L. Perchard.
M.N. DE LA HAYE Greffier of the States
28th January 2010 Note –
In accordance with the meeting dates fixed for 2010 by the Privileges and Procedures Committee, this meeting will continue, if necessary, on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th February 2010.
Explanatory Note regarding subordinate legislation tabled at this meeting.
(See Item B)
This Order amends the fees relating to the Minister's consent for a housing transaction (that is sale or transfer of land or a registered contract of lease). The fee for an application for the Minister's consent for a transaction in respect of which the conditions for the Minister's consent are set out in Regulation 1(1) of the Housing (General Provisions) (Jersey) Regulations 1970 is increased from £50 to £60. The fee for an application to vary the Minister's consent in relation to such a transaction is increased from £20 to £25. The fees are set out in the Housing (Fees) (Jersey) Order 2004 and have not been increased since that Order was made.
The Order was made on 25th January 2010 and came into force 1st February 2010. R&O.7/2010.
This Order replaces the Road Traffic (Public Parking Places – Charges) (Jersey) Order 2009 in order to increase from 1st February 2010 –
- the valueof a parking unit by14%;and
- the chargesforseason tickets by13%.
The value of a parking unit was last increased on 1st April 2009. The charges for season tickets were last increased on 1st February 2008.
The excess charges under the Order are not being increased.
Article 1 deals with interpretation.
Article 2 prescribes the value of parking units.
Article 3 prescribes excess charges levied in cases of parking infringements.
Article 4 specifies season ticket charges for all vehicles except low-emission vehicles. Article 5 specifies season ticket charges for low-emission vehicles.
Article 6 revokes the 2009 Order setting parking charges.
Article 7 deals with the name and coming into force of the Order.
The Order was made on 25th January 2010 and came into force on 1st February 2010.
This Order amends the Schedule to the Taxation (Exchange of Information with Third Countries) (Jersey) Regulations 2008 by specifying 5th January 2010 as the date that the tax information exchange agreement between Jersey and Australia came into force.
The Order was made on 26th January 2010 and came into force forthwith.
- T h e Minister for Planning andEnvironment will table ananswer to the followingquestionaskedby the Connétable ofSt. Helier –
"D o es the Minister consider the Harcourt scheme for the Esplanade Quarter to be no longer practicable, and
would he explain what, in his view, are the next steps for the development of this site?"
- T h e Minister for Planning andEnvironmentwilltableananswerto the followingquestionasked by Senator J.L. Perchard –
" W i ll the Minister outline the process undertaken before a building or site is designated as a Site of Special Interest or a Building of Local Interest?"
- T h e Minister for Planning andEnvironmentwilltableananswerto the followingquestionasked by Senator J.L. Perchard –
" W ill the Minister explain what he considers to be the benefits and disadvantages of designating much of Jersey's west coast as a National Park?"
- T h e Minister for Planning andEnvironmentwilltableananswerto the followingquestionasked by Senator J.L. Perchard –
" G i ven claims by the Association of Jersey Architects that planning fees have risen by 500% since 2008, will the Minister detail exact increases in planning application fees for each year from 1st January 2008, throughout 2009 and any increases implemented or planned for 2010?
T h e total increases in planning application fees since he became Minister for Planning and Environment?"
- T h e Chief Minister will table an answer to the following questionaskedbySenatorJ.L.Perchard –
" F o llowing his written answer to a question from Deputy R.G. Le Hérrisier of St. Saviour on 17th
November 2009, in which the Chief Minister wrote that the terms on which personal contractual arrangements were terminated were personal and confidential to the parties concerned, does he agree that the tax paying public has a right to know and should be made aware of the cost of terminating the contractual arrangements with any public employee, or contractor and will he, in his capacity as the Chairman of the States Employment Board, undertake not to agree to any future financial settlements with any public employee, or contractor employed by the States that permits a confidential financial settlement?"
- T h e Chief Minister will table an answer to the following questionaskedbySenatorJ.L.Perchard – "AstheChairman of the States Employment Board –
- d oes the Chief Minister agree that it is quite reasonable for the States ofJerseyas an employerto take anyappropriate disciplinary action against anemployeewhois at the time the subject of a police investigation?
- will the Chief Minister agree to take independentlegaladvice when considering disciplinary action against an employee of the States of Jersey whois the subject of a police investigation?"
- T h e Minister for EconomicDevelopment will table ananswerto the following questionasked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
" T o what extent, if any, has the Economic Department been in consultation with the management of Jersey Post, either directly or through the Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority or other bodies. over the recently announced restructuring plan for Jersey Post?
W il l the Minister clarify whether the redundancies at Jersey Post will lead to a reduction in jobs and advise
how many employees are currently employed and how many it is envisaged will be employed the end of the process in 2013?
D o e s the re-alignment of pay to market rates for particular skill sets and activities mean pay cuts for any
employees, and if so which grades and how many? Further, will the Minister outline for members the depth of any such pay cuts?
C a n the Minister assure members that this process will not result in deterioration to the Universal Service
Provision, including collection and delivery provision?
H a s the Minister received any assurances that Post Offices or sub post offices will not be closed or
otherwise affected by this process?"
- T he Minister for SocialSecurity will table ananswerto the followingquestionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
" W i ll the Minister detail for members the extent that the Social Security Department has been involved in discussions over the impact that the restructuring plan recently announced by Jersey Post will have on redundancies and reduced wages and consequently on the Department's expenditure on Income Support and supplementation? Will he give members an estimate of these projected costs?"
- H .M. Attorney General will table an answer to the following questionasked by Deputy T.M. Pitmanof St. Helier –
" W ill H.M. Attorney General please clarify whether any of the three former members of 7 Bedford Row Chambers subsequently employed within or by the Attorney General's office, as mentioned in an answer to a written question on 19th January 2009, were involved in any way in work relating to the Historic Abuse Inquiry; and if so, would he advise what form this involvement took?"
- T he Minister forHome Affairs will table ananswer to the following questionaskedby Deputy T.M.Pitman of St. Helier –
" W i ll the Minister advise how many complaints, if any, have been received by the States of Jersey Police over the past twelve months relating to anti-social behaviour emanating from the area around the Albert Quay Apartments and surrounding land, particularly problems involving cars and motor bikes; further still, how many arrests have been made and how many charges have been brought against those involved in such anti-social behaviour?
G iv en the number of complaints from residents concerning anti-social behaviour involving cars and motorbikes outside the Albert Quay Apartments, will the Minister advise whether it is the responsibility of
the States of Jersey Police or the Harbours Department to deal with this; and whether speed limits and Island-wide restrictions on the sounding of horns within certain hours can be enforced by the States of
Jersey Police?"
- T he Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answertothefollowingquestionaskedby Deputy T.M.Pitmanof St. Helier –
" G i ven that taxation rates are in line for review, based on current figures, would the Minister advise what increase in revenue would be achieved by the introduction of a progressive tax rate of either 25% or 30% being implemented for those earning more than £100,000 per annum?"
- T heChairmanof the Privileges and ProceduresCommittee will table ananswerto the followingquestion asked by Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier –
"Following her response to a question on 19th January 2009, concerning the letter of complaint to the Privileges and Procedures Committee made by the suspended Chief Officer of the States of Jersey Police, when the Chairman stated that she had intended to mention the letter to the rest of the Committee but that it had not been done , whilst also stating that she often did not inform the Committee of such contacts, would the Chairman advise whether she feels that such comments are consistent; and whether she feels that such practice does not undermine confidence in the Committee to do its job?"
- T he Minister for Health and Social Serviceswill table ananswer to the following question askedby the Deputy of St. Martin –
"(a) Will the Minister give the total cost to date of all legal fees incurred by the Health an dSocial
Services Department in taking advice and representing the Department in relation to Mrs Rourke and the exclusion of a Hospital Consultant Gynaecologist?
- W ill the Minister provide –
- a breakdownas to whom the feeswere paid andmoniesreceived?
- t hecost of all the enquiries/investigations undertaken in relation to the above two persons?
- t he details of the various review bodies appointed andmoniesreceived?
- the total cost in salaries paid to the excludedConsultantandto the various staff employed to cover his absence from work?
- W howasresponsible for theoversightof the expenditure?"
- T heMinister for Home Affairs will table ananswerto the followingquestionaskedby the Deputy of St. Martin –
"(a) Will the Minister inform Members of the number of properties, since January 2007, that have been
searched by the States of Jersey Police in connection with the alleged misuse of personal computers and other electronic devices?
- H owmanysearches, if any, were conducted with the authority of a search warrant?
- H owmanysearches, if any, were conducted without a search warrant,andwhy?
- H owmanypeople, if any, have been arrested as a result ofthesearches?
- H owmanypeople, if any, have been charged with offences in relation tothesearches?
- W hatis the average time that personalcomputers and otheritems seized following the searches are retained by thepolice?"
- T he Minister forHousing will table ananswer to the following questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
"Will the Minister state whether the policy of granting permanent j' category licences has changed and state what proportions of the 348 and 533 licences granted in 2009 and 2008 respectively were granted in the public and private sectors?"
- T he Chief Minister will table an answer to the following questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
"Following the breakdown of the mediation process between the States Employment Board and teachers' representatives, will the Chief Minister inform members what instructions were given to the States representatives on the 2009 pay offer in order to allow meaningful mediation to take place? What further measures, if any, does the Chief Minister have under consideration to avert the prospect of industrial action in schools?"
- T he Minister forHousing will table ananswer to the following questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
"Notwithstanding the ongoing consultation process in which the Housing Department is engaged, will the Minister inform members what options, if any, he has under consideration to eliminate the under-funding of £7.5 million on annual repairs and maintenance identified in the Whitehead report?"
- H .M. Attorney General will table ananswerto the followingquestionaskedby Deputy R.G.Le Hérissierof St. Saviour –
"What procedures are followed in the selection of Crown Advocates and to what extent do they conform with the selection principles laid down by the Appointments Commission? Why was prosecution work in relation to the Historic Abuse Inquiry confined to one firm in 2009?"
- T he Minister for Planning and Environment will table an answertothefollowingquestionaskedby Deputy R.G.Le HérissierofSt. Saviour–
"Would the Minister identify how many times he has exercised his powers under Article 84 of the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002 and on what grounds and would he define what is meant by a ruinous or dilapidated building'?"
- T he Chief Minister will tableananswerto the followingquestionaskedby Deputy R.G.Le Hérissierof St. Saviour –
" W o uld the Chief Minister provide a detailed breakdown of the savings targets of £419,000 for 2010 with which the Deputy Chief Executive has been tasked and advise what specific savings targets, if any, he has beyond 2010?"
(See Item I(c))
2010 | First 15 minute period Minister | Second 15 minute period Minister |
23rd February | Transport and Technical Services | Economic Development |
9th March | Treasury and Resources | Chief Minister |
23rd March | Education, Sport and Culture | Health and Social Services |
20th April | Home Affairs | Chief Minister |
11th May | Social Security | Planning and Environment |
25th May | Housing | Chief Minister |
8th June | Transport and Technical Services | Treasury and Resources |
22nd June | Economic Development | Chief Minister |
6th July | Education, Sport and Culture | Health and Social Services |
19th July | Home Affairs | Chief Minister |
2nd session |
| ||
14th September | Social Security | Planning and Environment |
28th September | Housing | Chief Minister |
12th October | Transport and Technical Services | Treasury and Resources |
19th October | Economic Development | Chief Minister |
2nd November | Education, Sport and Culture | Health and Social Services |
16th November | Home Affairs | Chief Minister |
30th November | Social Security | Planning and Environment |
7th December | Housing | Chief Minister |