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Order Paper 9th March 2010

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Tuesday 9th March 2010


(Explanatory note attached)

Sea Fisheries (Fees) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 2010. R&O.16/2010. Minister for Economic Development.

Road Racing (Karts) (Jersey) Order 2010. R&O.17/2010. Minister for Transport and Technical Services.

Proceeds of Crime (Supervisory Bodies) (Designation of Supervisory Bodies) R&O.18/2010. (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 2010.

Minister for Economic Development.

Employment (Minimum Wage) (Amendment No.  3) (Jersey) Order 2010. R&O.20/2010. Minister for Social Security.


Ann Court site: petition (P.202/2009) comments. P.202/2009. Presented: 4th March 2010. Com.(2) Minister for Housing.

Jersey Advisory and Conciliation Service: Annual Report 2009. R.19/2010. Presented: 1st March 2010.

Minister for Social Security.

Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) R.20/2010.

  1. public land adjoining 162 Clos des Sables, St. Brelade – proposed sale;
  2. roadway toLa CrêteFort, St.  John–  proposed acquisition of land for road-

widening adjacent to the Cheval Roc' site;

  1. N35NewNorthQuay and E10 Elizabeth Terminal,St. Helier – lease.

Presented: 3rd March 2010.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) lease of R.21/2010. Brig-Y-Don Children's Home, La  Grande Route de  la Côte, St.  Clement, from

Brig-Y-Don Children's Convalescent and Holiday Home Incorporated.

Presented: 3rd March 2010.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Review of Jersey's Overseas Aid: Report on Progress. S.R.3/2010. Presented: 1st March 2010.

Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel.

Public Accounts Committee: Report on the accounts of the States for the year P.A.C.1/2010. ended 31st  December 2008.

Presented: 1st March 2010. Public Accounts Committee.


Compulsory wearing of cycle helmets (P.4/2010): amendment. P.4/2010. Lodged: 2nd March 2010. Amd. Deputy of St.  Mary.

Draft Employment of States of Jersey Employees (Amendment No.  5) (Jersey) P.22/2010. Regulations 201-.

Lodged: 1st March 2010.

Chief Minister.

Independent Jersey Police Authority: establishment. P.23/2010. Lodged: 2nd March 2010.

Senator A. Breckon.

Draft Companies (Amendment No.  4) (Jersey) Regulations 2009 (Appointed P.24/2010. Day) Act 201-.

Lodged: 4th March 2010.

Minister for Economic Development.

User Pays' Charges: issuing of animal health export and associated P.25/2010. certificates.

Lodged: 5th March 2010.

Minister for Planning and Environment.

  1. Written Questions (attached)
  1. T heMinister for Home Affairs willtableananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy J.M. Maçon of St.  Saviour regarding the revised Disciplinary Code for the Chief Officer ofthe States of Jersey Police.
  2. T  he Minister forHome Affairs willtable an answerto a question asked by Deputy P.V.F. Le  Claire ofSt. Helier regarding legislation dealing with dangerousdogs.
  3. T heChairmanofComité des Connétable s will table ananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire ofSt. Helierregarding Parish registers ofdogs.
  4. T  he Chief Minister will table ananswer to a questionaskedby the Deputy of St.  Martin

regarding the number of States Employees suspended or excluded from their employment from

2006 to 1st March 2010.

  1. T heChairmanof Privileges and Procedures Committee will table an answer to a questionasked by the Deputy ofSt. Martin regarding contraventions ofHuman Rights.
  2. T he Chief Minister will table ananswer to a questionaskedby the Deputy of St. Martin regarding instructions to the Law DraftsmanregardingP.175/2009.
  3. T he Minister for EconomicDevelopmentwilltableananswer to a question askedby Deputy T.A.ValloisofSt. Saviour regarding the Telecommunications industry.
  4. T he Minister for HealthandSocialServices will table ananswer to a question askedby Deputy A.K.F.Greenof St. Helierregardingchildcyclists figures for 2005 to 2009.
  5. T he Minister forHome Affairs will table ananswer to a question askedbySenatorA.Breckon regarding the suspension oftwo senior police officers.
  6. The ChairmanofComité des Connétable s will table ananswer to a questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding the electoral register.
  7. The Chief Minister will tableananswerto a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding the estimated costsof any redundancypayments.
  8. The Minister for Social Security will table an answerto a questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding the results of reviews of Income Support and reduced Transitional Protection payments.
  9. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table ananswerto a questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding targets fortheComprehensive Spending Review.
  10. The Minister for Social Security will table an answerto a questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding measurestoprotectthoseeligiblefor attendance allowance.
  11. The Minister forTransportandTechnicalServices will table ananswer to a questionaskedthe by Deputy ofSt. Mary regarding a speed limit review.
  12. The Minister forHealth and SocialServiceswill table ananswer to a questionaskedby Senator B.E.ShentonregardingthenumberofAmbulance Service employeessupplied with mobile phones.
  13. The Minister forHome Affairs willtable an answerto a question askedbySenator B.E. Shenton regarding the numberof Fire Service employeessupplied with mobile phones.
  14. The Minister forHealth and SocialServiceswill table ananswer to a questionaskedby Senator B.E.Shenton regarding the implementation ofrecommendations from theLucasReport.
  15. The Minister for Planning and Environment will table ananswerto a questionaskedby Senator B.E.Shenton regarding cost of the ThirdPartyAppeal in respect ofWestmountQuarry.
  16. The Minister for Planning and Environment will table ananswerto a questionaskedby Senator B.E.Shenton regarding the qualifications of the Ministerial Registration and Listing Advisory Group.
  1. – Oral Questions (120 minutes)
  1. Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Economic Development

" W ill the Minister inform Members of the nature of the incident involving a Flybe EBM-190 airliner being ferried from Jersey to Exeter on 23rd February 2010 and advise whether any action was taken by Jersey Airport, if so when, and what lessons, if any, have been learned from the incident?"

  1. The Deputy of St. John will ask the following question of the Minister for Economic Development

" W ould the Minister advise whether any Economic Development staff attended the Enterprise Awards on 26th February 2010 and, if so, how many, in what capacity and at what cost to the Department?"

  1. T he Deputy ofSt. Martin will askthefollowingquestionof the Minister forHome Affairs –

" W ould the Minister confirm that two suspended officers from the States of Jersey Police have recently been cleared of all allegations of assault; will he give the cost and duration of the suspensions, the cost of the investigation and the cost of the disciplinary hearing, including any legal costs, and is he satisfied that the matter was handled correctly and, if not, what action, if any, will he be taking?"

  1. D eputyS.PitmanofSt. Helier will ask the followingquestionofthe Minister for Housing –

" I n view of the heavy rainfall during the last weekend of February, would the Minister inform Members what action, if any, his Department have taken to prevent the regular flooding of houses at Nicholson Close?"

  1. T he Deputy of Grouville will ask thefollowingquestionof the Minister for Health and Social Services –

" Are  Verita's  services  or  another  such  body,  going  to  be  used  to  help implement  the

recommendations contained within their report?"

  1. D eputyP.V.F.Le Claire of St. Helier will ask the followingquestionofthe Minister forHome Affairs –

" F ollowing a dog attack in St.  Aubin's Bay, by a cross breed pit bull which had been imported into Jersey from the United Kingdom, would the Minister undertake to strengthen legislation to ensure that dangerous dogs from other jurisdictions are not able to be imported into Jersey?

  1. Deputy D.J. de Sousa of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Economic Development

" W hat action, if any, has the Minister taken to combat gazumping' within the property market and will he be bringing proposals forward to regulate estate agents?"

  1. Deputy T.M. Pitman of St.  Helier will askthefollowingquestionof the Chief Minister –

" G iven that any additional monies/severance payments outside of the contractual entitlement paid to the former Chief Officer of Health and Social Services would have been made from public funds, what justification can the Chief Minister give for not divulging the contents of the

agreement to the Assembly in his written response on 23rd February, particularly in the interests of

accountability and transparency (as outlined in the Ministerial Code of conduct)?"

  1. Senator B.E. Shenton will ask the following question of the Minister for Planning and Environment

" Where the Minister or Planning Application Panel goes against the advice of Planning Officers, and a legal action results in costs to the taxpayer, where does accountability lie?"

  1. The Connétable of Grouville will ask the followingquestionof the Minister forTreasury and Resources

" W ill the Minister give members an assurance that if the Jersey College for Girls site is sold the proceeds will not be used to defray the Budget deficit but will be capitalised into another project?"

  1. Deputy G.P. Southern of St.  Helier will ask the following question of the Minister forSocial Security –

" G iven that the departmental budget consists overwhelmingly of benefit payments, will the Minister assure members that in attempting to deliver up to 10% cuts required by the Comprehensive Spending Review by 2013, he will not reduce the index linking or otherwise cut the levels of individual benefits administered by his department, and if not, will he state which benefits may be targeted?"

  1. The Deputy of St. Mary will ask the following question of the Minister for Economic Development

" Would the Minister inform the Assembly how much money is left in the Tourism

Development Fund and whether he considers that this sum reflects the States commitment to the tourism sector?"

  1. Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier of St.  Saviour will ask the followingquestionof the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture –

" W hat progress, if any, has been made with the introduction of a universal ticketing system for all arts locations which receive public funding?"

  1. Deputy K.C. Lewis of St.  Saviour will ask the followingquestionof the Minister for Health and Social Services

" W ill the Minister inform members of the level and grade of medical staff required to bring the renal dialysis unit up to the correct level?"

  1. Senator B.E.Shenton will askthefollowingquestionof H.M. Attorney General

" W hat was the total cost of providing legal advice to the Planning and Environment Department in 2009 based on average private sector charge-out rates?"

  1. The Deputy of St. Mary will ask the following question of the Minister for Economic Development

" W ill the Minister advise the Assembly if his department has calculated a level of bed stock below which the tourism industry would not be viable, and if so, will he advise how near we are to that situation and whether there is a commitment to avoid this situation arising, particularly with threats to air and sea links?"

  1. Deputy T.M.Pitmanof St.  Helier will ask the following questionof the Minister for Treasury and Resources

" W ould the Minister clarify under which aspect of Jersey's tax legislation individuals were deemed able to be legally granted 1(1)(k) status and thus negotiate their own tax contributions with the Comptroller of Income Tax prior to 2005; and advise whether 1(1)(k) status also means individual tax rates cannot be increased by government in line with a changing economic climate?"

  1. Deputy D.J. de Sousa of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Economic Development

" C an the Minister inform members what steps, if any, the Economic Development Department is taking to address the buy-out of Kleinwort Benson, in view of the fact that Jersey prides itself on only allowing the top 500 banks on the Island?"

  1. The Deputy of St.  John will ask the following question of the Minister for Planning and Environment

" G iven that many homes at La Providence on the Beaumont/Sandybrook site have now been sold, could members be told why there has been a delay in connecting this site to a mains pumping station and when this work will be completed?"

  1. Deputy S.PitmanofSt. Helier will ask the followingquestionoftheMinisterforEconomic Development

" W ould the Minister inform Members whether any funding has been allocated to the tourism industry as part of the Economic Stimulus Package and, if so, how much and to what specific projects?"

  1. Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire of St. Helier will ask the followingquestionof the Minister for Health and Social Services

" G  iven that many pharmacists appear to have stopped stocking over the counter medicines for colds and coughs for children, particularly those aged between 5 and 6, would the Minister advise whether this is linked to swine flu measures or if there is another reason for this and advise what appropriate medicine is now available for parents to buy over the counter?"

  1. Deputy G.P. Southern of St.  Helier will ask the following question of the Minister forSocial Security –

" W ill the Minister identify which of how many the 118 Income Support recipients identified following review as losing over £90 from their weekly income were on Transitional Protection (TP) along with which element of TP was removed, the reasons for doing so and whether the phased protection designed to alleviate financial hardship outlined in the Income Support (Transitional Protection) (Jersey) Order 2008 applies?"

  1. The Deputy of St.  Martin will ask the followingquestionof the Minister for Health andSocial Services –

" G iven that Verita's report contains criticism of the former Chief Executive Officer and the present Hospital management, has the Minister succeeded in appointing a suitable replacement, and if not, what assistance, if any, will the Minister seek to implement Verita's many far reaching recommendations?"

  1. Deputy R.G.Le Hérissier of St.  Saviour will ask the followingquestionof the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture –

" W  hat actions, if any, is the Minister planning to take in relation to the recommendations contained within the two reports which he commissioned on the future of the Jersey Heritage Trust?"

  1. Deputy M.R.Higginsof St.  Helier will ask the following questionofthe Minister for Health and Social Services

" W  ill the Minister advise the Assembly the number of current Health Service employees who will be entitled to enhancements to their basic salary on leaving their employment (other than resettlement allowances), the nature of these enhancements and their estimated cost to the public,  and  the  number  of  employees  who  left  the  Department  in  2009  who  received enhancements (other than resettlement allowances); the nature of these enhancements and their cost?

  1. Deputy K.C. Lewis of St.  Saviour will ask the followingquestion of the Minister forEconomic Developments –

" F urther to news that the European Union has authorised the planting of genetically modified potatoes, will the Minister continue to ban the growing and importation of any genetically modified products?"

  1. Questions to Ministerswithout notice (30 minutes)

1 s t q u e stion period – Minister for Treasury and Resources 2 n d q u estion period – Chief Minister


Compulsory wearing of cycle helmets. P.4/2010. Lodged: 25th January 2010.

Deputy A.K.F. Green of St.  Helier.

Compulsory wearing of cycle helmets (P.4/2010): amendment. P.4/2010. Lodged: 2nd March 2010. Amd. Deputy of St.  Mary.

Ann Court site: petition. P.202/2009. Lodged: 27th November 2009.

Deputy J.A. Martin of St.  Helier.

Ann Court site: petition (P.202/2009) comments. P.202/2009. Presented: 19th January 2010. Com. Minister for Planning and Environment.

Ann Court site: petition (P.202/2009) comments. P.202/2009. Presented: 4th March 2010. Com.(2) Minister for Housing.

Draft Police Procedures and Criminal Evidence (Jersey) Law 2003 (Appointed P.16/2010. Day) (No.  5) Act 201-.

Lodged: 12th February 2010.

Minister for Home Affairs.

Public Holidays falling at the weekend: review. P.19/2010. Lodged: 23rd February 2010.

Deputy R.G. Le  Hérissier of St.  Saviour.


23rd March 2010

Draft Wills and Successions (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 201-. P.7/2010. Lodged: 29th January 2010.

Chief Minister.

Draft States of Jersey (Transfer of Functions No.  3) (Home Affairs to Chief P.8/2010. Minister) (Jersey) Regulations 201-.

Lodged: 1st February 2010.

Chief Minister.

Public Holidays: designation of May 9th if on a Sunday. P.18/2010. Lodged: 23rd February 2010.

Deputy M. Tadier of St.  Brelade.

Independent Jersey Police Authority: establishment. P.23/2010. Lodged: 2nd March 2010.

Senator A. Breckon.

Draft Companies (Amendment No.  4) (Jersey) Regulations 2009 (Appointed P.24/2010. Day) Act 201-.

Lodged: 4th March 2010.

Minister for Economic Development.

20th April 2010

Committee of Inquiry: confidential files held by States of Jersey Police on P.197/2009. States Members and others.

Lodged: 17th November 2009.

Deputy M.R. Higgins of St.  Helier.

Committee of Inquiry: confidential files held by States of Jersey Police on P.197/2009. States Members and others (P.197/2009) comments. Com. Presented: 20th November 2009.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Committee of Inquiry: confidential files held by States of Jersey Police on P.197/2009. States Members and others (P.197/2009) amendment. Amd. Lodged: 20th November 2009.

Deputy J.B. Fox of St. Helier.

Strategy for dealing with young offenders: establishment of Working Group. P.201/2009. Lodged: 27th November 2009.

Deputy T.M. Pitman of St.  Helier.

Strategy for dealing with young offenders: establishment of Working Group P.201/2009. (P.201/2009) – comments. Com. Presented: 24th December 2009.

Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel.

Strategy for dealing with young offenders: establishment of Working Group P.201/2009. (P.201/2009) – comments. Com.(2) Presented: 18th January 2010.

Council of Ministers.

Strategy for dealing with young offenders: establishment of Working Group P.201/2009. (P.201/2009) – comments. Com.(3) Presented: 19th January 2010.

Minister for Home Affairs.

Importation of Waste: approval by the States Assembly. P.17/2010. Lodged: 17th February 2010.

Environment Scrutiny Panel.

Draft Sea Fisheries (Fisheries) (Jersey) Regulations 201-. P.20/2010. Lodged: 25th February 2010.

Minister for Economic Development.

Draft The Law Society of Jersey (Amendment No.  2) Law 201-. P.21/2010. Lodged: 25th February 2010.

Chief Minister.

Draft Employment of States of Jersey Employees (Amendment No.  5) (Jersey) P.22/2010. Regulations 201-.

Lodged: 1st March 2010.

Chief Minister.

11th May 2010

Island Plan 2002: H3 Site No.  8, Field 1248 and Channel Television Site. P.10/2010. Lodged: 2nd February 2010.

Deputy J.A. Hilton of St.  Helier.

User Pays' Charges: issuing of animal health export and associated certificates. P.25/2010. Lodged: 5th March 2010.

Minister for Planning and Environment.

25th May 2010

Property and Infrastructure Regeneration: the States of Jersey Development P.79/2009. Company Limited (as amended). (re-issue) Lodged: 2nd June 2009.

Council of Ministers.

Property and Infrastructure Regeneration: the States of Jersey Development P.79/2009. Company Limited (P.79/2009) – fourth amendment. Amd.(4) Lodged: 14th January 2010.

Senator J.L. Perchard.

M.N. DE LA HAYE Greffier of the States

4th March 2010 Note –

In accordance with the meeting dates fixed for 2010 by the Privileges and Procedures Committee, this meeting will continue, if necessary, on Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th March 2010.

Explanatory Note regarding subordinate legislation tabled at this meeting.

(See Item B)


This Order increases to £16.70 the fee for a permit to take up to 24 scallops per day. This is the first increase in this fee since 1st January 2008 and amounts to 5%.

The Order was made on 22nd February 2010 and came into force on 1st March 2010. R&O.17/2010.

This Order specifies the dates and times when the Sorel Point loop road (otherwise known as the Ronez loop road) may be closed to normal traffic and used by the Jersey Kart and Motor Club to race "karts" and to practise on them.

The Order was made on 23rd February 2010 and came into force on being made. R&O.18/2010.

This Order extends the period during which the Jersey Financial Services Commission is the designated supervisory body for lawyers and accountants under the Proceeds of Crime (Supervisory Bodies) (Jersey) Law 2008. The period, due to expire 19th March 2010, will expire at midnight on 19th September 2011.

The Order was made on 23rd February 2010 and came into force on 2nd March 2010. R&O.20/2010.

This Order increases the hourly rate of the minimum wage for an employee from £6.08 to £6.20 and the hourly rate of the minimum wage for an employee who is a trainee from £4.56 to £4.65. These increases take effect from 1st April 2010. These amounts were last increased with effect from 1st April 2009.

The Order was made on 2nd March 2010 and comes into force on 1st April 2010.


  1. T he Minister forHome Affairs will table an answerto the followingquestionaskedby Deputy J.M.Maçon of St.  Saviour

" W hen will the Minister bring to the States for ratification a revised Disciplinary Code for the Chief Officer of the States of Jersey Police and, if he has no proposals to do so, could he state why not?"

  1. T he Minister for Home Affairs will table ananswertothe following question askedby Deputy P.V.F. Le Claire ofSt. Helier–

" I n light of his response to an oral question on 1st December 2009 concerning the importation of dangerous dogs, would the Minister consider amending the Dogs (Jersey) Law 1961, in order to address the following specific matters and, if so, what would be the likely law drafting costs and timescales involved?

  1. g iving the Court powerto specify control measures in respect of particular dogs;
  2. c reating a smallnumberof new criminaloffencesin relation to dogson private propertywithout permission;
  3. g iving the Court powersto confiscate dogs;
  4. c onferring poweron police officers to seize dogswhich are outofcontrol in a public place;
  5. m akingdogsownedbyyoungpersons the legal responsibility of the head ofthehouseholdinwhich the young person lives.
  6. re moving certain breeds from being kept in Jersey or admitted to the Island by visitors?
  1. T heChairman of the Comité des Connétable s will table ananswerto the followingquestionaskedby Deputy P.V.F.Le Claire ofSt. Helier–

" W ould the Chairman advise the Assembly whether all Parishes keep registers of all the dogs within their respective Parishes; whether the conditions of the Dogs (Jersey) Law 1961 are being met and enforced, particularly in respect of mandatory identity discs, and can he also advise the Assembly how anyone who was injured by a dog could access the information held by the Parishes?"

  1. The Chief Minister will table an answer to the following questionaskedby the Deputy ofSt. Martin

( a ) Will the Chief Minister inform Members of the number of States Employees, including Police Officers,

who were suspended or excluded from their employment for each of the years from 2006 to 1st March 2010?

( b ) For those employees, including police officers, who were suspended or excluded as at 1st March 2010, would the Chief Minister inform members

 ( i) w hich Departments they work in?

 ( ii ) w hat was the commencement date of their suspension or exclusion?

 ( ii i)  w hat are the reasons for the continuing exclusions for each of the employees?

(i v ) w  h at is the cost to date for covering the salary of each of the employees and that of additional staff

to cover the employee's absence?

  1. T heChairmanof Privileges andProcedures Committee will table ananswer to the following questionasked by the Deputy ofSt. Martin

" F ollowing her response to a written question on 30th June 2009, regarding Human Rights cases before the States of Jersey Complaints Board, will the Chairman inform Members whether the Privileges and Procedures Committee has discussed the matter and, if so, what was the outcome of those discussions?

I f no meeting has taken place, will the Chairman inform Members of the reasons for this and advise whether

it still the Committee's intention to meet the Members of the Complaints Board?"

  1. T he Chief Minister will table an answer to the following questionaskedby the Deputy ofSt. Martin

" W ill the Chief Minister inform Members when he submitted the brief/instructions to the Law Draftsman for the amendments to P.175/2009 (Employment of States of Jersey Employees Law: Proposed Changes') following States approval on 18th November 2009; the date when the draft amendments were returned to him from the Law Draftsman, and will he provide the Assembly with a copy of the brief/instructions submitted to the Law Draftsman?"

  1. T he Minister forEconomicDevelopment will table ananswer to the followingquestionasked by Deputy T.A.ValloisofSt. Saviour –

" W ith reference to the numerous reports completed by the Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority in respect of the Telecommunications Market, could the Minister provide the following details with regard to the recommendations of the Regulaid and LECG reports (57 and 9 recommendations respectively) –

(a) the number of recommendations that have been or will be implemented and how they will/have b een implemented?

( b ) a timeline for the implementation of the recommendations?

( c ) who will be responsible for the implementation of recommendations?"

  1. T heMinister for Health and SocialServices will table ananswerto the followingquestionasked by Deputy A.K.F.Greenof St.  Helier

" W ould the Minister advise the Assembly whether the number of child cyclists for the years 2005 to 2009 inclusive has reduced?"

  1. T he Minister forHome Affairs will tableananswerto the following questionaskedby Senator A.Breckon

" I n relation to the recent suspension of two senior police officers over the alleged assault of a woman on a boat in St.  Helier, would the Minister advise

( a ) how long each officer was suspended for,

( b ) how much was each officer paid during suspension,

( c ) the length of any investigation and the reasons for its length,

( d ) how much was paid to Thames Valley police for investigating this matter,

( e ) the total cost to the Home Affairs Department/States of Jersey Police for all of the costs   associated with  this case?"

  1. The ChairmanofComité des Connétable s will table an answer to the following questionasked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St.  Helier

" W ill the Chairman inform members of the following figures relating to the electoral register: ( 1 ) the total number of those registered, both by parish and Island-wide

(a ) a t the time of the October/November 2008 elections;

(b ) i n early 2009 following the elimination of those not registered for 3 years; (c ) c urrently?

(2 ) W hat measures, if any, have been considered in conjunction with the Privileges and Procedures C o m m ittee to improve these figures in time for a potential by-election this year?"

  1. The Chief Minister will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St.  Helier –

" W ill the Chief Minister inform members of the estimated costs to States revenues over a 6-month period in lost Income Tax and indirect taxes, Social Security contributions, and Income Support payments of the redundancy of an employee on the average wage, in the absence of any redundancy payments, if that employee is –

( a ) single;

( b ) married with 2 children, wife not working, and either

( i) in appropriate States social rental accommodation, or ( ii ) Owner/occupation with a mortgage of £200,000?

  1. The Minister forSocialSecurity will table an answer to the followingquestionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St.  Helier

" F ollowing his answer to written question 5130 on 23rd February 2010, will the Minister now give the results of the losses and gains in the ranges requested, of just over 800 reviews of Income Support (IS) conducted this year?

Would  he  state  how  many  of  the  393  applicants  whose payments  were  reduced  were  on  Transitional Protection and have seen their payments reduced without the phasing provided by the Income Support (Transitional Provisions) (Jersey) Order 2008?

Will the Minister explain under what circumstances such a reduction in income at short notice can be justified in the light of the clear intention of the abovementioned Order to protect benefit recipients from such financial shocks?"

  1. The Minister forTreasury and Resources will table ananswer to the following questionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St.  Helier

" C an the Minister confirm whether the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) has a target to deliver savings in States expenditure across departments through gross expenditure savings targets of 2% by 2011, 5% by 2012 and 10% by 2013, and, if so, will he state how such large targets can be met without cuts in services and job losses?

C o uld these targets, if met, endanger any recovery from the economic recession?

H  ow does the Minister propose to achieve such targets at a time when many services in the public sector such

as medical and social work services are struggling with recruitment and retention rates?"

  1. The Minister forSocialSecurity will table an answer to the followingquestionaskedby Deputy G.P. Southern of St.  Helier

" W ill the Minister explain to members what measures, if any, are in place after July 2011, to protect those with severe disabilities previously eligible for Attendance Allowance (whether child or adult), from any reduction in benefit under Income Support designed to cater for the additional living costs attached to such disabilities?"

  1. The Minister for Transport and Technical Services will table ananswerto the following question askedby the Deputy of St.  Mary

" C  an the Minister inform members what information, if any, he has gathered from other jurisdictions and authorities about the effects of different speed limits on accident and injury rates as part of the speed limit review, what this research has shown, and can he advise members of progress on this review?"

  1. The Minister forHealthand Social Services will tableananswertothefollowing question asked by Senator B.E.Shenton

" W hich Ambulance Station employees, if any, are issued with mobile phones?

 W  ould the Minister advise whether additional payments are made to any persons supplied with mobile

phones to cover personal telephone costs' and whether these payments are also extended to secretaries, store men, and other staff? (Please list job titles of all persons that receive a payment, together with the payment amount)?"

  1. The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answer to the following question asked by Senator B.E. Shenton –

" W hich States of Jersey Fire Service employees, if any, are issued with mobile phones?

 W  ould the Minister advise whether additional payments are made to any persons supplied with mobile

phones to cover personal telephone costs' and whether these payments are also extended to secretaries, store men, and other staff? (Please list job titles of all persons that receive a payment, together with the payment amount)?"

  1. The Minister forHealthand Social Services will tableananswertothefollowing question asked by Senator B.E.Shenton

" H ow many recommendations of the report prepared by Mr. Adrian Lucas on the States of Jersey Ambulance Service completed in June 2008 (the Lucas Report') have still to be implemented?"

  1. The Minister for Planning andEnvironment will table an answer to the following questionaskedby Senator B.E.Shenton

" F ollowing the loss of a Third Party Planning Appeal in respect of the Westmount Quarry application, what was the total cost to the taxpayer, including legal costs and third party costs, in respect of this judgement and from which budget will it be paid?"

  1. The Minister for Planning andEnvironment will table an answer to the following questionaskedby Senator B.E.Shenton

" C an the Minister list the relevant formal heritage/architectural qualifications of each of the current members of the Ministerial Registration and Listing Advisory Group?"




First 15 minute period


Second 15 minute period


23rd March

Education, Sport and Culture

Health and Social Services

20th April

Home Affairs

Chief Minister

11th May

Social Security

Planning and Environment

25th May


Chief Minister

8th June

Transport and Technical Services

Treasury and Resources

22nd June

Economic Development

Chief Minister

6th July

Education, Sport and Culture

Health and Social Services

19th July

Home Affairs

Chief Minister




2nd session




14th September

Social Security

Planning and Environment

28th September


Chief Minister

12th October

Transport and Technical Services

Treasury and Resources

19th October

Economic Development

Chief Minister

2nd November

Education, Sport and Culture

Health and Social Services

16th November

Home Affairs

Chief Minister

30th November

Social Security

Planning and Environment

7th December


Chief Minister