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Consolidated Order Paper 8th September 2015

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Tuesday 8th September 2015 CONSOLIDATED

  2. TABLING OF SUBORDINATE ENACTMENTS (Explanatory note attached)

EU Legislation (Sanctions – North Korea) (Jersey) Order 2015.  R&O.76/2015. Minister for External Relations.

Alternative Investment Funds (Amendment of Regulations No. 2) (Jersey) Order R&O.77/2015. 2015.

Assistant Chief Minister, for and on behalf of Chief Minister.

Income Support (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 17) (Jersey) Order 2015.  R&O.85/2015. Minister for Social Security.

Sea Fisheries (Spider Crabs – Restrictions on Fishing) (Jersey) Order 2015.  R&O.86/2015. Minister for Economic Development.

Financial Services Ombudsman (Exempt Business) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order R&O.87/2015. 2015.

Minister for Economic Development.

Road Racing (Festival of Speed) (Jersey) Order 2015.  R&O.88/2015. Minister for Transport and Technical Services.

Entertainments on Public Roads (Jersey Seaside Festival) (Jersey) Order 2015.  R&O.89/2015. Minister for Transport and Technical Services.

Battle of Flowers (Jersey) Order 2015.  R&O.90/2015. Minister for Transport and Technical Services.

Gorey Fête (Jersey) Order 2015.  R&O.91/2015. Minister for Transport and Technical Services.

Social Security (Miscellaneous Provisions No. 5) (Jersey) Order 2015.  R&O.92/2015. Minister for Social Security.

EU Legislation (Sanctions – Iran) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 2015.  R&O.93/2015. Chief Minister, for and on behalf of the Minister for External Relations.

EU Legislation (Sanctions – Libya) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Order 2015.  R&O.94/2015. Chief Minister, for and on behalf of the Minister for External Relations.

Water Pollution (Code of Good Agricultural Practice) (Jersey) Order 2015.  R&O.95/2015. Minister for Planning and Environment.

Shops (Regulation of Opening) (Special Occasions) (Jersey) Order 2015.  R&O.96/2015. Minister for Economic Development.

Jersey International Air Display (Jersey) Order 2015.  R&O.97/2015. Minister for Transport and Technical Services.

Education (Discretionary Grants – Amounts) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Order R&O.98/2015. 2015.

Minister for Education, Sport and Culture.

Education (Discretionary  Grants –  General) (Amendment  No. 4)  (Jersey)  Order R&O.99/2015. 2015.

Minister for Education, Sport and Culture.

Road Traffic ( St. Mary ) (Amendment) (Jersey) Order 2015.  R&O.100/2015. Minister for Transport and Technical Services.


* Ports of Jersey Limited: Approval of First Board and Terms of Office (P.68/2015) –  P.68/2015. addendum.  Add. Presented: 7th September 2015.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Medium Term Financial Plan 2016 – 2019 (P.72/2015) – draft annex.  P.72/2015. Presented: 24th July 2015.  Add.(2) Council of Ministers.

La Collette Low Rise: protection of open space – petition (P.78/2015) – comments.  P.78/2015. Presented: 18th August 2015.  Com. Minister for Planning and Environment.

* La Collette Low Rise: protection of open space – petition (P.78/2015) – comments.  P.78/2015. Presented: 7th September 2015.  Com.(2) Council of Ministers.

Ex Gratia payment to Mr. Roy Boschat (P.82/2015): addendum.  P.82/2015. Presented: 30th July 2015.  Add. Deputy T.A. McDonald of St. Saviour .

Tourism Development Fund: Report for 2014.  R.83/2015. Presented: 17th July 2015.

Minister for Economic Development.

Jersey Bank Depositors Compensation Board: Annual Report and Audited  R.84/2015. Financial Statements for the year ended 31st January 2015.

Presented: 20th July 2015.

Chief Minister.

Dormant Bank Accounts Law: Consultation Paper.  R.85/2015. Presented: 23rd July 2015.

Chief Minister.

External Relations: Common Policy.  R.86/2015. Presented: 27th July 2015.

Council of Ministers.

Rental sector in Jersey: proposed policy direction.  R.87/2015. Presented: 29th July 2015.

Minister for Housing.

Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) –  R.88/2015.

  1. S08 Workshop and Store, South Pier, St. Helier – lease;
  2. V12Q Vivier, Victoria Pier, St. Helier – lease;
  3. A25 Office, Albert Pier, St. Helier – lease;
  4. V06, V32A and V13A Viviers, Victoria Pier, St. Helier – lease;
  5. Havre des Pas Kiosk and Restaurant – new lease.

Presented: 29th July 2015.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Access to Justice Review: Second Interim Report.  R.89/2015. Presented: 29th July 2015.

Chief Minister.

States of Jersey Law 2005: delegation of functions – Social Security – Long-Term R.90/2015. Care Scheme.

Presented: 30th July 2015.

Minister for Social Security.

Dental Health Services and Benefits: Review – June 2015.  R.91/2015. Presented: 4th August 2015.

Minister for Social Security.

States of Jersey Law 2005: delegation of functions – Chief Minister – Assistant  R.92/2015. Ministers and Officers.

Presented: 5th August 2015.

Chief Minister.

States of Jersey Law 2005: delegation of functions – Health and Social Services –  R.93/2015. revised delegations July 2015.

Presented: 7th August 2015.

Minister for Health and Social Services.

Independent Custody Visitor Scheme: transfer of administration from the Home  R.94/2015. Affairs Department to the Jersey Police Authority.

Presented: 24th August 2015.

Minister for Home Affairs.

Internal Audit: Follow-up.  R.95/2015. Presented: 27th August 2015.

Comptroller and Auditor General.

Procurement: Follow-up.  R.96/2015. Presented: 27th August 2015.

Comptroller and Auditor General.

Use of Management Information in HSSD – Operating Theatres: Follow-up.  R.97/2015. Presented: 27th August 2015.

Comptroller and Auditor General.

Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) –  R.98/2015.

  1. La Pouclée Lodge, La Pouquelaye, St. Helier – sale;
  2. Acquisition of land at Hameau de la Mer, St. Clement ;
  3. Grainville Tennis Club, Grainville Sports Ground, St. Saviour 's Hill, St. Saviour – lease;
  4. Apartment No. 3, Block E, Les Quennevais Park – transfer of the Public's

flying-freehold ownership and cancellation of existing 99 year lease.

Presented: 4th September 2015.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

* Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) – A11, La Vallée de St. Pierre,  R.99/2015. St. Peter and St. Lawrence – proposed 2 mile pedestrian and cycle path from

Moulin de Tesson to Le Dimerie –

  1. Land Parcels Nos. 1, 3, 8 and 18 – the Jersey New Waterworks Co. Ltd. – proposed lease;
  2. Land Parcels Nos. 4 and 6 – Leros Ltd. – proposed lease and purchase;
  3. Land Parcels Nos. 2, 7, 9 and 12 – the National Trust For Jersey – proposed lease;
  4. Land Parcel No. 5 – Daisy Hill Real Estates Ltd. – proposed purchase.

Presented: 8th September 2015.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

* Special Education Needs (S.R.3/2015): response of the Minister for Education,  S.R.3/2015. Sport and Culture.  Res. Presented: 7th September 2015.

Minister for Education, Sport and Culture.

Respite Care for Adults.  S.R.4/2015. Presented: 28th July 2015.

Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel.

* SPreupplsenty ofed: hou8th Sesingpt. ember 2015.  S.R.5/2015. Environment, Housing and Technical Services Scrutiny Panel.

Financial Directions.  P.A.C.2/2015. Presented: 6th August 2015.

Public Accounts Committee.

Andium Homes – Repairs and Maintenance – Following up the Report of the  P.A.C.1/2015. Comptroller and Auditor General (P.A.C.1/2015) – response of Chief Officers.  Res. Presented: 17th July 2015.

Public Accounts Committee.


* Medium Term Financial Plan 2016 – 2019 (P.72/2015) – amendment.  P.72/2015. Lodged: 7th September 2015.  Amd. Council of Ministers.

* I2013ndepe–ndent2015 Je(P.7rsey5/ C20ar15)e I–nquiamrendy: ammentendm. ent to Medium Term Financial Plan  P.75/201Amd5.. Lodged: 7th September 2015.

Council of Ministers.

* Strategic Reserve Fund: funding for Independent Jersey Care Inquiry and transfers  P.76/2015. from and to the Consolidated Fund (P.76/2015) – amendment.  Amd. Lodged: 7th September 2015.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

La Collette Low Rise: protection of open space – petition.  P.78/2015. Lodged: 17th July 2015.

Deputy R. Labey of St. Helier .

Draft Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (Miscellaneous  P.79/2015. Amendments) (Jersey) Regulations 201-.

Lodged: 20th July 2015.

States Employment Board.

Draft Air and Sea Ports Incorporation (Transfer) (Jersey) Regulations 201-.  P.80/2015. Lodged: 24th July 2015.

Council of Ministers.

Draft Air and Sea Ports (Incorporation) (Jersey) Law 201- (Appointed Day)  P.81/2015. Act 201-.

Lodged: 24th July 2015.

Council of Ministers.

Ex Gratia payment to Mr. Roy Boschat.  P.82/2015. Lodged: 24th July 2015.

Deputy T.A. McDonald of St. Saviour .

Draft Veterinary Surgeons (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 201-.  P.83/2015. Lodged: 27th July 2015.

Minister for Planning and Environment.

Draft Residential Tenancy (Deposit Scheme) (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations  P.84/2015. 201-.  (re-issue). Lodged: 28th July 2015.

Chief Minister.

Jersey Overseas Aid Commission: appointment of non-States Commissioner.  P.85/2015. Lodged: 3rd August 2015.

Deputy of Grouville .

Draft International Criminal Court (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 201-.  P.86/2015. Lodged: 3rd August 2015.

Chief Minister.

Draft Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Jersey) Law 201-.  P.87/2015. Lodged: 4th August 2015.

Chief Minister.

Jersey Employment and Discrimination Tribunal: appointment of lay members.  P.88/2015. Lodged: 4th August 2015.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft Dentistry (Jersey) Law 201-.  P.89/2015. Lodged: 10th August 2015.

Minister for Health and Social Services.

Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Jersey and the Republic P.90/2015. of Rwanda for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion

with respect to taxes on income.

Lodged: 11th August 2015.

Minister for External Relations.

Draft Taxation (Double Taxation) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Regulations 201-.  P.91/2015. Lodged: 11th August 2015.

Minister for External Relations.

Draft Financial Services Ombudsman (Jersey) Law 2014 (Appointed Day) (No. 3) P.92/2015. Act 201-.

Lodged: 11th August 2015.

Minister for Economic Development.

Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Jersey and the  P.93/2015. Government of the Republic of Korea on the exchange of information relating to

tax matters.

Lodged: 11th August 2015.

Minister for External Relations.

Draft Licensing (Licence Fees) (Jersey) Regulations 201-.  P.94/2015. Lodged: 11th August 2015.

Minister for Economic Development.

Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Jersey and the  P.95/2015. Government of the Republic of Seychelles for the avoidance of double taxation and

the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income.

Lodged: 12th August 2015.

Minister for External Relations.

Draft Public Employees (Pension Scheme) (Administration) (Jersey) Regulations  P.96/2015. 201-.

Lodged: 17th August 2015.

States Employment Board.

Draft Public Employees (Pension Scheme) (Funding and Valuation) (Jersey)  P.97/2015. Regulations 201-.

Lodged: 18th August 2015.

States Employment Board.

Draft Public Employees (Pension Scheme) (Membership and Benefits) (Jersey)  P.98/2015. Regulations 201-.

Lodged: 18th August 2015.

States Employment Board.

Draft Public Employees (Pension Scheme) (Transitional Provisions, Savings and  P.99/2015. Consequential Amendments) (Jersey) Regulations 201-.

Lodged: 18th August 2015.

States Employment Board.

Draft Public Employees (Pensions) (Jersey) Law 2014 (Appointed Day) Act 201-.  P.100/2015. Lodged: 18th August 2015.

States Employment Board.

Greffier of the States: consent to appointment.  P.101/2015. Lodged: 25th August 2015.

Privileges and Procedures Committee. (Consideration in camera'.)

Draft Christmas Bonus (Repeal) (Jersey) Law 201-.  P.102/2015. Lodged: 25th August 2015.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft Income Support (Miscellaneous Provisions No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 201-. P.103/2015. Lodged: 25th August 2015.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft Social Security (Television Licence Benefit) (Jersey) Regulations 201-.  P.104/2015. Lodged: 25th August 2015.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft Social Security (Amendment of Law No. 9) (Jersey) Regulations 201-.  P.105/2015. Lodged: 25th August 2015.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft Act annulling the Income Support (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 17) P.106/2015. (Jersey) Order 2015.

Lodged: 28th August 2015.

Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier .


Deputy R. Labey of St. Helier will present a petition on behalf of the residents of La Collette Low Rise, Green Street and Havre des Pas.

  1. Written Questions(attached)
  1. The  Minister  for  Home  Affairs  will  table  an  answer  to  a  question  asked  by   Deputy  P.D. McLinton of St. Saviour regarding persons registered with Social Security who are found guilty of committing a criminal offence.
  2. The Minister for Housing will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy J.A. Martin of St. Helier regarding tenants on the Affordable Housing Gateway.
  3. The Minister for Transport and Technical Services will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy J.A. Martin of St. Helier regarding standards applicable to the operation of fuel farms.
  4. The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier regarding refugees claiming asylum.
  1. The Minister for Social Security will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier regarding the accommodation component of Income Support.
  2. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier regarding voluntary redundancies in the public sector.
  3. The Chief Minister will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier regarding meetings held with union representatives and other organisations.
  4. The Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding changes in the voluntary sector arising from savings outlined in the Medium Term Financial Plan.
  5. The Minister for Economic Development will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding changes to grants and subsidies detailed in the Annex to the Medium Term Financial Plan.
  6. The Minister for Education, Sport and Culture will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding grants and subsidies detailed in the Annex to the Medium Term Financial Plan.
  7. The Minister for Social Security will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding the projected growth in tax funded benefits detailed in the Annex to the Medium Term Financial Plan.
  8. The Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding staffing changes in the department.
  9. H.M. Attorney General will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier regarding the role of an Amicus Curiae in court proceedings.
  1. Oral Questions (120 minutes)
  1. Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture –

"Would the Minister provide an annual breakdown for the last 5 years of how many advertised teaching vacancies remained unfilled each September and detail how many teaching posts were filled by subject specialist graduates and how many were not, and advise what measures, if any, are being taken to fill vacant posts given the shortage of trainee teachers nationally?"

  1. Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Chief Minister –

"Will the Chief Minister explain why two officers, appointed to liaise with the Committee of Inquiry for document provision, are present at the majority of hearings and explain how their normal duties are being covered, at what cost, and where the budget has been allocated from, and whether he is aware of any concerns regarding the potential impact of their attendance at hearings?"

  1. Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Chief Minister –

"Following the announcements made by some public sector unions that they believe strike action is inevitable as a result of the government's failure to engage with them seriously, what plans, if any, does the Chief Minister have to hold face to face meetings with the heads of these unions to avert any potential strike action?"

* 4. Deputy J.A. Hilton of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Health and Social Services –

"How many children aged under 5 years, 5 to 11 years and over 11 years are currently on the At Risk' register and, of those children, how many are known to reside with parents/carers who are known to the department to have a drug and/or alcohol problem?"

  1. Deputy M. Tadier of St. Brelade will ask the following question of the Minister for Home Affairs –

"Could the Minister please inform members how many arrests have been made in relation to Operation Whistle and state whether any allegations have been made against former Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath which relate to his time in the Island and whether any investigations are taking place in this regard?"

  1. Deputy L.M.C. Doublet of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture –

"Given that the States Assembly unanimously approved two amendments to the Strategic Plan

2015 which encouraged creativity and innovation in education, can the Minister explain why the word creative' only appears twice in the Education Business Plan and only relates to ICT and the Youth Service, and advise how he intends to ensure that fostering creative, innovative thinking in young people becomes a priority in line with the agreed Plan?"

  1. Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Chief Minister –

"Will the Chief Minister inform members why there does not appear to be any consideration given in the Medium Term Financial Plan to raising additional revenues from the wealthy?"

  1. Deputy M. Tadier of St. Brelade will ask the following question of the Minister for Social Security –

"Will the Minister inform members how much pensioners will lose on average from their weekly payment as a result of proposed cuts to income support and other benefits, and can the Minister also provide the maximum and minimum loss?"

  1. Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier will ask the following question of H.M. Attorney General –

"Will H.M. Attorney General explain to members the process by which restricted court reports containing personal information can be obtained, by whom, and the penalty, if any, for persons who do not follow the procedure set out in his answer?"

  1. Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Chief Minister –

"What conversations, if any, has the Chief Minister had with his counterpart in Guernsey and the relevant U.K. authorities on the potential impact on Jersey of the refugee crisis in Calais?"

  1. Deputy J.A. Hilton of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Health and Social Services –

"Can the Minister advise what the current waiting time is for the dermatology department and detail what efforts, if any, are being made to recruit a new consultant in the department given that the current consultant has given one year`s notice and is due to retire in March 2016?"

  1. – Questions to Ministers without notice (30 minutes) –

1st question period – Minister for Health and Social Services 2nd question period – Chief Minister


* The Chief Minister will make a statement about the migrant situation in Europe.


La Collette Low Rise: protection of open space – petition.  P.78/2015. Lodged: 17th July 2015.

Deputy R. Labey of St. Helier .

La Collette Low Rise: protection of open space – petition (P.78/2015) – comments.  P.78/2015. Presented: 18th August 2015.  Com. Minister for Planning and Environment.

* La Collette Low Rise: protection of open space – petition (P.78/2015) – comments.  P.78/2015. Presented: 7th September 2015.  Com.(2) Council of Ministers.

Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 and Immigration Act 2014:  P.64/2015. extension of certain sections to Jersey.

Lodged: 10th June 2015.

Chief Minister.

Greville Bathe Fund: appointment of Jurat.  P.66/2015. Lodged: 16th June 2015.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Draft Intellectual Property (Registered Rights) (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Jersey) P.69/2015. Law 201-.

Lodged: 3rd July 2015.

Minister for Economic Development.

States of Jersey Complaints Panel: renewal of membership.  P.71/2015. Lodged: 9th July 2015.

Privileges and Procedures Committee.

Draft Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (Miscellaneous  P.79/2015. Amendments) (Jersey) Regulations 201-.

Lodged: 20th July 2015.

States Employment Board.

Draft Air and Sea Ports (Incorporation) (Jersey) Law 201- (Appointed Day)  P.81/2015. Act 201-.

Lodged: 24th July 2015.

Council of Ministers.

Draft Air and Sea Ports Incorporation (Transfer) (Jersey) Regulations 201-.  P.80/2015. Lodged: 24th July 2015.

Council of Ministers.

Ports of Jersey Limited: Approval of First Board and Terms of Office.  P.68/2015 Lodged: 30th June 2015.  (re-issue). Minister for Treasury and Resources.

* Ports of Jersey Limited: Approval of First Board and Terms of Office (P.68/2015) –  P.68/2015. addendum.  Add. Presented: 7th September 2015.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Draft Veterinary Surgeons (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 201-.  P.83/2015. Lodged: 27th July 2015.

Minister for Planning and Environment.

Draft Residential Tenancy (Deposit Scheme) (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations  P.84/2015. 201-.  (re-issue). Lodged: 28th July 2015.

Chief Minister.

Jersey Overseas Aid Commission: appointment of non-States Commissioner.  P.85/2015. Lodged: 3rd August 2015.

Deputy of Grouville .

Jersey Employment and Discrimination Tribunal: appointment of lay members.  P.88/2015. Lodged: 4th August 2015.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft Financial Services Ombudsman (Jersey) Law 2014 (Appointed Day) (No. 3) P.92/2015. Act 201-.

Lodged: 11th August 2015.

Minister for Economic Development.


Draft Public Finances (Amendment of Law No. 3) (Jersey) Regulations 201-.  P.57/2015. Lodged: 22nd May 2015.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Chief Officer of the States of Jersey Police Force: re-appointment.  P.70/2015. Lodged: 8th July 2015.

Minister for Home Affairs.

Red Houses Car Park: lease.  P.73/2015. Lodged: 14th July 2015.

Deputy M. Tadier of St. Brelade .

Same-sex marriage, divorce and dissolution.  P.77/2015. Lodged: 14th July 2015.

Chief Minister.

Draft International Criminal Court (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 201-.  P.86/2015. Lodged: 3rd August 2015.

Chief Minister.

Draft Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Jersey) Law 201-.  P.87/2015. Lodged: 4th August 2015.

Chief Minister.

Draft Dentistry (Jersey) Law 201-.  P.89/2015. Lodged: 10th August 2015.

Minister for Health and Social Services.

Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Jersey and the Republic P.90/2015. of Rwanda for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion

with respect to taxes on income.

Lodged: 11th August 2015.

Minister for External Relations.

Draft Taxation (Double Taxation) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Regulations 201-.  P.91/2015. Lodged: 11th August 2015.

Minister for External Relations.

Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Jersey and the  P.93/2015. Government of the Republic of Korea on the exchange of information relating to

tax matters.

Lodged: 11th August 2015.

Minister for External Relations.

Draft Licensing (Licence Fees) (Jersey) Regulations 201-.  P.94/2015. Lodged: 11th August 2015.

Minister for Economic Development.

Greffier of the States: consent to appointment.  P.101/2015. Lodged: 25th August 2015.

Privileges and Procedures Committee. (Consideration in camera'.)

Draft Act annulling the Income Support (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 17) P.106/2015. (Jersey) Order 2015.

Lodged: 28th August 2015.

Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier .

6th October 2015

Medium Term Financial Plan 2016 – 2019.  P.72/2015. Lodged: 14th July 2015.

Council of Ministers.

Medium Term Financial Plan 2016 – 2019 (P.72/2015) – addendum.  P.72/2015. Presented: 15th July 2015.  Add. Council of Ministers.

Medium Term Financial Plan 2016 – 2019 (P.72/2015) – draft annex.  P.72/2015. Presented: 24th July 2015.  Add.(2) Council of Ministers.

* Medium Term Financial Plan 2016 – 2019 (P.72/2015) – amendment.  P.72/2015. Lodged: 7th September 2015.  Amd. Council of Ministers.

Strategic Reserve Fund: funding for Independent Jersey Care Inquiry and transfers P.76/2015. from and to the Consolidated Fund.

Lodged: 14th July 2015.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

* Strategic Reserve Fund: funding for Independent Jersey Care Inquiry and transfers  P.76/2015. from and to the Consolidated Fund (P.76/2015) – amendment.  Amd. Lodged: 7th September 2015.

Minister for Treasury and Resources.

Independent Jersey Care Inquiry: amendment to Medium Term Financial Plan  P.75/2015. 2013 – 2015.

Lodged: 14th July 2015.

Council of Ministers.

* Independent Jersey Care Inquiry: amendment to Medium Term Financial Plan  P.75/2015. 2013 – 2015 (P.75/2015) – amendment.  Amd. Lodged: 7th September 2015.

Council of Ministers.

Draft Christmas Bonus (Repeal) (Jersey) Law 201-.  P.102/2015. Lodged: 25th August 2015.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft Income Support (Miscellaneous Provisions No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 201-. P.103/2015. Lodged: 25th August 2015.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft Social Security (Television Licence Benefit) (Jersey) Regulations 201-.  P.104/2015. Lodged: 25th August 2015.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft Social Security (Amendment of Law No. 9) (Jersey) Regulations 201-.  P.105/2015. Lodged: 25th August 2015.

Minister for Social Security.

Draft States of Jersey (Transfer of Functions No. 8) (Miscellaneous Transfers)  P.46/2015. (Jersey) Regulations 201-.  (re-issue) Lodged: 6th May 2015.

Chief Minister.

Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Jersey and the  P.95/2015. Government of the Republic of Seychelles for the avoidance of double taxation and

the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income.

Lodged: 12th August 2015.

Minister for External Relations.

20th October 2015

Ex Gratia payment to Mr. Roy Boschat.  P.82/2015. Lodged: 24th July 2015.

Deputy T.A. McDonald of St. Saviour .

Ex Gratia payment to Mr. Roy Boschat (P.82/2015): addendum.  P.82/2015. Presented: 30th July 2015.  Add. Deputy T.A. McDonald of St. Saviour .

3rd November 2015

Draft Public Employees (Pension Scheme) (Administration) (Jersey) Regulations  P.96/2015. 201-.

Lodged: 17th August 2015.

States Employment Board.

Draft Public Employees (Pension Scheme) (Funding and Valuation) (Jersey)  P.97/2015. Regulations 201-.

Lodged: 18th August 2015.

States Employment Board.

Draft Public Employees (Pension Scheme) (Membership and Benefits) (Jersey)  P.98/2015. Regulations 201-.

Lodged: 18th August 2015.

States Employment Board.

Draft Public Employees (Pension Scheme) (Transitional Provisions, Savings and  P.99/2015. Consequential Amendments) (Jersey) Regulations 201-.

Lodged: 18th August 2015.

States Employment Board.

Draft Public Employees (Pensions) (Jersey) Law 2014 (Appointed Day) Act 201-.  P.100/2015. Lodged: 18th August 2015.

States Employment Board.

M.N. DE LA HAYE, O.B.E. Greffier of the States

Monday 7th September 2015 Note –

An asterisk * in the left-hand margin denotes either a new item added to this Order Paper since the principal Order Paper was published on 3rd September 2015, or an item which has been

altered or moved.