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29th NOVEMBER 2016
9.30 a.m. Communications by the Presiding Officer and other announcements Appointments, matters of privilege, petitions (if any)
Approx. 9.40 a.m. Summary of written questions
Up to 2 hours Oral questions with notice
Urgent questions (if any)
Up to 30 minutes, Oral questions without notice:
divided between the Minister for Home Affairs
two Ministers Minister for Treasury and Resources
Statements (if any)
Approx. 11.45 a.m. Ministerial Government: referendum (P.94/2016)
Ministerial Government: referendum (P.94/2016) – amendment (P.94/2016 Amd.)
Draft United Nations Financial Sanctions (Jersey) Law 201- (P.108/2016)
Note: Because of the requirement for a six-week lodging period, the following proposition cannot be debated before Wednesday 30th November 2016 unless the Assembly agrees to reduce the lodging period to allow the debate to take place on Tuesday 29th November 2016.
Future Hospital: preferred site (P.110/2016)
Future Hospital: preferred site (P.110/2016) – amendment (P.110/2016 Amd.)
Greville Bathe Fund: appointment of Jurat (P.112/2016)
Draft Road Works and Events (Jersey) Law 2016 (Appointed Day) Act 201- (P.114/2016)
Minimum Wage: revised hourly rate from 1st April 2017 (P.115/2016)
Draft Employment (Minimum Wage) (Amendment No. 13) (Jersey) Regulations 201- (P.107/1016)
Arrangement of public business at subsequent sittings
Lunch adjournment likely around 12.45 p.m., until 2.15 p.m.
If business is not completed by around 5.30 p.m. the Assembly usually adjourns for the evening and will resume its meeting, if necessary, at 11.15 a.m. on Wednesday 30th November, following a special meeting to mark the departure of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, and at 9.30 a.m. on Thursday 1st December 2016.
29th NOVEMBER 2016
- TABLING OF SUBORDINATE ENACTMENTS (Explanatory note attached)
Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) – R.119/2016.
- Astral House, 74 Great Union Road, St. Helier – Sale;
- Apartment No. 6, Block H, Les Quennevais Park – transfer of the Public's
flying-freehold ownership and cancellation of existing 99-year lease.
Presented: 18th November 2016, Minister for Infrastructure.
Land Transactions under Standing Order 168(3) – Imladris, 19 Clos de Devant, R.120/2016. St. Lawrence – Assisted House Purchase Scheme – sale.
Presented: 23rd November 2016, Minister for Infrastructure.
Draft Budget Statement 2017 (P.109/2016): amendment. P.109/2016. Lodged: 25th November 2016, Deputy R. Labey of St. Helier . Amd.
Draft Sea Fisheries (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 201-. P.128/2016. Lodged: 25th November 2016, Minister for the Environment.
Draft Animal Health (Jersey) Law 2016 (Appointed Day) Act 201-. P.129/2016. Lodged: 25th November 2016, Minister for the Environment.
- – Written Questions(attached)
9721 1. The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy J.M. Maçon of
St. Saviour regarding the taking of breath samples from people aged under 18.
9722 2. The Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answer to a question asked by
Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding the funding of Family Nursing and Home Care.
9723 3. The Chief Minister will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier regarding a grant from the Jersey Innovation Fund in the case of the Logfiller proposal.
9724 4. The Minister for Social Security will table an answer to a question asked by the Deputy of St.
John regarding disability claims under the Income Support system.
9725 5. The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy M.R. Higgins
of St. Helier regarding the role of the Jersey Police Complaints Authority in overseeing police investigations.
9726 6. The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy M.R. Higgins
of St. Helier regarding reports produced by the States of Jersey Police following a complaint against one or more of its officers.
9727 7. H.M. Attorney General will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy M.R. Higgins of St.
Helier regarding the Human Rights compliance of dégrèvement provisions.
9728 8. H.M. Attorney General will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy M.R. Higgins of St.
Helier regarding the Human Rights compliance of Remise des Biens provisions.
9729 9. The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answer to a question asked by the Deputy of St. John
regarding the detention of dogs by customs officers.
9730 10. The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to a question asked by the Deputy
of St. John regarding companies held within the portfolio of Jersey Telecom.
9731 11. The Chief Minister will table an answer to a question asked by the Deputy of St. John regarding
the impact of Control of Housing and Work legislation.
9732 12. The Minister for Social Security will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern
of St. Helier regarding the impact of benefit changes on low-income families.
9733 13. The Minister for Housing will table an answer to a question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St.
Helier regarding Ministerial control over the operational decisions of Andium Homes.
- – Oral Questions (120 minutes)
9739 1. Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Housing –
"Following the announcement of the U.K. Government in the Autumn Budget that it intends to ban letting agent fees for tenants, will the Minister consider implementing such a policy in Jersey?"
9742 2. Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Chief Minister –
"Will the Chief Minister advise members what tangible outcomes have come from the Access to Justice Review and, in particular, what assistance is being given to litigants in person as a result of the Review?"
9734 3. Deputy J.M. Maçon of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Minister for Economic
Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture –
"Will the Minister activate the break clause in the contract with Condor Ferries and put operation of the ferry route out to tender, and, if so, when; and if not, why not?"
9741 4. Deputy K.C. Lewis of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Minister for Education –
"Will the Minister update the Assembly on what progress, if any, has been made regarding the provision of student loans, student grants or any other form of assistance provided to people in higher education?"
9735 5. Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Chief Minister –
"Will the Chief Minister provide the written report submitted to the Jersey Innovation Fund Board regarding the Logfiller proposal resulting from the full economic assessment conducted by the Economic Adviser, as required by Section 8.1 of P.124/2012 as amended; and if not, why not?"
9738 6. The Deputy of St. John will ask the following question of the Minister for Education –
"Following approval of the amendment to the Medium Term Financial Plan Addition regarding nursery education funding, will the Minister advise what the position with nursery education funding will be from next year and what effect changes introduced under the MTFP have had on the early years partnership agreement?"
9736 7. Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Social
Security –
"What measures, if any, is the Minister considering to assist Jersey's Just about managing' working households that would be equivalent to the U.K. Chancellor's decisions to allow those on Universal Credit to keep an additional 2p in the pound of their earnings and to raise the National Living Wage to £7.50; and, if none, why is she not considering such measures?"
9740 8. Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Chief Minister –
"Will the Chief Minister inform members why, in his statement to the Assembly of 16th November 2016, the Assistant Chief Minister described the position of existing loans from the Jersey Innovation Fund as "delicate"; and state what professional support – now required from Grant Thornton who are to assume operational management of the loan book – was missing from the original decision-making structure of the Fund?"
9743 9. Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Chief Minister –
"Will the Chief Minister advise members how many complaints from members of the public, if any, are currently being heard by the States Employment Board and summarise the nature of those complaints?"
9737 10. Deputy J.M. Maçon of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Minister for the
Environment –
"Will the Minister explain what action, if any, he or his Department have taken regarding the masterplan for Five Oaks that was proposed in the Island Plan?"
- – Questions to Ministers without notice (30 minutes) –
1st question period – Minister for Home Affairs
2nd question period – Minister for Treasury and Resources
Note: Because of the requirement for a six-week lodging period the following proposition cannot be debated before Wednesday 30th November 2016. If other business on the Order Paper for the 29th November 2016 is completed before the 30th November, the Chief Minister has indicated that he will seek the agreement of the Assembly, under Standing Order 26(7) to reduce the lodging period in order that this matter can be debated at that meeting.
Future Hospital: preferred site. P.110/2016. Lodged: 19th October 2016, Council of Ministers.
Draft Employment (Minimum Wage) (Amendment No. 13) (Jersey) Regulations P.107/2016. 201-.
Lodged: 17th October 2016, Minister for Social Security.
Draft Budget Statement 2017 (P.109/2016): amendment. P.109/2016. Lodged: 25th November 2016, Deputy R. Labey of St. Helier . Amd.
Draft Taxation (Implementation) (International Tax Compliance) (Country-by- P.111/2016. Country Reporting: BEPS) (Jersey) Regulations 201-.
Lodged: 20th October 2016, Minister for External Relations.
Ratification of the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement on the P.119/2016. Exchange of Country-By-Country Reports.
Lodged: 7th November 2016, Minister for External Relations.
17th January 2017
Draft Employment of States of Jersey Employees (Amendment No. 8) (Jersey) P.105/2016. Regulations 201-.
Lodged: 5th October 2016, States Employment Board.
Draft Sea Fisheries (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 201-. P.128/2016. Lodged: 25th November 2016, Minister for the Environment.
Draft Animal Health (Jersey) Law 2016 (Appointed Day) Act 201-. P.129/2016. Lodged: 25th November 2016, Minister for the Environment.
DR. M. EGAN Greffier of the States
24th November 2016 Note –
In accordance with the meeting dates fixed for 2016 by the Privileges and Procedures Committee, this meeting will continue, if necessary, on Wednesday 30th November and Thursday 1st December 2016.
- The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy J.M. Maçon of St. Saviour regarding –
"What procedures are followed by the States of Jersey Police in taking a breath sample from people aged under 18?"
- The Minister for Health and Social Services will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
"Will the Minister inform Members whether funding has been agreed between Family Nursing and Home Care and his Department for the delivery of services in 2017, and if so, will he state how that funding has been distributed between the following services:
- District nursing
- Sustained home visiting
- Rapid response and reablement
- Children's services (including palliative care)
- School nurses
- Health visiting
- Community paediatrics
- Home care provision
And if not, what issues remain to be resolved if he is to meet his target of achieving agreement by 30th November 2016?
What assessment has the Minister made of the effect of greater private sector involvement in the market for social care on terms and conditions for staff of Family Nursing and Home Care following their new funding settlement?"
- The Chief Minister will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
"Will the Chief Minister release to Members the results of the analysis and information outlined in sections 11.2 and 11.3 of the report accompanying Jersey Innovation Fund, Establishment, Funding and Operation' (P.124/2012) relating to the decision to offer funding from the Jersey Innovation Fund in the case of the Logfiller proposal? And if not why not?"
- The Minister for Social Security will table an answer to the following question asked by the Deputy of St. John –
"Could the Minister provide, in detail, the procedures and processes required to be followed for a successful disability claim under the Income Support system and explain what consideration is given in that context to the assessment made by an individual's own G.P. or Consultant?"
- The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier –
"Will the Minister fully explain the role of members of the Police Complaints Authority in overseeing police investigations and explain the nature and extent of that oversight?"
- The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier –
"Will the Minister explain why investigation reports produced by the States of Jersey Police into complaints made against one or more of its officers are not published to the complainant even in a redacted form?
Will she further state what rights complainants have when they consider such reports to be factually wrong or to contain unfair criticisms of them?"
- H.M. Attorney General will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier –
"Will H.M. Attorney General explain whether dégrèvement is compliant with Jersey's Human Rights obligations and, if so, how?"
- H.M. Attorney General will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy M.R. Higgins of St. Helier –
"Further to the answer given to my supplementary question following question 9489 on Remise des Biens on 14th June 2016, will H.M. Attorney General advise Members on the compatibility of Remise des Biens with Jersey's Human Rights obligations?"
- The Minister for Home Affairs will table an answer to the following question asked by the Deputy of St. John –
"Could the Minister advise how many incidences have occurred over the last 5 years concerning detention of certain breeds of dogs by customs officers?
What assessment has she made of whether customs officers are sufficiently resourced to deal with the specifics of such cases and the requirement to obtain an independent assessment to determine a dog's breed?"
- The Minister for Treasury and Resources will table an answer to the following question asked by the Deputy of St. John –
"Could the Minister, as the shareholder representative, advise how many companies are held within the portfolio of Jersey Telecom, what liability to the shareholder arises from those companies and whether it is accepted practice for Jersey Telecom to operate such a portfolio under the Memorandum of Understanding between it and the Treasury and Resources Department?"
- The Chief Minister will table an answer to the following question asked by the Deputy of St. John –
"What effect have (a) the reduction in housing qualifications from 20 to 10 years and (b) the introduction of the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 had on (i) demand for housing, (ii) the Island's demographic profile and (iii) economic growth?"
- The Minister for Social Security will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
"Does the Minister have a figure for the impact of the Income Support freeze of personal components along with the reduction of £10m from Income Support disregards and direct benefits equivalent to the figure recently reported in the U.K. by the Policy in Practice consultancy group which states that "just about managing" households would be £2,500 a year worse off by the end of the decade as a result of benefit cuts and rising rents and inflation, and if not will she state why?
Will she commit her Department to undertake research into the impact of benefit cuts on low- income families?"
- The Minister for Housing will table an answer to the following question asked by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier –
"Will the Minister inform Members what control she has, if any, over the operational decisions made by Andium Homes in terms of fixing targets for the provision of refurbished properties and new build affordable homes for rent or assisted purchase?"
Questions without notice 2016
December 12th Education Chief Minister
Questions without notice 2017
1st Session 2017
January 17th Health and Social Services Economic Development, Tourism,
Sport and Culture
January 31st Housing Chief Minister
February 14th Infrastructure Environment
March 14th External Relations Chief Minister
March 28th Social Security Home Affairs
April 18th Treasury and Resources Chief Minister
May 2nd Economic Development, Tourism, Health and Social Services
Sport and Culture
May 23rd Education Chief Minister
June 6th Housing Infrastructure
June 20th Environment Chief Minister
July 4th External Relations Social Security
July 18th Home Affairs Chief Minister
2nd Session 2017
September 12th Treasury and Resources Education
September 26th Health and Social Services Chief Minister October 10th Economic Development, Tourism, Housing
Sport and Culture
October 31st Infrastructure Chief Minister November 14th Environment External Relations November 28th Social Security Chief Minister December 12th Home Affairs Treasury and Resources