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Strategic and corporate management of the States

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Lodged au Greffe on 14th July 1998 by the Policy and Resources Committee




175             1 9 9 8   P . 1 6 4          

Price code: D


THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion -

  1 . to refer to their Act dated 24th January 1989, regarding the establishment and the responsibilities of the

Policy and Resources Committee, and their Act dated 11th September 1996, which, inter alia, confirmed these responsibilities and -

( a ) to r e q uest the Finance and Economics and Establishment Committees to provide the necessary

financial and manpower resources, as set out in paragraphs 14-22 of the report dated 9th July 1998 of the Policy and Resources Committee, to enable that Committee to discharge its responsibilities more effectively;

   (b ) to a g re e that on the retirement of the present office holder, there should be no further appointment of a

Chief Adviser to the States.

  2 . to approve in principle the appointment of an independent body to undertake a review of all aspects of the

machinery of Government in Jersey and to request the Policy and Resources Committee to present to the States for approval the terms of reference, and the name of the Chairman and members of that body.




  1. I n O c tober 1996 the States, in debating the Strategic Policy Review and Action Plan, endorsed the need for a corporate strategy unit responsible to the Chief Adviser which would manage, co-ordinate and monitor the key elements of the Strategic Policy Planning and Resource Allocation procedures. These key elements were set out in the Action Plan and were expanded on in a Report of the Policy and Resources Committee (P.169/96) which is attached as Appendix A to this report.
  2. Fo   llo wing the States' decision, the Policy and Resources Committee invited consultants to undertake a service review to advise on what improvements could bemade to the efficiency and effectiveness of the current operations of the Office of the Chief Adviser, and to recommend what action should be taken to strengthen the corporate strategy role. In doing so, the consultants were asked to have regard for the fact that the Chief Adviser had indicated his intention to retire.
  3. A  s p a rt of the comprehensive programme of service reviews endorsed by the States in 1996, external consultants have undertaken reviews of the States' personnel and finance functions. A dominant feature throughout each of the three reviews has been the difficulty faced by the States in developing and maintaining a long term strategy for human,  financial  and  property  resources,  and  to  provide  a  comprehensive  framework  within  which  service departments should operate. The following common themes were identified within each of the three reviews -

th e overall need to strengthen the corporate, political and managerial arrangements;

th e need to distinguish between the development and subsequent monitoring of corporate strategy and the provision of central support services to operational departments and managers, and to separate the strategy role and the provider role;

th e  need to review and rationalise the terms of reference, roles and relationships of the Policy and Resources, Finance and Economics and Establishment Committees;

th e urgent need to address the replacement of the Chief Adviser;

th e need to establish the corporate strategy unit;

th e need to re-structure the central provision of support services;

th e important role performed by the Chief Adviser in offering advice to the States generally.

  1. T h e themes identified by the consultants are consistent with those referred to by the Policy and Resources Committee in its consultation document "Key Issues Arising from the Review of the Office of the Chief Adviser" issued in June 1997, namely -

th e need to clarify the role and responsibilities of the Policy and Resources Committee;

th e need for a Committee to be able to address what may be described as the "big questions" such as population and immigration; and

th e need for executive support to the Policy and Resources Committee to enable it to carry out its roles and responsibilities effectively.

  1. T h e th emes are also consistent with the points made by Peat Marwick in their report "States of Jersey: a Review of the  Machinery  of Government", regarding  the  need  for  a  strong  Committee  with  a  strategic,  co-ordinating, prioritisation role. The report was presented to the States on 8th December 1987, and the following were the report's main recommendations -

" O u r m o s t i m portant conclusion is that Jersey needs . . . . an effective machinery or process for central co-

ordination of policies, priorities and resource allocation.

We re c o m  m e nd that a central Policy and Resources Committee should be established with an overall

    to e n s u r e th a t th  e w  ork of the States is co-ordinated, in particular that:

- p o lic  ie s an d p rogrammes are co-ordinated;

- re s o u r c e s a re allocated in accordance with policy priorities;

- fir m a n d c o - o rdinated control of public expenditure is exercised.

   T h is   C o m  m itt  ee  would  embrace  and  develop  the  current  financial  responsibilities  of  the  Finance  and

Economics Committee . . . An important task for the Committee would be to develop overall social and economic policies; it would have particular responsibility for policy on immigration".

  1. T h e Po  licy and Resources Committee recognised that the issues raised in the external consultants' reports, to which reference is made in paragraphs 3 and 4 above, were issues on which it wished to obtain the views of States Members and Chief Officers generally, prior to presenting proposals to the States. With this in mind the Policy and Resources Committee organised a workshop for States Members and Chief Officers on 13th January 1998. The purpose of the workshop was to consider how the existing agreed role and responsibilities of the Policy and Resources Committee could best be carried out in the future, and the nature of the officer support required by the Committee and by the States, following the retirement of the Chief Adviser. The workshop also considered what political and executive structure would best support the finance and personnel functions of the States in relation to the strategic and business planning processes.
  2. T h e w orkshop addressed the need for change in respect offour key areas -

th e strategic/corporate political infrastructure;

Sta  tes wide authority at officer level;

co r porate support functions;

p ro vide arrangements for central support services.

Outcome of the workshop

  1. Fr  o m  the workshop which was facilitated by the external consultants that had undertaken the services reviews of the Chief Adviser's Office and the Personnel and Finance functions, the following key statements emerged for which there was majority support -

th e re should be no challenge to the final authority of the States;

th e re should be no weakening of the Committee culture;

g en erally speaking there is a lack of evidence that existing structures are inadequate, rather that they need to be made to work better;

th e re is a need for a Policy and Resources Committee to support and act on behalf of the States in the development and the effective delivery of States strategic policies;

th e present terms of reference of the Policy and Resources Committee are adequate;

th e re is a need for a Policy and Resources Committee to address the strategic/corporate issues such as the "big questions" of population policy, minimising social and material deprivation, IT strategy for the Island etc.;

w h at is needed is action to make things happen;

to    make  things  happen  (such  as  the  implementation  of  the  States  population  policy  and  policies  on minimising social and material deprivation) the Policy and Resources Committee needs to be adequately


th e Policy and Resources Committee needs to monitor non-compliance with strategic policies on an inter- committee basis, and if shortcomings are revealed that cannot be resolved, the States should be asked to adjudicate;

th e re is a need for more cross-Committee communication, and for the Policy and Resources Committee, supported by its Chief Officer, to act as co-ordinator and conciliator in respect of corporate or strategic issues where conflicts arise;

th e re is a need for an independent/impartial, strategic/corporate, advisory role to be performed for the benefit of States Committees and States members;

th e re is a need for an effective process of consultation and communication involving all States members in the resolution of strategic/corporate issues and the development and effective delivery of strategic policies;

th e re is a need for more leadership and guidance within a consensual framework;

th e re should be Chief Officer support for the Policy and Resources Committee that reflects the political structure;

th e re should not be a Chief Executive to the States;

th e Chief Adviser should be replaced by a Chief Officer for the Policy and Resources Committee;

th e Chief Officer of the Policy and Resources Committee should not have an executive role as Head of the Civil Service but should be seen as "first among equals" among the Chief Officers;

th e provision of central support services should be supportive of and not detract from the Committee culture;

c e ntral "interference" in operational matters that are the responsibility of individual service Committees should be avoided.

  1. Su b se quent to the workshop held in January 1998, the Committee presented proposals to a meeting of States Members and Chief Officers in April. More recently, the Committee received views from the Members' Forum and held a meeting of States Members on 6th July 1998 to consider those views.
  2. Fr o m these discussions the Committee has further recognised -

th e general acceptance of the need for change;

th e desire for change both without and within the States;

th e general support for the idea that change should be evolutionary;

th e need for a body that would be entirely independent of the States in its membership and secretarial

support, which would undertake a complete review of the system and structure of the machinery of government in Jersey, involving full and effective consultation with all sections of the Island community and all shades of opinion;

th e need for the Policy and Resources Committee to be appropriately constructed and resourced, to be able to take a long-term strategic view, to see the big picture and the whole picture and to prioritise;

th e need for a Policy and Resources Committee that, following extensive public consultation, can produce strategic policies for the States approval;

th e need for the Policy and Resources Committee to act as an agent of the States in monitoring, co-ordinating and implementing agreed strategic policies;

th e need for commitment and discipline in the implementation of the States' agreed strategic policy

th e need for any new structure to be capable of evolving in response to any change in the future arising from the recommendations of the proposed independent review body;

th  e  need  for  States  Members  generally  to  have  the  resources  to  enable  them  to  undertake  effective independent scrutiny of States policies/priorities.

  1. T h e Committee in responding to the views expressed to it, referred to above, has reached the following conclusions and recommendations.

Strategic/corporate political infrastructure

  1. T h e Committee is of the opinion that -

th e re should continue to be a Policy and Resources Committee with its present terms of reference (see Appendix B), although the wording of the terms of reference may need to be expanded/more focused in the light of experience of the proposed structure;

th  e Policy and Resources Committee should continue to be responsible for proposing a framework of strategic policy  objectives, and obtaining States support for those objectives and their relative priority, and in doing so should consult extensively both within and without the States;

th  e Policy and Resources Committee should continue to be responsible for ensuring that Committees' policies and programmes are in accord with the States' agreed strategic policy objectives, and are effectively co-ordinated, and in doing so should consult with the relevant Committee(s);

th e Policy and Resources Committee should continue to be responsible for ensuring that the States financial, manpower and property resources are allocated in accordance with the States' strategic policy objectives;

th  e  Policy  and  Resources  Committee  should  continue  to  be  responsible  for  all  constitutional  matters embracing the Island's position in respect of international conventions, agreements and treaties.

  1. T h e Committee would recommend that -

th e Policy and Resources Committee should be constituted by the States with a President and Members that are considered by States Members generally to be best equipped to carry out the strategic/corporate roles

determined by the States.

States-wide authority at officer level

  1. T h e Committee would recommend that -

th e re should be appointed a Chief Executive for the Policy and Resources Committee on a five year contract to replace the Chief Adviser to the States on the latter's retirement;

th e Chief Executive would support the Policy and Resources Committee in carrying out roles determined by

States' strategic policies and ensure that those policy objectives are delivered effectively. He or she would not be head of the civil service but would chair the Chief Officers' Policy Group and act as a conciliator and co- ordinator at officer level where conflicts exist or are threatened;

th e Chief Executive of the Policy and Resources Committee would lead a corporate team who would report to the Chief Executive, made up of the following, the functions and job descriptions of which are set out in

Appendix C to this report -

a C o r p o rate Strategy Officer

a n E c o n omic Adviser

a n E n v ir onmental Adviser

a n IT /I  S Strategy Adviser

a n In t e rn ational Relations and Policy Officer

a  H  e a d o f Statistics

a n A d m  inistration Manager

th e Chief Executive of the Policy and Resources Committee and the postholder's team of officers will have a clear remit in their job descriptions to offer independent advice/assistance to States Committees and States Members;

th e Chief Executive of the Policy and Resources Committee should be supported by sufficient staff to carry out the responsibilities of his/her Department.

  1. T h e Committee engaged consultants to assist in the drawing up of the job descriptions for the team of officers that it is considered are essential if the Committee is to carry out its responsibilities efficiently and effectively in accordance with the States requirements.
  2. T h e Committee is conscious of the States policy of limiting the number of persons employed in the public sector, and the policy of the Establishment Committee that any increase in the number employed is unlikely to be approved unless there has been a compensating saving elsewhere in the public sector. The Committee, however, does not have any opportunity to find such savings from within its own existing small staff complement. The savings, therefore, if they are tobe found, will need to be obtained from elsewhere in the States administration.
  3. T h e proposed management team can be compared with the existing posts as follows -

C h ie f E x e c u tiv e - replacing the Chief Adviser and employed on a five year contract;

C o r p o ra te Str a tegy Officer - replacing the Assistant Adviser-Policy;

H e a d o f S ta tis tics - replacing the Assistant Adviser-Economics;

E n v ir o n m e n ta l Adviser - presently a contract appointment terminating at the end of 1998; E c o n o m ic A d viser - a new post;

IS /I T S tr a te g y Adviser - a new post on a contract of not less than three years;

In te rn a t io n a l R elations/Policy Officer - a new post to support the Chief Executive;

A d m in is tr a tio n Manager - replacing the present Administration Manager.

  1. T h e Head of Statistics is an urgent requirement on which immediate action has been taken, for there are key statistical exercises currently being managed by the Assistant Adviser-Economics - the compilation of the retail prices index and the average earnings index, and the Household Expenditure Survey - that cannot be delayed as the Assistant Adviser-Economics who had responsibility for these matters left the States employment inmid-June 1998.
  2. T h e Consultants engaged by the Committee have also advised on the support staff required by the management team. They have identified the need for a number of researchers and an additional two clerical/secretarial posts. A provisional organisation chart is included as Appendix D to this report, although the final structure may vary when the ChiefExecutive is appointed.
  3. T h e Committee, in presenting these proposals, has had regard to the decision of the States in November 1997, in the context of the Population Policy, that "the Policy and Resources Committee in co-operation with the Finance and Economics and the Establishment Committees be requested to provide the Office of the Chief Adviser with sufficient resources, in terms of both money and manpower, to obtain the necessary statistics and to construct a model". Initially it was thought that some of the staff resources required could be provided through short-term secondments from other Departments. Experience has shown that this is not practical and that the staffing will need to take the form of longer term (e.g. a minimum of two to three years') appointments. The number of staff required can be limited, however, by the fact that some statistical services (e.g. the processing of the quarterly manpower returns) can be contracted out.
  4. T h r e e posts in the Office of the Chief Adviser have been used to support the administration of the Regulation of Undertakings and Development Law to implement the States decision to tighten the application of the Law in support of the agreed population policy. In addition to the eight other members of staff employed on a permanent

basis in this office (including the Environmental Adviser) three temporary staff have had to be engaged to provide secretarial

and clerical support. The proposals in this report envisage a total of sixteen staff. To reduce this number it would be necessary to remove one or more of the proposed members of the management team.

  1. T h e additional budget allocation required to fund the additional staff requirements is estimated at £500,000 in a full year or roughly double the present cost of the Office of the Chief Adviser and the Policy and Resources Committee, if the cost of administering the Regulation of Undertakings and Development Law is excluded.
  2. T h e Committee would recommend that responsibility for the following existing functions of the Chief Adviser's Office would be transferred to the Committees shown -

A  dministration  of  the  Regulation  of  Undertaking  and  Development  Law - to  the  proposed  Industry Committee;

A ir  Transport Licensing and advice to the Jersey Transport Authority - separate staffing of the Jersey Transport Authority or to the proposed Industry Committee;

A d vice on category "j" and "k" housing applications for the Housing Committee - to the proposed Industry Committee;

Su  pport for the Trade and Industry Sub-Committee - to the proposed Industry Committee;

A d vice to the Finance and Economics Committee in support of that Committee's responsibilities for the finance industry - to the Financial Services Commission

C h airmanship of the Working Group on the Promotion of Jersey as an International Finance Centre - to the Financial Services Commission.

Other matters

  1. T h e Committee would also recommend that -

th e House Committee should be asked to consider whether a separate research/administration service should

be available to all States Members and that this should be provided within the States Greffe. The nature of the Island's political structure, with the absence of political parties, points to the need for individual States Members to have such a facility if they are to function effectively in challenging the policies of Committees. This  facility  should  include  services  such  as  access  to  the  Internet,  Word  Processing,  Fax  and  Video Conferencing;

th e re should be a strategic management team chaired by the Chief Executive of the Policy and Resources

Committee  which  would  be  made  up  of  the  Chief  Officers  of  the  Finance  and  Economics  and  the Establishment Committees, the Planning and Environment Committee and the proposed Industry Committee. Officers from other Committees would be invited to join the team as and when required;

a Sta  tistics User Group be established which would carry out a watchdog role in respect of the compilation of

statistics by States departments promoted, co-ordinated and monitored by the Statistics Unit in the Office the Policy  and  Resources  Committee.  The  Statistics  User  Group  would  embrace  the  present  Joint  Advisory Council, which ensures the impartiality and independence from political influence of the compilation of the retail prices index and the average earnings index.

General conclusions

  1. T h e Committee is of the opinion that the weaknesses in the present strategic and corporate management of the States to which the consultants, in undertaking the review of the Office of the Chief Adviser and the Personnel and Finance functions, have identified call for immediate action along the lines proposed in this report. The general conclusion that the Committee drew from the workshop held in January was that the roles and responsibilities of the Policy and Resources Committee were not being carried out as effectively as States Members believed they should be. There was a need for clearer lines of responsibility and there was a need for more resources to be provided in support of the Committee. The Committee believes that, in putting forward the proposals in this report, it has not only responded to the majority views expressed at the workshop and thereafter, but has also produced a structure

that will provide for the more effective development and implementation of the States' strategic policies for the benefit of all

Island residents.

  1. T h e Committee however does not see its proposals as the end of the road. They are seen as capable of being extended and adapted, and of generally evolving, in the light of events both internal and external to the Island. In this context, the Committee is firmly of the opinion that there is a need for a general review of the machinery of Government in Jersey. The Committee is further of the opinion that this review should be carried out by a body totally independent of the States which would consult widely throughout the Island. If the States agree with this proposal in principle, the Committee would propose to bring forward for States approval, as soon as possible, the terms of reference and membership of such a body.




Presented to the States on 8th October 1996 by the Policy and Resources Committee




175             1 9 9 6   P . 1 6 9          

Price : £1.25


The Committee's response to the questions posed in the report accompanying the amendment to P.129/96 on the subject of a Corporate Strategy Unit, within the Office of the Chief Adviser, is as follows:

  1. th  e C orporate Strategy Unit is not something new. What the Unit will do is already covered by the existing responsibilities of the Policy and Resources Committee, and the ChiefAdviserto the States, which responsibilities are setout in an Appendix to this note;
  2. r e fe r e nce to a Unit is intended to better identify and give further focus to the role of the Chief Adviser in directing, co-ordinating and promoting policies as determined by the States in accordance with his principal responsibilities agreed by the States in October 1992;
  3. th  e r e mit of the Unit, therefore, is to reinforce existing roles. The Unit will be one section of the Chief Adviser's Office, the other being the economic and statistics section;
  4. th  e o b jective is to improve on what is being done at present. The Unit will be promoting, co-ordinating, monitoring, advising. There should be considerable benefit for States members from this process, particularly those who will be participating in decision conferencing and the resource allocation strategies generally. The more effective the Unit is the better also should be the information that is made available to the Committees of the States, and to States Members generally;
  5. th  e U nit will be accountable to the Policy and Resources Committee, and ultimately to the States to whom the Chief Adviser is responsible. The Committee will be responsible for the Unit, will agree its work programme within the framework of the States strategic policies, and will be advised by the Unit in the implementation of resource allocation processes such as decision conferencing;
  6. w  h ile  responsible to the Policy and Resources Committee, the Unit also will give advice and support to the Establishment Committee in respect of its manpower policies and the Finance and Economics Committee in respect of its budgetary policies;
  7. th  e ta s ks the Unit will perform are identified in Paragraph 1.21 of Part II of the Strategic Policy Review and Action Plan 1996. These tasks are expanded upon as an appendix to this note.
  8. th  e U  nit's role will be to support political involvement in exercises such as decision conferencing, service reviews and the strategic planning and resource allocation process generally. TheUnit will also support the Chief Adviser to the States in his role of advising the Policy and Resources, Finance and Economics and Establishment Committees on strategic policy and resource issues.


The manpower required by the Unit will be resourced' from -

  (i ) ex isting staff/vacant posts in the Office of the Chief Adviser;

  (ii ) e x isting staff in the Personnel Department and Treasury who will participate in joint working groups;

  (ii i ) s econded staff from Departments for periods of time which it is expected should enable those involved to be

made available without the need for their Departments to take on additional staff to replace them - as has been the experience with the use of seconded staff to-date for the Trade and Industry Sub-Committee, and for the Policy and Resources Committee in producing reports on international conventions etc. The seconded staff will be engaged to support individual service reviews, decision conferencing etc.;

  (iv  )  g raduate trainees. It is considered that all those on the graduate trainee scheme should spend a period of time

in the Office of the Chief Adviser as part of their training programme.

The financial requirements of the Unit will be met by -

  (i ) th e agreed 1997 budget for the Office of the Chief Adviser and the Policy and Resources Committee;   (ii ) b udget allocations for service reviews;

(ii i )  b udget allocations for the funding of decision conferencing.

Terms of Reference of the Policy and Resources Committee, and the Principal Responsibilities of the Chief Adviser, that are relevant to the role of the Corporate Strategy Unit

Policy and Resources Committee's Terms of Reference -

  (a ) T o produce, through a process of consultation, and for approval where necessary by the States, a framework

of strategic policies and objectives, to which Committees would be required to have regard in the formulation of their own policies;

  (b ) T o ensure the overall co-ordination of those policies and objectives and to recommend to the States relative

priorities in the use of money and/or manpower resources;

  ( c) T o ensure the effective execution by Committees of their respective policies and to review performance

against objectives;

  (d ) T o initiate the examination of, or to require other Committees to examine, particular issues where -    (i ) T h e is s u e falls within the area of responsibility of more than one Committee;

   (ii ) T h e is  su e does not fall within the area of responsibility of any particular Committee;

   (ii i )  O th  e rw  ise, the Committee believes that issues need to be examined;

   an d  , w h e r e n e cessary, to present a report and proposition to the States.

  (e ) T o consider, and to comment on to the States as necessary, all reports and propositions which raise -    (i ) Is s u e s o f importance for the Island as a whole;

   (ii ) I s s u e s w hich affect the interests of other Committees;

   (ii i )  Is s u e s in  volving major resource implications.

Principal Responsibilities of the Chief Adviser as agreed by the States in October 1992

  ( i) th e setting up of a framework of strategic policies and objectives, and to generally assist the Policy and

Resources Committee in the execution of its responsibilities;

(ii ) th e co-ordination of economic, social and environmental policies crossing Committee boundaries; (ii i )  th e setting of priorities in the allocation of financial and manpower resources;

(iv  )  to work with the Law Draftsman in the setting of law drafting priorities;

  (v ) to work with the Treasurer of the States on the preparation and effective implementation of States financial


  (v i )  to work with the Chief Officer of the Personnel Department on the preparation and effective implementation

of States manpower policies.

The principal responsibilities of the Chief Adviser also include -

  to   re v i ew and undertake appraisals of existing policies, and those proposed by Committees that have major

implications for the Island, and advise the Committees accordingly;

  to c h a ir a Chief Officers' Policy Group and actively involve all Chief Officers in the effective formulation, co-

ordination and promotion of States strategic policies.

Amplification of the individual key elements of the strategic policy planning and resource allocation procedures with which a Corporate Strategy Unit will be involved as set out in paragraph 1.21 of Part II of P.129/96.

(i ) T he preparation of the annual Strategic Policy Review and Action Plan;

   R e s e a rc h a n d advice on the development of strategies and policies for issues which apply to the States as a


( ii ) The management and monitoring of the strategic and business planning processes at Committee and

Departmental level to ensure there is a co-ordinated and consistent approach.

   It  is to b e e m  phasised that this does not mean that the unit's role is to detract in any way from Committees

and Departments in preparing business plans for their own services. The reference is to the management of the processes; that is, ensuring that there is a co-ordinated and consistent approach to strategic and business planning, and an approach that links into the strategic policies for the States as a whole;

  (ii i ) T he management and monitoring of the political revenue consolidation, capital programme and law drafting

programme decision conferences set up to prioritise the allocation of resources.

   T h e re is n o w political commitment to the decision conference technique and the Strategic Policy Review and

Action Plan 1996 emphasises the role of Members in the application of this technique. However, there is an accepted need for the process to be fully co-ordinated and managed both at the strategic and operational level. Furthermore, the decision conference can be improved upon in terms of the information made available, and briefing undertaken, prior to the decision conference being held, and the Corporate Strategy Unit's role is to facilitate this collective decision making process;

  (iv  ) C o-ordinating and monitoring the programme of service reviews for States Departments that it is proposed

should be undertaken by external organisations.

   Se  r v ic e r e v ie ws although identified as a key element  of the States  manpower policy, will  involve an

assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery generally, and the financial as well as the manpower resource requirements. Service reviews are to be funded centrally and to ensure value for money, and a consistent approach to service reviews in the terms of reference set, it is considered that the Corporate Strategy Unit should play an important co-ordinating and monitoring role;

(v ) Wo rking with the relevant Departments to ensure the proper implementation of individual resource strategies

covering finance, manpower, legislation, information systems/technology and property.

   A p ar tic u la  r re quirement arises for the co-ordination of the separate resource strategies set out in the Strategic

Policy Review and Action Plan, and the Unit will be well placed to effect this co-ordination;

(v i )  Pr oviding staff support for corporate exercises (e.g. the Purchasing and Supply Strategy Group).

T h is ro le w ill also include identifying "corporate" issues or problems that need to be addressed and

presenting these issues to the Policy and Resources Committee and/or the Chief Officers' Policy Group for consideration;

( v ii ) Monitoring, and providing support for service performance of management, including the setting of

performance indicators.

T h e ro l e o f th e Corporate Strategy Unit would be to give advice and support to Departments; helping to

promote best practice and advice on service indicators (e.g. how best to develop indicators that best measure quality or customer satisfaction); identifying corporate indicators or those that relate to more than one Department; and generally monitoring performance;

  (v iii  ) R ecommending strategic and business planning standards and once those standards have been agreed seeking

to ensure their proper application.

   If th e s tr a te g i c and business planning process is to be effective there is a need to ensure that standards are

established and monitored across the States. This role links in with that of (ii) above;

( ix ) O perating as a co-ordinator and bringing together on a regular basis representatives of the "resource"

Departments, i.e. Treasury, Personnel, Computer Services and Property Services.

   T h e C  o rp o r a te Strategy Unit will act as a focal point, bringing together key staff from other Departments to

consider inter-departmental issues. This will cover not only resource planning and allocation but also other corporate issues covered by the strategic policies adopted by the States.


(adopted by the States on 24th January 1989)

  1. to p roduce, through a process of consultation, and for approval where necessary by the States, a framework of strategic policies and objectives, to which Committees would be required to have regard in the formulation of their own policies;
  2. to e nsure the overall co-ordination of those policies and objectives and to recommend to the States relative priorities in the use of money and/or manpower resources;
  3. to e nsure the effective execution by Committees of their respective policies and to review performance against objectives;
  4. to in itiate the examination of, or to require other Committees to examine, particular issues where - (i ) th e issue falls within the area of responsibility of more than one Committee;

  (ii ) th e issue does not fall within the area of responsibility of any particular Committee;

  (ii i )  o therwise, the Committee believes that issues need to be examined;

  an d , w h ere necessary, to present a report and proposition to the States;

  1. to c o nsider, and to comment on to the States as necessary, all reports and propositions which raise - (i ) is sues of importance for the Island as a whole;

  (ii ) is sues which affect the interests of other Committees;

  (ii i )  is sues involving major resource implications;

  1. to re v iew the structure of Committees and present for consideration by the States, proposals for the restructuring of Committees and departments where necessary;
  2. to p r esent proposals for the effective management of States' properties;
  3. to p r esent an annual report to the States for debate;
  4. to a ssume the responsibilities of the Constitution Committee.

The States also agreed that the Committee should appoint a group of chief officers together with the Greffier of the States and the Economic Adviser, to assist it, with the group having had the power to co-opt such other officers as may from time to time prove necessary.

POLICY AND RESOURCES Main functions of the Department

The Policy and Resources Committee produces a framework of strategic policies and objectives for approval by the States, to which all Committee are required to have regard in the formulation of their own policies. It also ensures the overall co- ordination of, and compliance with, those policies and objective. The full terms of reference of the Committee are attached.

The Chief Executive advises and supports the Policy and Resources Committee on all matters falling within the Committee's terms of reference, ensuring decisions are implemented effectively. On behalf of the Committee, the Chief Executive directs, co-ordinates and promotes the strategic policies of the States to ensure that their decisions are implemented effectively. The Chief Executive advises on strategic policy issues on an inter-committee basis across the States and provides general advice to States Members as required. The Chief Executive also provides leadership and direction on a consensual basis throughout the States as Chairman of the Chief Officers' Policy Group.

The Corporate Strategy Officer (CSU) supports the responsibilities of the Policy and Resources Committee by promoting, co-ordinating, monitoring and advising on the strategic and business planning process, resource allocation exercises and service reviews.

The Economic Adviser provides analytical and economic advisory services support, co-ordinating the economic issues within policies of all Committees of the States.

The Environmental  Adviser  provides  support  and  advice  on  all  strategic  environmental  matters,  co-ordinating  the environmental impact of policies of all Committees of the States.

The Head of Statistics provides the statistical support, determining and researching and analysing the statistics required.

The International Relations and Policy Officer provides a research and analysis role, producing papers on aspects of policy and providing support and advice on all international matters that have implications for the States.

The IS/IT Strategy Adviser is responsible for research and advice on strategic IS/IT policy both for the States and for the Island.

The Administration Manager is responsible for managing the administrative requirements of the Policy and Resources Committee, the Department and the Chief Officers' Policy Group.


JOB TITLE:  Chief Executive

DEPARTMENT:   Po  licy and Resources REPORTS TO:   Po  licy and Resources Committee


  T o a d v is  e and support the Policy and Resources Committee on all matters falling within the Committee's terms of

reference. On behalf of the Committee, to direct, co-ordinate and promote the strategic policies of the States to ensure that their decisions are implemented effectively. To advise on strategic policy issues on an inter-Committee basis across the States and provide general advice to States Members as required. To provide leadership and direction on a consensual basis throughout the States as Chairman of the Chief Officers Policy Group.


  Su  b o rd in  ate Staff:

   C o r p o ra te   Str   a tegy Officer

   E n v ir o n m  e n ta l Adviser

   E c o n o m ic   A  d viser

   H e a d o f S ta tis  tics

   In te  rn a t io n a l R  elations and Policy Officer    IS /I  T S tr  a te g y Adviser

   A d m  in is  tr a tio  n Manager

   Se  c re ta ry

  T h e C h ief Executive both directly and through the team of advisers and officers that he leads will have a major

impact on the development and implementation of the Island's economic, social, environmental and technological strategic policies. The Chief Executive, supported by his team, will through his advisory and management role have a major impact on the performance of the Island's economy and the consequential revenue yield, on the effective use of the resources available to the States and the achievement of Island-wide policies on sustainability, population and immigration control and minimising social and material deprivation.

  I n en s u ring on behalf of the Policy and Resources Committee the effective delivery of strategic policies and

objectives across all Committees and Departments the Chief Executive will also be performing a leadership role in relation to all other Chief Officers, which will include a role in the performance appraisal and grievance procedures for Chief Officers. The Chief Executive, in carrying out the principal accountabilities, will also have an impact on the Island's reputation and image abroad, and in the relationship between the insular authorities and overseas Governments and organisations.

  1. T o a dvise and support the Policy and Resources Committee in order to secure the effective execution of its terms of reference as determined by the States.
  2. T o a dvise and support the Policy and Resources Committee in order to secure the development of a framework of strategic policies and objectives.
  3. O n b ehalf of the Policy and Resources Committee to direct, co-ordinate and promote the strategic policies of the States in order to ensure that their decisions are implemented effectively.
  4. T o a dvise the Policy and Resources Committee on non-compliance with strategic policies, and on the action to be taken to rectify the situation.
  1. T o keep abreast of Island developments in general, through effective relationships across the States, in order to ensure the achievement of States strategic policies and objectives.
  2. T o p r omote a relationship between the States and the private sector inorder to ensure the successful pursuit of the States strategic policies and objectives.
  3. T o o versee strategic planning processes in the organisation, identifying opportunities, trends and needs, planning objectives and strategies, monitoring progress and reviewing performance and effectiveness.
  4. T o e nsure that the strategic policy review and business planning processes present a coherent overview to the States which includes realistic options for the policy and resource priorities.
  5. T o a d vise and support the Policy and Resources Committee in order to ensure the co-ordinationof economic, social and environmental policies that cross Committee boundaries.
  6. T o a dvise and support the Policy and Resources Committee in order to ensure the development of an effective process for setting priorities in the allocation of resources.
  7. T o a dvise the Policy and Resources Committee and other Committees across the States on international, economic, environmental and information technology policy issues which have implications for the Island community and for States policy.
  8. T o b e available to all Committees and Members of the States to give general advice and support on corporate policy issues.
  9. T o monitor, assist in providing a channel of communication, and advise the Policy and Resources Committee on the implications for the Island of constitutional and international issues relating to H.M. Government, the European Community, the OECD, and international conventions and agreements generally in consultation with the Bailiff , the Attorney General, the Greffier and/or the Law Draftsman as appropriate.
  10. T o b e Chairman of the Chief Officers Policy Group, and to ensure the group focuses on the strategic issues facing the States and promotes a corporate ethos throughout the organisation.
  11. T o in volve all Chief Officers and gain their commitment in the effective formulation, co-ordination, monitoring and promotion of States strategic policies.
  12. T o co-ordinate with the Chief Officer of the Personnel Department and the Treasurer of the States in the preparation and effective implementation of States financial and manpower policies, to ensure consistency with strategic corporate policy and objectives.
  13. T o c o-ordinate with the Law Draftsman in the setting of Law drafting priorities and the effective implementation of the legislation programme.
  14. T o c hair and lead a Strategic Management Team including the Treasurer, Chief Officer - Personnel, and Chief Officer - Planning and Environment in order to ensure the effective development, co-ordination and execution of strategic policy objectives.
  15. T o provide a role model by demonstrating the highest standards of professionalism, integrity and probity and promoting these throughout the organisation.
  16. T o e n courage co-operative working and provide leadership and guidance on corporate values.
  17. T o d evelop effective media relationships in order to ensure that the States position is portrayed with clarity and to seek to promote and enhance the corporate image of the States and of the Island at all times.
  18. T o m anage the Policy and Resources Department, setting priorities and targets for staff, motivating and developing them in order to achieve their full potential, and reviewing performance, and to take specific responsibility for the functions of the Department and ensure these are carried out through delegated responsibilities to managers.

  T h e   C h ief Executive will be educated to degree level with an additional relevant management or professional

qualification. Senior management and leadership experience with a proven track record over at least ten years at a strategic level, in a multi-disciplinary, service environment will be essential.

  T h e C h ief Executive will need the ability to plan and innovate at a strategic level, and the intellectual strength and

communication skills to provide clarity and insight in the advice given on future policy and direction.

  A b r e a dth of outlook and political sensitivity are necessary to establish effective working relationships with

politicians, and other Chief Officers among whom the Chief Executive will be first among equals. A leadership style is required that will encourage other Chief Officers to feel they are able to seek and follow guidance given and which commands their respect, trust and confidence.

  T h e C h ief Executive will need the diplomacy and communication skills to act as ambassador for the States in their

relations with a range of outside interests and governments. A commitment to promote quality, value for money and performance led culture will be required.


  Se  e o r g anisation Chart.


  I c o n fir  m that the contents of this job description are a true reflection of the job as proposed.

Pr e s id en t of Policy and Resources Committee JU  L Y 1 998

JOB TITLE: Corporate Strategy Officer DEPARTMENT: Po licy and Resources REPORTS TO: C hief Executive


  T o a s s is t the Chief Executive to develop, promote, co-ordinate and monitor States strategic policies, and to develop

and manage on behalf of the Chief Executive strategic and business planning and resource allocation processes to stimulate and encourage corporate working in the way Departments and Committees respond to and implement these policies.


Su b o rd in ate Staff: to be determined.

T h e C orporate Strategy Officer is directly concerned with the Policy and Resources Committee's role in

developing, promoting and implementing a corporate strategy policy framework for the public sector as a whole - be it at States, Committee and/or departmental level.

  In p a rtic   ular, the job researches, develops and implements the corporate strategy and business planning process by

ensuring that mechanisms are in place so that capital, revenue, and law drafting resources are allocated in future programmes in accordance with agreed political priorities. The job is directly involved in the annual process for developing long-term revenue capital and law drafting resource allocation programmes at the grass roots, and also the highest political, level and is indirectly involved with the States revenue and manpower budgetary processes. In this respect, the Corporate Strategy Officer leads a team of senior officers of the States Treasury and States Personnel to ensure the effective implementation of States-wide resource allocation strategies.

  1. T o a ssist the Chief Executive in preparing the annual Strategic Policy Review and Action Plan and to develop, promote, co-ordinate and monitor States strategic policies.
  2. T o develop and manage, on behalf of the Chief Executive, the strategic and business planning processes at Committee and Departmental level and to co-ordinate and monitor the process in order to ensure an effective and consistent approach and to an agreed standard.
  3. T o o rganise and manage the strategic resource allocation process and tomake recommendations on appropriate courses of action to participants once conclusions are reached.
  4. T o c o-ordinate and monitor the programme of service reviews being conducted throughout States departments in order to ensure an effective and consistent approach and to an agreed standard.
  5. T o le  ad a team of Officers drawn from relevant Departments, and work with other members of the Policy and Resources team under the instruction of the Chief Executive in order to ensure the effective implementation of States-wide resource strategies.
  6. T o a dvise Committees and Departments on good practice in the performance management of services. This will include providing expertise on performance measurement, management and evaluation.
  7. T o r ecommend strategic and business planning standards, and once those standards have been agreed, seeking to ensure their appropriate application through consistent procedures.
  8. T o c arry out other strategic, business planning and resource allocation tasks at the request of the Chief Executive.
  1. T o p r ovide support to the Chief Officers Policy Group as required by the Chief Executive.

  T h e C o rporate Strategy Officer will be educated to degree level with an additional relevant management or

professional qualification. Senior management experience at strategic level, in a multi-disciplinary, service environment will be essential.

  T h e p o stholder will need to demonstrate strong analytical and strategic and business planning skills. Project

management ability will be required to ensure implementation of concepts and ideas. Facilitating change will be important together with the ability to make things happen and to support change. In order to secure consensus for corporate approaches where defined authority does not exist, negotiating, persuading and influencing skills will be essential. A breadth of outlook and political sensitivity are necessary to establish effective working relationships at all levels and across Departments and Committees.


  Se  e o r g anisation Chart.


  I c o n fir  m that the contents of this job description are a true reflection of the job as proposed.

C h ie f O fficer JU  L Y 1 998

JOB TITLE: H ea d   of Statistics DEPARTMENT: Po licy and Resources

REPORTS TO: C hief Executive

    Sta  tis  tic  s U s e r G ro u p


T o a s sis t the Chief Executive of Policy and Resources to develop strategic corporate policy through collecting,

collating, analysing and publishing relevant statistical data. To manage statistical advisory services on behalf of the States acting as the central core of statistics with the objectives to improve decision making and to stimulate and inform debate.


Su b o rd in ate Staff: to be determined.

  T h e jo b of Head of Statistics will have an impact on all residents of the Island as employees, consumers and benefit

recipients, all Island businesses, States Committees and Departments. The impartiality of the Statistics Unit, and independence from political influence, is safeguarded by a non-political Statistics User Group which approves the methodology and process for compiling all key statistical series.

  1. T o a ssist the Chief Executive in the preparation of a framework of strategic policies and objectives through the provision of relevant statistical data.
  2. T o w  ork with a Statistics User Group in order to ensure the provision of independent and objective statistical information, and with regard to the preparation and intellectual integrity of all statistical information (e.g. the Retail Price s Index and the Average Earnings Index).
  3. T o p roduce a range of statistics and performance indicators for use by States Committees, States Members and Chief Officers in order to ensure the effective development and implementation of policy.
  4. T o p lan, co-ordinate, administer and enforce all aspects of a periodic Island-wide census of the population and health statistics for Jersey, including the employment of appropriate resources, the prosecution ofnon-compliers, overseeing of data processing and the on-going analysis and presentation of the results.
  5. T o s et up, co-ordinate and administer specific surveys in response to Committee requests, for example patterns of household income and expenditure or travellers to and from the Island, to provide valuable information in order to enable statistical comparisons and informed strategic decisions.
  6. T o lia  ise with the Chief Executive and other Policy and Resources team members in determining the appropriate focus for research, particularly with regard to supporting advice to the various Committees.
  7. T o r esearch and collate a comprehensive Island database of relevant statistical information in order to produce the Annual Statistical Review.
  8. T o research and produce performance indicators in order to assist with policy preparation on environmental, economic, social and technological related issues.
  9. T o a dd to the database any statistical information that may assist the Island's business community, the general

public and, liaising with the International Relations and Policy Officer, information about the Island in order to respond to

enquiries from the United Kingdom, Europe or other sources.

  1. T o c ompile regular publications to disseminate statistical results to relevant outlets, and, liaising with the IS/IT Strategy Adviser, in order to explore technological methods for improved dissemination and access, such as on-line databases.
  2. T o p rovide support to the Chief Officers Policy Group as required by the Chief Executive.

  T h e H e ad of Statistics should possess a degree in statistics or related degree discipline and have at least five years

senior professional experience in an economic/statistics related function.

  T h e p o stholder will need to demonstrate strong analytical planning and strategic thinking skills. Project direction

ability will be required to ensure implementation of concepts and ideas. Facilitating change will be important, together with the ability to make things happen and to support change. In order to secure consensus for corporate approaches where defined authority does not exist, negotiating, persuading and influencing skills will be essential.

  A b re a d th of outlook and political sensitivity are necessary to establish effective working relationships at all levels

and across Departments and Committees.


  Se  e o r g anisation Chart.


  I c o n fir  m that the contents of this job description are a true reflection of the job as proposed.

C h ie f O fficer JU  L Y 1 998

JOB TITLE: E n v ir onmental Adviser DEPARTMENT: Po licy and Resources REPORTS TO: C h ief Executive


  T o e n s ure the integration of environmental considerations in strategic and business planning and implementing

policy through Committees and Departments across the States. To advise on strategic environmental policies on an inter-Committee basis across the States and to provide general advice on environmental matters to States Members as required.


Su b o rd in ate Staff: to be determined.

  T h e jo b of Environmental Adviser has an impact on the Island as a whole, and on all Committees and Departments.

  1. T o a ssist the Chief Executive in the preparation of a framework of strategic policies and objectives as they relate to environmental matters in order to ensure sustainability.
  2. T o p rovide advice to States Committees and Departments and States Members concerning the general direction and objectives of States strategic environmental policies, or the environmental implications of strategic policies generally, in order to ensure sustainability.
  3. T o a ssess and co-ordinate the environmental impact of policies and programmes ofall Committees of the States, in order to ensure they are compliant with States agreed strategic environmental policies and the policy of sustainability.
  4. T o r eview environmental functions carried out by Committees and Departments of the States and advise on good practice in the performance and management of services. This will include providing expertise on performance measurement, management and evaluation.
  5. T o in terpret key statistics and prepare reports as and when required, in order to assist the Chief Executive in determining corporate policy.
  6. T o a ssist the Corporate Strategy Officer by advising on the integration of environmental considerations into corporate policy and the strategic and business planning process.
  7. T o j oin with the Economic Adviser in developing an economic model in order to evaluate sustainability and other strategic policies.
  8. T o a ssist the Chief Executive and Corporate Strategy Officer in the preparation of the annual Strategic Policy Review and Action Plan.
  9. T o a d vise and liaise with the Head of Statistics in determining the direction of focussed and relevant research and on the development and provision of statistical information and performance indicators and targets relating to environmental matters, and in contributing to the annual Statistical Review.
  10. T o a s sist the Chief Executive in the resolution of any environmental policy conflicts arising at both the political and officer levels in conjunction with the Chief Officer, Planning and Environment.
  1. T o keep abreast of international environmental developments/initiatives in order to advice on their potential implications for the Island.
  2. T o a d viseon and liaise with the International Relations and Policy Officer on the Island's position in respect of and in response to international environmental conventions, agreements and treaties in order to ensure the Island's compliance with these.
  3. T o keep abreast of nuclear developments and activity in the vicinity of the Channel Islands in order to advise the Chief Executive and the Policy and Resources Committee on their potential implications.
  4. T o c onsult with the business community on environmental matters in order to ensure a proper awareness of and response to States' policy objectives and international obligations.
  5. T o a dvise, support and monitor progress in Departments of environmental management systems and the adoption of environmental audit schemes.
  6. T o p rovide support to the Chief Officers' Policy Group as required by the Chief Executive.
  7. T o p repare for the Policy and Resources Committee an annual report on environmental issues particularly as they impact upon the Island, and its progress in responding to those issues.
  8. T o p r omote an awareness of sustainability and facilitate education in environmental matters at a strategic level.

  T h e E n v ironmental Adviser will possess a degree in Environmental Science, or other relevant discipline, and senior

professional experience gained in an environmental strategic functional role at a senior level spanning a minimum of five years. The postholder will need to have considerable depth and breadth of knowledge, proficiency and experience of environmental matters at a strategic and appropriate scientific and technical level.

  T h e p o stholder will need to demonstrate strong analytical and strategic and business planning skills. Project

management ability will be required to ensure implementation of concepts and ideas. Facilitating change will be important, together with the ability to make things happen and to support change. In order to secure consensus for corporate approaches where defined authority does not exist, negotiating, persuading and influencing skills will be essential. A breadth of outlook and political sensitivity are necessary to establish effective working relationships at all levels and across Departments and Committees.


  Se  e o r g anisation Chart.


  I c o n fir  m that the contents of this job description are a true reflection of the job as proposed.

C h ie f O fficer JU  L Y 1 998

JOB TITLE:   E c o n o mic Adviser DEPARTMENT: Po  licy and Resources REPORTS TO: C h ief Executive


 T o e n s ure the integration of economic considerations in strategic and business planning and in implementing policy

through Committees and Departments across the States. To advise on economic policies on an inter-Committee basis across the States and to provide general advice on economic policy to States Members as required.


  Su  b o rd in  ate Staff: to be determined.

  T h e jo b of Economic Adviser has an impact on all the Island's residents, all the Island's industries, on States

revenues and expenditure and on the policies of Committees and Departments affected by economic trends both within and outside the Island.

  1. T o a ssist the Chief Executive in the preparation of a framework of strategic policies and objectives, through the development and evaluation of economic policy and the provision and interpretation of relevant economic and related information.
  2. T o p rovide advice to States Committees and Departments, and States Members, concerning the general direction and objectives of States economic policy, or the economic implications of policy.
  3. T o m  onitor the economy, develop an economic model and provide regular forecasts, including trends in economic growth and population, in order to advise the Housing, Planning and Environment, Education, Public Services, Employment and Social Security and Health and Social Services Committees in particular of the probable demand for their services.
  4. T o c onduct appraisals of policies or projects proposed by Committees which could have major implications for the Island's economy and advise Committees accordingly. This may include the application of economic principles and techniques to micro-economic issues of an industrial or social nature.
  5. T o a dvise on short and long-term strategy for integration of economic considerations in policy.
  6. T o s u pport the progress of policy initiatives designed to further the development of the Island's economy.
  7. T o a dvise and liaise with the International Relations and Policy Officer in analysing the potential impact on the economy  of  issues  relating  to  the  EU,  the  OECD, and  international  conventions,  and  in discussions  with international organisations on matters affecting the Island economy.
  8. T o a dvise and liaise with the Head of Statistics in determining the direction of focussed and relevant research, and on the development and provisions of statistical information and performance indicators relating to the economy.
  9. T o in terpret key statistics and prepare reports, as and when required, to assist the Chief Executive in determining corporate policy.
  10. T o c o nsult with the business community on matters of economic policy.
  11. T o p rovide support to the Chief Officers' Policy Group as required by the Chief Executive.
  1. T o p repare for the Policy and Resources Committee an annual report on economic issues particularly as they impact upon the Island, and its progress in responding to those issues.

  T h e E c o nomic Adviser will possess a degree in Economics or other relevant discipline and have senior professional

experience gained in an economic related function spanning a minimum of five years.

  T h e p o stholder will need to demonstrate strong analytical planning and strategic thinking skills. Project direction

ability will be required to ensure implementation of concepts and ideas. Facilitating change will be important together with the ability to make things happen and to support change. In order to secure consensus for corporate approaches where defined authority does not exist, negotiating, persuading and influencing skills will be essential. A breadth of outlook and political sensitivity are necessary to establish effective working relationships at all levels and across Departments and Committees.


  Se  e o r g anisation Chart.


  I c o n fir  m that the contents of this job description are a true reflection of the job as proposed.

C h ie f O fficer JU  L Y 1 998

JOB TITLE: I S /I T   Strategy Adviser DEPARTMENT: Po licy and Resources REPORTS TO: C h ief Executive


  T o s u p port the  Chief  Executive in  advising  the Policy  and  Resources  Committee  on  the development of a

framework of strategic policies and objectives through the development of strategic policy and the provision of advice on IS/IT across the Island community and the States.


Su b o rd in ate Staff: to be determined.

T h e I S /IT Strategy Adviser will have an Island-wide impact in the use of IS/IT to achieve the States' policy

objectives, to establish the Island as a centre of excellence and as an intelligent Island, and to provide for the use of IS/IT in the home, in the schools, in the work place and in everyday life.

  1. T o a ssist the Chief Executive in the preparation of a framework of strategic policies and objectives through the development and evaluation of policy relating to information systems and technology for both the Island and the States.
  2. T o p rovide advice to States Committees, Departments and States Members concerning the general direction and objectives of corporate IS/IT policy, and the technological implications of other policies or developments.
  3. T o m aximise the contribution that systems can make to the States by the development of a long-term information systems strategy encompassing the applications, data and technology necessary to support departments.
  4. T o lia ise with the Corporate Strategy Officer in advising States Committees on the integration of IS/IT policy in the strategic and business planning processes.
  5. T o encourage access to appropriate systems and to relevant and timely information necessary for effective operations across the States.
  6. T o ra ise the profile and understanding of the capability of information systems, by acting as a facilitator within Departments and Committees, and by contributing to the resource allocation process.
  7. T o establish guidelines for best practice in IS/IT development and to assist the Chief Executive in ensuring adherence to these by identifying non-compliance.
  8. T o id entify proactively the strategic needs of Departments and how systems and technology can help.
  9. T o c o -ordinate the IS/IT demands of different departments, highlighting any conflicts for the Policy and Resources Committee to resolve.
  10. T o a ssist the Chief Executive and Corporate Strategy Officer in the preparation of the annual Strategic Policy Review and Action Plan.
  11. T o advise and liaise with the States Computer Services Department in monitoring progress in the effective implementation throughout the States of IS/IT policies and systems.
  1. T o k e ep abreast of technological developments and activity (e.g. developments on the Internet) and advise on their potential implications for the Island.
  2. T o prepare for the Policy and Resources Committee an annual report on technological issues particularly as they impact upon the Island, and its progress in responding to those issues.
  3. T o s eek to improve the competitiveness of the Island economy by encouraging technology transfer and innovation through information networks, in awareness seminars, networking, best practice fora.
  4. T o promote technology on an Island-wide basis, i.e. in Education through partnership working with Island organisations.
  5. T o p rovide support to the Chief Officers' Policy Group as required by the Chief Executive.
  6. T o lia ise closely with the Executive Director, Jersey Telecoms, in the development of telecommunication services in support of an IS/IT strategy for the Island.

  T h e I S /I T Strategy Adviser will have a successful record at a senior level over a period of a minimum of five years

in managing technological change and strategic thinking, with experience of the application of IS/IT functions.

  T h e p o stholder will need to demonstrate strong analytical planning and strategic thinking skills. Project direction

ability will be required to ensure implementation of concepts and ideas. Facilitating change will be important, together with the ability to make things happen and to support change. In order to secure consensus for corporate approaches where defined authority does not exist, negotiating, persuading and influencing skills will be essential.

  A b re a d th of outlook and political sensitivity are necessary to establish effective working relationships at all levels

and across Departments and Committees.


  Se  e o r g anisation Chart.


  I c o n fir  m that the contents of this job description are a true reflection of the job as proposed.

C h ie f O fficer JU  L Y 1 998

JOB TITLE: I n te r n ational Relations and Policy Officer DEPARTMENT: Po licy and Resources

REPORTS TO: C h ief Executive


  T o p r o vide research and analysis, producing papers on aspects of policy to support the Chief Executive in

developing strategic corporate policy, and providing support and advice on international relations that have implications for the Island.


Su b o rd in ate Staff: to be determined.

T h e jo b of International Relations and Policy Officer will have an impact on all States Committees and

Departments that are required to have regard for EU legislation and international conventions, agreements, treaties covering economic, social and environmental policy issues. The job will also have an impact through the support given to the Chief Executive in strategic policy formulation and analysis.

  1. T o a dvise the Chief Executive on all aspects ofJersey's international relations, and support in the provision of a channel of communications with overseas governments and organisations in order to ensure compliance with international obligations.
  2. T o m onitor developments overseas and advise of their implications to Jersey, liaising with relevant officers in the Policy and Resources Department where appropriate, in order to ensure an appropriate response to international developments.
  3. T o a dvise the Chief Executive on the co-ordination of Island policies in the context of the United Kingdom and the development of European integration.
  4. T o m anage any development co-operation programmes with overseas organisations.
  5. T o lia ise with the Economic Adviser on the promotion of Jersey's external trade and economic interests.
  6. T o su pport the Chief Executive in close liaison with the Bailiff 's Office in managing the process of dealing with matters emerging from the European Union and other international organisations, and for communicating the views of the Insular Authorities.
  7. T o oversee the development and maintenance of a computerised and manual data base of information on international conventions, treaties and agreements and European Union legislation and proposals.
  8. T o p roduce a half yearly report for the States on international conventions, treaties and agreements that have been referred to the Insular Authorities for consideration.
  9. T o co -ordinate the response of Committees and Departments to international conventions, treaties and agreements that have been referred to the insular authorities.
  10. T o u ndertake on behalf of the Chief Executive research and analysis of specific policies (e.g. population policy) and prepare papers as required.
  11. T o p rovide research and analysis support to States Committees in order to assist with policy preparation.
  1. T o c arry out appraisals of policies or projects proposed by Committees, liaising with the appropriate Policy and Resources Officers, and advise on economic, environmental, technological and other policy implications.
  1. T o lia ise with the Head of Statistics in conducting research for various policy matters.

  T h e I n ternational Relations and Policy Officer will be educated to degree level, preferably a degree involving

European and International Studies. Senior management experience of at least five years at a policy formulation level in a multi-disciplinary environment will be essential.

  T h e p o s tholder will need to demonstrate strong analytical and policy formation skills. Project direction ability will

be required to ensure implementation of concepts and ideas. In order to secure consensus for corporate approaches where defined authority does not exist, negotiating, persuading and influencing skills will be essential.

  A b re a d th of outlook and political sensitivity are necessary to establish effective working relationships at all levels

and across Departments and Committees.


  Se  e o r g anisation Chart.


  I c o n fir  m that the contents of this job description are a true reflection of the job as proposed.

C h ie f O fficer JU  L Y 1 998


R o l e of Chief Officer and team C h ief Executive   C h a i rm a n o f COPG

in c l u des advising all Committees

an d S tates Members

Ad m in i s tr a ti o n M a n a g e r  

S e c re t a ry to   Administrative Receptionist

C h ie f E x e c u t iv e As s is t a n t  

Corporate Strategy He a d of I n t e rnational I S /I T S t rategy Environmental E c o n omic

 Officer S ta t is ti c s R e la t io n s/ Ad v is e r* Adviser   Ad v i ser

P o l i c y Of fi c e r

Research Officers (2) R e s ea r c her

S e cr e t ar y S e cr e tary/Researcher

*to be supported by staff in the Computer Services Department JULY 1998