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Lodged au Greffe on 21st April 1998 by the Public Services Committee
175 1 9 9 8 P . 7 0 ( r e- i ssu e )
Price code: D
THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion -
(1 ) to receive the strategy for a sustainable Island transport policy, based on controlled vehicle accommodation
(transport diversification), as outlined by the Public Services Committee in its report dated 27th March 1998; and
(2 ) to approve, in principle, the proposals in the above report -
(a ) f o r c a r o wnership and usage set out in sub-paragraphs 4.17(i) - (vii);
(b ) r e g a r d in g the environmental considerations set out in sub-paragraphs 5.8(i) - (vi) (air quality), 5.13(i) -
(ii) (noise emissions), 5.17(i) - (iv) (traffic on residential roads), 5.20(i) (road safety), and 5.27(i) -(iv) (pedestrians and cyclists);
(c ) f o r p a r k ing set out in sub-paragraphs 6.14(i) - (v);
(d ) f o r p u b lic transport set out in sub-paragraphs 7.26(i) - (iii); and (e ) f o r f u n d ing set out in sub-paragraphs 9.6(i) - (iv);
(3 ) to request the Planning and Environment Committee to include in the forthcoming revision of the Island Plan,
objectives and targets based on the strategy for a sustainable Island transport policy as outlined in the report of the Public Services Committee;
( 4 ) to approve the carrying out of a financial appraisal of the Public Services Committee sustainable Island
transport policy;
(5 ) to charge the Public Services Committee to report back to the States on the progress of the strategy every
three years.
NOTES: 1 . The comments of the Finance and Economics Committee will follow. 2 . T h e c o mments of the Policy and Resources Committee will follow.
P a g e
A ir q u a lity 1 6
N o i se e m is sio ns 1 9
T ra f f ic o n r e s idential roads 2 0
R o a d safety 2 1
Pe d e str ia n s a n d cyclists 2 2
- PA R K ING 2 4
B u s s e r v ic e s 2 8
L ig h t r a il 3 2 Sc h o o l b u se s 3 2
T a x is an d c a b s 3 3
- R E SO URCES 3 4
- FU N D ING 3 4
Fig u r e 1 4 0 Fig u r e 2 4 1 Fig u r e 3 4 2
- I nt ro duction
- I n th e Strategic Policy Review of 1995, the Public Services Committee was requested to bring to the States -
" a s u s ta inable Island transport policy which must ensure inter alia the provision of a comprehensive Island-wide
public transport service and which will give higher priority to the interests of the pedestrian and cyclist".
- T h e World Commission on Environment and Development define sustainability as -
" d e v e lo pment that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs".
- T h e Committee considers that a sustainable transport policy should allow Islanders to go about their daily lives, travel to work and school, shop and enjoy leisure activities, operate their business yet ensure that the impact of making these journeys will not prejudice the economic development or quality of life of those who inherit the Island. Such a policy would aim to introduce a set of measures which will reduce the impact ofIslanders' chosen modes of travel on the environment without limiting their opportunities.
- T h e main aim of any sustainable traffic and transportation policy, therefore, will beto -
en co ur a ge improvements in the transport network which will reduce the environmental impact of traffic.
- I n f o rming the strategy for a transportation policy, the Committee has given priority to -
m a in ta in in g a nd improving accessibility for all;
p ro m o tin g th e use of energy efficient modes of transport;
re d u c in g w h er e possible the environmental impact arising from the use and development of the transportation
p ro m o tin g th e highest possible standard of safety throughout the network;
as s i stin g e c o n omic development by permitting the effective movement of people and goods.
- I n a ddition, close attention has been paid to the States Strategic Objectives set out in "2000 & Beyond", in particular -
(I ) to re d u c e the consumption of non-renewable energy;
(I I ) to r e d u c e the detrimental impact of traffic on peoples lives;
(I I I) to lim it the use of resources through mechanisms which do not impose increased costs for those with
relatively low incomes;
(I V ) to lim it the impact of noise and other nuisances;
(V ) to e n s u r e compliance with international commitments;
(V I) to ra is e levels of environmental awareness and responsibility.
- M a n y measures have been considered and some are identified in this report. While some would like to see specific policy measures and targets as part of this policy document, the Committee doesnot consider this to be appropriate at this juncture as in many cases, it will befor other Committees and organisations to introduce measures and targets once the strategy and policies are adopted. Furthermore, funding for measures will have to be found from many sources and is likely to have a considerable effect on existing budgets and resources.
- Wh e n the strategy and supporting policies are adopted, States Committees, Parishes and other bodies will be expected to embrace the strategy and co-operate with the Committee in introducing appropriate instruments and targets. However, it is unrealistic to expect all measures, policy instruments and targets to be investigated and costed at this stage.
- A d o pting solution-specific objectives such as road-pricing or a new bus system preclude flexibility. Such "big- bang" proposals have not been discounted but it is clear that they would require considerable public support; support that, from investigation, is unlikely to be forthcoming. While certain solution-specific objectives such as introducing a light rail system, have been considered, the only measures identified in this report are those that -
(a ) w ill assist in monitoring the effects of the strategy and policies;
(b ) a re implicit in providing for a sustainable transport strategy, in the Island, over the short, medium and long
(c ) a r e national/international standards or targets.
- Sum m ary of proposals
- T o b e successful, a number of other States Committees and bodies must contribute to the policy. It will take some time, therefore, to assimilate the financial, social and environmental implications of the strategy for progressing such a policy. However, the Committee believes that the main elements of the strategy should be -
(a ) c omplete the St. Helier Ring Road proposals and introduce other traffic management measures to optimise
capacity, remove traffic from residential areas, improve conditions for pedestrians and cyclists and generally improve the environment, (promotes policy objectives I, II, III, IV and V);
(b ) e x tend Green Street car park and build car parks at Gas Place, Snow Hill and at a site in the north-west sector
of St. Helier , (promotes policy objectives I, II and IV);
(c ) p r ovide additional or alternative park and ride spaces, (promotes policy objectives I,II, III and IV);
(d ) e ventually, extend charging to all public parking areas and use the income from the recent increase in the
basic cost of parking to fund provision of additional spaces, (promotes policy objectives I, II, and IV);
(e ) p r omote the use of other forms of transport;
(f ) m aintain the existing bus services but promote their gradual expansion together with the implementation of
improvements such as provision of new buses, bus shelters, footways, publicity and targeted subsidies, (promotes policy objectives III and VI);
(g ) r e tain, improve and extend the School Bus Service, (promotes policy objective III and VI);
(h ) im prove facilities for cyclists and pedestrians Islandwide, (promotes policy objectives I, II, III and IV);
( i) im prove air quality by promoting the introduction of zero and low emission vehicles, increasing duty on
fossil fuels, introducing "Citydiesel" as the only diesel fuel and bringing in compulsory vehicle testing, (promotes policy objectives I, II, IV, V and VI);
(j ) m onitor the effectiveness of the proposals and, if necessary, review.
- I t w a s apparent when considering the traffic and transportation issues, in the Island, that several Committees, States Departments and other bodies have responsibilities or a major influence on traffic matters. The Committee would favour all traffic policy and related matters being administered by one Committee.
- B a c kg round
- T o d ate, the States have had a "laissez faire" approach to traffic and transportation policy. While the predictions and consequences of the effect of traffic growth were clearly and accurately put before the States, in the 70's and 80's, the options for restraint were rejected as being unnecessary and unacceptable. Some will say that an opportunity was missed to the detriment of the Island's quality of life and environment, while others will contend that restraint would have reduced the quality of life and freedom of choice.
- I n 1 9 92, the Policy and Resources Committee appointed Professor Gwilliam to carry out an independent review of Jersey's traffic and transport provision and to appraise the range of possible solutions to the identified problems. In
his study Professor Gwilliam identified three alternative strategies -
T h e C A R A C COMMODATION Strategy - a strategy for minimising congestion, given free use of the motor
car for all trip purposes;
T h e P U B L IC TRANSPORT Strategy - a strategy to reduce congestion below current levels by the
development of public transport;
T h e C O N T R O LLED COMMUTING Strategy - a strategy to minimise congestion by action on the journey to
- T h e States, in May 1994, approved the recommendation of the Public Services Committee of the day that a Controlled Commuting Strategy should be adopted for Jersey following which the Policy and Resources Committee Strategic Policy Review, in December 1995, charged the Public Services Committee with developing a sustainable transport policy.
- U n d er the presidency of Deputy Carter, the Public Services Committee published a discussion document, entitled "A Sustainable Transport Strategy". In that document, the Committee suggested various means of reducing dependence on the private motor car and favoured a package of measures including a radical revision of the public transport system subsidised by a 200 per cent increase in long-stay public parking charges and a 15 per cent increase in fuel costs.
- T h e document was widely publicised and produced a great deal of discussion. While a number of the Objectives and Targets were accepted by many, the mechanisms for implementing the strategy were not well received. The Finance and Economics Committee considered that the costs of the proposals had not been adequately determined. In view of the number of buses required, the likely usage, cost, emissions and effect on roads, the sustainability of the proposals was also questionable.
- Fo llo wing the last elections, when Islanders rejected Deputy Carter and his Committee's proposal, the States elected Senator Tomes to the Presidency of the Public Services Committee. Since taking office, the Committee has reviewed the traffic and transportation issues in the Island and concluded that a more pragmatic and publicly acceptable approach to a sustainable policy should be adopted.
- Pr o f essor Gwilliam's strategies focused on reducing congestion, particularly in the peak periods. A comprehensive strategy should cater for transportation needs and the effects thereof, throughout the day and seasons.
- H a v ing allowed car ownership to reach its current level, the States would have to take unacceptable draconian measures to persuade large numbers of Islanders to abandon car use in favour of public transport, in the short term.
- Fo r this most pragmatic of reasons, the Committee firmly believes that a controlled vehicle accommodation (transport diversification) strategy will produce the most practical option for sustainability, for the future of transport, in Jersey.
- A c ontrolled vehicle accommodation (transport diversification) strategy would allow people to use their chosen mode of transport, be that car, bus, bicycle, walking, etc. However, the States will promote measures that minimise the effect on the environment, including the provision of cycling facilities, better pedestrian facilities and improved facilities forbus users with the costs ofthese measures being met through the "polluter pays" principle.
- T h e Committee supports a comprehensive review of all fiscal measures relating to the ownership and use of motorised vehicles in support of the polluter pays principle.
- C ar o wnership and usage
- Fig u re 1 (page 40) shows the growth in vehicle registrations since 1990. Dispensing with Road Tax and merely registering vehicles has distorted the figures a little, however, it can beseen that car registrations are not increasing although the overall number of vehicle registrations has increased, (mainly vans and motorcycles). The numbers of hire cars being registered in the Island has reduced since 1990. This explains the fall in the number of cars registered.
- T h e 1996 Census established that there are 46,291 cars and vans owned by the 33,702 households, in the Island, an average of 1.37 cars/vans per household. 5872 households (17 per cent) did not have a car. 3673 of these households
are in the Parish of St. Helier. In a census in 1989, there were 42,395 cars/vans in the use of 30,967 households, an average of
1.37 cars/vans per household.
- T h e breakdown of households that donot have access to a car is as follows -
Table 1
Household type Number percentage of total
couple with children 270 0.8 single parent with children 370 1.1 couple 595 1.8 single person (not pensioner) 1656 4.9 single pensioner 2088 6.3
two or more pensioners 366 1.1 other 521 1.5
- I f a ll cars that are registered happened to be on the roads at the same time, there would be enough cars to occupy the full length of main roads in the Island. A more realistic measure is car usage. This can be measured by determining the number of journeys being made and/or fuel used.
- Fig u re 2 (page 41) shows the fuel used each year between 1992 and 1996. It can be seen that consumption increased between 1992 and 1994 but has decreased in the last two years. The comparison in fuel consumption since 1992 is as follows -
Table 2
Year percentage increase
in consumption 1992 0.5
1993 1.6
1994 2.3
1995 -0.5
1996 -1.9
- T h e s e increases and decreases compare favourably with the United Kingdom where consumption is increasing at an annual rate of2-5 per cent. In addition, energy consumption by transport in Jersey of28 per cent appears to be lower than the United Kingdom where, in 1995, 35 per cent of energy consumption was attributed to transport. Apart from advances in engine efficiency, the only direct meansof affecting fuel consumption, short of rationing, is by increasing the cost of fuel or re-introducing taxation based on the size or emission production of vehicles. Interestingly, the largest increase in consumption, in the Island, occurred in 1994, when there was a substantial increase in fuel costs following the abolition of motor tax at the end of 1993. This would indicate that motorists are fairly price insensitive and will accept significant increases in motoring costs rather than change their mode.
- Fig u re 3 (page 42) shows the total number of vehicles that have crossed the "screen line", a system of traffic counters that monitor trips continuously. The average week-day totals for the years 1992 to 1996 are shown. A study of the traffic flows shows that there is an average increase in traffic of just over 1.5 per cent each year. Growth over the winter months which would be attributable to the resident population is slightly lower at 1.26 per cent each year. Again, growth in traffic in the United Kingdom is twice this rate. It is interesting to note that this increase in traffic flow has occurred in a period when parking availability, in St. Helier , has decreased byover ten per cent.
- T h e Committee has considered options such as one-in-one-out but concluded that it is unlikely that such tactics would be acceptable or, more importantly, effective. It accepts that the useof pricing measures will havemore significant consequences on car usage (and possibly ownership) but that such measures are likely to have a greater influence on those Islanders with lower incomes. Other options such as rationing fuel while more equitable would be difficult to control and unlikely tobe acceptable.
- A lth ough certain options are unlikely to be suitable for Jersey, it would be wrong to reject such measures at this early stage. The Committee recognises that no one measure will produce the answer but that a blend of important and sometimes subtle changes, introduced over the short and medium terms, will provide the desired result.
- T h e Committee is of the opinion that there is unlikely to be any substantial increase in car ownership provided population levels remain stable. However, itis car usage which confronts a sustainable future, not car ownership. Introducing restricted parking or road pricing, will not necessarily reduce car usage, in fact it could generate more car usage. For example, limiting parking or increasing prices to prohibitive levels might encourage people to use
alternative modes but, in Jersey, with the short distances involved there is a strong possibility that spouses might drive their
partner to work and return home, picking them up again in the evening. This actually doubles car usage.
- T h e Committee considers that restricting car use is not a viable option. However, it would wish to promote choice and encourage residents and visitors to consider the environment when choosing the meansof making any trip. Means of promoting choice should include providing cycling facilities, residents' parking, better public transport, controlling parking and increasing fuel costs.
- I n particular, there should be a sustained publicity campaign to highlight the effects of excessive use ofmotor vehicles and promote environmental awareness. The campaign would focus on the need to think before using the car for every journey.
- L a r ge organisations such as States Departments, secondary schools and Highlands College, the Jersey Electricity Company and the Jersey Evening Post, should develop their own transport strategies and encourage car sharing, more effective use of existing transport and parking facilities, provision of works minibuses and incentives to walk or cycle.
- Fo r its part, the Public Services Department will establish a focus group to develop a green transport plan for the Department. This plan will cover transport of staff to and from work and day to day operations. A start has been made in the Engineering Directorate where a lease hire car has been replaced by an electrically assisted bicycle, providing a first year saving of £1000, never mind a reduction in emissions.
- A s indicated earlier in this section, there has been a considerable increase in the numbers of lorries and vansin the Island. Between 1990 and 1996 the number of lorries increased by76 per cent (1908 to 3363) and vans by 27 per cent (4980 to 6323). During the same period, the number of cars reduced by three per cent, albeit when hire cars are excluded there has been an increase of 5.7 per cent (50,854 to 53,752). While investigation is needed, there is concern that many of these lorries and vans do nothave suitable garaging facilities and that consequently, public areas, including roads and car parks, are being used to the detriment of the environment and quality of life of those residents nearby. Consideration should be given to ensuring that any prospective owner of a commercial vehicle has adequate parking facilities for that vehicle.
- I n e vitably the location and use of land influences the traffic generated by any developments on the land. While policies in respect of planning and useof land are a matter for the Planning and Environment Committee to determine, the Committee considers it important that the traffic implications ofall significant applications for development or change of use should be assessed. The Committee proposes, therefore, that the co-operation of the Planning and Environment Committee is sought and that early assessment of any significant traffic implications of proposed developments is undertaken in consultation with the Public Services Department's engineers, before development permission is granted.
- T h e Committee proposes that -
(i ) c o mmercial vehicles should not be registered unless adequate parking/storage facilities are available;
(ii ) a u tomatic traffic monitoring should be extended to provide a fuller picture of vehicle trips;
(ii i ) a p eriodic travel survey should be introduced which would determine more accurately the pattern of journeys
being undertaken in the Island and the effects of the traffic policy;
( iv ) in association with the Planning and Environment Committee, early assessment of any significant traffic
implications of proposed developments is undertaken, in consultation with the Public Services Department's engineers, before planning permission is granted;
(v ) la rge organisations are encouraged to introduce "green commuter" plans for their staff and green transport
policies for their operations;
(v i ) a blend of measures is introduced which promotes greater awareness of and accountability for Islanders'
chosen mode of travel and that enhances the attractiveness of less environmentally damaging modes;
(v ii ) th ere should be a sustained publicity campaign to highlight the effects of excessive use of motor vehicles and
promote greater environmental awareness.
- E nv ir onmental considerations Air quality
- E m is sions from traffic can be dangerous to health. The main objective is to achieve standards of air quality that will prevent damage to human health and the environment. A report produced for the South West Energy Group (SWEG) shows that the estimated health costs of the effect of air pollution caused by road traffic in Jersey, in 1990, was as follows -
Table 3
Fuel Health costs (£) Diesel 4 , 8 6 5,112 Leaded Petrol 1 3 , 823,330
Unleaded Petrol 1 , 4 5 7,417
Total 2 0 , 145,859
- Sin c e 1990, use of leaded petrol has reduced and unleaded increased which has resulted in a saving on notional health costsof £3.6 million, each year. Such figures demonstrate the significant savings to the community of promoting good air quality. (It is likely that the sale of leaded petrol will be banned in Europe within the next few years.)
- I n f o rmation on levels of air pollution, due to traffic, is limited. However, the information that is available shows that Jersey, generally, has good air quality. A particular black-spot is the Tunnel which has "Poor" air quality at certain times. This is a completely artificial environment which can be rectified by introducing forced ventilation.
- T h e other investigations which have been undertaken show that, at most of the sites tested, air quality falls within the World Health Organisation, Department of the Environment and European Commission guidelines. There is no room for complacency, however. In fact, a recent revision in the United KingdomAir Quality Standard for Nitrogen Dioxide, means that a further three sites now, at times, exceed the annual mean level standard for this gas. Nonetheless, for99 per cent of the time, air quality in the most heavily trafficked areas is well within international guidelines.
- I m p r ovements can and should be made particularly in respect of testing vehicles to control emissions as it has been shown by the Automobile Association that 50 per cent of carbon monoxide emissions comefrom the ten per cent of vehicles which have the most poorly adjusted engines. In Jersey, there are 22,000 vehicles registered that are more than ten years old running on engines considerably less fuel efficient and emitting greater levels of pollutants than more modern vehicles. In the near future it is likely that Jersey vehicles travelling within Europe will have to comply with certain emission standards.
- Wh ile introducing the infrastructure required for alternative fuels for general use is likely to be a lengthy and costly exercise, it would be possible for organisations with large fleets to switch to low or zero emission vehicles more readily. By offering incentives, these large organisations such as States Departments, the Parish ofSt. Helier, the Jersey Electricity Company, Jersey Gas, etc., could be encouraged to replace petrol or diesel driven vehicles with gas or electric vehicles.
- A m ore immediate improvement in air quality can be achieved by replacing current forms of diesel fuel with "Citydiesel". Diesel driven vehicles are responsible for most of the particulate matter emitted by vehicles. These small particles, which are also emitted by oil fired central heating systems and power stations, are known to cause serious health effects. "Citydiesel", a more refined fuel oil, can beused in all diesel driven engines but dramatically reduces the amount of harmful emissions. If "Citydiesel" was to be used, the notional saving on health costs, using the figure in Table 3, would be nearly £3 million per year.
- T h e Committee proposes that -
( i) in association with the Health and Social Services Committee, a programme of air quality monitoring is
introduced at representative sites, in the Island;
(ii ) a ll current and future air quality guidelines are met at the sites;
(ii i ) a fo rced ventilation system is provided in the Tunnel which will ensure that air quality guidelines are met;
(iv ) c o mpulsory vehicle testing is introduced which will seek to ensure that the engines in the Island's vehicles
operate efficiently;
(v ) in tr oduction of the use of zero or low emission vehicles is promoted; (v i ) " C itydiesel" is introduced as the only diesel fuel.
Noise emissions
- T h er e is no information available on the current levels of traffic noise nuisance experienced by residents. The World Health Organisation recognises noise as a health hazard and suggests that the desirable daytime outdoor levels should be less than 55 dBLAeq and should not exceed 65 dBLAeq. The European Community set targets for night-time exposure as -
6 5 d B L A e q sh ould not be exceeded;
ex p o su r e to le vels exceeding 65 dBLAeq should be phased out;
n o in c re a s e i n existing noise levels in areas where present levels are below 65 dBLAeq.
- D u e to the proximity of trafficked carriageways to the external walls of houses, in Jersey, these are extremely difficult targets to achieve, however, seeking to achieve these targets will bring about a significant improvement in the quality of life for residents, shoppers and workers alike.
- T h e authorities can play a major role in helping to reduce noise levels, but at a cost. Road surfaces should be well maintained and not generate noise. Certain surfaces, such as cobbles, may be aesthetically pleasing but they generate noise as do speed humps. Careful thought should be given to the proposed treatments in residential areas. Refuse lorries, delivery vehicles and buses currently propelled by noisy diesel engines could, in future be electrically or gas driven; this would make sense in terms of air pollution too. While checking that engines are properly tuned, compulsory vehicle testing could check that silencers are operating efficiently as well.
- I n th e absence of any other alternatives, consideration should be given to providing grants to householders to assist in providing suitable noise insulation where intrusion from traffic noise is recognised as affecting health.
- T h e Committee proposes that -
(i ) in association with the Health and Social Services Committee, a programme of noise monitoring is introduced
at representative sites;
(ii ) if necessary, steps are taken to ensure that, where possible, all current and future noise level guidelines are
met at the sites.
Traffic on residential roads
- A p olicy of reducing through traffic on residential roads dovetails with the Island Plan's EPIA strategy currently being followed, in St. Helier. It is recognised that some roads, not only in St. Helier but in other parts of the Island, are used by through traffic in an attempt to short-cut the main, recognised routes. Even some residents, who complain about traffic in their street, will think nothing of using a residential street elsewhere as their own rat-run. Invariably, this leads to drivers accelerating through these streets in an attempt to gain the most advantage. While the actual speed and volume of traffic tends not to be that high, it does alarm residents and intrudes on their quality of life. The problem is that much of this traffic will be displaced onto other roads, increasing the environmental impact for residents there.
- A s in all things, a balance must be struck. Certain roads will have to remain as the primary routes or local distributors. While the total amount of traffic is likely to increase on these roads, it will be dispersed. In addition, the other measures in respect of noise and air quality, which would apply to the Ring Road and other primary routes as well as minor roads, should minimise the impact of any additional traffic on these roads. It is essential that the remainder of the Ring Road is completed and there will be a need to manage traffic, including the introduction of peak hour clearways and more rigorous enforcement, to optimise capacity of the Ring Road and main distributors.
- Wh ile all residents would like their road to have less traffic, it should be done on a priority basis. Certain yardsticks will have to be adopted to ensure that traffic nuisance is dealt with on an equitable basis and not on who shouts the loudest.
- T h e Committee proposes that -
(i ) th ose roads within the network which must be retained as primary routes and local distributors are identified;
(ii ) th ose roads which are not primary routes or local distributors that carry more than 1000 vehicles per day are
identified with a view to introducing traffic management measures that will reduce the volume of traffic and, if necessary, regulate speeds on these roads;
( ii i) th e Ring Road proposals are completed and further traffic management measures introduced to optimise
capacity of the primary routes;
(iv ) m easures are taken, such as the provision of noise insulation grants, to reduce the impact to residents of
additional traffic levels on the primary routes and local distributors.
Road safety
- A major factor in environmental impact is road safety. As a result of road improvements, traffic management, better pedestrian facilities, drink-driving legislation and targeted enforcement, the trend in the numbers of accidents and casualties is reducing year on year. Compared to elsewhere in Europe, Jersey's casualty rate is at the low end of the scale. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that accidents cost a considerable amount of money. In 1996, the cost of an injury accident to the community, as assessed by the Department of Transport, was as follows -
Table 4
Type of accident Cost of accident (£) |
Fatal 9 1 3 ,1 40 Serious 1 0 8 ,0 80 Slight 1 0 ,6 3 0 Average 5 5 ,6 5 0 |
- In ju ry accidents are 40 per cent fewer now than in the 80's saving the community £16 million each year. Nonetheless, accidents cost the community in Jersey over £22 million in 1996, approximately £270 for every inhabitant. Providing a pedestrian crossing costs in the region of £10,000. Although the evaluation is considerably more complex, in simple terms, if provision of a crossing is likely to save one slight injury accident each year, then the crossing will pay for itself in its second year in operation. Similarly, a junction at St. Peter that had been the site of three fatalities, was improved for a cost of £70,000. Notionally, this improvement has saved the Island £250,000 each year since it was completed five years ago.
- T h e Committee proposes that -
(i ) e x isting and potential accident problems are identified and, if cost effective, appropriate remedial measures
Pedestrians and cyclists
- I t i s not enough to tell people they are safe, they must feel safe. While measures to reduce through traffic will increase safety in residential streets, it is important to ensure that there are safe pedestrian and cycling routes across the primary and local distributor roads. Access to the main shopping areas, on foot orby cycle should be by means of recognised, safe routes. Drivers of vehicles within residential or main shopping areas should understand that they are welcome only if they drive at low speeds and with the safety of other road-users uppermost.
- Wh ere possible, more pedestrian priority areas should be created, particularly where high numbers of pedestrians are competing for space with on-street parking and non-essential vehicles. Such areas would include Charing Cross/Sand Street/York Street, Broad Street and Colomberie where existing narrow footways would be widened, removing on-street parking but allowing essential loading/unloading, possibly at restricted times.
- R e c ent research carried outfor the Department of Environment has shown that of those prepared to travel by means other than car, two-thirds would choose to walkor cycle while one-third would use public transport.
- A s afe Island-wide network of routes for cyclists, walkers, etc., should be established. The Tourism Committee with the help of the Public Services Department and Sustrans, the charity behind the National Cycle Network in the United Kingdom, has initiated the introduction of a network which could be used by visitors to explore the Island and reach the main tourist attractions, by bicycle. The network, which includes the Railway Walk and green lanes, will be funded by the Tourism Investment fund and is planned to be in full operation within two years.
- T h is network should be expanded so that there are safe routes for children to cycle or walk to school and for commuters to cycle or walk to work. Other areas with similar terrain and climate to Jersey have had significant success in promoting cycling and walking as main means of transport. There is no reason why a similar level of success should not be achieved in Jersey. Apart from the benefits in terms of traffic, there are substantial benefits to the general health of those who walk and cycle as well as more independence to those of school age. It is vital, however, that good facilities are provided or accidents will increase.
- T h e Committee is aware of concerns about some cyclists who ride irresponsibly and jeopardise the safety of pedestrians and other cyclists. To provide a meansof identification, promote safety and responsible behaviour by all, the Committee would support the introduction of a cycle registration scheme.
- T h e Committee proposes that -
(i ) a s ystem of recognised safe routes for pedestrians and cyclists is introduced, throughout the Town area; (ii ) a n Island-wide network of safe routes for walkers and cyclists is introduced;
(ii i ) a s ystem of monitoring journeys on foot and by cycle is introduced;
(iv ) fu r ther pedestrian priority areas are introduced.
- P a r ki ng
- C o m muters: Most of the vehicles travelling to St. Helier, during the morning peak period, are travelling to a parking place. Within the Ring Road, there are 3200 public car parking spaces, 6500 private non-residential spaces (a recent survey has shown that the number of private spaces has reduced since 1991) and 3600 residential spaces. Surveys have shown that during the morning peak period, only about 1400 (15 per cent) of 9400 drivers entering St. Helier, park in public car parks, the remainder park in private car parks. Similarly, 55 per cent of drivers pay nothing to park and, at the time of the survey, 88 per cent paid less than the costof a return fare on the bus. A Stated Preference Survey has shown that persuading commuters to abandon their cars is going to be an extremely difficult task without introducing draconian measures. Concentrating these measures on public car parks will only affect a small proportion of commuters and have a small effect on peak traffic levels as has been demonstrated by the recent increase in parking charges.
- R es id ents: The census has shown that there are just under 12,000 residents' cars parked overnight in the Parish of St. Helier. About 9500of these vehicles are parked in private spaces while 1500 use public car parks and 1000 park on street. A number of Town residents who park in these time restricted public areas overnight, move their cars each morning, possibly unnecessarily, and return them at night. While a recent survey has shown that the number of residents whomove their cars is likely to be less than 500, throughout St. Helier, introducing an effective residents' parking scheme will eliminate the necessity to move these vehicles. There is insufficient, legal on-street parking to meet the demands of residents. If this demand is to be met, it will be necessary, therefore, to incorporate public (or possibly private) car parks into any residents' parking scheme.
- Sh o p pers: Research carried out elsewhere has established that shoppers need to park within 400 yards of their shopping destination. If such facilities are not provided, the shopper will choose to go elsewhere. In this respect, Jersey is no different. Queues often form outside Sand Street and Minden Place car parks and many drivers "hunt" for on street parking adding to congestion and pollution. The Centre Ville Group has identified parking for shoppers as being extremely important. There is evidence that commuters are overflowing into the short stay car parks. This was causing problems, in January 1997, when a parking survey took place and was even worse during the visitor season.
- C a r parks: Currently, there are over800 fewer public parking spaces available than were available in 1992. The States have, on a number of occasions, approved the principle of the provision of further multi-storey car parks at Oxford Road and Green Street. If constructed in a traditional form, these car parks would provide a further 800 or so spaces at a cost of £17.6 million. (To provide an underground car park, inGas Place, with a park above, has been estimated to cost £26 millionon its own). In addition, the area at Snow Hill would lend itself to providing a small multi-storey car park for shoppers when developed as an urban park. While provision of a residents' parking scheme is desirable, there is a dearth of available spaces in the north-west sector ofTown which might warrant provision of a number of small car parks or one medium-sized car park, primarily for residents' use.
- Pa r k and ride: The facility at La Collette was well used and liked. Many people support park and ride as the way forward. The former facility has been reduced due to pressure for space and development in the La Collette area. However, it would be possible to construct a utilitarian two-storey facility which would replace those spaces lost and which would offer flexibility for future development in the area. Many see park and ride as a useful tool in any traffic and transportation strategy and, subject to finding suitable sites, it could prove beneficial in Jersey. However, the Committee has been unable to identify any available sites which can be used for extended periods.
- Wh ile provision of additional parking could initially be seen as accommodating the car and being unsustainable it is important to recognise that public car parks are a vital tool in implementing any transportation strategy. By careful separation of the function of parking places, the needs of shoppers, residents, business, visitors and commuters can be addressed in a structured manner.
- A t p resent, there is evidence that there is a dearth of public parking at various times throughout the day which leads to a considerable amount of illegal parking and unnecessary traffic movements and congestion. The parking survey carried out in January 1997, confirmed that the public car parks were completely saturated and that over 30 per cent and 40 per cent of motorists parking at Sand Street and Minden Place, respectively, were parking to go to work rather than shop. Similarly, two-thirdsof those parking on-street were parked illegally, either showing an incorrect scratchcard or waiting on a yellow line.
- I n th e short term, additional off-street spaces would reduce illegal parking, hunting forspaces and some peak hour congestion. This will provide an immediate improvement in the Town environment. It would also allow the removal of on-street parking thus providing space for cycle lanes and wider footways with the consequential benefits to cyclists and pedestrians.
- In th e medium to long term, it could reduce the parking requirements for office developments and housing developments, in Town, encouraging workers and residents to park in the public car parks. If those vacant sites, in Town, currently used for private parking, were to be developed for residential use, in tandem, the opportunity to influence the future travel decisions of Islanders would be significant.
- Wh ile creating these additional off-street spaces, the opportunity would be taken to give better provision for those with mobility problems. More parking spaces for the disabled, promotion of a "Shopmobility" scheme and widened footways would improve accessibility to the Town and its facilities.
- Pr e vious Committees were prevented from increasing the basic parking charges in line with the cost of living. This has contributed to the current poor state of some of the car parks and the public outcry when new charges were announced. However, the Committee proposes eventually to extend charging to all public parking areas and to maintain charges at a level which reflects the service provided. The extra income from public parking areas will be used to pay for the construction of new car parks and the maintenance of existing facilities. Subject to changes in the law, in the longer term, the income generated would be used to maintain existing and future infrastructure, environment and transport needs, be that public transport, cycle routes, alternative fuels, etc.
- U n less the States agree to all of the income from public car parks or some of the income currently gathered from road users in the formof fuel duty being re-allocated to the Committee, it is inevitable that parking charges will rise further to pay for improvements to the transport network.
- A Car Park Trading Fund has been established with the assistance of the Finance and Economics Committee, however, it is only part funded by parking charges with the net income from the original 20p per hour charge being transferred to States' General Revenues.
- T h e Committee proposes that -
(i ) a ll net income from public parking should be available to fund the provision of public parking facilities and
other traffic measures;
( ii ) fu ture charging policy should be based on providing an appropriate rate of return on investments to the
( ii i) p a rking areas should be managed to promote more effective use of the facilities, discourage unnecessary
movement of traffic and reduce congestion;
(iv ) a d ditional off-street parking spaces are provided by extending Green Street Car Park and building car parks
at gas Place, Snow Hill and at a site in the north-west sector of St. Helier ;
(v ) a d ditional park and ride schemes are provided.
- P u blic transport
Bus services
- A c onsiderable amount of time has been devoted to investigating the public transport issue. In respect of commuting, just under four per cent of vehicle borne commuters use the bus. Over 40 per cent of bus passengers are pensioners or students. Clearly, the present bus system is not an acceptable alternative to the majority of Islanders, in fact, rightly orwrongly it is looked upon as an inferior form of travel.
- T h e Committee has considered whether this is the fault of the bus system or whether the Island gets the bus service it deserves. The facts are that the existing service is reliable and has a good record of turning upon time. Certain parts of the Island, in particular, the Airport, Red Houses, St Aubin in the west, Gorey in the east, Maufant and Le Squez, have regular services (every 20 minutes) which run from 7am to 11pm. Buses can be as frequent as every two or three minutes along St. Aubin's Road.
- C o m pared to parking, however, the bus is expensive. Furthermore, Islanders value their time highly and donot like being tied to time-tables or waiting (whether it be for a bus or sitting in a traffic queue). There are, however, a number of residents who do not have access to a car or other forms of transport. The 1996 census identified that 5872 households (17.4 per cent) did nothave a car (see Table 1, page 12). 3673 of these households were in the Parish of St. Helier .
- R e c e nt traffic surveys show that there are approximately 13,500 journeys into St. Helier in the morning peak which break down as follows -
Car/Motorcycle 11,650 86% Bus 500 4%
School bus 900 7% Cycle 450 3%
- A lth ough it is difficult to make a direct comparison, the 1974 "red book" survey indicated that the breakdown was -
Car/Motorcycle 90% Bus 7%
Cycle 3%
- I t c a n be seen, therefore, that modal choice has changed a little and that it would seem that the main change has been the switch from bus and car to school bus. Overall, however, the vast majority of vehicular journeys are made by car.
- M a n y people say that they would use the bus if there was a good service. The Committee has been advised and surveys have confirmed, that any bus service must be -
fr e q u e n t, p u n c tu a l, cl e a n ,
n o t c ro w d e d ,
re a d ily a cc e s s ible, (within about five minutes' walk of home), n ea r ly a s q u ic k as the car,
an d
ch e a p e r t h a n u sing a car.
- Fo r th e first time in many years, the recent increase in public parking charges has made the cost of parking all day, in Town, higher than the cost of a return fare on the bus. However, it remains cheaper for two people to share the parking charge than to travel by bus. Similarly, a person on a shopping trip parking for two or three hours will still find parking cheaper than travelling by bus.
- T h e scheme favoured by the previous Committee consisted of a high frequency bus service based on main routes operating to the parishes, from St. Helier , and mini-buses operating within each parish, delivering passengers to and picking them up from the main bus stops. On the basis of a ten minute frequency, it was assessed that 500 or so cars would be removed from the roads in the peak period.
- I n 1 996, the annual costs of providing such a service, excluding the capital cost of new buses were estimated to be in the order of £7.5 million. If all passengers paid full fare, this would produce an income of around £2.5 million, leaving a shortfall of £5 million. If the service was to run until 11.00pm, rather than 7.30pm, the costs would increase to £9 million per annum.
- Wh ile it is true that the necessary funds could be generated from increased revenues from fuel tax or parking charges, the level of investment and support required does not appear justified. Furthermore, while the system would offer an improvement on the present service, for Islanders, it does not address the needs of visitors who basically provide the income to maintain the current JMT routes. Roadworks costs are likely to increase rather than decrease with this improved service. Roads will have to be widened, footways provided and maintenance levels increased to accommodate the additional punishment inflicted on roads by significantly more heavy vehicles and many more pedestrians walking to and frombus stops.
- So m e have argued that smaller buses should be used. However, the demands of the visitors, who subsidise the current bus routes, require a minimum number of seats. Many more smaller buses and drivers would be needed to
meet the demand, increasing the costs and reducing the sustainability of the present system.
- Su b ject to resources being available, areas which should be investigated, using smaller buses, is the introduction of a hop-on/hop-off Town centre service and a dial-a-ride service for those with special needs. A recent survey carried out on behalf of Health and Social Services identified that over 30 per cent of respondents would be unable to walk to a bus stop. Such persons would find it virtually impossible to use a normal bus service no matter how frequent or accessible the vehicle. The only suitable public transport system to meet the needs of those with a mobility problem would be a tailored service of the dial-a-ride or taxi form.
- T h e States already support the JMT by providing free and heavily subsidised fares to 10,000 pensioners and 1500 students. Other cost effective support to the JMT(or similar organisations), including targeted subsidies (such as shoppers' fares) and measures such as provision of bus shelters, footways, travel information and favoured access should be investigated.
- I t doesnot appear appropriate, therefore, to change the present bus system radically. A more gradual change reacting to the needs of the travelling public supported by increased publicity and promotion of the routes already well served seems more suitable.
Light rail
- T h e viability of a "rapid transit system", as suggested by Professor Gwilliam, has been investigated, however, these investigations have concluded that there would be limited support from the public, in a light rail transit system from the west. Furthermore, it was shown that introducing such a system would only reduce peak hour traffic by two per cent at Beaumont, cost £50 million to build and need a subsidy of £0.3 million per year. This together with the environmental aspects and the lack of penetration into the Town should discount light rail as an option for Jersey.
School buses
- C o ntrary to impressions, the school bus service is extremely well used, particularly by the non-fee paying sector. As yet, the service doesnot serve all secondary schools and the current network has suffered from a lackof active management as the resources have never been made available to monitor and manage the system. At present, there are routes in operation that can mean some pupils spending up to two and a half hours each day travelling on the bus.
- I t h as been claimed that providing a comprehensive school bus service will reduce congestion as large numbers of children who currently travel in their parents' cars would use the bus. This perception is based on the difference in traffic levels between school and non-school days. However, surveys have shown that most students are transported in cars by parents who then carry on to a workplace, in Town.Onnon-school days, most ofthese parents still drive to Town, however, they donot drive to the vicinity of schools. It would seem, therefore, that the most significant difference in traffic levels on the routes into St. Helier results from the 1100 or so teaching staff who travel to work by car, on school days.
- I t is important, however, that the school bus service is maintained and expanded to include all secondary schools. Furthermore, the system should be reviewed with appropriate measures introduced to determine its effectiveness and value for money, in other words, its sustainability. This will require additional resources both in terms of money and manpower.
- I t s hould be remembered that it is the Island's young people who will inherit the Island. As yet, they are not caught up in the car culture. By offering a good bus service or better cycling facilities they may choose to continue using these modes when they reach driving age, particularly if it means that they can use their hard earned cash for things other than petrol, parking and insurance. There might also be a major benefit to road safety as the accident statistics show that young drivers are more likely to have road traffic accidents. The whole matter of transport to school should be investigated.
- T h e Public Services Department has started a review of the existing school bus system and expects to inaugurate improvements to the current service in the next school year.
Taxis and cabs
- T a x is and cabs have an important role in any transport policy, particularly with the recently introduced Mobility Allowance. In 1995, the States approved the form the future taxi and cab industry should take and new Regulations
should be introduced later this year. These new Regulations will provide the basis for an improved and more efficient service.
- I t w ill be important to ensure that sufficient resources are available to monitor and police the new Regulations and to promote further improvements.
- T h e Committee is also of the opinion that there could be significant improvements in the level of service to the public, benefits to operators and greater fuel efficiency by introducing computerised booking, global positioning and other technological advances. Taxi and cab operators should be encouraged to form co-operatives which will introduce and support such advances.
- T h e Committee considers that a comprehensive Island-wide public transport service is already operating. Whether the travelling public is fully aware of the current services available is debatable.
- T h e Committee proposes that -
(i ) th e existing bus services are retained but steps taken to encourage greater use and their gradual expansion,
( ii ) th e School Bus service is retained, expanded to include all secondary schools and resources provided to
improve its effectiveness,
(ii i ) ste ps are taken to promote a more efficient taxi and cab industry.
- R es o ur ces
8.1 I n e v itably, there will be resource implications to realise the strategy, as indicated in Table 5 (pages 36, 37, 38 and
39). The resources required will be financial and human although it is expected that the various operations will mostly be self-financing or supported from income generated by the road-user.
- F u ndi ng
- A n y Transport Strategy will require funding. The previous Committee suggested several novel means of raising funds such as road pricing and private parking levies particularly as these methods would affect all motorists and not just those using public car parks. While nomeansof raising funds should be discounted entirely, clearly, it would be necessary to have the legal powers to charge levies and the technology to charge for using roads. The Committee supports a review of all fiscal measures which will bring about a more equitable approach to charging motorists. Meantime, the only real options currently available are increasing fuel tax, introducing other straightforward taxes such as a car tax or using public parking charges.
- I n c re asing fuel tax or re-introducing motor tax would ensure that all motorists contribute to improvements in the transport network. A 10p increase in the cost of petrol or diesel would generate something in the order of£5 million per annum. Setting road tax, based on vehicle emissions, at an average charge of £50 per year would generate in the order of £4 million per annum until such time as Islanders switch to low emission vehicles. Such sums should be more than enough to finance gathering the tax and provide funds to pump-prime initiatives such as promoting low emission vehicles, grants for soundproofing and the costs of introducing annual testing. In view of the fact that motor taxation has only recently been abolished, the effect ofsuch a taxon those on low incomes and the resources which would be required to re-introduce the tax, the Committee does not favour this means of funding.
- D e sp ite the recent changes in parking fees, many public parking places have no charges, be they car parks or on- street. Similarly, there isno charge for parking overnight in any public facility. Where there is a charge for parking, these charges remain low and cost no more, in real terms, than they did ten years ago. There is also the opportunity to charge premium rates for certain car parks at certain times. The menu of charging mechanisms can be extensive and targeted, if this is considered appropriate. Obviously, only those who use public parking facilities will be directly affected by the changes in charging policy.
- T h e new charges of 35 pence per hour and £58 per month will generate funds, for the States, in the order of £3.5 million. Recently, the Finance and Economics Committee has indicated that all of the income from car parks might be made available to the Public Services Committee to fund improvements in car parking. If such proposals materialise, £1.5 million which currently is returned to General Revenue would be available for investment in facilities.
- T h is move is welcomed; however, the Committee recognises that the States should obtain a return on its
investments and assets and suggests that any excess profits are returned to the General Revenue.
- T h e Committee proposes that -
( i) th e Trading Fund established to fund the provision of public parking facilities is operated on a proper
business basis, with only excess "profits" being transferred to General Revenue;
(ii ) th e Trading Fund is extended to allow other traffic measures to be financed from it;
(ii i ) p e trol and diesel duty is increased to generate additional general revenues, a reasonable proportion of which
is transferred into the Trading Fund to finance measures that promote environmental improvements;
(iv ) fu ture facilities and infrastructure primarily catering for personal transport that creates emissions should be
financed from the Trading Fund.
Table 5
Proposal Resource Requirement Comment
Traffic Additional specialist In addition to the capital Monitoring equipment installed on- cost of installing the
street (£10k). Analysis and equipment, there will be Reporting would be a small annual
carried out by existing Psd maintenance cost.
Periodic travel To be assessed. Specialist survey carried survey out by experienced
Proposal | Resource Requirement | Comment |
Air Quality Monitoring | To be assessed but probably in the order of £100k/annum. | Specialist equipment installed on-street. Analysis and reporting to be carried out by the appropriate department. |
Ventilation in Tunnel | £80k. | Relatively small on- going maintenance cost. |
Compulsory Vehicle Testing | To be assessed. | Testing would be carried out by approved garages. |
Encourage use of low emission vehicles | Grants to those who wish to switch to zero or low emission vehicles. To be assessed. Staff to administer. | Targeted at high usage vehicles such as refuse vehicles, taxis, buses, etc. |
Noise Monitoring | To be assessed but probably in the order of £50k/annum. | Specialist equipment installed on-street. Analysis and Reporting to be carried out by the appropriate department. |
Noise Insulation | Grants to householders. Staff to assess and administer. | Guidelines available from United Kingdom. |
Proposal | Resource Requirement | Comment |
Assessment of traffic levels in residential roads | Existing resources would carry out assessments when time permits. | Specialist consultants could be used to accelerate programme of identification at a cost. |
Traffic management measures | From existing budgets supplemented by income from trading fund. | Implemented when cost effective - additional staff resources required to accelerate programme. |
Routes for pedestrians and cyclists | From existing budgets supplemented by income from trading fund or fuel duty. | Additional staff resources required to accelerate programme. |
Monitoring journeys on foot and by cycle | Seasonal survey staff, £10k/annum. Analysis by Psd staff. | Could be assessed from periodic travel survey with additional manual counts. |
Pedestrian Priority Areas | Existing budgets. | Targeting of existing capital and revenue budgets. |
Accident problem areas | Existing budgets. | Where cost effective. |
Trading Fund | Existing budgets. |
Proposal Resource Requirement Comment
Car parks and £3.6M initially for Green Private financed. Repaid other traffic Street extension. from Trading Fund. measures
Encourage To be assessed. Funded initially from expansion and general revenues and greater use of bus eventually by Trading system Fund.
Review of £20K. Specialist consultants but present School economies should
Bus Service provide pay-back.
Expand School £350K/annum. Resources required to Bus Service £10K/annum for system actively manage the
management. existing and expanded system (part-time).
Taxi and cab To be assessed. Resources required for industry enforcement of
Regulations and Code of Conduct.