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Lodged au Greffe on 9th October 2001 by Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour
180 2 0 0 1 P . 1 4 8
Price code: B
THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion -
to refer to their Act dated 3rd July 2001 in which they agreed, in accordance with Article 36B of the States of Jersey Law 1966, as amended, that a Committee of Inquiry should be appointed to investigate fully the circumstances through which Mr. Roger Holland was elected and remained a member of the Honorary Police of St. Helier and the current procedures that are in place for the election of persons as members of the Honorary Police, and -
(a ) to appoint the following persons as members of the Committee of Inquiry -
(i ) M r . R ic hard Povey (President)
(ii ) M r . G e o ffrey Henry Charles Coppock
(ii i ) M r s . M arie-Louise Backhurst.
(b ) to agree, in accordance with Article 36B(2) of the States of Jersey Law 1966, as amended -
(i ) th a t M r Geoffrey Henry Charles Coppock shall, if required, preside in the absence of the President; and (ii ) th a t th e quorum of the Committee shall be two.
Notes: 1. T h e Finance and Economics Committee's comments are to follow. 2 . T h e Human Resources Committee's comments are to follow.
On 3rd July 2001 the States adopted a proposition in the following terms - THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion -
in a c c o rdance with Article 36B of the States of Jersey Law 1966, as amended, to approve the appointment of a
Committee of Inquiry to investigate fully -
(a ) th e circumstances through which Mr. Roger Holland was elected and remained a member of the Honorary
Police of St. Helier ;
(b ) th e current procedures that are in place for the election of persons as members of the Honorary Police; an d to r eport back to the States with such recommendations as the Committee considers to be appropriate.
I am now asking the States to approve the appointment of the following three persons as members of the Committee of Inquiry -
Mr. R. Povey (President) Mr. G.H.C. Coppock Mrs. M-L Backhurst
I attach a brief C.V. for each of the nominees. Financial and manpower statement
Article 36K of the States of Jersey Law 1966, as amended, provides that the Finance and Economics Committee may direct what expenses may be incurred by a Committee of Inquiry. Although it is difficult to estimate accurately the exact amount that will be required, I believe that a budget of approximately £50,000 should be made available to this Committee of Inquiry to cover expenses and legal fees. Article 36I(5) of the Law enables the Greffier of the States to appoint a secretary to a Committee of Inquiry and it is clear that this Committee will require that executive support to enable it to undertake its work effectively.
C.V.s of proposed members
Mr. Richard Povey (proposed as President)
Date of birth: 1 1 .5.1943
Education: M . A . Mathematics, Keble College, Oxford
D ip lo m a in M a n a gement Studies, Polytechnic of Central London Previous positions:
1965-1972: O il B u yer, Shell International
1972-1975: Fu n d M anager, Morgan Grenfell & Co. Ltd.
1975-1979: G e n e ra l Manager, Oil & Gold, P & O
1987-1996: V a r io u s positions, Swire Group, Far East
G e n e r al M a n a g e r , Industries Division
M a n a g in g D ir e c to r, Swire Engineering
M a n a g in g D ir e c to r, Swire Trading Offshore
1998-Present: V a rious Board positions
N o n - E x e c u tiv e D irector, Banner Telecom
N o n - E x e c u tiv e D irector, Applied Optical Technologies
N o n - E x e c u tiv e D irector, Govett Asian Smaller Cos. Investment Trust Ltd. N o n - E x e c u tiv e D irector - Govett Singapore Growth Fund Ltd.
N o n - E x e c u tiv e D irector, Europower plc.
C h a ir m a n , B e ta V ietnam Fund Ltd.
Mr. Geoffrey Coppock (proposed as member)
Date of birth: 6 .2 .1940
Education: M . A . Law, Peterhouse College, Cambridge C a lle d to th e B a r (Middle Temple) Previous positions:
1963: T r a in e e L a w Draftsman, States Greffe
1967: A ss is ta n t L a w Draftsman
1971: D ep u ty L a w Draftsman
1991: L a w D ra f ts m an
1992-2000: G r e ff ie r of the States
Membership of Justice
Associate Member of the British and Irish Ombudsman Association
Mrs. Marie-Louise Backhurst (proposed as member)
Education: B .A . (History), Open University
Co-Founder: C .I . Family History Society - First President
Previous positions:
1995-1998: Pr e s id ent, Société Jersiaise
2001-Present Pr e sident, Amitiés Franco-Brittanique de Jersey
M e m b e r, Sta te s Committee on States members' pay
Sta te s C o m m it te e o n p o p u l atio n policy
C o m m i tte e o f J e r se y Fa m il y N ursing and Home Care Inc. C e n tr e v il le Wo r k in g G r o u p
C o - e d ito r Fo r th c oming book on St. Brelade in the 20th century.