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Hotel Cristina, Mont Felard, St. Lawrence - development in the Green Zone

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Lodged au Greffe on 23rd October 2001 by the Planning and Environment Committee




180             2 0 0 1   P . 1 6 1          

Price code: B


THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion -

  to su p p ort the intention of the Planning and Environment Committee to grant planning permission to Hotel Cristina

Ltd. for the construction of six self-catering apartments on land to the east of the existing hotel (as shown on Drawing No. 663/1), the land being situated within an area designated as Green Zone on the Island Map, as amended 1-87.



The site is in a garden area to the east of the existing Hotel Cristina, elevated on the escarpment overlooking Millbrook and St.  Aubin's Bay beyond. The site is accessed via Mont Félard.

The proposal comprises six two-bedroomed self-catering apartments, each having approximately 60 square metres (645 square feet) of floorspace. The building would be three storeys with two apartments on each floor. The total height of the building from the proposed ground level would be 11.8 metres (38.5 feet).

The reason the Committee is prepared to make this exception is because the proposal will benefit the tourism industry which has seen a steady decline in the number of hotels and guest houses. This proposal will help to redress the balance.

The proposed development is exactly the type of accommodation supported in Jersey Tourism's recent Strategy. Moreover, the Committee was mindful of the States' support for an exception to its Green Zone policies for a larger development in the Green Zone on the site of La Rocco Apartments, St. Brelade, again permitted because of the benefit to the tourism industry.

It is clear, by virtue of its elevated position and its size and scale, that the proposed building will be visible from lower ground to the south. However, the site is surrounded by existing buildings and, as such, it is considered that it would not be unduly prominent in its setting, nor prejudicial to the amenities currently enjoyed by adjoining residential properties. The contemporary design proposed is considered to be appropriate.

The Public Services Department and the Parish of St.  Lawrence express reservations with regard to access. The Committee have taken this into account and have requested that improvements are carried out to the access onto Mont Félard. The improvements include -

re m oval of the railings to roadside wall;

re lo cation of the hotel sign;

re d uction in the level of the driveway and wall.

These improvements are principally designed to improve drivers' visibility down Mont Félard and therefore improve highway safety. Whilst this does not meet the Highway Authority's adopted standards, the Committee consider that these improvements to an existing access will be acceptable, especially because they will also benefit the existing hotel, which has 125 bedspaces and three self-catering bedspaces, and the four other large detached houses, which rely on this access. The improvements secured as part of this development would therefore be a significant planning gain.

The applicant has also assured the Committee that other measures will be taken to either reduce the number of cars using the site or further improve highway safety. These include -

th e operation of a courtesy bus which runs four times a day;

th e assurance that no functions (i.e. weddings, etc.) will be held at the hotel;

in s tructions to guests and tradesmen to enter and exit the driveway via the north;

th e installation of mirrors on Mont Félard to assist vehicles exiting the site.

The applicant also advises that it his intention to amalgamate individual hotel rooms into family suites and this would further reduce the generation of traffic onto and off the site.

On the balance of these considerations the Committee consider that the need to support the tourism industry on this existing tourism site outweighs the need to protect this part of the Green Zone. For this reason the Committee seeks the States' support in making an exception to the Green Zone in this case.

There are no manpower or financial implications for the States arising from this proposed development.