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Lodged au Greffe on 13th February 2001 by the Policy and Resources Committee
180 2 0 0 1 P . 2 6
Price code: A
THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion -
to r ef e r to the Report of the Review Panel on the Machinery of Government in Jersey which was presented to the
States on 16th January 2001 by the Policy and Resources Committee, and to agree that the wording of the question to be asked on a Response Card to be sent to all electors on the current electoral registers should be as follows -
" D o y o u su p p ort in principle the package of reforms contained in the Report of the Clothier Review Panel on
the machinery of government in Jersey?"
Note: T he comments of the Finance and Economics Committee are to follow.
A Review of the machinery of government was commissioned by the States following the adoption on 2nd March 1999 of a proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee, as amended, relating to the terms of reference and membership of the Review Panel.
The Report of the Clothier Review Panel on the Machinery of Government in Jersey has made a number of recommendations which together represent a package' of measures to reform Jersey's system of government.
The Policy and Resources Committee, the terms of reference of which include -
" to in itia te the examination of, or to require other Committees to examine, particular issues where -
I th e issue falls within the area of responsibility of more than one Committee;
II th e issue does not fall within the area of responsibility of any particular Committee;
II I o therwise, the Committee believes that issues need to be examined;
an d , w h ere necessary, to present a report and proposition to the States."
has developed a timetable for the consultation activities following the publication of the Review Panel's Report. During this work, it became apparent that it would be desirable, in addition to the public meetings which will be held, for the views of the public on the Panel's Report to be gauged by means of a Response Card' to be sent to all electors on the current electoral register of each parish. Rather than ask a number of inter-related questions, the Committee has decided to recommend that a single question should be asked which is intended to obtain an indication of support or otherwise for the main thrust of the Panel's recommendations, which is the exchange of the Committee structure for a Ministerial structure with scrutinising bodies.
Secondary issues, such as the question of an Island-wide mandate, titles of States members, period of office etc., will be dealt with by normal States debate and decision, with the benefit of information arising from the consultation process.
The adoption of this proposition will not have any manpower implications and is not anticipated to cost more than £15,000.