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Jersey Mineral Strategy 2000 - 2020

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JERSEY MINERAL STRATEGY 2000 - 2020 _______________

Lodged au Greffe on 27th March 2001

by the Planning and Environment Committee




180             2 0 0 1    P . 5 1          

Price code: A


THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion -

to r e c e ive the report of the Planning and Environment Committee entitled the Jersey Mineral Strategy, 2000 -

 2020', and to approve the recommendations contained in the strategy -

  ( i) th at production of aggregate at Ronez Quarry, St. John should be continued into the longer term beyond


  ( ii ) that  production of aggregate at  La Gigoulande Quarry, St.  Mary should continue for 13  to  20 years,

depending on extraction rates;

  (ii i ) th at the Simon Sand and Gravel Ltd. operation in St.  Ouen's Bay should be wound down by 2018 and that

the site should be progressively restored;

( iv ) th at a new berth and handling area should be created at St. Helier Harbour for importing all the Island's

future sand requirements and a large proportion of its future aggregate requirements, subject to transport infrastructure being adequate;

( v ) th at La Gigoulande Quarry, St. Mary should be used for land fill with inert waste and for secondary

aggregate production, when La Collette Phase  II reclamation site has been filled; and should be restored to a suitable end use.


Note: T he Human Resources Committee notes that there are no manpower implications identified in the report and

proposition. If the States agree the proposals, any additional staffing requirements that may be identified would only be considered in the light of the States policy on manpower and would not normally be approved unless compensatory manpower savings are made elsewhere.

Resource Statement

The Mineral Strategy is long-term and the Committee does not propose any changes in the method of supplying sand and aggregates for at least ten years.

There are no financial or manpower implications for the States prior to implementation and it is unlikely there will be manpower implications at any time.

The Committee have only recently been requested by the Finance and Economics Committee to produce a financial statement showing how the future capital cost of the new harbour berth at La Collette would impact on the future level of harbour dues if this is required to recover the cost from importers. This report is being prepared in collaboration with the Harbours Department and will be published prior to the States debating this proposition.

However, it is anticipated that the income expected from harbour dues and from leases and charges to operators for the use of storage and operational areas should be more than sufficient to fund expenditure in preparing for the importation of aggregates through the Port of St. Helier.