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Projet de Loi (200-) (Amendement) sur la Voirie

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Logé au Greffe le 19 juin 2001

par le Député G.C.L. Baudains de St. Clément




180             2 0 0 1         P .9 0 (r e - is su e )  

Prix: A Report

The present Loi requires a Connétable to advertise the branchage date in the Jersey Gazette in the last week of June and of August.

Recent mild winters have brought forward the growth of plants generally and those in roadside hedges and banques are no exception.

Last year and this year especially have seen very early growth and some lanes are practically impassable at this time of year, but an earlier branchage to ensure road safety is not possible under the present Loi.

A Connétable has the power to require a landowner to cut back his vegetation at any time, but this is meant for individual instances; it is impractical to use this power as a means of effecting an earlier overall branchage.

My amendment would not require a Connétable to call the branchage earlier, but it would give him the flexibility to do so if he considered it necessary.

While the first branchage is the one that causes the most danger to traffic and pedestrians, with my amendment a Connétable would be able to advertise the branchage at any time during June or August, instead of only in the last week of those months.

I have consulted the States Environment Adviser on the matter and he has no objections. [Note: I f the amending Loi is adopted, the relevant part of Article 41 would read as follows -

"In the month of June and of August of each year the Connétable s shall, by means of a notice published in the Jersey Gazette, warn their parishioners who occupy houses and lands bordering on public roads to have the branchage growing on their property along the public roads cut immediately ..."]

This projet de Loi has no implications for the financial or manpower resources of the States.

LOI (200-) (AMENDEMENT) SUR LA VOIRIE ____________

LOI  p our modifier en outre la Loi (1914) sur la Voirie; confirmée par Ordre de Sa Majesté en Conseil en date du


(Enregistré le jo  u r d e 2 0 0 - ) ____________


L'An 200-, le jo u r d e 2 00- ____________

  L  E  S  E  TATS, moyennant la sanction de Sa Très Excellente Majesté en Conseil, ont adopté la Loi suivante -


  D a n s le   premier alinea de l'Article 41 de la Loi (1914) sur la Voirie, telle que ladite Loi a été modifiée,[1] aux mots "la dernière semaine du mois de juin et du" seront substitués les mots "le mois de juin et le".


  L a p r é s ente Loi pourra être citée sous le titre de "Loi (200-) (Amendement) sur la Voirie".


 Tomes IV-VI, page 347, Volume 1970-1972, page 197 and Volume 1994-1995, page 348.