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Lodged au Greffe on 3rd July 2001 by the Education Committee
180 2 0 0 1 P . 9 5
Price code: A
THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion -
(a ) to approve drawings Nos. 9722/100, 109, 200-205, 211, 220, 221, 240, 241, 300 - 305, 400 - 402, showing
the construction of a new sports centre, swimming pool and associated parking at the Langford site, Mont Millais, St. Saviour;
(b ) to authorise the Greffier of the States to sign the said drawings on behalf of the States. EDUCATION COMMITTEE
Notes : 1. T h e Planning and Environment Committee approved these drawings under Permit No. B/2001/0192 dated 8th
June 2001.
2 . T h e Finance and Economics Committee supports this proposition, subject to the tender process delivering a
cost within the available budget.
In October 1991, the States approved in principle proposals to move the Jersey College for Girls (JCG) to Mont Millais and to construct certain joint use sports facilities. (P.149/91 and P.156/91).
Planning approval for the whole JCG campus development, including the Langford site, was granted by the Planning and Environment Committee in November 1995.
The sports brief which formed part of the design competition for the new JCG campus included provision for the development of a sports hall, with associated changing, storage and administration areas, together with a swimming pool, parking for fifty cars and two buses, and a covered cycle parking area. Following further development work, the May 1992 design competition resulted in a plan to construct a gymnasium in addition to the earlier identified requirements of over 200 students.
In 1996 and 1997, as part of the final debate as to whether the JCG relocation should proceed, detailed studies were completed on the indoor and outdoor sports facilities needed by the two colleges and the wider community. These studies indicated clearly that as long as the Langford Sports Centre was fully developed, the proposed facilities across the campus would be sufficient to fulfil the curriculum requirements.
In February 2000 an extensive two-day value engineering workshop was undertaken. The outcome of the workshop confirmed the proposed scheme would provide efficient and effective facilities to meet the needs of the colleges, whilst taking account of the site conditions and the external requirements for traffic management, parking and access, and also the planning constraints for this site.
However, the workshop did identify that certain subtle changes were possible to the general layout plans, to proposed construction methods, and to the interior and exterior finishes which would realise certain cost reductions.
Subsequently, revised plans were submitted to the Planning and Environment Committee in June 2000.
Since then, the design and approvals process has been pursued, formal planning approval for the scheme has been granted by the Planning and Environment Committee, and the subsequent planning permit was issued on 10th January 2001. Permission in respect of the Building Bye-Laws (Jersey) 1997 was granted under permit No. B/2001/0192 on 8th June 2001.
The new sports building, as now approved, will be of a relatively simple but modern and energy-efficient design, and will not only accommodate both colleges and their preparatory schools, but will also be available for use by other schools in the vicinity and available for some community use, i.e. swimming/sports clubs, etc. In summary, the new sports complex will provide a 25 metre, five-lane swimming pool, a four badminton court sports hall, five changing suites, a gymnasium, a dance studio, a fitness room and a physiology laboratory; together with car and coach parking facilities.
Competitive tenders for the Langford Sports Complex have been invited and returned. The quantity surveyors are presently finalising negotiations for a fixed price tender with the lowest tenderer and, subject to this sum being within the budget available, and to the Finance and Economics Committee granting additional funds to cover identified and agreed increases in building costs due to inflation, the Education Committee has sufficient funds within its capital budget to let the contract.
The Committee therefore asks the States to approve these drawings and to permit the project to proceed as planned.
There are no additional manpower implications for the States, as the facilities will be managed by existing departmental staff.