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Lodged au Greffe on 27th August 2002 by the Deputy of St. John
150 2002 P.141
Price code: B
THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion -
to request the Public Services Committee to reconsider its decision to phase the extension of the main drain scheme at Thistle Grove, St. Lawrence and St. John, and to incorporate an additional 15 units of accommodation o or near to La Rue de la Mare Ballam, St. John as shown on drawing No. PJR/1/02, situated within 350 metres of th proposed termination of the scheme currently under construction in St. John.
Notes: 1. T h e names of the 15 units are listed at Appendix B.
2 . T h e Finance and Economics Committee's comments are to follow.
In the early 1970s the St. John's Village Phase One was constructed. At that time main drains were taken to the St. John's Church area via St. Lawrence main road and La Rue de la Mare Ballam, St. John, and the residents of those areas were put to great inconvenience whilst the contractor dug up the roads on the expectation of being able to connect to the mains, only to be told on completion that the pipe laid was a rising main and that they could not connect. The Connétable of the day gave householders an assurance that main drains would be in place within several years, as yet some 30 years on this has not happened.
It would be grossly unfair on this occasion if these same householders were to have to put up with road works and not be included in the current programme of works. When the Thistle Grove, St. Lawrence/St. John scheme was originally conceived and designed the entire area was to be connected including some, if not all, of the 15 outstanding properties. (For Members' information, the names of these properties are listed at Appendix B.) Unfortunately, due to funding cuts a phasing programme has been introduced, this in turn increases costs of extending main drains as man and machine leave the site and have to return several years later.
Members need to know that some of the properties fall within the water catchment area for Handois Reservoir, in fact some of the brooks that feed the reservoir start on these properties, shown as properties 12 to 16 on the attached drawing. A number of units, shown as properties 5 to 10 on the attached drawing, fall within a few yards of the Water Pollution Safeguard Zone and Water Catchment area as designated by the States on 26th March 1963. Property No. 16, L'Hermitage, does not form part of the proposition. It is situated just above Handois Reservoir and could not be included within this scheme if extended as suggested by this proposition.
Unfortunately, with a very high water table in winter it would be foolhardy to think, with so many soakaways in the area, that effluent is not in the water carried in these streams and in turn into the reservoirs.
In the minutes of the "Capital & Resources Allocation" meeting, dated 12th June 2002, it is reported at the workshop on the funding for 2003 that the Public Services Committee did not receive any funding for 2003 for sewer works as £6 million of unspent money was held in funding for contracts not yet completed or started, thereby the Public Services Committee received no support from fellow States Members and received no additional funding in decision-conferencing.
Members will find attached, at Appendix C, the 1998 Programme for Foul Sewer Extension showing Thistle Grove, St. Lawrence as one scheme. Also enclosed at Appendix D is a copy of a letter dated 22nd February 2002 from the Public Services Department outlining the reasons for phasing, and at Appendix E an article from the Jersey Evening Post dated 8th February 2001 entitled "What's in our water?" on the subject of mains drains extensions which attracted the support of a number of members in the past.
Given the healthy state of the Public Services Committee's bank balance this scheme should be considered as one programme and members are asked to press the Public Services Committee to approve my proposition.
Financial and manpower implications
There are no additional manpower implications as the original scheme was drawn up and then sub-divided into phases. Thistlegrove, St. Lawrence was listed as priority number 2 in the mains drains extension and sewerage projects for 2001, and £3,500,000 was made available that year to complete a total of 6 projects. By completing the works as one phase, considerable savings should be possible.
Names of properties identified on the drawing
- M a is o n de la Capelle, La Rue dela Mare Ballam
- L e s Pe tites Capelles, La Rue de la Mare Ballam
- T e r re Neuve Cottage, La Rue de la Mare Ballam
- B a lla m House, La Ruede la Mare Ballam
- T e r re Neuve, La Rue de la Mare Ballam
- L a C h aumière de Terre Neuve, La Ruede la Mare Ballam
- L a M a re Ballam, off La Rue de la Mare Ballam
- L a B o nne Chère, off La Rue de la Mare Ballam
- T y - K r eiz,off La Rue de la Mare Ballam
- L a C achette, off La Rue de la Mare Ballam
- L a R uette, off La Rue de la Mare Ballam
- L e s C apelles, off La Rue de la Mare Ballam
- L e s C apelles Cottage, off La Rue de la Mare Ballam
- L e s C apelles storage units
- L e M arinel, off La Rue de la Mare Ballam
- L ' H ermitage, above Handois Reservoir. This is at the extreme of the area and might need to pump to the mains service or be added to a different area. It is not to be included in this proposal to extend the sewer.
29 September 1998 Ext. Extension Name Estimate Sheet No.
14 Halfway Hill, Grouville £181,000 13NE
49 Route de Maufant £556,000 5SE/9NW 44A St. Peter 's Valley - reduced by agreement with £822,410 8NW
Public Health
42A La Frontiere/Douet de Rue, St. £855,000 4SE/4SW
Lawrence/St. Mary
29B Ville a l'Eveque, Trinity £606,000 5SW/5NW
3 Bonne Nuit £896,000 4NE
Miscellaneous/Minor Extensions (reduced
from £194,000) £83,590
Budget Allowance for 1999 - £4,000,000
15B Les Platons, Trinity £482,000 5NW
43 St. Matthieu Church Area £769,000 4SW 40A Mont a la Brune £1,036,000 7SE/7NE
50 Parcq de l'Oeillere £435,000 11NW
40 La Ville des Quennevais £525,000 7SE Miscellaneous/Minor Extensions (reduced
from £306,000) £253,000
Provisional Budget Allowance for 2000 - £3,500,000
52 Portinfer/Les Pallieres, St. Ouen £733,000 3NW
58 Thistle Grove, St. Lawrence £950,000 4SE 34B Bas du Marais, St. Ouen £707,000 3SE 36A Victoria Village, Trinity £190,000 9NE
8 Rue du Coin, Grouville £370,000 13NE
54 La Ville la Bas, St. Ouen £476,000 3NW Miscellaneous/Minor Extensions (reduced
from £380,000) £74,000
Provisional Budget Allowance for 2001 - £3,500,000
Ext. Extension Name Estimate Sheet No. No.
46 Perruque, St. John £633,000 4NE
56 Route de la Villaise, St. Ouen £422,000 3NW/3SW
14A Halfway Hill Extensions, Grouville £403,000
39 *Rue du Tapon Phase 2, St. Saviour * £101,000
51 Les Augerez/Elysee, St. Peter £1,120,000
34 Ville au Bas, Grantez, St. Ouen £392,000
Miscellaneous/Minor Extensions (reduced
from £336,000) £50,000 £3,121,000
Provisional Budget Allowance for 2002 - £3,000,000
* This scheme may be undertaken in 1998 if Funds allow.
P.O. Box 412, States Offices, South Hill, St. Helier , Jersey
JE4 8UY, C h annel Islands Telephone 0 1 5 34 601690
DSJ/sc/6/132 South Hill Fax 01534 768950 Bellozanne Fax 01534 733578
La Collette Fax 01534 727041
22nd February 2002
Deputy P. Rondel
La Maison Hors d'Etcherre La Rue de la Mare Ballam St. John
Dear Deputy Rondel,
I refer to your fax to John Richardson dated 8th February 2002, and to John's reply of 11th February, regarding the letter from Mr. & Mrs. Sugden concerning the above foul sewer extension.
I confirm that the present scheme, which is shortly due to go out to tender, will extend the mains foul drainage in a northerly direction along La Rue de la Mare Ballam and terminates at Petit Sentier.
The proposed termination point for the above scheme is therefore some 400 metres south of the group of properties you refer to, and it would cost approximately £130,000 to £140,000 to extend the sewer to serve this group of properties. There are insufficient funds available at the present time to incorporate this extension into the main scheme.
As regards your comment regarding the delays due to the phasing of the works at Thistlegrove, you will no doubt recall from earlier correspondence that the original proposed foul sewer extension programme for 2000 to 2002 had to be altered, due to the reduction in funds granted for those years. This required the reorganisation of the schemes proposed for each of those years, and meant that all of the schemes had to be altered to fit the budgets. In the case of Thistlegrove, this has meant removing some of the most northerly properties along Rue de la Mare Ballam, and making these the second phase of the scheme.
The group of properties you refer to are those identified as forming the second phase of the Thistlegrove scheme. This second phase, which is referred to as Foul Sewer Extension Scheme No. 58A, has yet to be prioritised by the Sewer Working Party, and as such is not in the future programme up to and including the year 2008. However, the current scheme has been designed such that scheme No. 58A can be constructed as a gravity extension at the appropriate time.
I am sorry that I am not able to give your any more positive news, but I trust the above clarifies the situation satisfactorily. Yours sincerely,
Cc: J. R ichardson B . B e n n ie