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La Collette Phase II - bus garage and workshop - proposed lease to Connex Transport Jersey Ltd.

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Lodged au Greffe on 22nd October 2002 by the Planning and Environment Committee




150 2002 P.190

Price code: B


THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion -

( a)       to   approve the leasing by the public to Connex Transport Jersey Limited of an area of land measuring

approximately 11,886 square metres with buildings thereon situated at La Collette Reclamation Site, St. Helier, to accommodate the omnibus service provider for an initial period of seven years, at an annual rental on commencement of £180,000, with the rental to be reviewed in line with Jersey Retail Price Index on the third and fifth anniversaries, and with each party being responsible for its own legal fees in connection with the transaction;

(b ) to authorise the Attorney General and the Greffier of the States to sign the lease; (c ) to authorise the Treasurer of the States to receive the rent as it becomes due.


Note: T he Finance and Economics Committee's comments are to follow.


On 14th May 2002 the States of Jersey approved Projet P.61/2002 relating to the drawings and funding of the Bus Garage Workshop on reclaimed land at La Collette Phase  II, St.  Helier, to allow a development agreement between the Planning and Environment Committee and A.C. Mauger & Son for the new facility to be used by the Omnibus Service Provider.

Terms and conditions have now been agreed with Connex Transport Jersey Ltd., the newly appointed Omnibus Service Provider.

Some of the terms and conditions of the lease are also relevant to the Public Services Committee, or other named body that may have responsibility for the "States of Jersey Contract for the Provision of Local Omnibus Services" (the Omnibus Service Contract).

The terms and conditions are based upon the principles set out in the above mentioned approved Projet. The terms are as follows -

LANDLORD - The Public of the Island of Jersey.

TENANT - Connex Transport Jersey Ltd.

DEMISED PREMISES - Approximately 11,886 square metres of land

including  the  building  situated  thereon  at La  Collette  in  St.  Helier,  as  shown  on Drawing  No.  4281/07  dated  03/01/02,  for illustration  purposes  only,  drawn  by  John Richards & Partners (copy attached). (Phases I  &  II  contain  approximately  10,424  and 1,462  square  metres  respectively  and Phase  II is shown hatched and edged in blue on the above mentioned plan).

TERM - Seven  years,  to  be  deemed  to  commence

from the date that the demised premises, are materially fit for occupation by the Tenant.

- Notwithstanding the above, the Lease shall determine in the event that either the Tenant and/or  the  Public  Services  Committee,  or any  other  named  body  that  may  have responsibility  for  the "States  of  Jersey Contract for the Provision of Local Omnibus Services" (the  Omnibus  Service  Contract) shall  determine  the  Omnibus  Service Contract.

OPTION TO RENEW - Should  the  relevant  body,  as  mentioned

above,  grant  the  Tenant  a  renewal  of  the Omnibus Service Contract, then the Tenant shall have the right to renew the lease of the demised premises, (being for the avoidance of doubt both Phase  I and Phase II aforesaid) for  a  term,  to  run  co-extensive  with  the Omnibus  Service  Contract,  on  the  same terms and conditions, save as to rent and the option to renew. Should the Tenant exercise the Option to Renew', the new commencing rental  shall  be  increased  by  the  same percentage as the any increase in the Jersey Retail Price Index over the period from the last rent review under the original lease, until the commencement of the new term.

TERMINATION - At the termination of the Lease howsoever

caused, the Tenant shall give up possession of  the  demised  premises  including  any additions thereto and the Landlord's fixtures and  fittings  therein  in  good  order  and condition  in  accordance  with  the  Tenant's covenants (fair wear and tear and damage by fire  or  other  uncontrollable  causes  alone excepted unless the damage shall have been caused by the act, default or neglect of the Tenant or its servants, employees, agents or invitees).

- On expiry of the Omnibus Service Contract or early termination for whatever reason, the Public  Services  Committee,  or  any  other named body that may have responsibility for the Omnibus Service Contract, shall include in the tender documentation a provision for the Incoming Service Provider to acquire at market  value  the  Tenant's  fittings  for  the provision of the new service. The Public will provide  full  co-operation  to  facilitate  any transfer between the Tenant and an incoming service provider.

RENT - The  initial  rental  shall  be £180,000  per

annum from the commencement of the lease term  and  paid  quarterly  in  advance  in  a manner  reasonably  specified  by  the Landlord.

RENT REVIEW - The  rent  will  be  subject  to  review,  at  the

third  and  fifth  anniversary  of  the commencement  date,  equivalent  to  the increase  in  the  Jersey  Retail   Price  Index during the same period. The rental shall at no time be reduced below that level set at the previous rent review.

USER - To  be  used  only  for  parking,  servicing,

maintenance, cleaning and garaging of buses and other road vehicles (in accordance with the Tenant's Omnibus Service Contract and Regulation of Undertakings Licence as from time to time may be amended) together with administrative and other specified ancillary uses of the Tenant for the provision of the Omnibus Service Contract.

REPAIRS AND - The Tenant shall be responsible for the full MAINTENANCE repair  and  maintenance  of  the  demised

premises, keeping the same in the condition that it was at the start of the lease, fair wear and  tear  and  damage  by  insured  risks excepted,  save  where  such  damage  was caused by the act default or omission of the Tenant, its servants, agents or invitees.

In the case whereby the demised premises shall be rendered unfit for occupation or use due to matters under which a claim may be made  by  the  Landlord  under  the  defects liability period, any building warranties, any collateral  warranties  and/or  the  decennial insurance,  and/or  if  in  the  opinion  of  the Landlord's Surveyor or Architect any works to  remedy  the  same  shall  necessitate substantial reinstatement or rebuilding, then the Public shall provide suitable alternative accommodation  until  such  time  that  the defects  in  the  demised  premise  are  made good  and  the  demised  premises  are  again made fit for occupation and use.

ALIENATION - Assignment  or  sub-letting  is  to  be  at  the

complete  discretion  of  the  Landlord  and always  subject  to  the  user  clause,  the Omnibus  Service  Contract  and  the Regulation of Undertakings licence as from time to time amended.

INSURANCE - The Tenant is to maintain in force a building

insurance policy approved by the Landlord to include full reinstatement of the demised premises and two years loss of rent.

The  Tenant  shall  also  maintain  in  force  a Public  Liability  policy  of  not  less  than £30,000,000  (thirty  million  pounds)  in respect of any one occurrence or such other sum  as  the  Landlord's  insurance  company may from time to time reasonably require.

OCCUPATION COSTS - The Tenant shall be responsible for all costs

directly associated with the occupation of the

demised  premises.  This  is  to  include

payment of all Parochial Rates. GUARANTOR - In consideration of the granting of the lease

to the Tenant by the Landlord, the Guarantor

hereby undertakes to guarantee the payment

of all sums due and payable to the Landlord

under  and  by  virtue  of  the  terms  of  this

Agreement and the due fulfilment of all the

liabilities,  covenants  and  obligations

contained  in  and  stipulated  in  the  lease


The level of financial capping in relation to the Guarantor is to be agreed.

ENVIRONMENTAL - The Landlord guarantees the condition of the GUARANTEE land forming part of the demised premises in accordance  with  the  Report  prepared  by

Amplus  Ltd.  dated  April  2002  (with amendment) and that the Tenant shall at the termination of the agreement return the land forming part of the demised premises to the Landlord in no worse condition than that stated in the above mentioned Report and that any cost to decontaminate the land will be borne by the Tenant at no cost to either the Landlord, if such contamination is solely due to the Lessee's action or omission.



- This agreement to Lease shall be interpreted in accordance with and shall be governed by the laws of the Island of Jersey.

- Each party to bear their own legal costs in relation to the lease.

There are no manpower implications for the States in taking the lease.

There are no additional financial implications for the States to those already stated.