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FIELD 1001, LE MONT DE STE. MARIE, ST. MARY: PURCHASE OF LAND (P.198/2001) - REPORT _______________
Presented to the States on 8th January 2002 by the Public Services Committee
150 2 0 0 2 P . 1 9 8 R p t .
Price code: A
During heavy rainfall last winter the embankment supporting Le Mont de Ste. Marie slipped and the road edge collapsed over a length of some 20 metres. The road had to be closed in the interest of public safety.
Temporary works to secure the road edge were put in hand and the road re-opened in time for the Easter holidays and start of the visitor season.
When the Public Services Department's engineers investigated the original subsidence, it was apparent that there were several problems acting together which were threatening the stability of the road over the full length of Field 1001. Trees in the embankment had collapsed, disturbing the embankment further and surface water run-off from the road and côtils opposite was also attacking and eroding the embankment. Recent works to lay the inter-Island electricity link was likely to have severed tree roots under the road, leading to the further likelihood of tree loss. Heavy traffic, construction vehicles and coaches were using the road but the road was too narrow for two-way traffic, leading to vehicles overriding the road edge and causing further damage. In view of these problems and other factors, including the lack of footway and the drop into the field, the practical solution is to widen the road, provide a footway and parapet, while stabilising the road edge by means of a retaining structure or more extensive embankment.
However, the Public Services Committee does not have funds available, at present, to carry out any permanent new works, but it would have the right to carry out any essential repairs, trim trees, provide drains and any other maintenance work that would limit further deterioration of support to the road and maintain this important route. Acquiring the whole field, therefore, offers the opportunity to provide the most cost-effective and sustainable solutions for the road and the surrounding environment in the short and longer terms.
The Public Services Committee supports the Proposition.