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Field 790, L'Avenue de la Reine Elizabeth II, St. Peter

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Lodged au Greffe on 31st December 2002 by the Deputy of St. John




150 2002 P.240

Price code: A


THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion -

  1. to agree that Field No. 790, L'Avenue de la Reine Elizabeth II, St. Peter should be retained in public ownership until such time as the Harbours and Airport Committee, after consultation with any other Committees as appropriate, is satisfied that there is no immediate or long term use for the land by the public; and

  (b ) to agree that if, after consultation, the Committee concludes that there is no such use, the land should be

offered for sale to the highest bidder following a competitive tendering process.



On 28th August 2002 the Harbours and Airport Committee were asked to consider selling Field No. 790, St. Peter. The majority of the Committee agreed although I voted against the decision. On 29th August 2002 I wrote to the Committee identifying a number of options (Appendix A).

On 8th October 2002 a notification of Standing Order decisions was presented to the States for the sale of the land (Appendix B). In the Chamber I was given an assurance that the sale would not happen until this item had returned to the Committee on 22nd November 2002. The Committee reviewed its earlier decision and one other member and I dissented from the decision, on the grounds that my Option E, to put the land up for sale by tender, had not been done.

It should be pointed out that over the last 30 years the road to the Airport has been realigned on a number of occasions and nobody knows if in years to come further alignment may be required and it would be necessary to purchase back the land. The land lies alongside the new reed beds, this too may need extending in the future. Once again the States would need to purchase back the land.

Members should give a steer to the Harbours and Airport Committee as to the preferred option for the land.

There are no manpower implications from this proposition and I believe that it could be of financial benefit to the States if the land was offered for sale or lease following a public competitive tendering process.


(delegated functions)

  1. as recommended by the Harbours and Airport Committee, the sale to the Jersey Rugby Football Club Limited of Field No. 790, L'Avenue de la Reine Elizabeth II, St. Peter (measuring approximately 5.20.00 vergées) for the sum of £11,000. The Club was to be responsible for undertaking all works necessary to convert the field into a sporting field, and forall the costs relative thereto. A restrictive covenant was to be placed on the field in perpetuity in order to prevent any form of development other than that associated with its permitted use as a sporting facility. The northern boundary would be constituted by the back-edge of the current pavement with the Club being responsible for the maintenance of the bank and all future branchage. The western boundary would be constituted by a new boundary fence to be built by the public, such boundary remaining in the ownership of the public, retaining the usual access rights onto Field No. 790 in order tomaintain the said fence. The southern boundary towards Field No. 789 would be constituted by an earth mound in the ownership of Field No. 789 with a relief. TheClub would be allowed to establish a boundary fence which did not interfere with the relief along a line with Field No. 789. Each party would be responsible for its own legal costs arising from this transaction;