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Narkunda and Chantemerle, West Hill, St. Helier - Transfer of Administration

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Lodged au Greffe on 14th May 2002 by the Public Services Committee




150             2 0 0 2    P . 7 8          

Price code: A


THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion -

(a)  to refer to their Acts dated 18th March 1997, 4th April 2000 and 8th February 2000 which authorised the purchase of certain properties adjacent to the Bellozanne Valley waste disposal plant, and to authorise the transfer of administration of those properties known as Narkunda and Chantemerle, West Hill, St. Helier as shown on Drawing No. 1599/01/38 from the Public Services Committee to the Housing Committee; and

  (b ) to authorise the Greffier of the States to sign the said drawing on behalf of the States. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE

Note: T he Housing Committee supported the proposal to transfer administration of the said properties, having agreed that,

with appropriate alteration, both premises would usefully convert to provide several units of States rental accommodation.

T h e Fin  ance and Economics Committee's comments are to follow.


On 18th March 1997 the States Assembly approved the policy of purchase by the Public of any properties which may become available, situated within a 100 metre radius of the "bad neighbour" operation at the waste disposal site, Bellozanne Valley, St. Helier .

In accordance with that policy the Public acquired "Narkunda", West Hill on 5th May 2000, a substantial 1930's semi detached property, totalling 2655 square feet net internal area, for the sum of £450,000. The main-house is divided into 2 units: a one bedroomed flat on the ground floor, formerly occupied by the owner, with an integral two bedroomed flat on the first floor. The basement is arranged as a self contained two bedroomed flat.

"Chantemerle", West Hill was purchased by the Public on 11th February 2000, and comprises the other semi-detached property within this 1930's block, in itself totalling 3190 square feet net internal area for the sum of £430,000. The main- house is divided into a two bedroomed unit on the ground floor, formerly utilised by the previous owner, with a further integral two bedroomed letting unit on the first floor. The basement comprises additional living accommodation, formerly used as a one bedroomed flat.

Since completing the purchases of the properties both have been utilised for temporary staff accommodation. The Housing Committee has indicated that, given the size and flexibility of the accommodation, with appropriate alteration, both properties within the block would usefully convert to provide several units of States' rental accommodation of varying proportions.

The States are recommended that the administration of Narkunda and Chantemerle, both situated at West Hill, St. Helier , be transferred from the Public Services Committee to the Housing Committee as soon as practicably possible.

There are no additional manpower or financial implications for the States arising from this report and proposition.