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Harbours and Airport Committee - vote of no confidence

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Lodged au Greffe on 21st October 2003 by Senator E.P. Vibert



THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

th a t t hey have no confidence in the Harbours and Airport Committee.


NOTE: As required by Standing Order 18B, the following States members also signed the proposition – 1 . D e p u ty R.C. Duhamel of St. Saviour

2 . S e n a tor P.V.F. Le Claire

3 . D e p u ty P.J. Rondel of St. John

T h e r eason for moving this proposition is set out in the attached report.


This history behind the action by the Harbours and Airports Committee in seizing the "Solidor V" owned by Emeraude Lines through an ordre provisiore served by the Viscount's Department for non-payment of harbour dues on 6th October 2003, is well known to members.

I believe that the actions of the Committee had much wider ramifications regarding Jersey's trade relations with France than the Committee understood. It was their inability to appreciate this and their failure to consult a wider group of States Committees and organisations, who did understand the wider damage that this action would do, which illustrates that they are not competent to handle the administration and direction of this important transport Committee.

I have brought this proposition of no confidence because, in my opinion

  1. b y authorising the Viscount'sDepartmenttoservean ordre provisioreon the vessel "Solidor V"after the French courts had appointed an administrator the Committee risked seriously damaging trade relationships between Jerseyand France and seriously threatened port activities between St. Maloand St. Helier;
  2. th i s action was taken without full consultation of the major Committee Presidents and other States bodies such astheAssembléeParlementairedelaFrancophonie Jersey Branch,andtheCommissionAmicale. Whilst this is notmandatory,in view of the ramifications of this action, commonsenseshould have guided the Committee'sdecision;
  3. t h at the decision by the Harbours and Airports Committee to allow Condorto operate onthe St. Malo route, despite traffic figures indicating that the routecould only sustain one service, and despite thefact that they wereawareofEmeraude's financial difficulties, was a serious blow to Emeraude's chances of financial recovery and helpedpush them into their current situation.
  4. t h at the action taken in negotiating with officials ofEmeraudeafter the ordre provisoirewasserved, rather than with the Administrator in Rennes, couldhave placed the Islandinanembarrassing legal imbroglio.

These actions- in addition to the conditions laid down by the Harbours and Airports Committee regarding the St. Malo-Jersey operation - are clear evidence of a lack of judgement and competence by the Committee in handling the administration of the Harbours and Airports Committee and this proposition therefore asks the Assembly to pass a vote of no confidence in the Committee.

There are, in addition, other matters relating to the financing and staffing of the Airport which are further evidence of a general inability of the Committee to run the Harbours and Airport administration with the degree of competence expected by the States and sufficient to warrant a vote of no confidence in them.

There are no financial or manpower implications arising from this proposition.