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Lodged au Greffe on 1st April 2003
by the Environment and Public Services Committee
THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion
(a ) to approve the sale of the Former Gorey Youth Centre, La Chèvre Rue, Grouville as shown on
Drawing No. 134/01/20 to Le Patron Holdings Limited for the sum of£185,000 with each party responsible for its respective legal costs;
(b ) to authorise the Greffier of the States to sign the said drawing on behalf of the States brought by
the Planning and Environment Committee; and
(c ) to authorise the Treasurer of the States to receive any payment to the Public as it becomes due.
Note: The Finance and Economics Committee's comments are to follow.
On 29th January 2002 the States approved the Transfer of Administration of the Former Gorey Youth Centre, La Chèvre Rue, Grouville from the then Education Committee to the then Planning and Environment Committee to facilitate its disposal on the open market.
In pursuing a disposal of this property it is hoped that contributory funding may be secured to enhance youth facilities elsewhere in the Island; in particular St. Aubin's Fort, St. Brelade. This site, which has been used as a residential centre since the 1960s, is an important facility which has become increasingly popular with the youth of the Island catering for as many as 2,500 visitors including schoolchildren, sea cadets, youth clubs and other uniformed youth organisations. However, changing areas, toilets and the kitchen had fallen below the required standard for a facility of this nature.
Although much of this work has now been undertaken, this has been on the basis of funding from the sale of the Former Gorey Youth Centre, together with a donation from the Variety Club of Jersey. The alterations included the construction of a log-cabin style building to accommodate two classrooms, changing areas, as well as provision for disabled access with toilet facilities. Accordingly, in connection with the proposed use of any capital receipt generated by the sale of the Former Gorey Youth Centre, the Finance and Economics Committee has given its approval to permit the use of £80,000 towards the cost of upgrading St. Aubin's Fort in accordance with the above scheme.
Although vacant and in need of total refurbishment, the former Gorey Youth Centre has limited scope for redevelopment as residential accommodation, subject to the necessary planning permission. In conjunction with a local estate agent, the property has been re-marketed for sale and an offer has now been received at the asking price of £185,000 from Le Patron Holdings Limited.
It is considered this offer reflects the limitations placed upon the site as the majority of the building is registered as a Building of Local Interest. Each party will be responsible for meeting its own legal costs in connection with the conveyance.
There are no additional financial or manpower implications for the States arising from this proposition.