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Lodged au Greffe on 29th April 2003
by the Health and Social Services Committee
THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion
(a ) to authorise the sale by the public to Fensom Ltd. of the property No. 1 Oxford Road, St. Helier
for the sum of £356,000, with each party being responsible for its own legal fees; and
(b ) to authorise the Attorney General and the Greffier of the States to pass the necessary contract on
behalf of the public.
Notes: 1. T h e Environment and Public Services Committee supports the report and proposition of the
Health and Social Services Committee to accept the tender of £365,000 from Fensom Limited for the purchase of the Le Seelleur Workshop.
2 . T h e Finance and Economics Committee agrees to the sale of the property known as No. 1 Oxford
Road, St. Helier to Fensom Limited for a consideration of£356,000.
By his last Will and testament of immovable estate, dated 28th December 1988, the late Mr. Harold Ernest Le Seelleur most generously devised the whole of his immovable estate, subject to certain life enjoyments, to the States of Jersey, for the benefit of the aged, infirm, and needy residents of the Island.
At the time of his death, on 10th October 1996, Mr. Le Seelleur's estate consisted of several properties of which No. 1 Oxford Road was one. Following approval by the States that the properties be administered by the Health and Social Services Committee, a report was prepared which recommended that the Oxford Road premises be sold to pay for urgent maintenance and repairs to the remaining properties in the portfolio. This action was also approved by the executrice of Mr. Le Seelleur's Will, with whom Mr. Le Seelleur had requested such matters be discussed following his death.
The Oxford Road offices and workshop were subsequently offered to all other States Departments prior to being sold on the open market as is customary when States property is disposed of. As a result, the Employment and Social Security Committee advised the Health and Social Services Committee of their wish to acquire the property for the purpose of developing it into a workshop for their Special Needs Employment Service. During the period January 1998 through to August 2002 that Committee tried, without success, to raise the capital required to develop the property.
There being no other suitable States use for the building, it was put out to tender in the open market. The tenders were received back on 14th February 2003 and were considered on their merits and proposed use of the building.
Following consultation with the executrice of Mr. Le Seelleur's Will and discussions at Committee, it has been decided to recommend the acceptance of the tender received from Fensom Ltd. to purchase the freehold of No. 1 Oxford Road, offices and workshop, for the sum of £356,000. The intention of the company is to expand their business into the town premises by running a tearoom/restaurant, with some community facilities, giving people working and living in the area an attraction.
The Committee therefore seeks approval of the States to the sale.
The financial implications of this proposition are self-explanatory and there are no manpower implications for the States.