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Belle Vue, La Route des Quennevais, St. Brelade – proposed exchange and counter-exchange of small land areas

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Lodged au Greffe on 6th May 2003

by the Environment and Public Services Committee



THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

( a ) t o approve the purchase by the public of an area of land identified as A' on Drawing

No. 12/1091/50A from the Jersey Homes Trust for the sum of £10 with the public to meet the Trust's reasonable costs in connection with the purchase, and to approve the cancellation of an

existing contractual agreement with the Trust whereby the land being purchased is to be used for social rented purposes only';

(b ) to approve the sale by the public to the Jersey Homes Trust

(i ) o f a small area of land identified as B' on Drawing No. 12/1091/50A for the sum of £10;

(i i) o f an area of land measuring 131.4 square feet identified as C' on Drawing

No.  12/1091/50A for the sum of £10,

w i th e ac h p a rty to meet its own costs in connection with the sales;

(c ) to approve the purchase by the public of an area of land measuring 483.3  square feet identified as

D' on Drawing No. 12/1091/50A from the Jersey Homes Trust for the sum of £10 with each party to meet its own costs in connection with the purchase, and to approve the cancellation of an

existing contractual agreement with the Trust whereby the land being purchased is to be used for social rented purposes only';

(d ) to approve the entering into of a contractual arrangement whereby the public accepts responsibility for street lighting lamp standard Nos. B351, B354, B355, B357, B378, B359, B362, B364, B365,

B366, B367 and B369 identified as on Drawing No.  12/1091/50A that are situated on land owned by the Jersey Homes Trust, that responsibility to be subsequently passed onto the Parish of

St.  Brelade in conjunction with the transfer of the main estate roadway and pavements, with the public to meet the Trust's reasonable costs in connection with the transaction;

(e ) to request the Greffier of the States to sign the said drawings and to authorise the Attorney General

and the Greffier of the States to pass the necessary contracts in connection with the proposed transactions; and

(f ) to authorise the Treasurer of the States to make and receive the associated payments from the Belle

Vue Capital Vote – 813004 ZBV001.


Note:  The Finance and Economics Committee's comments are to follow.


(a) T h e purchase of a small area of land identified as A' on Drawing No. 12/1091/50A from the Jersey Homes Trust for a sum of £10 with the Public to meet the Trust's reasonable costs in connection with the purchase.

T h e small area of land in question was originally sold to the Trust as part of its social housing

development site, but during construction it was decided that it would be more beneficial to the whole estate if the land was made part of the general pavement area. In order to formalise the contractual situation it is necessary for the Public to buy-back the small area of land in question. It is also necessary to cancel an existing contractual agreement with the Trust whereby the land being purchased is to be used for social rented purposes only'. The land can then be formalised as a pavement.

T h e land in question, along the main estate roadway and pavements is to be transferred to the Parish of

St.  Brelade (approved by the formerPlanning and Environment Committee on 13th May 1999 (recorded on Act No.  8), the Treasurer of the States on 11th August 1999, and an Assembly of the Principals and Electors of the Parish on 29th June 1999).

(b)(i)  The sale of a small area of Public land identified as B' on Drawing No. 12/1091/500A to the Jersey Homes Trust for a sum of £10 with the Public and the Trust to meet their own costs in connection with the sale.

T h e s mall area of land in question was originally planned to form part of the pavements to the estate, but

during construction it was decided that it would be more beneficial to the whole estate if the land was included as part of the Jersey Homes Trust's development. In order to formalise the contractual situation it is necessary for the Trust to purchase the small area of land in question.

(b)(ii) The sale of an area of Public land measuring 131.4 square feet identified as C' on Drawing

No. 12/1091/50A to the Jersey Homes Trust for a sum of £10 with the Public and the Trust to meet their own costs in connection with the sale.

A n d  

(c) T h e purchase of an area of land measuring 483.3 square feet identified as D' on Drawing

No. 12/1091/50A from the Jersey Homes Trust for a sum of £10 with the Public and the Trust to meet their own costs in connection with the purchase.

D u r in g the construction of one of the Jersey Homes Trust's units adjacent to the land in question, a request

was made for an extension to be built to accommodate disabled persons. The extension made it necessary to change the boundary between the Trust's land and the Public land, and as such an exchange and counter-exchange' of land is necessary to formalise the contractual situation (note: this exchange and counter-exchange' was approved by the former Planning and Environment Committee on 31st August 2000 (recorded on Act No. B3), and the Finance and Economics Committee on 13th November 2000 (recorded on Act No. A2), but it is also necessary for States' approval to be given to the purchase).

It is also necessary to cancel an existing contractual agreement with the Trust whereby the land being

purchased is to be used for social rented purposes only'. The land can then be formalised as a landscaped area.

(d) A  contractual  arrangement  whereby  the  public  accepts  responsibility  for  street  lighting  lamp standard  Nos.  B351,  B354,  B355,  B357, B378,  B359,  B362, B364,  B365,  B366,  B367 and  B369 identified as on Drawing No.  12/1091/50A that are situated on land owned by the Jersey Homes

Trust, that responsibility to be subsequently passed onto the Parish of St.  Brelade in conjunction with transferring the main estate roadway and pavements, with the Public to meet the Trust's reasonable costs in connection with the transaction.

D u r i ng construction of the estate when the street lighting lamp standards were being provided, it was

decided to site the majority of them at the rear of the pavement line so as to maintain the full clear width of the pavements. Consequently, there are 12 lamp standards situated on land owned by the Jersey Homes Trust. In transferring the street lighting to the Parish of St. Brelade, this situation causes contractual difficulties. It is therefore necessary for the Public to take contractual responsibility for the lamp standards situated on the Trust's land, before it can pass that responsibility onto the Parish (the transferring of the street lighting was approved at an Assembly of the Principals and Electors of the Parish on 14th June 2000).

In connection with contracts that will be passed for the above-described transactions, detailed drawings showing the boundary co-ordinates will be produced by Professional Hi-Tech Services Limited, land surveyors. The costs associated with the employment of that firm will be included in the cost allocations described in paragraphs (a) to (d) of the Proposition.

There are no manpower implications or additional financial implications for the States arising from this proposition.