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Grainville School, St. Saviour - Redevelopment Phase 2 - art, design and technology block - approval of drawings

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Lodged au Greffe on 4th February 2003

by the Education, Sport and Culture Committee



THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

(a ) to approve drawings nos. 1875G/19, 100 to 107, 110 to 117, 128 to 132, 143 to 145, 156 to 161

and BL01 to BL06 showing the proposed new Art, Design and Technology block to be constructed within the grounds of Grainville School, St. Saviour ;

(b ) to authorise the Greffier of the States to sign the said drawings on behalf of the States.


Notes: 1. T h e Environment and Public Services Committee approved these drawings under Development

Permit No. B/2002/0839, dated 17th December 2002.

2 .  T  h e Finance and Economics Committee supports this proposal subject to the cost of the works

being within the estimated budget.


Following a detailed and thorough feasibility study into the redevelopment and expansion needs of Grainville School, the Education Committee decided in 1998 that, in order to accommodate the predicted growth in pupil numbers, changes in the Jersey Curriculum and to address problems with regard to the building's fabric and services, a phased and mixed development with some new buildings and some refurbishment and remodelling of existing buildings should take place. The proposals for this overall redevelopment scheme were split into the following four phases -

P h a se 1 N ew Science block

P h a se 2 N ew Art, Design and Technology block

P h a se 3 R e m odelling and upgrading of main 1970s school blocks. P h a se 4 U p g rading of sports, hall and administration areas.

Phase 1 was completed in the early part of 2002 and the proposed new Art, Design and Technology block will be constructed on the site of the former science block which was demolished as part of an enabling works contract in the summer of 2002.

Phase 2 comprises of a two-storey detached building, accommodating purpose-designed teaching spaces for delivery of the modern curriculum, including Multi-Materials, Food Technology, Art, Textiles, Computer Room, display space, plus the usual associated resource, administration and storage areas.

The building has been designed to be in keeping with the recently completed science block, allowing a continuat of finishes and products for ease of maintenance.

At the current time, the later phases of the Grainville School development have not received funding through States Capital Programme and will not therefore continue until 2006 at the earliest. With many of the issues identif within the original 1998 feasibility study still to be addressed, there is a pressing need to complete this projec ensure that the children of Grainville School have access to facilities that are comparable with those within other lo or United Kingdom schools.

The capital funding allocated to the Committee within vote C3311, once adjusted for inflation, is expected to sufficient to complete the project.

This proposition has no manpower implications for the States.

The Committee therefore asks the States to approve these drawings and to permit the project to proceed as planned