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Public Lotteries Board - appointment of members

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Lodged au Greffe on 8th July 2003

by the Economic Development Committee



THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

in p u rsuance of Regulation  3(2) of the Gambling (Channel Islands Lottery) (Jersey) Regulations 1975, as

amended, to appoint the following as members of the Public Lotteries Board for the period 27th July 2003 – 26th July 2008, namely

M r . I a n T i m o thy Barnes (Chairman) M r . P e t e r S c ott Cruickshank

M r . G  eo f f re y James Roscouet

M r . D  er e k A  rthur Wallis

M r s . M  a ry E llen Horton

M r . J e re m y A rnold

M i s s C a t h e ri ne Mary Newcombe.



The Public Lotteries Board is appointed by the States of Jersey on the recommendation of the Economic Development Committee to advise and assist the Committee in all matters concerning and promoting the conduct in Jersey of the Channel Islands Lottery. It exercises the functions attributed to it by or under the Gambling (Channel Islands Lottery) (Jersey) Regulations 1975, as amended.

The Regulations require the States to appoint a Chairman and not less than 6 other persons to be members of the Board, all of whom shall be persons of integrity who are ordinarily resident in Jersey, and the appointments are for a period of 5 years.

The Committee accordingly proposes that, in accordance with Article 3(2) of the Gambling (Channel Islands Lottery) (Jersey) Regulations 1975, as amended, Mr. Ian Timothy Barnes be appointed Chairman and that Mr. Peter Scott Cruickshank, Mr. Geoffrey James Roscouet, Mr. Derek Arthur Wallis, Mrs. Mary Ellen Horto Mr. Jeremy Arnold and Miss Catherine Mary Newcombe be appointed members of the Board.

The Committee would like to thank, on behalf of the States, the present members of the Board and their chairman and to record its appreciation of the 18  years of service to the Board given by Mr. John Clennett, who retired recently.