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Jersey Airport, St. Peter - Alpha Taxiway – transfer of administration

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Lodged au Greffe on 25th May 2004 by the Harbours and Airport Committee



THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

(a ) to authorise the transfer of administration of land in connection with the realignment of the Alpha

Taxiway, Jersey Airport as shown shaded on Drawing No.  674_LAND  4(2) from the Harbour and Airport Committee to the Environment and Public Services Committee, as follows –

(i ) t h e a rea to the road side face of the low level post and rail fence to include the cycle track

running along the south perimeter of Jersey Airport, to the north of L'Avenue de la Reine Elizabeth II and adjacent to the Aero Club premises;

(i i) t h e a rea to the road side face of the low level post and rail fence to include the cycle track

running along the south east perimeter of Jersey Airport, north west of the airport approach road;

(i ii ) t h e a rea to the road side face of the low level post and rail fence to include the cycle track

running along the east perimeter of Jersey Airport, to the east of L'Avenue de la Commune, between the Air Cargo terminal and the airport roundabout;

( iv ) t h e land occupied by the re-located L'Avenue de la Reine Elizabeth II and associated

banks where the road has been realigned to join with the repositioned airport roundabout;

(b ) to authorise the Greffier of the States to sign the said drawing on behalf of the States.


Notes: The Environment and Public Services Committee supports the proposition.


The proposed change of administration of the land associated with Alpha Taxiway has become necessary due to the re-alignment of the L'Avenue de la Reine Elizabeth  II, the associated roundabout joining L'Avenue de la Commune and the Airport approach road.

The proposed changes in administration allow the establishment of the various boundaries between the Harbours and Airport Committee and the Environment and Public Services Committee, namely

(1 ) D u e to the realignment of Taxiway Alpha it was necessary to change the road location and include

general landscaping and a cycle track along the perimeter of Jersey Airport. This land is currently under the administration of the Harbours and Airport Committee but it is considered consistent to transfer the area of land where the road is now located and the three areas to the road side face of the low level post and rail fence to the Environment and Public Services Committee which is are currently responsible for the maintenance of all other cycle tracks.

(2 ) A s part of the reed bed accommodation works the tanker discharge bay to the south of L'Avenue

de la Reine Elizabeth II was relocated to the east onto land administered by the Harbours and Airport Committee. In order for the Environment and Public Services to manage this facility the administration of the land needs to be transferred from the Harbours and Airport Committee.

There are no additional financial or manpower implications for the States.