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Statistics User Group - appointment of chairperson

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Lodged au Greffe on 10th August 2004 by the Policy and Resources Committee



THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

to r ef er to their Act dated 17th November 1999, in which they approved the establishment of a Statistics

User Group, and to approve Mr. John Campbell Boothman as Chairperson of the Statistics User Group for a period of three years commencing on 14th September 2004.



  1. I n t roduction

T h e Policy and Resources Committee would like to propose the appointment of Mr. John Campbell

Boothman as Chairperson of the Statistics User Group for a period of 3 years commencing on 14th September 2004.

  1. B a c kground
  1. T h e formationofthe Statistics User Group (S.U.G.)was approved by the States on 17th November 1999 on a proposition ofthePolicyandResourcesCommittee(P.142/99).Thetermsof office of the previous Chairperson and members expired towards the end of 2003, and the Committee decided toplace a Gazette Notice in the Jersey EveningPost inviting nominations. Sevennominations for membershipof the S.U.G. were received from interested organisations, andthese are listed below

A m o s Group – Ron Welling

C h a m ber of CommerceKevin Keen

C o n c ern – Peter Surcouf

J e rs e y Farmers' Union – Robert Le Quesne

J e rs e y Consumer CouncilRozanne Thomas

F a m ily Nursing and Home Care – Steve Duquemin

J e rs e y Community Relations Trust - to be confirmed

  1. T h e Policy andResources Committee has been pleased to receive thesenominationsandhas decided to appoint these individuals asmembersof the Statistics UserGroup.
  2. N o nominations werereceived for the chairmanshipof the Statistics User Group,and the Committee decided to askMr. John Boothmanwhether he would be prepared to take on this role. TheCommitteeis pleased to report that Mr.Boothman would be willing to accept this responsibility, subjectof course to the approval of his appointmentby the States. Mr.Boothman would not receive anyremuneration for his work as Chairperson oftheGroup.
  3. T h e Committee believes that Mr.Boothman will be eminently suited to the position ofChairperson.Mr. Boothmanhas had a distinguished career intheIsland's finance industry,havingworkedformanyyears as ManagingDirectorofDeutscheMorganGrenfell (C.I.) Limited (now Deutsche Bank International Limited). Mr.Boothmanhasalso been involved in a number of States and voluntary organisations, andis currently theChairmanofthetrusteesof the Jersey Employment Trust, a trustee in theGerardLe Claire EnvironmentalTrust, and a Commissionerfor the AppointmentsCommission.
  1. F i n ancialandmanpower implications

3.1 T h is proposition does not have any financial or manpower implications.