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to P.232/2004
and States' decisions to 06.06.2006
To P.232/2004 (lodged 21st December 2004)
(and to P.57/2004 Com.(3) presented 19th April 2005)
In "Decisions and Outcome" column –
"s.v." = standing vote; "p:" = pour; "c:" = contre and "a:" = abstain
No. Decisions and Outcome
Draft Aerodromes (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. 91 Adopted s.v. 22.06.04 in 3rd Reading Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 18.5.04. (R&O 61/2004).
Corrigendum issued.
Animal Waste Products Site, La Rue Phillippe Durell, La Collette, 68 Adopted s.v. 25.05.04.
St. Helier: transfer of administration.
Lodged by the Economic Development Committee 20.4.04.
co m m en ts. 68 Com. ------------------------------------------------------ P r e se n ted by the Environment and Public Services
Committee 27.4.04.
Appointments Commission: re-appointment of member. 127 Adopted s.v. 20.07.04.
Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 6.7.04.
Area of land, St. Brelade, adjacent to L53, L53a and L65 Garage site, 149 Adopted s.v. 12.10.04.
L'Avenue de la Commune, St. Peter: transfer of administration.
Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 7.9.04.
co m m en ts. 149 Com. ------------------------------------------------------ P re se n ted by the Finance and Economics Committee
Assemblée Parlementaire de la Francophonie Executive Committee: 140 Adopted s.v. 28.09.04. membership.
Lodged by the Connétable of St. Ouen 3.8.04.
Attendance Allowance Board: appointment of member. 164 Adopted s.v. 12.10.04. Lodged by the Employment and Social Security Committee 28.9.04.
Draft Banking Business (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 200-. 110 Adopted s.v. 30.06.04 in 3rd Reading. Lodged by the Economic Development Committee 8.6.04. (re-issue)
Bellozanne Scrap Metal Yard, Bellozanne Valley, St. Helier: lease to 170 Deferred 26.10.04 to 02.11.04.
Picot and Rouille Limited. 2.11.04:
Lodged by the Environment and Public Services Committee 12.10.04. Prop. of Deputy Fox that the States move to
the next item on the Order Paper disallowed. Prop. of Deputy Troy that the States move to the next item on the Order Paper rejected [votes – p: 18; c: 19; a: 0].
Prop. of Senator M.E. Vibert that the States move to the next item on the Order Paper disallowed.
P.170 adopted as amended 02.11.04
[votes – p: 18; c: 16; a: 0].
am e n d m ent. 170 Amd. Deferred 26.10.04 to 02.11.04.
L o d g e d by Deputy R.C. Duhamel of St. Saviour 12.10.04. Rejected 02.11.04 [votes – p: 14; c: 23; a: 0]. co m m en t s. 170 Amd. ------------------------------------------------------
P r ese n t e d b y t he Environment and Public Services Com.
Committee 26.10.04.
Draft Boats and Surf-Riding (Control) (Amendment No. 26) (Jersey) 72 Adopted s.v. 11.05.04 in 3rd Reading Regulations. (R&O 41/2004).
Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 20.4.04.
Draft Boats and Surf-Riding (Control) (Amendment No. 27) (Jersey) 182 Withdrawn 23.11.04.
Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 26.10.04.
Budget 2005. not See States Minutes 8th-14th December 2004 Lodged by the Finance and Economics Committee 9.11.04. numbered for Budget decisions.
Budget 2005: amendments. 203 Part 1 rejected 09.12.04 [votes – p: 20; c: 24;
Lodged by Senator M.E. Vibert 16.11.04. | (re-issue) | a: 1]. Part 2 rejected 10.12.04 [votes – p: 17; c: 30; a: 0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 7.12.04. | 203 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Budget 2005: second amendments. Lodged by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier 23.11.04. | 208 | Withdrawn 09.12.04. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 7.12.04. | 208 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Budget 2005: third amendments. Lodged by the Connétable of St. Helier 23.11.04. | 212 | Rejected 08.12.04 [votes – p: 20; c: 31; a: 0]. Prop. of Senator Norman that "the question be now put" adopted 8.12.04 [votes – p: 27; c: 20; a: 1]. After rejection of 3rd amdts., prop. of Deputy Southern to suspend St.Ord. 26A for remainder of Budget debate adopted 8.12.04 [votes – p: 31; c: 18; a: 0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Policy and Resources Committee 7.12.04. | 212 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 7.12.04. | 212 Com. (2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Budget 2005: fourth amendments. Presented on a "blue" by Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour 7.12.04. | 215 | Withdrawn 09.12.04 due to proposer's absence and in effect replaced by ninth amendments of Connétable of St. Helier. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 7.12.04. | 215 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Budget 2005: fifth amendments. Presented on a "blue" by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier 7.12.04. | 216 | Rejected 14.12.04 [votes – p: 15; c: 30; a: 0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 7.12.04. | 216 Com. (re-issue) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Budget 2005: sixth amendments. Presented on a "blue" by Senator E.P. Vibert 7.12.04. | 217 | Rejected 14.12.04 [votes – p: 13; c: 32; a: 0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 7.12.04. | 217 Com. (re-issue) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Budget 2005: seventh amendments. Presented on a "blue" by Senator S. Syvret 7.12.04. | 218 | Rejected 14.12.04 [votes – p: 16; c: 30; a: 0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 7.12.04. | 218 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Budget 2005: eighth amendments. Presented on a "blue" by Senator R.J. Shenton 7.12.04. | 220 (re-issue) | Part 1 adopted 08.12.04 [votes – p: 31; c: 12; a: 0]. Part 2 adopted 10.12.04 [votes – p: 41; c: 1; a: 0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 7.12.04. | 220 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Budget 2005: ninth amendments. Presented by the Connétable of St. Helier 9.12.04. | 223 | Withdrawn 09.12.04 (after debate). |
Budget 2005: tenth amendment. Presented by Deputy P.N. Troy of St. Brelade 10.12.04. | 224 | Prop. of Deputy Baudains that "the States move to the next item on the Order Paper" adopted s.v. 10.12.04 therefore amdt. fell. |
Building a safer society. Lodged by the Home Affairs Committee 27.1.04. | 12 | Withdrawn 03.02.04. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 24.2.04. | 12 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Building a safer society. Lodged by the Home Affairs Committee 3.2.04. | 17 | Adopted 16.03.04 [appel: votes 43-2]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 24.2.04. | 17 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Policy and Resources Committee 16.3.04. | 17 Com.(2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Bus Service: rescindment of decisions relating to concessionary fares and adult fares after 8.00 p.m. Lodged by Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour 14.9.04. | 150 | Adopted 19.10.04 – para.(a)(i) [votes – p: 34; c: 11; a: 0]; para.(a)(ii) [votes – p: 31; c: 13; a: 1]; para.(b) [votes – p: 26; c: 19; a: 0]. Prop. of Deputy Voisin that "the question be now put" adopted 19.10.04 [votes – p: 27; c: 10; a: 0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 12.10.04. | 150 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Environment and Public Services Committee 12.10.04. | 150 Com. (2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Bus Service tendering process: Committee of Inquiry. Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 17.2.04. | 31 | Adopted 09.03.04 [appel: votes 37-0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 9.3.04. | 31 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Bus Service Tendering Process: Committee of Inquiry – membership. Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 28.9.04. | 165 | Adopted s.v. 12.10.04. |
Bus Service Tendering Process: Committee of Inquiry – terms of reference and membership. Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 25.5.04. | 99 | Deferred 08.06.04 to 22.06.04. Paras. (a)&(b) withdrawn 22.06.04. Prop. of Deputy of St. John that"the question be now put" on para. (c) adopted 30.6.04 [votes – p: 24; c: 15; a: 0]. Para. (c) adopted as amended 30.06.04. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 1.6.04. | 99 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
am e n d m ent. L o d g e d by Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour 15.6.04. | 99 Amd. | Adopted 30.06.04 [votes – p: 23; c: 19; a: 0]. |
co m m en t s. P r ese n t e d b y t he Policy and Resources Committee 29.6.04. | 99 Amd. Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
se c o n d amendment. P r ese n t ed on a "blue" by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier 22.6.04. | 99 Amd.(2) | Adopted s.v. 30.06.04. |
C |
Car parking charges: allocation of additional income to the funding of transport initiatives. Lodged by the Environment and Public Services Committee 7.9.04. | 147 | Adopted unamended 19.10.04 [votes – p: 21; c: 17; a: 1]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 28.9.04. | 147 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
am e n d m ents. L o d g e d by Deputy J.B. Fox of St. Helier 28.9.04. | 147 Amd. | Rejected 19.10.04 [votes – p: 10; c: 29; a: 0]. |
co m m en t s. P r ese n t e d b y t he Finance and Economics Committee | 147 Amd. Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
12.10.04. |
co m m en t s. P r ese n t e d b y t he Environment and Public Services Committee 12.10.04. | 147 Amd. Com.(2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Channel Islands Lottery: allocation of profits. Lodged by the Economic Development Committee 20.7.04. | 136 | Adopted s.v. 28.09.04. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 28.9.04. | 136 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Channel Islands Welding, La Collette: permission for alterations to head lease. Lodged by the Environment and Public Services Committee 17.2.04. | 26 | Adopted s.v. 11.05.04. |
Château La Chaire, Rozel, St. Martin: use of public funds. Lodged by the Deputy of St. John 3.2.04. | 22 | Withdrawn 18.01.05. |
Child Care Scheme for low income families: amendments. Lodged by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier 12.10.04. | 173 | Deferred 24.11.04 to 30.11.04. Rejected 30.11.04 [votes – p: 17; c: 30; a: 0]. Prop. of Deputy of St. John that"the question be now put" adopted 30.11.04 [votes – p: 24; c: 17; a: 0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Education, Sport and Culture Committee 9.11.04. | 173 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Employment and Social Security Committee 23.11.04. | 173 Com. (2) (re-issue) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 23.11.04. | 173 Com. (3) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Policy and Resources Committee 23.11.04. | 173 Com. (4) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Draft Christmas Bonus (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 200-. Lodged by the Employment and Social Security Committee 13.4.04. | 55 | 26.5.04 – Preamble adopted [appel: votes 27-10]; Articles adopted [appel: votes 27-9]; Law adopted in 3rd Reading on s.v. |
Draft Civil Evidence (Jersey) Law 2003 (Appointed Day) Act 200-. Lodged by the Legislation Committee 14.12.04. | 228 | Adopted s.v. 19.01.05 (R&O 2/2005). |
St. Clement's Primary School: approval of drawings. Lodged by the Education, Sport and Culture Committee 29.6.04. Corrigendum issued. | 125 | Adopted s.v. 20.07.04. |
Code of Practice on Public Access to Official Information: measures to improve implementation. Lodged by the Privileges and Procedures Committee 27.4.04. | 80 | Adopted 08.06.04 [votes – p: 47; c: 0; a: 0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Policy and Resources Committee 25.5.04. | 80 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 1.6.04. | 80 Com.(2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Commissioners of Appeal for Income Tax: appointment. Lodged by the Finance and Economics Committee 22.6.04. | 118 | Adopted s.v. 07.07.04. |
Committee of Inquiry: construction of 76 houses at Jambart Lane, St. Clementand public consultation procedures. Lodged by Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour 24.2.04. | 33 | Rejected 26.05.04 [appel: votes 13-34]. Prop. of Senator Norman that "the question be now put" adopted 26.05.04 [appel: votes 10-27]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 9.3.04. | 33 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Environment and Public Services Committee 11.5.04. | 33 Com.(2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Privileges and Procedures Committee 26.5.04. | 33 Com.(3) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Draft Community Provisions (Ship and Port Facility – Security) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 18.5.04. | 90 | Adopted s.v. 08.06.04 in 3rd Reading (R&O 55/2004). |
Compensation of victims of untraced drivers of motor vehicles: Agreement between the Home Affairs Committee and the Motor Insurers' Bureau. Lodged by the Home Affairs Committee 9.11.04. | 194 | Adopted s.v. 19.01.05. |
Draft Competition (Jersey) Law 200-. Lodged by the Economic Development Committee 9.3.04. Corrigendum issued. | 37 (re-issue) | Adopted 23.06.04 in 3rd Reading [votes – p: 41; c: 6; a: 1]. [Preamble – votes – p: 48; c: 2; a: 0; Part 1 – votes – p: 34; c: 1; a: 0; Part 2 – adopted on s.v.; Part 3 – Arts.16&17 adopted on s.v.; Art.18 votes – p: 30; c: 3; a: 1; Art.19 adopted on s.v.; Parts 4-8 – adopted on s.v.; Part 9 – votes – p: 36; c: 6; a: 0; Part 10 – Arts.55&56 adopted on s.v.; Art.57 adopted as amended on s.v.; Arts.58 to 64 – votes – p: 45; c: 0; a: 0.] |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 20.4.04. | 37 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
am e n d m ent. L o d g e d by Deputy J.L. Dorey of St. Helier 23.3.04. | 37 Amd. |
co m m en t s. P r ese n t e d b y t he Economic Development Committee 25.5.04. | 37 Amd. Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Composition and Election of the States Assembly. Lodged by the Deputy of St. Martin 15.6.04. | 115 | 20.07.04: Referred to the Special Committee on the Composition and Election of the States Assembly for a report prior to its consideration at a future date. Withdrawn 28.09.04. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Privileges and Procedures Committee 6.7.04. | 115 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Policy and Resources Committee 6.7.04. | 115 Com. (2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 6.7.04. | 115 Com. (3) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
am e n d m ent. L o d g e d by Senator L. Norman 20.7.04. | 115 Amd. | 20.07.04: Referred to the Special Committee on the Composition and Election of the States Assembly for a report prior to its consideration at a future date. Fell away 28.09.04 when principal prop. withdrawn. |
Court and Case Costs: investigation by Legal Budgets Limited. Lodged by Deputy A. Breckon of St. Saviour 29.6.04. | 126 | Withdrawn 20.07.04. |
Court and Case Costs: investigation. Lodged by Deputy A. Breckon of St. Saviour 20.7.04. | 138 | Deferred 12.10.04 to 26.10.04. Deferred 26.10.04 to 02.11.04. 2.11.04: Para.(a)(i) adopted [votes – p: 38; c: 2; a: 0]; para.(a)(ii) adopted [votes – p: 24; c: 16; |
| a: 0]; para.(b) adopted s.v. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 28.9.04. | 138 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Draft Customs and Excise (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 200-. Lodged by the Home Affairs Committee 27.1.04. | 10 | Adopted s.v. 09.03.04 in 3rd Reading. |
D |
Draft Data Protection (Jersey) Law 200-. Finance and Economics Committee. Corrigenda (x 3) issued. | 70 | Adopted as amended s.v. 30.06.04 in 3rd Reading. |
am e n d m ents. De p u ty J.L. Dorey of St. Helier . | 70 Amd. | Adopted 30.06.04 [votes – p: 21; c: 15; a: 0]. |
Data Protection Registrar: appointment. Lodged by the Finance and Economics Committee 10.2.04. | 23 | Adopted s.v. 02.03.04. |
Development of a Cultural Strategy for the Island. Lodged by the Education, Sport and Culture Committee 12.10.04. Corrigendum issued. | 172 | 16.11.04: referred to the Environment and Public Services and Economic Development Committees. Withdrawn 19.07.05. |
co m m en ts. P re se n ted by the Finance and Economics Committee 30.11.04. | 172 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
D'Hautrée Gardens, St. Saviour's Hill, St. Saviour – proposed deed of arrangement. Lodged by the Education, Sport and Culture Committee 11.5.04. | 84 | Adopted s.v. 08.06.04. |
Draft Dogs (Licence Duty) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Legislation Committee 12.10.04. | 169 | Adopted s.v. 16.11.04 in 3rd Reading (R&O 134/2004) [preamble votes – p: 26; c: 4; a: 1; Regs. 1-3 adopted s.v.]. |
E |
Draft Education (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 200-. Lodged by the Education, Sport and Culture Committee 26.10.04. | 179 | Withdrawn 14.12.04. |
Draft Education (Revocation of Provided School) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Education, Sport and Culture Committee 28.9.04. | 161 (re-issue) | Deferred 26.10.04 to 02.11.04. Adopted 02.11.04 s.v. (R&O 130/2004). |
Election of President of the Environment and Public Services Committee: question period. Presented by Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour and lodged by Senator E.P. Vibert 28.9.04. | 168 | Nullified on being lodged 28.09.04. |
Draft Electricity Link with France (Protection of Submarine Cables) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 26.10.04. | 184 | Adopted s.v. 14.12.04 (R&O 159/2004). |
Elizabeth Harbour Phase I warehouse – lease to Channel Express (Jersey) Limited. Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 2.11.04. | 189 | Withdrawn 29.11.05. |
Elizabeth Harbour Phase I Warehouse: lease to Commodore Express (Jersey) Limited. Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 13.4.04. | 54 | Adopted s.v. 08.06.04. |
Elizabeth Harbour Phase I warehouse – lease to Ferryspeed (C.I.) Ltd. Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 2.11.04. | 190 | Withdrawn 29.11.05. |
Draft Employment (Minimum Wage) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Employment and Social Security Committee 6.7.04. Corrigendum issued. | 131 | Adopted s.v. 22.07.04 in 3rd Reading (R&O 89/2004). |
Environment and Public Services Committee: vote of no confidence. Lodged by Senator E.P. Vibert 3.2.04. | 14 | Withdrawn 17.02.04. |
Environment and Public Services Committee: vote of no confidence. Lodged by the Deputy of St. Peter 14.9.04. | 160 | Deemed to have been withdrawn 15.09.04 following the resignation of the Committee. |
Equalisation of Welfare. Lodged by Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St. Clement 20.4.04. | 57 | Rejected 20.04.05 [votes – p:1; c:37; a:0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Policy and Resources Committee 25.5.04. | 57 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Employment and Social Security Committee 25.5.04. | 57 Com.(2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 19.4.05. | 57 Com.(3) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Draft European Communities (Treaty of Athens) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 27.1.04. | 7 | Deferred 02.03.04 to 09.03.04. Adopted s.v. 09.03.04 in 3rd Reading (R&O 15/2004). |
Draft Extradition (Designated Territories) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 14.9.04. Corrigendum issued. | 154 | Adopted 28.09.04 in 3rd Reading (R&O 113/2004) [votes on preamble – p: 37; c: 3; a: 0; votes on 2nd Reading – p: 33; c: 2; a: 0]. |
Draft Extradition (Jersey) Law 200-. Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 9.3.04. Corrigendum issued. | 39 | Adopted as amended 11.05.04 in 3rd Reading [appel: votes 43-1]. |
am e n d m ents. L o d g e d by the Policy and Resources Committee 27.4.04. | 39 Amd. | Adopted s.v. 11.05.04. |
Draft Extradition (Jersey) Law 2004 (Appointed Day) Act 200-. Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 14.9.04. | 153 | Adopted 28.09.04 (R&O 114/2004) [votes – p: 38; c: 2; a: 0]. |
F |
Fairtrade Island. Lodged by Senator J.A. Le Maistre 3.2.04. | 20 | Deferred 02.03.04 to 09.03.04. Adopted 9.3.04 [appel: votes 46-2]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Environment and Public Services Committee 17.2.04. | 20 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Draft Family Allowances (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Employment and Social Security Committee 2.11.04. | 188 | Adopted s.v. 10.12.04 in 3rd Reading (R&O 155/2004). |
Fields 1282 and 1287, La Fredée Lane, St. Helier: extinguishment of restrictive covenants. Lodged by the Environment and Public Services Committee 30.3.04. | 48 | Adopted s.v. 11.05.04. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 11.5.04. | 48 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Fields 181, 182 and 183, St. Peter: restriction on development. Lodged by the Deputy of St. Peter 6.7.04. | 133 | Adopted 21.07.04 [votes – p: 25; c: 18; a: 0]. Prop. of Deputy of St. John that"the question be now put" adopted 21.07.04 [votes – p: 24; c: 19; a: 0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Environment and Public Services Committee 20.7.04. | 133 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Fields 519, 520, 521, 524, 527 and 528, Trinity : Committee of Inquiry. | 156 | Rejected 28.09.04 [votes – p: 11; c: 26; a: 1; a: 0]. |
Lodged by Senator E.P. Vibert 14.9.04. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 28.9.04. | 156 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Fields 519, 520, 521, 524, 527 and 528, Trinity – rescindment of planning permit. Lodged by Senator P.V.F. Le Claire 20.4.04. | 74 (re-issue) | Deferred 28.09.04 to 12.10.04. Withdrawn 19.10.04 after prop. of Connétable of Trinity that "the question be now put" adopted 19.10.04 [votes – p: 31; c: 6; a: 0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Health and Social Services Committee 28.9.04. | 74 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 28.9.04. | 74 Com.(2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
ad d e n d u m . P r ese n t e d b y t he Finance and Economics Committee 12.10.04. | 74 Com.(2) Add. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Environment and Public Services Committee 12.10.04. | 74 Com.(3) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Field 812A, Bagot Manor Farm, St. Saviour: rezoning. Lodged by the Environment and Public Services Committee. | 155 | Deferred 19.10.04 to 26.10.04. Prop. of Deputy Duhamel to move on to the next item of business adopted 26.10.04 [votes – p: 21; c:15; a:0]. Withdrawn 01.02.05. |
Fields 89, 89A, 90, 92 and 93, Le Marais, St. Clement: redevelopment – approval of drawings. Lodged by the Housing Committee 16.11.04. | 200 | Adopted 14.12.04. |
Draft Finance (Jersey) Law 200-. Lodged by the Finance and Economics Committee 23.11.04. | 209 | Carried over from 7th-10th December Sittings to 14th December Sitting. Adopted s.v. as amended and lodged in 2nd Reading14.12.04. [Acte Opératoire adopted 14.12.04 (R&O 156/2004).] |
am e n d m ent. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 14.12.04. | 209 Amd. | Adopted 14.12.04 s.v. |
Draft Finance (Jersey) Law 200-. Lodged as amended in Second Reading by the Finance and Economics Committee 14.12.04. | 229 | Adopted s.v. 19.01.05 in 3rd Reading. |
Draft Financial Services (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 200-. Lodged by the Economic Development Committee 8.6.04. | 111 (re-issue) | Adopted s.v. 30.06.04 in 3rd Reading. |
Draft Fire Precautions (Designated Premises) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Home Affairs Committee 17.8.04. | 142 | Adopted s.v. 28.09.04 in 3rd Reading (R&O 112/2004). |
Draft Fire Service (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 2003 (Appointed Day) Act 200-. Lodged by the Home Affairs Committee 27.1.04. | 8 | Adopted s.v. 17.02.04 (R&O 11/2004). |
Fiscal Strategy. Lodged by the Finance and Economics Committee 1.6.04. | 106 | Para.(a) adopted 07.07.04 [votes – p: 38; c:4; a: 0]; paras.(b), (c), (d) and (e) adopted 07.07.04 [votes – p: 34; c: 8; a: 0]. Prop. of Senator Le Maistre that "the question be now put" adopted 07.07.04 [votes – p: 30; c: 9;a: 0]. |
am e n d m ents. | 106 Amd. | Rejected 07.07.04 – |
L o d g e d by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier 22.6.04. Amd.(1): votes – p: 20; c: 23; a: 0 ;
Amd.(2): votes – p: 9; c: 35; a: 0 ;
Amd.(3): votes – p: 13; c: 31; a: 0 ; Amd.(4): votes – p: 18; c: 26 ; a: 0.
co m m en t s. 106 Amd. ------------------------------------------------------ P r ese n t e d b y t he Finance and Economics Committee Com.
co m m en t s. 106 Amd. ------------------------------------------------------ P r ese n t e d b y t he Employment and Social Security Com.(2)
Committee 6.7.04.
Former School, Clearview Street, St. Helier: proposed sale. 49 Deferred 11.05.04 to a later date.
Lodged by the Environment and Public Services Committee 30.3.04. (re-issue) Deemed to have been withdrawn 05.04.05
under St.Ord.17(6).
co m m en ts. 49 Com. ------------------------------------------------------ P r ese n t ed by the Health and Social Services Committee
co m m en ts. 49 Com.(2) ------------------------------------------------------ P r ese n t ed by the Housing Committee 11.5.04.
Draft Amendment (No. 29) to the Tariff of Harbour and Light Dues. 185 Adopted 10.12.04 (to be made by Committee Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 26.10.04. as an Order before publication).
co m m en ts. 185 Com. ------------------------------------------------------ P re se n ted by the Finance and Economics Committee
Draft Harbours (Amendment No. 37) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. 71 Adopted s.v. 11.05.04 in 3rd Reading Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 20.4.04. (R&O 40/2004).
Draft Harbours (Amendment No. 38) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. 183 Adopted s.v. 10.12.04 in 3rd Reading Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 26.10.04. (R&O 154/2004).
co m m en ts. 183 Com. ------------------------------------------------------ P re se n ted by the Finance and Economics Committee
Draft Health Insurance (Medical Benefit) (Amendment No. 58) 29 Adopted s.v. 09.03.04 in 3rd Reading (Jersey) Regulations 200-. (R&O 16/2004).
Lodged by the Employment and Social Security Committee 17.2.04.
co m m en ts. 29 Com. ------------------------------------------------------ P re se n ted by the Finance and Economics Committee
Draft Health Insurance (Medical Benefit) (Amendment No. 59) 157 Adopted s.v. 28.09.04 in 3rd Reading (Jersey) Regulations 200-. (R&O 111/2004).
Lodged by the Employment and Social Security Committee 14.9.04.
Draft Health Insurance (Medical Benefit) (Amendment No. 60) 213 Adopted s.v. 15.12.04 in 3rd Reading (Jersey) Regulations 200-. (R&O 160/2004).
Lodged by the Employment and Social Security Committee 30.11.04.
Draft Honorary Police (Jersey) Regulations 200-. 193 19.01.05
Lodged by the Legislation Committee 9.11.04. Regs. 1-5 adopted [votes – p: 36; c: 3; a: 0];
Regs. 6-13 adopted s.v.;
Regs adopted in 3rd Reading (R&O 1/2005).
Draft Honorary Police (Parochial Domicile) (Amendment) (Jersey) 89 Adopted s.v. 08.06.04 in 3rd Reading. Law 200-.
Lodged by the Legislation Committee 11.5.04.
Corrigendum issued.
Draft Housing (Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) Law 200-. 34 Deferred 16.03.04 to 30.03.04. Lodged by the Housing Committee 24.2.04. Adopted s.v. 30.03.04 in 3rd Reading.
Housing Committee: vote of no confidence. 21 Rejected 17.02.04 [appel: votes 9-36 +
Lodged by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier 3.2.04. | 2 abstentions].(Senator Syvret prop. to hold debate "in camera" rejected after appel: votes 3-40 + 1 abstention.) | |
Draft Housing (General Provisions) (Amendment No. 21) (Jersey) 226 Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Housing Committee 14.12.04. | Adopted 01.02.05 in 3rd Reading [votes on preamble – p: 37; c: 3; a: 0] (R&O –7/2005). | |
Housing Rent Subsidy Scheme: disregard to long-term incapacity 207 benefit. Lodged by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier 23.11.04. | Withdrawn 11.01.05. | |
co m m en ts. 207 Com. P r e se n ted by the Employment and Social Security Committee 7.12.04. | ------------------------------------------------------ | |
I |
| |
Income Tax: allowance for children over 17 in full-time education. 16 Lodged by the Deputy of St. Martin 3.2.04. | Deferred 26.05.04 to 01.06.04. Rejected 01.06.04 [appel: votes 14-20]. Prop. of Senator E.P. Vibert that "the question be now put" rejected 01.06.04 [appel: votes 17-18]. | |
co m m en ts. 16 Com. P re se n ted by the Finance and Economics Committee 11.5.04. | ------------------------------------------------------ | |
co m m en ts. 16 Com.(2) P r e se n t ed by the Education, Sport and Culture Committee 18.5.04. | ------------------------------------------------------ | |
Draft Income Tax (Amendment No. 24) (Jersey) Law 200-. Lodged by the Finance and Economics Committee 23.11.04. | 205 | Withdrawn 07.12.04 and replaced by P.222/2004. |
am e n d m ents. L o d g e d by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier 7.12.04. | 205 Amd. | Fell automatically 07.12.04 due to withdrawal of principal proposition. |
co m m en t s. P r ese n t e d b y t he Finance and Economics Committee 7.12.04. | 205 Amd. Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Draft Income Tax (Amendment No. 24) (Jersey) Law 200-. Lodged by the Finance and Economics Committee 7.12.04. | 222 | Adopted s.v. and lodged in 2nd Reading 14.12.04. [Acte Opératoire adopted 14.12.04 (R&O 157/2004).] |
Draft Income Tax (Amendment No. 24) (Jersey) Law 200-. Lodged in Second Reading by the Finance and Economics Committee 14.12.04. | 230 | Adopted s.v. 19.01.05 in 3rd Reading. |
Draft Income Tax (Prescribed Limit and Rate) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Finance and Economics Committee 23.11.04. | 206 | Carried over from 7th-10th December Sittings to 14th December Sitting. Adopted s.v. in 3rd Reading 14.12.04 (R&O 158/2004). |
Draft Act annulling the Island Planning (Designation of Sites of Special Interest) (No. 9) (Jersey) Order 2004. Lodged by Deputy L.J. Farnham of St. Saviour 1.6.04. Corrigendum issued. | 109 | Deferred on 20.07.04 to an unspecified date. Rejected 15.09.04 [votes – p: 15; c: 27; a: 1]. (Prop. of Senator Le Claire that "the question be now put" rejected 15.09.04 [votes – p: 18; c: 23; a: 1].) |
co m m en ts. P r e se n ted by the Environment and Public Services Committee 20.7.04. | 109 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
J |
Jersey Airport: Fireground Remediation – Deed of Settlement. Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 19.10.04. | 176 | Deferred 23.11.04 to an unspecified date. Adopted 18.01.05 [votes – p: 36; c: 12; a: 0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Environment and Public Services Committee 23.11.04. | 176 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 30.11.04. | 176 Com. (2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Health and Social Services Committee 18.1.05. | 176 Com. (3) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Jersey Airport, St. Peter: Alpha Taxiway – transfer of administration. Lodged by the Environment and Public Services Committee 25.5.04. | 101 | Adopted s.v. 22.06.04. |
Jersey Airport, St. Peter: Alpha Taxiway – transfer of administration. Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 25.5.04. | 102 | Adopted s.v. 22.06.04. |
Draft Jersey Association for Mental Health and Jersey Schizophrenia Fellowship (Integration with Jersey Focus on Mental Health) (Jersey) Law 2003 (Appointed Day) Act 200-. Lodged by the Health and Social Services Committee 22.6.04. | 120 | Adopted s.v. 20.07.04 (R&O 72/2004). |
Jersey Brewery site, Belmont Place, St. Helier: deletion of site warehouse (only) from the list of sites protected for Category A housing under Policy H4 of the Island Plan 2002. Lodged by the Environment and Public Services Committee 15.12.04. | 231 | Adopted s.v. 18.01.05. |
Jersey Child Care Trust: appointment of Chairman. Lodged by the Education, Sport and Culture Committee 3.2.04. | 15 | Adopted s.v. 17.02.04. |
Jersey Community Relations Trust: appointment of Chairman and a Trustee. Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 11.5.04. | 87 | Adopted s.v. 08.06.04 as amended. |
am e n d m ent. P r ese n t ed on a "blue" by Senator E.P. Vibert 8.6.04. | 87 Amd. | Adopted s.v. 08.06.04. |
Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority: appointment of member and Chairman. Lodged by the Economic Development Committee 20.4.04. | 63 | Deferred 11.05.04 to a later date. Withdrawn 22.06.04. |
Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority: appointment of non- Executive Chairman. Presented on "blue" by the Economic Development Committee 20.4.04. | 139 | Adopted s.v. 20.07.04. |
Jersey Consumer Council: appointment of Chairman. Lodged by the Economic Development Committee 18.5.04. | 96 | Adopted s.v. 08.06.04. |
Jersey Council for Safety and Health at Work: appointment of Chairman. Lodged by the Employment and Social Security Committee 8.6.04. | 112 | Adopted s.v. 30.06.04. |
Jersey Dental Scheme: appointment of Chairman. Lodged by the Employment and Social Security Committee 24.2.04. | 32 | Adopted s.v. 09.03.04. |
Jersey Financial Services Commission: appointment of Commissioners. Lodged by the Economic Development Committee 9.3.04. | 38 | Deferred 30.03.04 to 20.04.04. Adopted s.v. 20.04.04. |
Jersey Heritage Trust: appointment of Chairman. Lodged by the Education, Sport and Culture Committee 18.5.04. | 94 | Adopted 08.06.04 [votes – p: 45; c: 1; a: 1]. |
Draft Jersey Legal Information Board (Incorporation) Law 200-. Lodged by the Finance and Economics Committee 18.5.04. | 98 | Adopted s.v. 08.06.04 in 3rd Reading. |
Jersey Police Complaints Authority: appointment of members. Lodged by the Home Affairs Committee 21.12.04. | 232 | Adopted s.v. 01.02.05. |
Jersey Post Headquarters canteen : rescindment of permission. Lodged by Deputy C.J. Scott Warr en of St. Saviour 12.10.04. | 174 | Withdrawn 19.10.04. |
Jersey Telecom Limited: special tariffs for senior citizens. 167 Adopted 12.10.04 [votes – p: 47; c: 0; a: 0]. Lodged by the Deputy of Grouville 28.9.04. Prop. of Deputy Farnham that "the question
be now put" adopted 12.10.04
[votes – p: 34; c: 11; a: 2].
co m m en ts. 167 Com. ------------------------------------------------------ P re se n ted by the Finance and Economics Committee
co m m en ts. 167 Com. ------------------------------------------------------ P r ese n ted by the Economic Development Committee (2)
Draft The Law Society of Jersey Law 200-. 162 Deferred 19.10.04 to 26.10.04.
Lodged by the Legislation Committee 28.9.04. 26.10.04:
Corrigendum issued. Preamble adopted [votes – p: 31; c: 0; a: 0];
Arts.1-17 adopted s.v.;
Art.18 adopted as amended s.v.;
Sitting of 26.10.04 adjourned after Art. 18. 2.11.04:
Arts.19-20 adopted s.v.;
Art.21 adopted as amended s.v.;
Art.22 adopted unamended s.v.;
Art.23 adopted unamended s.v.;
Arts.24-36 adopted s.v.;
Art.37 adopted as amended s.v.;
Art.38 adopted s.v.;
Law adopted in 3rd Reading s.v.
co m m en ts. 162 Com. ------------------------------------------------------ P re se n ted by the Finance and Economics Committee
am e n d m ents. 162 Amd. Amd. to Art.18 adopted 26.10.04
L o d g e d by Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour 28.9.04. [votes – p: 36; c: 2; a: 0];
Amd. to Art.21(1)(b) adopted s.v.;
Amd. to Art.21(1)(c) adopted [votes – p: 31; c: 8; a: 0]; Amd. to Art.22 rejected [votes – p: 6; c: 36; a: 0];
Amd. to Art.23 rejected [votes – p: 12; c: 23; a: 0];
subsequent further proposed amds. to Arts.23, 24 & 26 deemed to have been withdrawn following the rejection of the amds. to Arts.22 & 23;
Amd. to Art.37 adopted s.v.
Le Coin Flats, Ann Street, St. Helier: sale to the Jersey Homes Trust. 27 Deferred 02.03.04 to 09.03.04.
Lodged by the Housing Committee 17.2.04. Adopted 09.03.04 [appel: votes 34-10].
Le Marais, St. Clement: redevelopment of low rise Phase I. 145 Adopted s.v. 28.09.04.
Lodged by the Housing Committee 31.8.04.
co m m en ts. 145 Com. ------------------------------------------------------ P re se n ted by the Finance and Economics Committee
Le Squez and part of Le Marais Estate, St. Clement: redevelopment. 19 Deferred 02.03.04 to 09.03.04.
Lodged by the Housing Committee 3.2.04. Adopted 09.03.04 [appel: votes 37-12].
co m m en ts. 19 Com. ------------------------------------------------------ P re se n ted by the Finance and Economics Committee
Le Squez Estate, St. Clement, Phase 1A: redevelopment– approval of 76 Adopted s.v. 26.05.04. drawings.
Lodged by the Housing Committee 27.4.04.
co m m en ts. 76 Com. ------------------------------------------------------
P re se n ted by the Finance and Economics Committee
Licensing Law: purchase of alcohol for persons under 18. 77 Withdrawn 18.05.04.
Lodged by the Deputy of St. Martin 27.4.04.
Licensing Law: purchase of alcohol for persons under 18. 95 Debate commenced 22.06.04; then Senator Lodged by the Deputy of St. Martin 18.5.04. M. Vibert 's proposition to move on to the
next item on the Order Paper was adopted – votes – p: 31; c: 18; a: 0. Projet then referred to Home Affairs Committee, Comité des Connétable s and Economic Development Committee.
Withdrawn 24.05.05.
co m m en ts. 95 Com. ------------------------------------------------------
P r ese n ted by the Economic Development Committee
co m m en ts. 95 Com.(2) ------------------------------------------------------
P r ese n t ed by the Connétable of St. Martin 24.8.04.
co m m en ts. 95 Com.(3) ------------------------------------------------------
P r ese n t ed by the Home Affairs Committee 7.9.04.
Draft Licensing (Licence Fees) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. 144 Adopted s.v. 14.09.04 (R&O 103/2004). Lodged by the Economic Development Committee 24.8.04.
Lord Coutanche Court, Seaton Place, St. Helier: Seaton Lane – 93 Adopted s.v. 22.06.04.
proposed sale.
Lodged by the Housing Committee 18.5.04.
Corrigendum issued.
co m m en ts. 93 Com. ------------------------------------------------------ P re se n ted by the Finance and Economics Committee
co m m en ts. 93 Com.(2) ------------------------------------------------------ P r e se n ted by the Environment and Public Services
Committee 22.6.04.
Machinery of Government Reform: composition and election of the 151 24.11.04
States Assembly. Para.(a)(iii) rejected [votes – p: 9; c: 41; Lodged by the Special Committee on the Composition and Election of a: 1];
the States Assembly 14.9.04. para.(a)(iv) rejected [votes – p: 2; c: 49; a: 0];
paras.(a)(i)&(ii) rejected [votes – p: 16; c: 34; a: 1]; paras.(b)&(c) deemed to have been
withdrawn due to the rejection of para.(a) in
its entirety.
Prop. of Senator Le Maistre that "the
question be now put" adopted [votes – p: 26; c: 21; a: 0].
co m m en ts. 151 Com. ------------------------------------------------------
P r ese n t ed by the Policy and Resources Committee (re-issue)
co m m en ts. 151 Com. ------------------------------------------------------
P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee (2)
am e n d m ents. 151 Amd. Amd.(1) rejected 24.11.04 [votes – p: 5;
L o d g e d by the Deputy of St. Martin 28.9.04. c: 42; a: 1].
Amd.(2) withdrawn 24.11.04.
am e n d m e n t s . 151 Amd. Amd.(1) rejected 24.11.04 [votes – p: 4;
L o d g e d b y De puty M.F. Dubras of St. Lawrence Amd. c: 43; a: 0].
12.10.04. Amd.(2) deemed to have been withdrawn
due to the withdrawal of the related amendment of the Deputy of St. Martin.
se c o n d amendment. 151 Amd. Withdrawn 24.11.04.
L o d g e d by Deputy M.F. Dubras of St. Lawrence 12.10.04. | (2) |
th i rd a m endments. L o d g e d by the Deputy of St. Ouen 26.10.04. | 151 Amd. (3) | Rejected 24.11.04 [votes – p: 3; c: 47; a: 0]. Prop. of Deputy Farnham that "the question be now put" rejected 24.11.04 [votes – p: 19; c: 21; a: 0]. Prop. of Deputy of St. John that"the question be now put" rejected 24.11.04 [votes – p: 21; c: 23; a: 0]. Prop. of Senator E.P. Vibert that "the question be now put" adopted 24.11.04 [votes – p: 35; c: 11; a: 0]. |
Machinery of Government Reform: election of Senators. Lodged by Deputy S.C. Ferguson of St. Brelade 9.11.04. | 195 | Withdrawn 24.11.04. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Policy and Resources Committee 23.11.04. | 195 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Machinery of Government: relationship between the Parishes and the Executive. Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 9.3.04. | 40 | Reference back proposition of Senator J.A. Le Maistre rejected [appel: votes 12-34]. Adopted as amended 25.05.04 [appel: votes 37-10]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Connétable of St. Martin 18.5.04. | 40 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 25.5.04. | 40 Com.(2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Employment and Social Security Committee 25.5.04. | 40 Com.(3) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
am e n d m ent. L o d g e d by the Connétable of St. Helier 11.5.04. | 40 Amd. | Adopted 25.05.04 [appel: votes 37-7]. |
se c o n d amendment. L o d g e d by the Policy and Resources Committee 11.5.04. | 40 Amd.(2) | Accepted 25.05.04 and included as part of main debate. |
Machinery of Government: Votes of No Confidence in individual Ministers. Lodged by Senator S. Syvret 20.1.04. | 6 | Adopted 14.09.04 [votes – p: 39; c: 0; a: 0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Privileges and Procedures Committee 30.3.04. | 6 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Policy and Resources Committee 20.4.04. | 6 Com.(2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Maison St. Louis Observatory, Highlands Lane, St. Saviour and La Moye Weather Radar Station, La Fosse Voerin, St. Brelade: transfer of administration. Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 23.11.04. | 204 | Adopted s.v. 19.01.05. |
Manual Workers' Joint Council: membership. Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 17.2.04. | 30 | Adopted s.v. 02.03.04. |
Manual Workers' Joint Council: membership. Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 7.12.04. | 219 | Adopted s.v. 19.01.05. |
Maritime House, La Route du Port Elizabeth, St. Helier: transfer of administration. Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 16.11.04. | 201 | Adopted s.v. 19.01.05. |
Draft Medicines (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 200-. Lodged by the Health and Social Services Committee 7.12.04. | 214 | Adopted s.v. 02.02.05 in 3rd Reading. |
Meetings of the States in 2005. Lodged by the Privileges and Procedures Committee 26.10.04. | 181 | Para.(b) withdrawn 09.11.04; para.(a) adopted 16.11.04 [votes – p: 27; c: 7; a: 0]. |
am e n d m ent. P r ese n t ed on a "blue" by Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of | 181 Amd. | Rejected 16.11.04 [votes – p: 11; c: 23; a: 0]. |
St. Clement 9.11.04. |
Draft Mental Health (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 2004 (Appointed Day) Act 200-. Lodged by the Health and Social Services Committee 7.9.04. | 148 | Adopted s.v. 28.09.04 (R&O 116/2004). |
Draft Milk (Sale to Special Classes) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Employment and Social Security Committee 30.3.04. | 50 | Deferred 20.04.04 to 27.04.04. Adopted s.v. 27.04.04 in 3rd Reading (R&O 31/2004). |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 20.4.04. | 50 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Minimum Wage: proposed rates. Lodged by the Employment and Social Security Committee 6.7.04. | 130 | On 22.7.04 – para.(c) rejected [votes – p: 15; c: 25; a: 0]; para.(b) adopted [votes – p: 38; c: 2; a: 0]; para.(a) adopted (as amd. by the result of the vote on para.(c)) [votes – p: 40; c: 0; a: 0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 20.7.04. | 130 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
am e n d m ent. P r ese n t ed on a "blue" by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier 20.7.04 and lodged by the Deputy of St. John 22.7.04. | 130 Amd. | Lodged by the Deputy of St. John and consequently fell, as the debate on the principal proposition was concluded on the day the amendment was lodged. |
Model Agreements on taxation of savings income. Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 18.5.04. | 97 | Adopted 22.06.04 [votes – p: 49; c: 0; a: 0]. |
Modernisation of Jersey's Gambling Legislation. Lodged by the Economic Development Committee 20.4.04. | 62 (re-issue) | |
02.03.05 Para. (a) rejected [votes – p: 11; c 36; a: 0]; para. (b) adopted [votes – p: 26; c: 21; a: 0]; para. (c) rejected [votes – p: 23; c: 24; a: 0]; para. (d) adopted [votes – p: 39; c: 7; a: 0]; para. (e) adopted [votes – p: 45; c: 2; a: 0]; para. (f) adopted [votes – p: 39; c: 8; a: 0]. On 01.03.05: prop. of Senator E. Vibert that "the question be now put" rejected [votes – p: 20; c: 27; a: 0]. On 02.03.05: prop. of Deputy Farnham for a reference back to EDC rejected [votes – p: 21; c: 25; a: 0]. On 02.03.05: prop. of Deputy Dorey that "the question be now put" rejected [votes – p: 19; c: 21; a: 0]. | ||
ad d e n d u m. P r ese n t ed by the Economic Development Committee 22.2.05. | 62 Add. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 11.5.04. | 62 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
am e n d m ents. L o d g e d by Senator E.P. Vibert 22.6.04. | 62 Amd. | Withdrawn 12.10.04. |
Modernisation of Jersey's Gambling Legislation: gaming devices. Lodged by Senator E.P. Vibert 22.6.04. | 123 | Withdrawn 12.10.04. |
Mr. William Richmond-Pickering: acceptance of bequest and establishment of Rivington Travelling scholarship. Lodged by the Education, Sport and Culture Committee 22.6.04. | 117 | Adopted s.v. 20.07.04. |
N |
Draft Non-Contributory Pensions (Repeal) (Jersey) Law 200-. Lodged by the Employment and Social Security Committee 20.4.04. | 73 | Adopted s.v. 25.05.04 in 3rd Reading. |
Draft Nursing and Residential Homes (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) | 132 | Adopted s.v. 21.07.04 in 3rd Reading. |
Law 200-. Lodged by the Health and Social Services Committee 6.7.04. |
P |
A People's Advocate. Lodged by Senator S. Syvret 16.11.04. Corrigendum issued. | 202 | Withdrawn 29.11.05. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by H.M. Attorney General 18.1.05. | 202 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Policy and Resources Committee 25.1.05. | 202 Com. (2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Privileges and Procedures Committee 1.2.05. | 202 Com. (3) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 1.2.05. | 202 Com. (4) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Draft Petty Debts Court (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Jersey) Law 2000 (Appointed Day) Act 200-. Lodged by the Legislation Committee 11.5.04. | 83 | Adopted s.v. 25.05.04 (R&O 48/2004). |
Draft Planning and Building (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 200-. Lodged by the Environment and Public Services Committee 23.11.04. | 210 | Preamble adopted 15.12.04 [votes – p: 32; c: 6; a: 0]. Arts.1-7 adopted 15.12.04 [votes – p: 31; c: 5; a: 0]. Adopted in 3rd Reading 15.12.04. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 14.12.04. | 210 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Planning applications: requirement to publicize. Lodged by Senator P.V.F. Le Claire 12.10.04. | 175 | Withdrawn after some debate 18.01.05. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Environment and Public Services Committee 23.11.04. | 175 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 18.1.05. | 175 Com. (2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Connétable of St. Martin 18.1.05. | 175 Com. (3) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Health and Social Services Committee 18.1.05. | 175 Com. (4) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Draft Police Force (Amendment No. 10) (Jersey) Law 200-. Lodged by the Home Affairs Committee 27.1.04. | 9 | Adopted 16.03.04 in 3rd Reading as amended [appel: votes 28-12]. |
am e n d m ent. L o d g e d by the Deputy of St. Martin 3.2.04. | 9 Amd. | Adopted s.v. 16.03.04. |
Draft Police Procedures and Criminal Evidence (Jersey) Law 2003 (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Home Affairs Committee 2.11.04. | 187 | Adopted s.v. 24.11.04 in 3rd Reading (R&O 138/2004). |
Draft Police Procedures and Criminal Evidence (Jersey) Law 2003 (Appointed Day) (No. 2) Act 200-. Lodged by the Home Affairs Committee 2.11.04. | 186 | Adopted 24.11.04 (R&O 137/2004) [votes – p: 34; c: 2; a: 0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 23.11.04. | 186 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Draft Postal Services (Jersey) Law 200-. Lodged by the Economic Development Committee 10.2.04. | 24 | Adopted 30.03.04 in 3rd Reading as amended [appel: votes 39-2]. |
am e n d m ents. L o d g e d by the Economic Development Committee 16.3.04. | 24 Amd. | Adopted s.v. 30.03.04. |
Draft Postal Services (Jersey) Law 2004 (Appointed Day) Act 200-. Lodged by the Economic Development Committee 14.9.04. | 159 | Adopted 28.09.04 (R&O 115/2004) [votes – p: 33; c: 12; a: 0]. [Prop. of Senator Shenton to move on to the next item on the Order Paper rejected: votes – p: 19 ; c: 25 ; a: 0]. |
Draft Prison (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 200-. Lodged by the Home Affairs Committee 23.3.04. | 45 | Adopted s.v. 25.05.04in 3rd Reading. |
Draft Privileges and Immunities (Diplomatic, Consular, etc.) (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 200-. Lodged by the Legislation Committee 11.5.04. | 86 | Adopted s.v. 08.06.04 in 3rd Reading. |
Projet de Loi (200-) (Amendement No. 10) réglant la procédure criminelle. Logé par le Comité de Législation 3.2.04. | 13 | Deferred 16.03.04 to 30.03.04. Adopted s.v. 30.03.04 in 3rd Reading. |
Public and political access to economic models. Lodged by Senator S. Syvret 22.6.04. | 121 | Deferred 06.07.04 to 20.07.04. Part (a) adopted 22.07.04 [votes – p: 35; c: 3; a: 0]; part (b) withdrawn 22.07.04. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 6.7.04. | 121 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Public and Private Sector Housing Rental Subsidy Schemes: income disregard – rescindment. Lodged by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier 20.1.04. | 5 | Rejected 18.02.04 [appel: votes 17-28]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Housing Committee 17.2.04 | 5 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 17.2.04. | 5 Com.(2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Employment and Social Security Committee 17.2.04. | 5 Com.(3) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Draft Public Elections (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Legislation Committee 16.3.04. | 44 | Withdrawn 30.03.04. |
Draft Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002 (Appointed Day) (No. 2) Act 200-. Lodged by the Legislation Committee 16.3.04. | 43 | Withdrawn 30.03.04. |
Draft Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (Existing Members) (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 20.4.04. | 60 | Adopted s.v. 08.06.04 in 3rd Reading (R&O 56/2004). |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 1.6.04. | 60 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Draft Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (New Members) (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 20.4.04. | 61 | Adopted s.v. 08.06.04 in 3rd Reading (R&O 57/2004). |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 1.6.04. | 61 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Draft Public Employees (Retirement) (Validation and Amendment) (Jersey) Law 200-. Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 9.11.04. | 192 (re-issue) | Adopted s.v. 24.11.04 in 3rd Reading. |
Draft Public Finances (Jersey) Law 200-. Lodged by the Finance and Economics Committee 26.10.04. Corrigendum issued. | 180 | Adopted 19.01.05 in 3rd Reading [votes – p: 41; c: 5; a:0]. [Arts. 1-13, 15-18, 20-75 & Schedule all adopted s.v. 19.1.05; Arts. 14 & 19 withdrawn 19.1.05; Law adopted as |
amended in 2nd Reading s.v. 19.01.05.]
ad d e n d u m to report. 180 Add. ------------------------------------------------------ P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee
co m m en ts. 180 Com. ------------------------------------------------------ P r ese n t ed by the Policy and Resources Committee
am e n d m ents. 180 Amd. Adopted s.v. 19.01.05.
L o d g e d by the Privileges and Procedures Committee
se c o n d amendment. 180 Amd. Adopted s.v. 19.01.05.
L o d g e d by Deputy S.C. Ferguson of St. Brelade 4.1.05. (2)
Draft Public Holidays and Bank Holidays (Jersey) Act 200-. 56 Adopted s.v. 12.10.04 (R&O 123/2004). Lodged by the Legislation Committee 20.4.04.
co m m en ts. 56 Com. ------------------------------------------------------ P r ese n t ed by the Economic Development Committee
Public Sector Re-organisation: Five Year Vision for the Public 58 Adopted 26.05.04 [appel: votes 40-0]. Sector.
Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 20.4.04.
Draft Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Jersey) Law 200-. 196 Adopted s.v. 15.03.05.
Lodged by the Home Affairs Committee 9.11.04.
am e n d m ent. 196 Amd. Withdrawn 15.03.05.
L o d g e d by the Employment and Social Security Committee
co m m en ts. 196 Com. ------------------------------------------------------ P re se n ted by the Finance and Economics Committee
Regulatory Reform. 134 Adopted 15.09.04 [votes – p: 38; c: 0; a: 0]. Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 20.7.04.
co m m en ts. 134 Com. ------------------------------------------------------ P re se n ted by the Finance and Economics Committee
Rent Control Tribunal: appointment of members. 35 Adopted s.v. 09.03.04.
Lodged by the Housing Committee 24.2.04.
Residential and business parking scheme, Stopford Road area, 47 Withdrawn 20.04.04.
St. Helier: fees.
Lodged by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier 30.3.04.
co m m en ts. 47 Com. ------------------------------------------------------ P r e se n ted by the Environment and Public Services
Committee 20.4.04.
co m m en ts. 47 Com.(2) ------------------------------------------------------ P re se n ted by the Finance and Economics Committee
Draft Restriction on Smoking (Sales of Cigarettes to Children) 177 Adopted 24.11.04 in 3rd Reading (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. (R&O 136/2004)
Lodged by the Health and Social Services Committee 19.10.04. [preamble votes – p: 35; c: 4; a: 3;
Regs.1&2 adopted s.v.;
3rd Reading votes – p: 38; c: 2; a: 1].
Draft Road Traffic (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 200-. 85 Withdrawn 08.06.04.
Lodged by the Environment and Public Services Committee 11.5.04.
Draft Road Traffic (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 200-. 114 Withdrawn 30.06.04.
Lodged by the Environment and Public Services Committee 8.6.04.
Draft Road Traffic (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 200-. 146 19.10.04: preamble adopted [votes – p: 21;
Lodged by the Environment and Public Services Committee 7.9.04. |
| c: 14; a: 0]; Arts. 1 and 2 adopted on s.v.; Law adopted in 3rd Reading on s.v. |
Royal Court House/States Building: allocation of accommodation. Lodged by the Environment and Public Services Committee 20.4.04. | 69 | Adopted s.v. 14.09.04. |
am e n d m ents. L o d g ed by the Privileges and Procedures Committee 27.4.04 | 69 Amd. | Adopted s.v. 14.09.04. |
S |
Sale of properties. Lodged by the Housing Committee 13.4.04. | 52 | Deferred 26.05.04 to 01.06.04. Withdrawn 01.06.04. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 11.5.04. | 52 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Policy and Resources Committee 11.5.04. | 52 Com.(2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Environment and Public Services Committee 25.5.04. | 52 Com.(4) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
am e n d m ents. L o d g e d by Deputy P.N. Troy of St. Brelade 11.5.04. | P.52 Amd. | Fell 01.06.04 as principal prop. withdrawn. |
co m m en t s. P r ese n t e d b y t he Finance and Economics Committee 25.5.04. | 52 Amd. Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Sale of properties. Lodged by the Housing Committee 22.6.04. | 119 | Adopted 21.07.04 [votes – p: 31; c: 15; a: 0]. Prop. of Senator Le Maistre that "the question be now put" adopted 21.07.04 [votes – p: 31; c: 13; a: 0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Policy and Resources Committee 6.7.04. | 119 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
ad d e n d u m . P r ese n t e d b y t he Policy and Resources Committee 20.7.04. | 119 Com. Add. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 6.7.04. | 119 Com. (2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Environment and Public Services Committee 20.7.04. | 119 Com. (3) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
am e n d m ent. L o d g e d by Deputy P.N. Troy of St. Brelade 6.7.04. | 119 Amd. | Rejected 21.07.04 [votes – p: 16; c: 31; a: 0]. Prop. of Senator Ozouf that "the question be now put" adopted 21.07.04 [votes – p: 36; c: 9; a: 0]. |
Draft Sea Fisheries (Minimum Size Limits) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Economic Development Committee 8.6.04. | 113 | Withdrawn 29.06.04. |
Senatorial Elections 2005. Lodged by Deputy P.N. Troy of St. Brelade 7.12.04. | 221 | Rejected 01.02.05 [votes – p: 36; c: 11; a: 1]. Prop. of Senator Le Maistre that "the question be now put" adopted 01.02.05 [votes – p: 28; c: 17; a: 1]. |
Senators and Deputies: terms of office. Lodged by Deputy A. Breckon of St. Saviour 14.12.04. | 227 | Prop. of Deputy Dubras to move to the next item on the O.P. adopted 01.02.05 [votes – p: 24; c: 20; a: 0]. Deemed to have been withdrawn 06.06.06 under Standing Order 34(2). |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 18.1.05. | 227 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Shadow Public Accounts Committee: appointment of member. Lodged by Deputy S.C. Ferguson of St. Brelade 3.2.04. | 18 | Adopted s.v. 17.02.04. |
Shadow Public Accounts Committee: appointment of member. Lodged by Deputy S.C. Ferguson of St. Brelade 28.9.04. | 163 | Adopted s.v. 19.10.04. |
Shadow Public Accounts Committee: appointment of member. Lodged by Deputy S.C. Ferguson of St. Brelade 9.11.04. | 197 | Adopted s.v. 24.11.04. |
Shadow Public Accounts Committee: revised membership. Lodged by the Privileges and Procedures Committee 15.6.04. | 116 | Adopted s.v. 07.07.04. |
Shadow Scrutiny: appointment of member. Lodged by the Privileges and Procedures Committee 20.4.04. | 59 | Adopted s.v. 25.05.04. |
Shadow Scrutiny: appointment of member. Lodged by the Privileges and Procedures Committee 25.5.04. | 104 | Adopted 30.06.04 [votes – p: 33; c: 5; a: 1]. |
Share transfer property: stamp duty. Lodged by the Deputy of St. Martin 23.11.04. | 211 | Adopted s.v. 19.01.05. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 14.12.04. | 211 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Draft Shipping (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 2003 (Appointed Day) Act 200-. Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 20.4.04. | 66 | Adopted s.v. 11.05.04 in 3rd Reading (R&O 39/2004). |
Draft Shipping (Jersey) Law 2002 (Appointed Day) Act 200-. Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 20.4.04. | 65 | Adopted s.v. 11.05.04 in 3rd Reading (R&O 38/2004) |
Draft Shipping (Load Line) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 20.1.04. Corrigendum issued. | 4 | Adopted s.v. 17.02.04 in 3rd Reading (R&O 10/2004). |
Draft Shipping (Local Small Ships Registration) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 16.3.04. | 42 | Deferred 20.04.04 to 27.04.04. Adopted 27.04.04 in 3rd Reading (R&O 29/2004). |
Draft Shipping (Registration) (Jersey) Regulations 200- Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 23.3.04. | 46 | Deferred 20.04.04 to 27.04.04. Adopted 27.04.04 in 3rd Reading (R&O 30/2004). |
Draft Shipping (SOLAS) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 20.1.04. | 3 | Adopted s.v. 17.02.04 in 3rd Reading (R&O 9/2004). |
Draft Shipping (Tonnage) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 17.2.04. | 25 | Deferred 30.03.04 to 20.04.04. Deferred 20.04.04 to 27.04.04. Adopted 27.04.04 in 3rd Reading (R&O 28/2004). |
Draft Shops (Sunday Trading) (No. 8) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. Lodged by the Economic Development Committee 20.4.04. | 64 | Deferred 11.05.04 to 18.05.04. Adopted 19.05.04 in 3rd Reading (R&O 45/2004)[prop. of Deputy Baudains on reference back rejected after appel: votes 7-33; preamble adopted after appel: votes 34-9]. |
Sites of Special Interest and Buildings of Local Interest: financial implications. Lodged by the Deputy of St. John 28.9.04. | 166 | Adopted 18.01.05 [votes – p: 31; c: 0; a: 0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Environment and Public Services Committee 23.11.04. | 166 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 14.12.04. | 166 Com. (2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
Draft Social Security (Amendment No. 14) (Jersey) Law 2000 | 129 | Adopted s.v. 20.07.04 (R&O 73/2004). |
(Appointed Day) Act 200-.
Lodged by the Employment and Social Security Committee 6.7.04.
Draft Social Security (Amendment No. 17) (Jersey) Law 200-. 75 Adopted s.v. 25.05.04 in 3rd Reading. Lodged by the Employment and Social Security Committee 20.4.04.
Special Committee on the Composition and Election of the States 198 23.11.04:
Assembly: vote of no confidence. Prop. of Senator Le Maistre that "the Lodged by Senator P.V.F. Le Claire 9.11.04. question be now put" rejected [votes – p: 18;
c: 32; a: 0].
Prop. of Deputy Dorey that "the question be now put" adopted [votes – p: 24; c: 26;
a: 1].
P.198 rejected [votes – p: 24; c: 26; a: 1].
Speed Limits: revised policy. 1 Adopted s.v. 15.03.05.
Lodged by the Environment and Public Services Committee 20.1.04.
am e n d m ent. 1 Amd. Adopted s.v. 15.03.05.
L o d g e d by the Connétable of St. Helier 9.11.04.
co m m en t s. 1 Amd. ------------------------------------------------------ P r ese n t e d b y t he Environment and Public Services Com.
Committee 23.11.04.
co m m en t s. 1 Amd. ------------------------------------------------------ P r ese n t e d b y t he Home Affairs Committee 15.03.05. Com.(2)
Sports Facility at Hautlieu School, St. Saviour: approval of drawings. 191 Adopted s.v. 24.11.04.
Lodged by the Education, Sport and Culture Committee 9.11.04.
Draft Stamp Duties and Fees (No. 3) (Jersey) Regulations 200-. 53 Deferred 29.06.04 to an unspecified date. Lodged by the Finance and Economics Committee 13.4.04. Adopted in 3rd Reading as amended
21.07.04; appel on preamble [votes – p: 35; c: 6; a: 0] (R&O 75/2004).
am e n d m ent. 53 Amd. Withdrawn 06.07.04 (superseded by Amd.
L o d g e d by the Finance and Economics Committee 8.6.04. (2)).
se c o n d amendment. 53 Amd.(2) Adopted s.v. 21.07.04.
L o d g e d by the Finance and Economics Committee 6.7.04.
Draft Amendment (No. 26) of the Standing Orders of the States of 92 Adopted 01.06.04 [appel: votes 27-10] Jersey. (R&O 51/2004).
Lodged by the Privileges and Procedures Committee 18.5.04.
Draft Amendment (No. 27) of the Standing Orders of the States of 171 Adopted as amended 26.10.04
Jersey. (R&O 129/2004)
Lodged by the Privileges and Procedures Committee 12.10.04. [S.O.1-3 – votes – p: 34; c: 7; a: 0;
S.O.4 – votes – p: 29; c: 13; a: 0;
S.O.5 – s.v.]
am e n d m ent. 171 Amd. Rejected 26.10.04 [votes – p: 3; c: 37; a: 1]. L o d g e d by Senator P.F. Routier 12.10.04.
co m m en t s. 171 Amd. ------------------------------------------------------ P r ese n t e d b y t he Privileges and Procedures Com.
Committee 19.10.04.
se c o n d amendments. 171 Amd. Adopted s.v. 26.10.04.
L o d g e d by Deputy G.C.L. Baudains of St. Clement (2)
co m m en t s. 171 Amd. ------------------------------------------------------ P r ese n t e d b y t he Privileges and Procedures (2) Com.
Committee 19.10.04.
th i rd a m endments. 171 Amd. Para.(a) rejected 26.10.04 [votes – p: 14;
L o d g e d by Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier 12.10.04. (3) c: 26; a: 1];
Para.(b) rejected 26.10.04 [votes – p: 21; c: 21; a: 0; because of tie in votes, President used casting vote in favour of the status quo,
amendment lost.
co m m en t s. 171 Amd. ------------------------------------------------------ P r ese n t e d b y t he Privileges and Procedures (3) Com.
Committee 19.10.04.
fo u r th a mendment. P r ese n t ed on a "blue" by the Deputy of St. Martin 26.10.04. | 171 Amd. (4) | Adopted s.v. 26.10.04. |
States Abattoir, La Route du Veulle, La Collette, St. Helier : transfer of administration. Lodged by the Harbours and Airport Committee 20.4.04. | 67 | Adopted s.v. 25.05.04. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Environment and Public Services Committee 27.4.04 | 67 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
States Assembly: improving efficiency. Lodged by the Privileges and Procedures Committee 27.4.04. | 79 | 26.05.04 – para.(a)(i) adopted [appel: votes 23-13]; para.(a)(ii) adopted [appel: votes 21-15]; paras.(b)&(c) adopted on s.v. |
States Auditors: further extension of contract. Lodged by the Finance and Economics Committee 19.10.04. | 178 | Adopted 16.11.04 [votes – p: 20; c: 11; a: 0]. |
States Members' parking. Lodged by the Environment and Public Services Committee 11.11.04. | 199 | Carried over from 7th-10th December Sittings to 14th December Sitting. Para.(a) adopted 15.12.04 [votes – p: 41; c: 0; a: 0]. Para.(b) rejected 15.12.04 [votes – p: 18; c: 23; a: 0]. Prop. of Deputy of St. John that"the question be now put" rejected 15.12.04 [votes – p: 13; c: 25; a: 0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Privileges and Procedures Committee 7.12.04. | 199 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 7.12.04. | 199 Com. (2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
am e n d m ent. L o d g e d by Senator J.A. Le Maistre 16.11.04. | 199 Amd. | Carried over from 7th-10th December Sittings to 14th December Sitting. Rejected 15.12.04 [votes – p: 7; c: 30; a: 0]. Prop. of E. Vibert that"the question be now put" adopted 15.12.04 [votes – p: 20; c: 10; a: 0]. |
co m m en t s. P r ese n t e d b y t he Environment and Public Services Committee 23.11.04. | 199 Amd. Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
States Members' parking: withdrawal of provision. Lodged by Senator E.P. Vibert 14.9.04. | 152 | Withdrawn 15.12.04. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Privileges and Procedures Committee 28.9.04. | 152 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 19.10.04. | 152 Com. (2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Environment and Public Services Committee 23.11.04. | 152 Com. (3) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
States Members' Remuneration: increases for 2004 – rescindment. Lodged by Deputy T.J. Le Main of St. Helier 27.1.04. | 11 | Deferred 11.05.04 to 18.05.04. Deferred 19.05.04 to 25.05.04. Rejected 26.05.04 [appel: votes 16-24]. |
am e n d m ent. L o d g e d by Senator J.A. Le Maistre 24.2.04. | 11 Amd. | Rejected 26.05.04 [appel: votes 13-26]. |
se c o n d amendment. L o d g e d by Senator R.J. Shenton 30.3.04. | 11 Amd.(2) | Withdrawn 25.05.04. |
co m m en t s. P r ese n t e d b y t he Privileges and Procedures Committee 27.4.04. | 11 Amd.(2) Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en ts. | 11 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
P r ese n t ed by the Privileges and Procedures Committee 30.3.04. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 13.4.04. | 11 Com.(2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
States Members' remuneration: register. Lodged by the Privileges and Procedures Committee 14.12.04. | 225 | Rejected 01.02.05 [votes – p: 23; c: 24; a: 0]. |
States Members' Remuneration: Review Body – appointment of members. Lodged by the Privileges and Procedures Committee 1.6.04. | 105 | Adopted 22.06.04 [votes – p: 48; c: 0; a: 0]. |
Draft States of Jersey Law 200-. Lodged by the Privileges and Procedures Committee 29.6.04. Corrigendum issued. | 124 (re-issue) | |
Art.25 adopted as amended [votes – p: 37; c: 10; a: 0]; Art.26 adopted s.v.; Art.27 adopted unamended [votes – p: 36; c: 12; a: 0]; Art.28 adopted unamended s.v.; Art.29 substituted by Amd.21 of S. Syvret; Arts.30-31 adopted s.v.; Art.32 adopted s.v.; Art.33 adopted unamended [votes – p: 39; c: 9; a: 0]; Art.34 adopted s.v.; Art.35 adopted unamended s.v.; Arts.36-39 adopted s.v.; Arts.40-41 and Sched. 2, Part 2 adopted s.v.; Art.42 adopted s.v.; New Art. inserted by Amd.24 of S. Syvret. 16.11.04: Art.43 adopted s.v.; New Arts. x 2 inserted by Amds.25 & 26 of S. Syvret; Art.44 adopted as amended s.v.; Art.45 adopted as amended s.v.; Art.46 adopted s.v.; Art.47 adopted s.v.; New Art. inserted by Amd.31 of S. Syvret; Art.48 & Sched. 3 adopted s.v.; | ||
| Art.49 adopted s.v. Law adopted in 3rd Reading 16.11.04 [votes – p: 36; c: 7; a: 1]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 28.9.04. | 124 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
am e n d m ents. L o d g e d by Deputy S.C. Ferguson of St. Brelade 19.10.04. | 124 Amd. | |
| ||
co m m en t s. P r ese n t e d b y t he Privileges and Procedures Committee 9.11.04. | 124 Amd. Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
se c o n d amendments. L o d g e d by Senator E.P. Vibert 26.10.04. | 124 Amd. (2) | |
[votes – p: 23; c: 18; a: 1]. Amd. to Art.2 rejected [votes – p: 5; c: 41; a: 1]. All of Senator Vibert 's other amds. consequent upon the amd. to Art.2, therefore they are deemed to have been withdrawn upon the rejection of that amd. | ||
co m m en t s. P r ese n t e d b y t he Privileges and Procedures Committee 9.11.04. | 124 Amd. (2) Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en t s. P r ese n t e d b y t he Policy and Resources Committee 9.11.04. | 124 Amd. (2) Com.(2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
th i rd a m endments. L o d g e d by Senator S. Syvret 26.10.04. | 124 Amd. (3) | |
Prop. of Senator E.P. Vibert that "the question be now put" on Amd.17 adopted [votes – p: 22; c: 21; a: 0]; Amd.17 rejected [votes – p: 23; c: 27; a: 0]; Amd.19 rejected [votes – p: 19; c: 22; a: 0]; Amd.20 rejected [votes – p: 13; c: 36; a: 0]; Amd.21 adopted [votes – p: 41; c: 6; a: 2]; Amd.22 rejected [votes – p: 15; c: 34; a: 0]; Amd.23 rejected [votes – p: 16; c: 27; a: 0]; | ||
| Prop. of Senator E.P. Vibert that "the question be now put" on Amd.24 rejected [votes – p: 12; c: 31; a: 0]; Amd.24 adopted [votes – p: 27; c: 19; a: 1]. 16.11.04: Amd.25 adopted [votes – p: 25; c: 19; a: 0;] Amd.26 adopted [votes – p: 29; c: 12; a: 0]; Amd.27 rejected [votes – p: 8; c: 37; a: 0]; Prop. of Deputy Baudains that "the question be now put" on Amd.28 adopted [votes – p: 24; c: 17; a: 0]; Amd.28 rejected [votes – p: 21; c: 24; a: 0]; Amd.29 rejected [votes – p: 19; c: 27; a: 0]; Amd.30 adopted s.v.; Amd.31 adopted [votes – p: 21; c: 19; a: 0]; Amd.32 fell as it was consequential upon Amd.1, which was rejected 9.11.04. |
co m m en t s. P r ese n t e d b y t he Privileges and Procedures Committee 9.11.04. | 124 Amd. (3) Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en t s. P r ese n t e d b y t he Policy and Resources Committee 9.11.04. | 124 Amd. (3) Com.(2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
States Resource Plan 2005 to 2009. Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 20.7.04. | 135 | Adopted unamended 14.09.04 [votes – p: 35; c: 10; a: 2]. |
am e n d m ent. L o d g e d by the Privileges and Procedures Committee 24.8.04. | 135 Amd. | Rejected 14.09.04 [votes – p: 17; c: 29; a: 0]. |
co m m en t s. P r ese n t e d b y t he Policy and Resources Committee 14.9.04. | 135 Amd. Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
co m m en t s. P r ese n t e d b y t he Finance and Economics Committee 14.9.04. | 135 Amd. Com.(2) | ------------------------------------------------------ |
se c o n d amendment. P r ese n t ed by Deputy A. Breckon of St. Saviour 14.9.04. | 135 Amd. (2) | Rejected 14.09.04 [votes – p: 21; c: 26; a: 0]. |
States Strategic Plan 2005 to 2010. Lodged by the Policy and Resources Committee 4.5.04. | 81 | Adopted 29.06.04 [votes – p: 35; c: 10; a: 1]. Prop. of Deputy Troy that "the question be now put" adopted 29.06.04 [votes – p: 32; c: 13; a: 0]. |
co m m en ts. P r ese n t ed by the Finance and Economics Committee 22.6.04. | 81 Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
am e n d m ent. L o d g e d by Senator P.F. Routier 8.6.04. | 81 Amd. | Adopted s.v. 29.06.04. |
co m m en t s. P r ese n t e d b y t he Policy and Resources Committee 22.6.04. | 81 Amd. Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
se c o n d amendment. L o d g e d by the Housing Committee 8.6.04. | 81 Amd.(2) | Adopted s.v. 29.06.04. |
co m m en t s. P r ese n t e d b y t he Policy and Resources Committee 22.6.04. | 81 Amd.(2) Com. | ------------------------------------------------------ |
th i rd a m endment. L o d g e d by Deputy G.P. Southern 8.6.04. | 81 Amd.(3) | Amendment rejected 29.06.04 |