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Ecology Fund - appointment of Chairman and Trustees

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Lodged au Greffe on 6th September 2005

by the Environment and Public Services Committee



THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

to r e fer to their Act dated 26th March 1991, in which they approved the establishment of an Ecology

Fund, and to their Act dated 28th March 1995 in which they agreed that the Chairman of the Trustees should be a member of the States, appointed by the States on the recommendation of the then Planning and Environment Committee and that there should be 5 Trustees appointed by the States on the nomination of the Committee, and

( a ) t o appoint the Connétable of St. John as Chairman of the Trustees of the Fund and

Mr. John McGuiness, Mr. James Maxwell Allan, Mrs. Anna Van Oordt

Ms.  Christine  Garnier as Trustees of the Fund;

( b ) t o refer to the above-mentioned Act dated 26th March 1991 in which they approved the

establishment of the Ecology Fund and agreed inter alia, that there should be 5 Trustees of the fund, appointed by the States on the nomination of the Committee, and that the Trustees should report annually to the Committee and the States on the progress and outcome of schemes supported by the Fund and their future plans; and to agree, in the interests of simplifying States business, that the future management of the Ecology Trust Fund, including the receipt of annual reports and the appointment of Trustees shall be undertaken by the Environment and Public Services Committee [MF1] (and by the future Minister for Planning and Environment) and that these matters will not therefore be brought to the States in the future;

( c ) t o refer to the above-mentioned Act dated 28th March 1995 in which they agreed that the

Chairman of the Trustees should be a member of the States, appointed by the States on the recommendation of the Committee, and to agree that the Chairman of the Ecology Fund should in future continue to be a member of the States but be appointed by the Environment and Public Services Committee (and by the future Minister for Planning and Environment) and not by the States.




The Ecology Trust Fund was established in March 1991 by the States of Jersey with a sum of money received as an insurance settlement from the Amoco Cadiz oil tanker disaster of 1978. The fund is invested by the States Treasury to generate an income that can be used in whole or partial support of local environmental projects.

The 5 Trustees of the Fund, appointed by the States of Jersey Environment and Public Services Committee, meet regularly to consider applications. Meetings are dependent on applications received, but on average the trustees meet about 6 times each year.

Annual income from the invested sum varies dependent on interest rates; current yearly income is of the order of £25,000. The investment capital of the fund stands at £479,608.

On 25th April 1995 the States agreed with the recommendation of the Planning and Environment Committee that the Chairman of the Trustees of the Ecology Fund should be a member of the States, appointed by the States on the recommendation of the Planning and Environment Committee and that there should be 5 Trustees appointed by the States on the nomination of the Island Development Committee.

Following the retirement of Deputy Jacqueline Ann Hilton from the Environment and Public Services Committee, the Committee recommends the appointment of Connétable Richard Dupré as a Trustee and as Chairman of the Trustees of the Ecology Fund.

The Committee wishes to express its appreciation to Deputy Hilton for her enthusiasm and for her contribution to the work of the Fund.

The Jersey Appointments Commission (J.A.C.) has recently issued draft recommendations on the appointment of public bodies. Although the Ecology Trust is considered a "lower-tier" body and therefore the Commission is not directly involved in the appointment of Trustees, the regulation limiting the term of office of appointees is still in effect.

The Committee notes that 3 of the 4 Trustees have served terms longer than 10 years. In line with the recommendations of the J.A.C. criteria, the Committee agrees that the Trustees in future be restricted to a maximum of 3 terms of 3 years each, and that the 3 existing members who have served more than 10 years not invited to serve again.

The Committee wishes to express its appreciation to the retiring Trustees for their enthusiasm and for their contribution to the work of the Fund.

The Committee agreed to elect a new Chairman of the Trustees to whom the Committee should delegate all responsibility for the selection of new Trustees.

The Committee is of the opinion that the scale of the Trust's work makes it more appropriate that the States be asked to agree that the future management of the Ecology Trust Fund, including the receipt of annual reports and the appointment of Trustees, shall be delegated to the Environment and Public Services Committee[MF3] and that therefore that such items not be brought to the States in future.

The Committee recommends that the following persons be appointed as Trustees for a period of 3  years with immediate effect.

James Maxwell "Max" Allen

A well-known local vet with an interest in rehabilitation of injured wildlife, Max has been a prominent member of the Société Jersiaise ornithological section. He has travelled widely bird-watching and is a member of the British Ornithologists' Union and the African Bird Club.

Anna Van Oordt

After a degree in History and History of Art from Oxford Brookes University, Anna's initial career path was centred around the art world, working at the Tate Gallery and the National Maritime museum in London. A mother of two, she has extensive experience of eco-building techniques and is interested in raising awareness of these issues and promoting greener building practices in Jersey. She is a member of Slow Food, which has recently formed as a group in Jersey to promote the importance of buying quality local produce.

Christine Garnier

At present employed in the finance industry, Christine has worked as a volunteer in Africa and worked on an Overseas Aid Project in Zambia in 1992. She obtained an Open University Degree in 2002. A former member of the Organic Association and Tools for Self-Reliance, her interests centre on organic growing and local environmental issues, having researched recycling as part of her degree course. Mother of a 4-year old son, she is interested in helping to develop environmental education locally.

John McGuiness

Currently employed as Deputy Head-teacher at Le Rocquier School, John believes strongly in education as the long-term strategy for sustaining and improving our local, built and natural environment. He was previously seconded to West Sussex Education Authority and the W.W.F. as advisory teacher for the environment and was science advisor to Portsmouth Local Education Authority. He has extensive experience of promoting environmental projects within primary and secondary education including working with a wide range of ecological groups in the United Kingdom.

Financial/manpower statement

There are no financial or manpower implications for the States arising from this proposition.