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Former Jersey College for Girls, Rouge Bouillon, St. Helier - transfer of administration

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Lodged au Greffe on 1st February 2005

by the Education, Sport and Culture Committee



THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

(a ) to authorise the transfer of administration of the buildings and land at the former Jersey College

for Girls, Rouge Bouillon, St.  Helier (as shown on Drawing No.  115/04/71) from the Education Sport and Culture Committee to the Environment and Public Services Committee; and

(b ) to authorise the Greffier of the States to sign the said drawing on behalf of the States.


Notes: 1. T h e Environment and Public Services Committee supports the proposition.

2 .  T  h e Finance and Economics Committee, having noted that the Education, Sport and Culture

Committee will continue to pay the appropriate allocation from its maintenance budget to the Environment and Public Services Committee until such time as an alternative use for the building has been found, supports the transfer of administration of the former Jersey College for Girls site from the Education, Sport and Culture Committee to the Environment and Public Services Committee.


In 1999, the Jersey College for Girls relocated from Rouge Bouillon to newly constructed buildings at Mont Millais. Since that time, the former school, which has been identified by the Environment and Public Services Committee as a proposed Site of Special Interest, has been used by the Schools Music Service with part of the first floor leased to the Alliance Française.

In common with other properties in the Public ownership for which an administering Committee has no further permanent operational use, it is proposed that the administration be transferred to the Environment and Public Services Committee, which through its Department of Property Services will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the premises and will undertake, in conjunction with the current Review of all States Property, a feasibility study to bring forward recommendations for the future of the land and buildings.

The transfer of administration does not include the former Sixth Form Farewell Wing and Gymnasium which are to be retained by the Education, Sport and Culture Committee for continued use as a Children's Nursery Unit and leased to the Centrepoint Children's Resource Centre.

The Education, Sport and Culture Committee will continue to pay the appropriate allocation from its maintenance budget to the Environment and Public Services Committee until such time as an alternate use for the building has been found. The existing users of the building will continue until such time that the future of the land and buildings is decided when a minimum of 3  months' notice will be given to those users.

Any future financial implications will be fully assessed as part of the planned feasibility study. There are no manpower implications.