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Presented to the States on 1st March 2005 by the Privileges and Procedures Committee
THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion
t o re fer to their Act dated 24th July 2003 in which was approved the Machinery of Government:
establishment of Scrutiny Panels and Public Accounts Committee (P.79/2003) and 27th January 2004 in which was approved the Shadow Scrutiny: arrangements and approval of Chairmen and members (P.186/2003); and
to a p p o i n t fo rthwith, by ballot, 2 States' members to be members of the Chairmen's Committee,
not being Presidents of Committee, for a period of 10 months with immediate effect, or until ministerial government commences, whichever is the sooner.
The States have already agreed that the Chairmen of the Scrutiny Panels, together with the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, should form a Chairmen's Committee which would act as the co-ordinating body for the scrutiny function, and to ensure that the views of all non-Executive members were taken into account, 2 other non-Executive members, who may or may not be members of Scrutiny Panels or the Public Accounts Committee, should be elected by the States to sit on the Chairmen's Committee, and the purpose of this proposition is to fill those 2 places on the Chairmen's Committee.
The Chairmen of the Scrutiny Panels and the Shadow Chairman of the Shadow Public Accounts Committee have discussed at an informal meeting the role that the 2 independent members of the Chairmen's Committee might play, and considered how members (who might not be members of Scrutiny Panels) could contribute, in particular with regard to its responsibility to report to the Privileges and Procedures Committee on the operation of the Scrutiny function and recommend improvements. The Chairmen considered the format of the evaluation process of reviews that have taken place, and believe that the independent members of the Chairmen's Committee can make a valuable contribution to the process in chairing the round table evaluation of reviews.
The Committee, having consulted the Chairmen of the Scrutiny Panels and the Shadow Chairman of the Shadow Public Accounts Committee, has noted that a number of members have expressed an interest in putting their names forward as candidates, and recommends that the States elect 2 members by ballot from nominations from the floor of the Assembly.