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Le Marais Low Rise Redevelopment Phase 2 - redefinition of boundaries

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Lodged au Greffe on 3rd October 2006 by the Minister for Housing



THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

(a ) to agree that the Public should enter into contracts or deeds of arrangement with the owners of

various properties forming parts of the north-western, northern and north-eastern boundaries of Le Marais Estate, St. Clement in order to redefine those boundaries prior to the redevelopment of the site, with the Public being responsible for any costs associated with enclosing any of the boundaries and all resultant legal fees; and

(b ) to authorise the Attorney General and the Greffier of the States to pass the necessary contracts on

behalf of the Public of the Island.



  1. I n t roduction
  1. T h e States are asked to authorisethePublic to enter into contracts or deedsofarrangement with the owners of, the Eastern GoodCompanions Club to the North-WestandNorth-East of theLeMaraisEstate and various properties inLe Clos dela Mare situate to theNorthandNorth-East.
    1. B a c kground
  1. O n 9th March 2004 in adopting P.19/2004 the States approved the redevelopmentof part oftheLe Marais Estate.
  2. T h e first phaseoftheschemewascompleted in June2006 and theresultanthomes,arenowoccupied,the 23 three-bedroom houses have been sold to first time buyersand the 12one-bedroom flats are letto tenants.
  3. D e tailed design workinrespectofphase 2 iswell progressed and legalresearchundertakenby the Law Officers' Departmenthasestablished that there is somedegreeofuncertaintyabout the exactpositionof the North-Western and North-Eastern boundaries of the Public's property at Le Marais towards the Eastern GoodCompanions Club, and the Northern andNorth-Eastern boundaries towards a numberof the private properties at Le Closde la Mare.

T h e p roperties at Le Clos de la Mare are –

Shillong, No. 39 Le Clos de la Mare, owned by Mr. & Mrs. J. Le Gros;

Santa Fe, No. 38 Le Clos de la Mare, owned by Mr. & Mrs. C. de Beauvoir de la Cloche; Mandene, No. 37A Le Clos de la Mare, owned by Mr. & Mrs. Jackson ;

Gardenia, No. 36 Le Clos de la Mare, owned by Mrs. S.M. Godel;

Cranehurst, Le Clos de la Mare, presently owned by the heirs of Mr. G. Hill and to be sold to Allison Claire Sheppard;

Wood Grove, No. 19 Le Clos de la Mare, owned by Mr. & Mrs. J.M. Travert;

Land to the South of Trevadene, Le Clos de la Mare, owned by Mr. C. Evans and Della Holdings Ltd.; Kariba, No. 17 Le Clos de la Mare, owned by Mr. B.B. Poingdestre;

Land to the South of Wealdstone, Le Clos de la Mare, owned by Mr. C. Evans and Della Holdings Ltd.; Villa Jeanne, No. 15 Le Clos de la Mare, owned by Siemens Properties Ltd.

  1. It is seenas essential that the boundaries of the site be properly defined prior to finaldesignsforthe redevelopmentbeing submitted tothePlanningandEnvironmentDepartment for approval.
  2. I t will therefore be necessary for the Public to either be party to any sales of the aforementioned properties orto enter into deedsofarrangement with eachoftheownersatLe Clos de la Mareand with "Rotary Club of Jersey" to re-definetheNorth-Western and Northern andNorth-EasternboundariesofLe Marais towards the GoodCompanionsClub and LeClos de la Mare, with the Public beingresponsible for erecting anyboundaryenclosuresrequiredandfor the paymentoflegalfees incurred bytheownersof the said properties.
  1. F i n ancialandmanpower implications

3.1 T h is proposition, if approved, will not have any manpower implications for the Housing Department, but will result in costs estimated at £15,000 in respect of boundary enclosure works and legal fees.