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Le Squez Redevelopment Phase 1b - redefinition of boundaries

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Lodged au Greffe on 6th March 2007 by the Minister for Housing



THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

(a ) to authorise the Public to enter into contracts or deeds of arrangement with the owners of various

properties forming parts of the western boundary of Le Squez estate in order to redefine those boundaries, with the Public being responsible for any costs associated with enclosing any of the boundaries and all resultant legal fees;

(b ) to authorise the Attorney General and the Greffier of the States to pass the necessary contracts on

behalf of the Public of the Island.



  1. I n t roduction
  1. T h e States are asked to authorisethePublic to enter into contracts or deedsofarrangement with the ownersof various properties in La Platte Mare, the warehousesoccupied by C&R Continental and the Marks andSpencerSupermarketownedby St.  Clement Holdings Ltd.situated to the west ofthe current development.
    1. B a c kground
  1. O n 9th March 2004, in adopting P.19/2004, the States approved the redevelopmentofLe Squez Estate.
  2. T h e first phase of the scheme was completed in December 2005 and the resultant homes are now occupied. Eighteen houseswere sold to States Tenantswithone disabled bungalow retained for rental.
  3. C o nstruction work in respect ofPhase 1Biswell progressed andlegalresearchundertakenbytheLaw Officers' Department,  in  preparation for the  forthcoming  sale of 23 of the  refurbished houses, has established that thereissomedegreeofuncertaintyabouttheexactpositionof the western boundaries towards a numberof the private properties at LaPlatte Mare, C&R Continental and the current Marksand Spencer Supermarket, ownedby St.  ClementHoldings.

T h e p roperties at La Platte Mare are owned as follows –

No. 1 Gary de Lecq de Montais

No. 2 Andrew Philip Romeril and Linda Jean Romeril, née Myers

No. 3 Caroline Pinel, née Driscoll

No. 4 Terence Anthony Brown and Sheelagh Jacqueline Kay Sampson

No. 5 John Spencer de la Mare and Christine Nadine de la Mare, née


No. 6 Alan James Walmsley and Kathryn Walmsley, nee Dunbar

No. 7 Barry Alfred Vardon and Patricia Ann Vardon, née Ashcroft

No. 8 Thomas Martin Lawlor and Phyllis Ursula Vardon, née Wallser

In a d dition, the following properties also have boundaries with the site which will need to be redefined.

T h e w arehouses occupied by C&R Continental;

T h e M arks and Spencer Supermarket owned by St. Clement Holdings.

  1. It isseenas essential that the boundariesof the sitebe properly defined prior to final completion of the redevelopmentof this phase.
  2. I t will therefore be necessary for the Public to either be party to any sales of the aforementioned properties or to enter into deeds of arrangement with eachoftheowners at La Platte Mare, with the Public being responsibleforerectinganyboundary enclosures required and for the paymentoflegalfees incurred by the ownersofthesaidproperties.
  1. F i n ancialandmanpower implications

3.1 T h is proposition, if approved, will not have any manpower implications for the Housing Department, but will result in costs estimated at £15,000 in respect of boundary enclosure works and legal fees.