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Public Employees Contributory Retirement Scheme Committee of Management: membership.

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Lodged au Greffe on 25th November 2009 by the Chief Minister


2009   Price code: B  P.199 (re-issue)


THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

to  approve,  in  accordance  with  Regulation 3(2)  of  the  Public  Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (General) (Jersey) Regulations 1989, the appointment  of  the  Committee  of  Management,  for  a  period  of  3 years commencing 1st January 2010, as follows –

Employer Representatives

Mr. I. Black, Treasurer of the States

Mr. M.J. Pinel, Head of Employee Relations Mr. S.M. Patidar

Mr. J. Rosser

Ms. L. Dennis

Employee Representatives

Mr. G. Birbeck Mr. J.H. Lees Mr. J.T. Noel Mr. M.D. Orbell Mr. A. Tadier Miss B. Ward Mr. M. Johnson .



The Regulations provide that a Committee of Management will be established, which shall have and exercise all such powers, authorities and discretion as are vested in it by the Regulations governing the scheme.

In  previous  years,  2  States  members  were  nominated  for  membership  of  the Committee  of  Management.  However,  the  Chief  Minister  recently  asked  the Comptroller and Auditor General whether it is wise to appoint members of the States Assembly to serve as members of the Committee of Management of PECRS.

In response, the Comptroller and Auditor General published a short report (available on  the  Comptroller  and  Auditor  General's  website),  namely  Public  Employees Contributory  retirement  Scheme,  Composition  of  the  Committee  of  Management, 2009.

The report includes the following statements –

"In practice, I understand that it has been normal practice for the people nominated  by  the  Council  of  Ministers  and  the  Treasury  &  Resources Department as "employer" nominees to include two members of the States Assembly.

Whether it is appropriate for members of the States Assembly to be nominated in this way as members of the Committee of Management must in large part depend upon whether the responsibilities of members of the States Assembly are in some way in conflict with responsibilities of members of the Committee of Management of PECRS.

In the late 1990s some question arose over the status of the Committee of Management. Whilst it is clear that the fund of PECRS was, and remains, a fund of the States, members of the Committee of Management were concerned about the status of the Committee and their obligations and liabilities of members of the Committee. Consequently, legal advice was sought from Olsen Backhurst  Dorey.  Advocates,  legal  advisers  to  PECRS,  and  the  advice concluded in the following way:-

"We have reached the conclusion that, were the Royal Court ever to be the arbiter of the question of the Committee's legal status, it would hold that the Committee is in effect a Board of Trustees."

The implication of this analysis is that, with the support of the 1997 advice, members of the Committee of Management properly regard themselves as being in the position of trustees of PECRS.

As such, it is there obligation under trust law to ensure that the affairs of PECRS  are  managed in accordance  with the  terms  of  the  Trust  (i.e.  the scheme and regulations) in the interests of the beneficiaries (i.e. the members of the scheme).

This  analysis  of  the  responsibilities  of  members  of  the  Committee  of Management  suggests  that  there  may  well  be  a  conflict  between  the

responsibilities of the members of the States Assembly and the duties of a member of the Committee of Management.

I presume that members of the States Assembly have a duty to oversee the affairs of the States and make decisions according to their view of the interests of the people of the Island at large. This includes oversight of the decisions made by the States as employer in managing their relationship with employees and also oversight of the costs of employing people.

Prime facie this responsibility will conflict with the duty of a member of the Committee of Management to act according to the terms of the Trust in the interests  of  all  the  beneficiaries.  Further,  this  conflict  is  direct  and fundamental  potentially  affecting  all  the  business  of  the  Committee  of Management.

In the particular circumstances of the PECRS Committee of Management, it is apparent that members of the States Assembly who are nominated to serve as members  would  face  a  conflict  between  their  duties  as  members  of  the Assembly and their duties as members of the Committee of Management.

In my view it would be wise to avoid creating that conflict. In other words, it would be wise to regard members of the Assembly as ineligible for nomination as members of the PECRS Committee of Management."

Consequently,  the  Chief  Minister  has  taken  the  decision  to  no  longer  nominate members of the States Assembly to the PECRS Committee of Management.

A similar question was asked of the Comptroller and Auditor General in relation to the Treasurer of the States. His response is shown below –

"The growing practice in pension funds on the mainland is for the Finance Director  of  the  sponsoring  employer  to  be  regarded  as  inappropriately conflicted for him to be a trustee of a pension fund. The reason is that the Financial Director has responsibility for the financial affairs of the employer which may well conflict with the interests of the trust and scheme members. This has become more important in recent years as the significance of scheme under-funding and its materiality to sponsoring employers has grown.

In the case of the States and PECRS, the question is more complicated.

PECRS is a fund of the States (i.e. not independent of the Stares) and is in this sense a part of the Treasurer's responsibility. This would lead one to accept the Treasurer as a member of the Committee of Management.

However, I think it is clear that the Treasurer's responsibility for the financial affairs of the States could well be at odds with the duty of members of the Committee of Management to act as quasi-trustees in managing the fund. For example, I think it is easy to see circumstances in which the States may take a view of investment policy which is inappropriate for the fund (e.g. the States may want a riskier investment policy to maximise the chance of long term capital growth while trustees may want to adopt a more cautious approach.

On this basis, I would be inclined to doubt the wisdom of the Treasurer being a member of the Committee of Management."

As a consequence of this advice, the Treasurer of the States has decided to stay on the Committee of Management for one more year only, until the Minister for Treasury and Resources can recommend a replacement.

Under the Regulations, the membership comprises 6 employer representatives and 6 member representatives, or such greater equal number as may be determined from time  to  time  by  agreement  between  the  Chief  Minister  and  the  representative associations. However, the proposed membership is to be 5 on the employer side and 7 on the employee side.

Two of the employer representatives are chosen by the Chief Minister and these are –

  • Mr. M.J. Pinel, Head of Employee Relations
  • Ms. L. Dennis.

The remaining three of the employer representatives are chosen by the Minister for Treasury and Resources and these are –

  • Mr. I. Black, Treasurer of the States
  • Mr. S.M. Patidar
  • Mr. J. Rosser.

The  member  representative  nominations  have  been  submitted  by  the  Public Employees Pension Scheme Joint Negotiating Group.

Financial and manpower implications

There are no financial or manpower implications for the States arising from this proposition.



Mr. Ian Black

Mr. I. Black, Treasurer of the States, Treasury and Resources Department, senior civil servant. 25 years' service as a senior manager in the States and a member of the Committee of Management since 1999.

Mr. Michael John Pinel

Mr. M. Pinel, Head of Employee Relations, Chief Minister's Department, senior civil servant. 30 years' service as a senior manager in the States and a member of the Committee of Management since 1995.

Mr. Sachin Meeku Patidar

Mr. Patidar is a Principal and Director of Jeffrey & Co Ltd., Jersey with a background mainly in the investment arena and more latterly with a local pension and investment focus. Mr. Patidar is also Chairman of the Institute of Financial Planning for the Channel  Islands.  Mr. Patidar  has  been  a  member  of  the  PECRS  Committee  of Management since 2007 to date.

Mr. John Rosser

Mr. Rosser retired from a senior position in the local insurance industry which he held for 15 years, having previously worked in Bristol and London. He spent several years as a council member of the Insurance Institute of Jersey, including a year as President, and several years on the committee of the Jersey Life and Pensions Society, including 2 years as Chairman. Member of the Social Security Advisory Council. Mr. Rosser has been a member of the PECRS Committee of Management since 2001 to date.

Ms. Laura Dennis

Ms. Dennis  is  a  corporate  pensions  manager  and  has  a  diverse  role  providing consultancy to a wide range of businesses on all aspects of local and international employee benefits. The role requires an understanding and experience of all aspects of pensions business transactions. Ms. Dennis possesses excellent technical knowledge and relevant pensions experience, covering both final salary and money purchase schemes.  This  will  be  Ms. Dennis'  first  appointment  to  the  Committee  of Management.


Mr. Gary Birbeck

Product  Research  Manager  employed  by  Jersey  Telecoms  since  1978.  Pension representative for Amicus – EESA (Electrical and Engineering Staff Association). A member of the Public Employees Pension Scheme Joint Negotiating Group (JNG). Mr. Birbeck has been a member of the PECRS Committee of Management since 2003 to date.

Mr. John H. Lees

Mr. Lees worked for the States from 1965 retiring in 1993 from his position as Chief Officer  of  the  Social  Security  Department.  A  member  of  the  Public  Employees Pension Scheme Joint Negotiating Group (JNG). Mr. Lees has been a member of the PECRS Committee of Management since 1990 to date.

Mr. John T. Noel

Mr. Noel worked for the States from 1966 retiring in 2008 from his position as Chief Officer  of the  Customs  and  Immigration  Service. Former  Chairman  of  the 2/300 Branch,  Association  of  Clerical,  Technical  and  Supervisory  Staffs  (ACTSS). A member of the Public Employees Pension Scheme Joint Negotiating Group (JNG). Mr. Noel has been a member of the PECRS Committee of Management since 2000 to date.

Mr. Michael D. Orbell

Mr. Orbell worked for the States from 1949 retiring in 1989 from his position as Chief Officer of Jersey Post. Life Vice-President Emeritus, Jersey Civil Service Association (JCSA);  Chairman,  Public  Employees  Pension  Scheme  Joint  Negotiating  Group (JNG). Mr. Orbell has been a member of the PECRS Committee of Management since 1990 to date.

Mr. Alan Tadier

Mr. Tadier served as a prison officer employed by the Prison Service from 1981 to 2007 and was a Member of the Prison Officers' Association (POA). A member of the Public Employees Pension Scheme Joint Negotiating Group (JNG) Mr. Tadier has been a member of the PECRS Committee of Management since 2006 to date.

Ms. Barbara Ward

Ms. Ward was originally involved with the Federated Pension Scheme, prior to that scheme  becoming  a  part  of  the  PECRS.  First  appointed  to  the  Committee  of Management  in  1990  Ms. Ward  is  a  long-serving  employee  of  over  30 years, employed  in  the  Health  and  Social  Services  Department,  originally  as  a  nursing professional and latterly as a civil servant. Ms. Ward is a staff representative in the Civil Service Staff Association.

Mr. Mark Johnson

Employed  by  the  Fire  and  Rescue  Service  for  some  24 years,  Mr. Johnson  is  a Principal Officer currently responsible for Emergency Response. A former member of the Fire and Rescue Service Association and current member of the Public Employees Pension Scheme Joint Negotiating Group (JNG) for the last 9 years, Mr. Johnson was first appointed to the Committee of Management in 2009.

_____________________________________________________________________ Re-issue Note

This projet is re-issued because the Appendix was inadvertently omitted from the original publication.

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Vote: Carried 10 December 2009

